employee attrition rate

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Employee Attrition Rate: Causes & Reduction Strategies

It’s the way of life that employees get hired, and then some leave for whatever reason. Employee attrition rate refers to the percentage of employees who leave an organisation over a specific period. It is a crucial metric for any organisation as it indicates the rate at which employees leave the company voluntarily. 


A high attrition rate can indicate underlying issues such as poor management, inadequate compensation, or unhealthy work culture. Conversely, a low attrition rate can suggest a healthy work environment and effective retention strategies. 


In this article, we will explore the concept of employee attrition rate and its impact on organisations. We will provide an attrition reasons analysis to help you understand the root of the problem.


Staff outsourcing can significantly reduce the employee attrition rate by providing access to skilled talent and relieving businesses of the burdensome recruitment process.


Attrition vs. Retention: Maintaining a Corporate Equilibrium

Attrition vs. retention is a long-standing confusion. Let’s see what each means.


DefinitionThe rate at which employees leave the organisation over a specific period.The ability to keep employees engaged and motivated to stay with the organisation.
CalculationThe number of employees who leave the organisation during a specific period is divided by the average number of employees during that period, multiplied by 100.Not a calculated metric, but it is measured through employee satisfaction surveys, performance evaluations, and other indicators of employee engagement.
FocusFocuses on the negative aspects of employee turnover and highlights why employees leave the organisation.It focuses on the positive aspects of employee engagement and emphasises organisations’ measures to retain their employees..
BenefitsCan help organisations identify areas of concern and implement strategies to reduce employee turnover.Can help organisations create a positive work culture, improve employee morale, increase productivity, and retain top talent.
ChallengesHigh attrition rates can result in increased costs, decreased productivity, and damage to the company’s reputation.Retention strategies can be costly and time-consuming, and there is always a risk of losing employees to competitors.


Attrition Rate Vs. Turnover Rate

Employee attrition rate and turnover rate can provide organizations with valuable insights into their workforce dynamics. Let’s see what they mean.


ParameterAttrition RateTurnover Rate
DefinitionThe rate at which employees voluntarily leave the organisation over a specific period.The rate at which employees leave the organisation, either voluntarily or involuntarily, over a specific period.
CalculationThe number of employees who leave voluntarily during a specific period is divided by the average number of employees during that period, multiplied by 100.The number of employees who leave the organisation, either voluntarily or involuntarily, during a specific period divided by the average number of employees during that period, multiplied by 100.
ReasonsOnly consider the reasons why employees leave voluntarily, such as a better job offer, retirement, or personal reasons.Considers all reasons why employees leave the organisation, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, such as layoffs, termination, resignation, and retirement.
FocusFocuses on the voluntary turnover of employees and helps organisations identify the underlying reasons behind it.Focuses on both voluntary and involuntary turnover of employees and helps organisations identify their overall turnover rate.


High Employee Turnover Effects

A high employee turnover rate can significantly adversely impact an organisation. Here are some of the major impacts of high employee turnover.

Increased costs

High employee turnover can be costly for organisations, as it can result in recruitment and training expenses. Replacing an employee can be up to two times their annual salary, significantly impacting a company’s budget.

Reduced productivity

High employee turnover can result in reduced productivity, as new employees may take time to get up to speed with the organisation’s processes and culture. This can result in a decrease in the quality and quantity of work produced by the team.

Decreased morale

High employee turnover can also negatively impact the morale of the remaining employees. Employees may feel overworked and stressed due to the increased workload resulting from losing their colleagues. This can lead to a decrease in motivation and job satisfaction.

Loss of talent

Employee turnover can result in losing valuable talent and knowledge within the organisation. Losing experienced and skilled employees can negatively impact the company’s performance and competitiveness.

Damage to company reputation

High employee turnover can damage a company’s reputation, as it may be perceived as an unstable workplace. This can negatively impact the company’s ability to attract and retain top talent.


Causes Of High Attrition Rates

High employee attrition rates can be detrimental to an organisation, and understanding the causes of high attrition rates is crucial for implementing effective retention strategies. 


Here is an attrition reasons analysis:

  • Employees may seek growth opportunities, such as promotions or training, and leave an organisation if these opportunities are unavailable.
  • Poor management can lead to low employee morale and job dissatisfaction, resulting in high attrition rates.
  • Employees may leave an organisation if they feel inadequate or do not receive desirable benefits.
  • A toxic or negative work culture can lead to high attrition rates, as employees may feel unsupported or undervalued.
  • Employees may terminate their position due to personal reasons such as family obligations, relocation, or health issues.


Identifying the causes of high employee attrition rates is the first step toward developing effective retention strategies. 


How To Calculate Your Employee Attrition Rate?

Calculating employee attrition rate is a critical step in measuring workforce dynamics and identifying areas for improvement. The formula to calculate your employee attrition rate is as follows:


Attrition Rate = (Number of employees who left / Average number of employees) x 100


For example, if a company had 500 employees at the beginning of the year, 550 employees at the end of the year, and 50 employees left during the year, the attrition rate would be calculated as follows:


Attrition Rate = (50 / ((500 + 550) / 2)) x 100 = 9.09%


How To Reduce Attrition Rate In Company?

Reducing employee attrition rate in the company is essential as it can result in significant cost savings and increased productivity. Here are some strategies that companies can adopt to reduce high attrition rates.

Provide competitive compensation and benefits

Offering competitive compensation and benefits packages is one of the most effective ways to retain employees. Companies can conduct salary surveys to ensure that their compensation meets industry standards and provide benefits such as healthcare, retirement plans, and flexible working arrangements.

Create a positive work culture

A positive work culture can significantly impact employee engagement and retention. Companies can foster a positive work culture by promoting open communication, encouraging employee recognition, and providing opportunities for professional development.

Offer career growth opportunities

Employees want to feel that they are growing and developing. Providing opportunities for career growth, such as training programs and promotions, can significantly reduce attrition rates.

Conduct employee surveys

Regular employee surveys can help companies identify areas of improvement and develop effective retention strategies. 

Provide employee recognition and rewards programs

Recognising and rewarding employees for their achievements and contributions can significantly improve employee morale and retention rates.

Ensure effective leadership and management

Employees often leave organisations due to poor management or leadership. Companies can ensure effective leadership and management by providing training, conducting regular performance evaluations, and promoting employee feedback.

Also Read : Permanent Placement Services

Hire Better and Manage HR Services With 6 Pence

The employee attrition rate is a crucial metric for any organisation. Companies must address high employee turnover rates and develop effective retention strategies to improve employee engagement and reduce turnover.


If you are looking for a professional outsourcing provider who can undertake secure and compliant staffing, recruitment, payroll, and HR services to help you address your employee attrition rate and other HR-related challenges, consider 6 Pence. 


With offices in Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, and Iraq, we provide top-quality staffing and HR services to businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve employee retention and achieve your business goals.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does a high attrition rate indicate? 

A high attrition rate indicates a high level of employee turnover in an organisation. It can indicate underlying problems within the company, such as low employee morale, poor management, or a lack of growth opportunities.

2. What is the impact of attrition on a company? 

High attrition can have several negative impacts on a company, including increased costs, reduced productivity, decreased morale, loss of talent, and damage to the company’s reputation.

3. How can a high attrition rate be reduced? 

To reduce the high attrition rate, companies can provide competitive compensation and benefits, create a positive work culture, offer career growth opportunities, conduct employee surveys, provide employee recognition and rewards programs, and ensure effective leadership and management.


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