training and development in hrm

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12 Benefits of Employee Training and Development in HRM

In the fast-paced world, the most dangerous thing for businesses is staying stagnant and not evolving. No matter how unique, every company needs to evolve and innovate over time. One such requirement is employee training and development in HRM. It is currently on every company’s “must-do” list to stay competitive.


Training and development in HRM are essential components for nurturing employee skills and performance, especially when integrated with staff outsourcing services


This guide shares the importance of training and development in human resource management and a few current trends for companies to thrive in the competitive market. 

Purpose and Objectives of Training and Development in HRM

Human resource training and development initiatives are the educational activities taken by an organisation to improve its employees’ skills and job performance. These typically involve instilling the latest skills and knowledge in your existing employee base and motivating them to enhance job performance.


Employee training and development play an integral part in improving workplace culture. The primary purpose of it includes:


  • Improving employees’ level of awareness
  • Improving employees’ skills in one or more areas of expertise
  • Improving individuals’ motivation to perform their job best


However, one notable objective of including training and development strategies in HRM is to increase overall business productivity and performance. A few others include improving product or service quality, lessening employee turnover, decreasing overall waste due to errors and reducing overhead costs.

Examples of Companies with Training and Development Programs 

Studies say almost 92% of workers believe that the right type of training and development programs can positively impact their job engagement. It urges several organisations to consider training their employees timely. 


Some of the world’s top companies can retain top talents because of their focus on upskilling and reskilling their current employee pool. Let us look at a few examples:


Amazon is committed to upskilling its 300,000+ employees, and its 2025 pledge is meant to offer employees the training they need to secure new and high-growth jobs for the future. 

Some of their programs include Mechanics and Robotics Apprenticeship, Amazon Technical Apprenticeship, User Experience Design and Research Apprenticeship, and Machine Learning.


Starbucks offers a comprehensive employee training program, the Starbucks Experience, including online and in-person training sessions. 


Google provides its employees with various training and development programs, including leadership development, employee wellness programs, and technical skills training.

12 Benefits of Training and Development in HRM

Educating, training and developing your employees’ professional acumen is mainly to value and keep them relevant with market trends. It improves employee engagement with the company, helps overall company performance, and allows the brand to stay competitive. 


Listed below are 12 benefits of HR training for employees.

Reduce Employee Turnover 

Employee turnover can bring disruptions in business processes and are often costly. By instilling HR training for employees, you can effectively reduce turnover as the employees start believing you support their growth, which makes them stay committed to your company.

Reduce Layoffs

Business priorities change daily, resulting in layoffs when employee skills don’t match the employer’s requirements. To avoid layoffs significantly impacting employee morale, upskilling and reskilling your existing employees for new and expanded roles is essential. It saves you time and money rehiring. 

Improved Employee Engagement

Studies say companies with the highest employee engagement are 21% more profitable than the ones with the lowest engagement rate. Investing in your people’s growth makes them feel valued and appreciated, which helps in increasing employee loyalty, engagement, and better performance each day.

More Productivity

Employees having the right skills developed through your training courses allows them to do work efficiently and improve overall productivity. Your training and development courses may include lessons on using new technologies or tools like scheduling apps or artificial intelligence. 


They focus on streamlining processes and reducing time wastage. Increased productivity further results in increased profitability for businesses.

Improve Overall Team Functionality

Employees in an organisation primarily work in a team and must acquire complementary skill sets over time to do their work efficiently. The HR team is responsible for identifying team skill gaps that can impact overall productivity and setting up training programs like communication skills development, conflict management, etc. 


It helps build employee trust and reduces time wasted in handling misunderstandings and conflict.

Improved Morale and Job Satisfaction

If you are looking for ways to improve employee morale, one thing to do is create a supportive work environment. When you invest in different training and development programs, your employees see your efforts, making them feel valued and motivated to work better. 


Additionally, such training improves employee self-confidence resulting in significant business outcomes.

Innovation and Risk Acceptance

Technical advancements and innovation in the market challenge people to move out of their comfort zone and embrace automation. People with the proper knowledge and skills are more likely to take risks, and this comes from corporate training. It helps companies embrace positive market changes that otherwise would be risky.

Prepare for Higher Responsibilities

One of the primary advantages of training and development in HRM is to prepare their best employees for higher responsibilities by providing them necessary education for growth. 

Such employees require less supervision, enabling HRs, managers and employees to develop a relationship focusing on larger organisational improvement opportunities.

Address Flaws and Strength Development

A weak employee in a team can affect the overall team performance and deter the growth of an organisation. Especially when the market competition is growing every day, organisations need to invest in the strength development of their teams, address their weaknesses and ensure the skill gaps are filled. 

Adherence to Quality Standards 

Every company has their own requirements where an employee’s skill set may or may not be enough to fit the particular role. To ensure each employee sticks with the organisational and industry-specific standards, HR teams must provide essential training that makes them aware of how the organisation works. 

Attract High-Caliber Talent 

When you focus on employee training and development, they share positive experiences with others. It leads to the increased attention of high-caliber talents looking for continuous growth. 


According to surveys, job searchers prefer a company that invests in employee training and development. It helps companies attract talent to the company

Improved Overall Organisation Reputation

You can improve your company’s overall reputation by facilitating a strong training strategy to drive more skills into your establishment. Different training methods can be used for employee training, including instructor-led training, coaching or mentoring, group discussions and activities, case studies or reading materials, on-the-job training, and more. 


This training is not merely meant to be a one-day program but a continuous effort to develop your employee’s skills throughout their work span in your company.


Also Read : Merchant Acquisition Jobs

How Does 6 Pence Help with Training and Development in HRM?

Human resources professional development in any organisation is an important task. It helps in updating the skills and knowledge of every employee, that in return, increases your overall business productivity. Businesses benefit from engaged and motivated employees, while workers benefit from working in an organisation that values them and invests in their development.


6 Pence is a leading staff outsourcing partner in the GCC. We have offices in Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, and Iraq. Our expert team does not just help you find the right talent, close open positions fast, and help with all paperwork necessary. But we do a lot more. When your business opts for staff outsourcing solutions from 6 Pence, we extend our assistance even in the post-hiring tenure. Our HR team helps with various HR-related matters, including payroll. 


We also have a state-of-the-art HR eService platform that allows both organisations and employees to access their employment data, request documentation, and manage their leaves seamlessly.


If you want to learn more about our staffing solutions, contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is training and development in HRM? 

Training and development in HRM are an organisation’s educational approaches to educate and train employees for improved job performance.

What is the process of training and development? 

The training and development process refers to the activity that focuses on improving the performance of an individual and teams in an organisation. It includes assessment, motivation, design, delivery, and evaluation.

What is an example of training and development?

A few examples of training and development include on-the-job training, coaching or mentoring scheme, time management program, and leadership program.


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