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Human Resource Strategy – A Checklist for Business Success

Congratulations! You’ve built a great company. But in today’s competitive world, having the right people and keeping them happy is essential for ongoing success. That’s where a strong human resource strategy comes in. 


Think of your HR strategy as your roadmap- it guides how you attract, develop, and manage your team. Our 9-point checklist will ensure your HR strategy and planning are on the right track, helping you build a winning workforce that takes your business forward.


So, grab a pen and let’s get started!

The Tried and Tested Human Resource Strategy Checklist

Every business is unique, with its own set of challenges and goals. However, specific HR strategies are essential for almost every organisation. This checklist covers the tried and tested approaches that create a powerful foundation for any company’s success. 


Let’s dive into the 9 fundamental types of human resource strategies you’ll need:

Align HR with Business Goals

Think of your HR team as a strategic partner, not just a department that handles paperwork. What are your company’s overall goals for the next few years? Growth? Entering a new market? 


Every part of your human resource strategy should be directly linked to helping the business achieve those big-picture goals. This alignment is one of the most important, yet underutilised, best HR strategies for ensuring every effort made by HR drives genuine business success.

Invest in Talent Acquisition

Finding and hiring the right people is crucial. Don’t wait for someone to leave before thinking about replacing them! Talent acquisition should be a proactive process. Does your HR team have the resources and tools to reach the best candidates? 


Also, consider building a strong employer brand to attract top talent and make them want to work for you. This long-term investment in talent acquisition creates a competitive advantage and ensures your workforce has the skills to take on future challenges.

Prioritise Employee Development

Your employees are your most valuable asset. Invest in their growth! Provide opportunities for training, upskilling, and career development. This shows employees you care about their future and helps you retain top talent. 


When people feel valued and see paths for advancement, they’re more engaged and productive. This commitment to employee development is key to a successful human resource strategy and fuels long-term business success.

Culture as Competitive Advantage

Your company culture is what sets you apart. Is it a place where people feel valued, respected, and energised to do their best work? A positive and supportive culture attracts top talent, boosts morale, and helps reduce turnover. Don’t underestimate its importance! 


Your human resource strategy is critical in cultivating a thriving culture through initiatives promoting collaboration, recognition, and a sense of shared purpose.

Maximise HR Technology

The right HR technology can make a huge difference! It can streamline processes like recruiting, onboarding, and payroll. Plus, it gives you access to valuable data to inform your decisions. 


Many great tools are available, so research what’s best for your needs. Investing in HR technology should be a key part of your overall human resource strategy- it saves time, increases efficiency, and improves the employee experience.

Focus on Data-Driven Decision Making

In HR, it’s important to go beyond gut feelings. Use data to make informed decisions about everything from hiring to compensation and benefits. 


Track key metrics like turnover rate, time-to-hire, and employee engagement scores. This data will reveal what’s working well and where improvements are needed. Data-driven insights form the basis for a truly effective human resources strategic plan, ensuring your efforts are targeted and impactful.

Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

A diverse and inclusive workforce isn’t just an excellent idea– it’s good for business. Companies that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion outperform their peers in innovation, problem-solving, and overall profitability.


Your human resource strategy should actively promote a culture of inclusion and remove barriers to advancement for everyone. This can involve unconscious bias training, diverse recruitment pipelines, and creating a work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Embrace Flexibility and Change

The world of work is constantly evolving! Be prepared to adapt to changing expectations, new work models, and even shifts in laws and regulations. 


Does your human resources strategic plan include ways to support flexible work arrangements, remote work, and ongoing change management? Agility in HR ensures your employees feel supported and your business stays ahead of the curve.

Communication as a Core Pillar

Clear and transparent communication is essential for building trust and engagement with employees. Your human resource strategy should prioritise open communication channels. 


Does your team regularly update employees on company news? Are there mechanisms for two-way feedback? Invest in tools to facilitate regular, easy communication between HR, managers, and employees at all levels.

How 6 Pence Helps

Crafting a successful human resource strategy takes expertise, resources, and ongoing effort. That’s where 6 Pence can be your strategic partner. As a leading staff outsourcing provider, we understand businesses’ unique challenges in Bahrain, UAE, Oman, and Iraq. 


We’ll work closely with you to implement the best practices outlined in this checklist, ensuring your HR strategy is perfectly aligned with your business needs.


Our services include staff outsourcing, payroll outsourcing, PRO services, and other recruitment-related aid. Ready to elevate your HR function and achieve even greater business success? Let’s discuss how 6 Pence can transform your HR function into a strategic advantage. Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a great HR strategy? 

A great human resource strategy is a comprehensive plan that aligns your company’s people-related practices with its overall business goals. It involves developing specific initiatives and programs to attract, develop, motivate, and retain top talent. A great strategy is also data-driven, flexible, and focuses on creating a positive and inclusive company culture.

What are the 5 HR strategies? 

While there are many specific strategies, here are 5 fundamental areas to include in any human resource strategy:


  • Talent Acquisition: Finding and hiring the best people for your organisation.
  • Employee Development: Providing training, mentoring, and career growth opportunities.
  • Compensation & Benefits: Offering competitive and attractive packages to retain talent.
  • Employee Engagement: Creating a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated.
  • HR Technology: Leveraging tools to streamline processes and gain valuable insights.

What is HR strategy map?

An HR strategy map visually represents your human resource strategy plan. It helps you connect specific HR initiatives to your overall business goals, clearly showing how your HR function drives broader organisational success.


Also Read: Fairness in the Workplace – A Closer Look at Pay Equity Analysis


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