training techniques in hrm

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Increase Productivity With Top Employee Training Techniques in HRM

With the rising competition for talent acquisition, organisations are adopting multiple ways to attract, acquire, hire, and retain talent. Today’s employees look at several things when joining an organisation- paying a competitive salary is not enough! One great way to do it is to provide training and upskilling opportunities.


Nearly 87% of millennials believe they will apply for a company offering professional development and career growth. Therefore, hiring managers must provide opportunities for employee growth and training to create a happy and productive workforce.


However, training and development methods in HRM can be challenging, especially when you don’t know how to implement them. We have shared basic knowledge of employee training techniques in HRM and compiled ten employee training methods for your help.

What are Training Techniques in HRM?

Before we start, let us first understand what is HRM or Human Resource Management. Human resource management is a strategic way to care for and support workers and make sure the workplace is a good place to work. One of the key functions of HRM is to provide training and development to employees. They also manage salary disbursal, emolaoyee relations, and other responsibilities.


Research says nearly 94% of employees won’t leave your company if offered training and development opportunities.


Employee training techniques refer to the process of planned activities for imparting knowledge and new skills to employees. It helps their career growth and prepares them for future industry changes. 


Such training is more production-centric and aims at developing problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and other necessary skills. 


You can offer training programs throughout an employee journey, like


  • Pre-onboarding training or orientation training: It tells new employees about your company’s culture, values, mission and vision before stepping into the company. 
  • Onboarding training: It helps employees familiarise themselves with the basics of the job, understanding responsibilities, basic skills, and technical skills.
  • Workplace training: It sharpens employees’ technical and soft skills depending on their experience level to work better and add value to the company culture.
  • Coaching for succession plans: It prepares employees for higher responsibilities by sharpening their soft skills, leadership and strategising qualities.
  • Reskilling: It refreshes employees’ technical skills regularly by discussing ongoing trends and new ideas and using emerging tools. 


You must carefully plan high-impact employee training techniques in hrm by identifying your business needs and analysing skill gaps. Use layered, sustainable learning activities to ensure your programs target the right employees, customers and business needs. 


Moreover, to make the most of your training budget, periodically measure the effectiveness of training and development methods in HRM.

Benefits of Training Techniques in HRM

Companies must invest in job training as technologies evolve to ensure workers stay caught up. Training offers an excellent opportunity for employees to improve their knowledge and skills. This, in return, helps your company grow and become more productive. 


Listed below are a few benefits of implementing training techniques in HRM:


  • Improves employee skills and knowledge
  • Prepares employees for higher responsibilities
  • Makes employees feel valued
  • Improves employee retention rate
  • Provides higher production standards
  • Reduces errors
  • Improves employee engagement and reduces layoffs
  • Improves team functionality
  • Increase employees’ sense of security

10 Best Employee Training Techniques in HRM

As you know, training processing methods in HRM improve employee knowledge and skills for performing their responsibilities. Different types of employee training techniques today help staff learn and stay engaged.

Instructor-Led Training 

Instructor-led training is a traditional training method usually conducted in a classroom with an instructor presenting the material. It is highly effective for employee training, especially when teaching complex topics to workers. 


Additionally, the instructors can help employees with specific questions and suggestions for additional resources.

eLearning Programs

E-learning programs eliminate the drawbacks of classroom training, including cost and time to implement. These trainings rely on online videos, tests and courses. They offer better accessibility and are the easiest type of employee training for companies with a vast employee pool. It is no longer a novelty but has become an expected part of employee professional development.


Research says almost 89% of employees want training programs that fit their work schedule. 


Most employees have little to no time in their workdays to focus on personal development or upskilling. Additionally, it takes only a few minutes for a person to decide whether to stay engaged with content or move to something else. 


While dealing with such time constraints, you can use microlearning techniques to embed continuous learning into your workers’ workdays. This technique features short, focus lessons, usually between 3 to 6 minutes and uses videos, quizzes, and games. They are designed to meet specific learning goals. 

Video Learning

Among different training and development methods in HRM, visual learning is seen to have a long-lasting impact on learners, i.e., employees. Rather than trying to memorize page after page of boring text, watching a video helps to save time, increase retention, and improve application.


Also, videos allow for self-paced e-learning. This is a major advantage for corporate employees, who are often pressed for time to attend traditional classroom-setting training/


Game-based training has emerged as one of the best methods of imparting training to employees. Adding an element of game in the learning and development process, not only encourages active learning, but acts as a motivator for the learners. This also enables better retention and implementation.

Simulations or Virtual Reality Training 

These are like video game training, where employers use a simulated environment to teach employees how to handle high-pressure and dangerous situations. It is mainly used for training a variety of high-risk roles, including surgeons and emergency responders. 


Simulations help in building the critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities of employees. It allows the workers to face complex scenarios that need strategic decision-making and prepares them for anything similar in future.

Job Rotation

Job rotation is an exciting training method where employees are offered different roles in the company to help them learn multiple skills. Such training techniques in HRM allow employees to understand the business better and prepare them for future higher-level responsibilities. 


Additionally, it helps improve engagement and satisfaction as people feel valued and invested in your company.

Cross-Training or Multi-Skilling

Cross-training or multi-skilling teaches employees to perform multiple tasks outside their primary responsibilities. It can be conducted in numerous ways like classroom training, on-the-job training and mentoring. 


Initially, you must find the essential skills and jobs and teach employees how to do them. Once training is over, they can start using the new skills and adjust to the industry changes. It allows companies to change quickly whenever needed, and employees stay prepared ahead of time.

Case Studies or Role-Playing

These two fun and effective training techniques help employees develop new skills and knowledge. Case studies involve presenting real-world scenarios to employees and asking them to analyse and solve them. 


It helps in developing employees’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Role-playing is about asking employees to play the role of a specific person or act out a scenario in a simulated situation. It develops employees’ communication and conflict-resolution skills. 

Coaching or Mentoring

Such training methods focus on the relationship between an employee and an experienced professional such as a coach or a mentor. It is usually offered to new employees who can learn their roles and responsibilities better from the company’s most skilled employees. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Training is essential for employee onboarding and retention, preparing for future needs, and improving the skill set. There are numerous training techniques in HRM that you can use according to company needs. You should use traditional training techniques while experimenting with newer methods to make maximum impact.


We understand how recruiting staff can get difficult for you, and training them on top is an added hurdle. Therefore, you can contact us at 6 Pence for your staffing requirements. We are the top staff outsourcing agencies in GCC, working with business associates from Iraq, Oman, Bahrain, and Dubai.


We extend our support beyond recruitment and hiring. Our team assists with onboarding, training, payroll management, and other HR-related issues.


Contact us to know more!


Also Read : 15 Common Job Interview Mistakes You Must Not Commit

Frequently Asked Questions

What are training techniques in hrm? 

There are numerous training techniques in HRM, including job rotation, coaching or mentoring, computer-based training, lectures, conferences, business simulations, e-learning, interactive training, etc.

What is the importance of techniques in hrm? 

HRM uses multiple techniques to manage their people effectively and efficiently to fulfil their business strategic goals. This technique ensures your employees are productive and happy in their roles and influences the growth of company culture.

What is training evaluation? 

Training evolution refers to the systematic process of gathering and using information to improve your training process. Evolution offers feedback from employees that help you identify if your training achieved the desired outcomes and enables you to make informed decisions for future programs.


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