How to Prepare for Promotion Interview – Q&A

interview for promotion

Employee retention and development are crucial for any company’s success. So, when a valued team member expresses interest in a promotion, it’s an exciting opportunity!


But how do you ensure you’re selecting the best candidate for the role and providing a positive interview for promotion experience? Implementing a structured interview process can be key.This guide is here to help! 


We will explore best practices for conducting effective promotion interviews, from asking the right questions to setting clear expectations. So, settle in and get ready to learn how to identify your next top performer through a smooth and successful interview for promotion!


Questions to Ask in an Interview for Promotion at Work

Asking the right questions is essential for a successful interview for promotion. Beyond assessing a candidate’s technical skills and experience for the new role, you also want to understand their motivations, leadership potential, and cultural fit.


Here are some key questions to consider during your interview for promotion:

  1. Understanding Their Drive: Why are you interested in this promotion? What motivates you to take on this new challenge?
  2. Assessing Leadership Skills: Tell me about a time you had to lead a team or project. What was your approach, and what were the results?
  3. Focus on the Future: What are your long-term career goals? How does this promotion fit into your overall vision?
  4. Strengths and Weaknesses: What are your greatest strengths that would be an asset in this new role? Conversely, what areas do you see as opportunities for development?
  5. Understanding the Company Culture: What do you value most about our company culture? How do you see yourself contributing to it in this new position?


These are just a starting point, and you can tailor your questions based on the specific requirements of the promotion and the candidate’s background. By asking insightful questions, you’ll gain valuable insights into the candidate’s capabilities and suitability for the leadership role, and commitment to personal development in workplace.


Interview for Promotion Example

Let’s look at a practical interview for promotion example. Imagine you’re interviewing a candidate, Jasmine, for a Team Lead position. 


You ask her: “Tell me about a time you had to lead a team or project. What was your approach, and what were the results?”


Jasmine’s response: “In my current role, I spearheaded a project to streamline our onboarding process. Initially, there were communication gaps between departments, leading to confusion for new hires. I took the initiative to gather feedback from all stakeholders and identified key areas for improvement. 


Then, I facilitated a series of workshops to develop a standardised onboarding process with clear communication channels. The result? New hires reported feeling more prepared and integrated, and our department saw a 20% reduction in onboarding time.”


Analysis: Sarah’s response demonstrates valuable skills for a promotion. She highlights her initiative, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. She showcases her leadership potential by facilitating workshops and collaborating with different departments. This is a strong interview for promotion example of a candidate who can effectively lead and achieve results.


Remember, this is just one example. The key is to ask open-ended questions that encourage detailed responses and allow you to assess the candidate’s fit for the promotion.


5 Interview Tips for Promotion

Now that we’ve explored some key questions let’s delve into practical interview tips for promotion. By following these steps, you can make sure your process of interview for promotion is effective, informative, and leaves a positive impression on the candidate:


Structure and Clarity

A well-structured interview for promotion sets the tone for a productive conversation. Develop a clear interview guide with relevant questions aligned with the specific requirements of the new role. This ensures a fair and consistent evaluation process for all candidates and supports effective performance management.


Focus on Soft Skills and Cultural Fit

While technical expertise is important, don’t overlook soft skills in a promotion interview. Look for candidates with strong communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. Assessing their cultural fit is also crucial. Will they thrive in your company’s environment and effectively lead the team?


Behavioural Interviewing Techniques

Utilise behavioural interviewing techniques during your interview for promotion. Instead of asking hypothetical questions, ask candidates to describe specific situations they’ve encountered in the past. Their responses will provide valuable insights into their thought process, problem-solving skills, and past successes.


Create a Positive Candidate Experience

Remember, the interview for promotion is a two-way street. Set clear expectations upfront regarding the interview format and timeline. Actively listen to the candidate’s responses and provide opportunities for them to ask questions about the role and the company, as this can impact employee productivity in the long run.


Evaluate and Provide Feedback

After the interview for promotion:

  1. Take time to evaluate each candidate thoroughly.
  2. Discuss their strengths and weaknesses as a team and ensure a fair and objective selection process.
  3. Consider providing constructive feedback to all candidates, even those who are not selected.


This shows professionalism and helps them develop for future opportunities.


Following these interview tips for promotion will help conduct effective interviews that identify the most qualified candidate for the role, while fostering a positive experience for all involved.


Preparing for Internal Promotion Interview

When an employee expresses interest in a promotion, it signifies their dedication and commitment to the company. Interviewing internally for a promotion offers several benefits, especially if the company has a structured programme for employees.


Interviewing internally for a promotion offers several benefits. You already have valuable insight into the candidate’s work ethic, skillset, and cultural fit. However, specific preparation is still required to ensure a successful interview for promotion. 


Here are some key steps to take when preparing for an internal interview for promotion:

  • Review the Job Description: Thoroughly review the job description for the new role. Identify the key competencies, skills, and experience required. Tailor your interview questions to assess the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in these areas.
  • Research the Candidate: Take some time to review the candidate’s past performance evaluations and contributions to the company. This will help you formulate targeted questions and assess their growth potential.
  • Prepare a Structured Interview Guide: Develop a clear interview guide with relevant questions aligned with the job description. This ensures a fair and consistent evaluation process for all internal candidates.
  • Mock Interviews: Consider conducting a mock interview with the candidate. This allows them to practise their responses, anticipate potential questions, and feel more comfortable in the interview setting.


By following these steps, you can create a smooth and effective process of interview for promotion for internal candidates. This not only helps identify the most qualified individual for the role but also fosters a culture of career development within your organisation.


How 6 Pence Helps

While this guide equips you with valuable tips for conducting successful interview for promotion processes, building a strong leadership pipeline requires a comprehensive approach. Here’s where partnering with a trusted HR solutions provider can make a significant difference.


Hiring the right people for the role is the first step towards building a successful team. At 6 Pence, we understand your organisational demands and find candidates who meet both the technical and soft skill criteria.


6 Pence, a leading provider of HR solutions in the Middle East, offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower your workforce and support your talent management goals.


Our assistance doesn’t end with recruiting the right person; we extend our help with payroll processing, work visa processing and background checks for international hires.


Located in Bahrain, Dubai, Iraq, and Oman, 6 Pence is well-positioned to support your HR needs across the Middle East. Contact 6 Pence today to discuss how our customised HR and staffing outsourcing solutions can help your employees and aid your organisation’s success.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a promotion interview?

A promotion interview is an internal assessment process used to evaluate an employee’s suitability for a higher position within the company. It goes beyond reviewing their resume and assesses their skills, experience, leadership potential, and cultural fit for the new role.

How do you prepare for a promotion?

As an HR professional, you can prepare for successful promotions by creating clear criteria for the role and developing a structured interview process. This ensures fairness and consistency when evaluating internal candidates. Providing resources and training opportunities can also help employees develop the skills needed for future promotions.

What questions to ask in a promotion interview?

Focus on questions that assess a candidate’s leadership potential, problem-solving skills, and cultural fit. Ask about their experience managing teams, handling challenges, and their understanding of the company’s goals.


Explore their motivations for the promotion and their vision for the new role. By asking the right questions, you gain valuable insights to select the most qualified candidate for the interview for promotion.

Best AI Recruiting Software and Tools for Smart Hiring

best AI recruiting software

Hiring top talent can feel like finding a needle in a haystack, right? But don’t worry, you’re not alone! Technology has come to the rescue with some very helpful tools like AI recruiting software that can help you find the perfect candidates faster than ever before.


Imagine having a smart assistant that can sift through thousands of resumes, identify the best matches, and even schedule interviews for you! That’s what the best AI recruiting software in the market can do. So, let’s dig in and see how this incredible technology can revolutionise your hiring process!


Understanding the Best AI Recruiting Software

So, what exactly is the best AI recruiting software? Think of it as your super-smart hiring assistant. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate and improve different parts of the recruitment process. This means less time spent on boring tasks and more time finding the perfect candidates.


The best AI recruiting software can do things like:

  • Scan resumes super fast to find the best matches for your job openings.
  • Schedule interviews automatically, saving you time and hassle.
  • Analyse candidate data to find patterns and improve your hiring strategy.
  • Chat with candidates (yes, like a real person!) to answer their questions.


Basically, it’s like having a team of AI experts working around the clock to help you hire the best people. This showcases the positive impact of AI on jobs by enhancing recruitment processes. And the best part? It learns and improves over time, so it becomes even smarter at finding top talent.


5 Key Features of AI Powered Hiring Software

You’re convinced that the best AI recruiting software can revolutionise your hiring process. But what should you look for? Here are five AI in recruitment examples and key features to consider:


  • Superfast Resume Scanning: Imagine being able to scan hundreds of resumes in minutes, not hours! This feature saves you time and helps you find the perfect candidates faster.
  • Smart Candidate Matching: AI based recruitment software uses advanced algorithms to match candidates with the right jobs based on their skills and experience. This means less time wasted on unqualified applicants.
  • Chatbots for Round-the-Clock Assistance: Chatbots can handle initial candidate queries, schedule interviews, and even provide basic job information. This frees up your team to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Video Interview 24/7: Some software offers AI-powered video interviewing, allowing you to screen candidates remotely and efficiently. It can even analyse candidate behaviour and provide feedback.
  • Data-Driven Insights: AI recruiting software can analyse hiring data to identify trends and improve your recruitment strategy. This helps you make data-driven decisions and optimise your hiring process.


Remember, these are just some of the great features the best AI recruiting software can offer. With the right tool, you can streamline your hiring process, improve efficiency, and ultimately hire the best talent for your team. 


5 Benefits of Using AI Based Recruitment Platforms

Investing in the best AI recruiting software can bring a multitude of benefits to your hiring process. Let’s see how AI powered hiring software can accompany your recruitment strategy and help you find top talent more efficiently:


Improved Candidate Experience

With faster response times, personalised communication, and a streamlined application process, AI-powered tools enhance the candidate experience. This positive impression can attract top talent and boost your employer brand.


Faster Time-to-Hire

The best AI recruiting software helps you fill positions more quickly by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining the recruitment process. This can lead to increased productivity and reduced hiring costs.


Data-Driven Hiring Decisions

AI-powered analytics provide valuable insights into candidate behaviour, job market trends, and hiring metrics. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions and optimise your recruitment strategy.


Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion

The best AI recruiting software can help identify biases in the hiring process and promote a more diverse candidate pool. By using objective criteria, you can create a more inclusive workplace. After all, what’s a good workplace if it is not welcoming to everyone? 


Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Automating time-consuming tasks allows your recruitment team to focus on higher-value activities, such as building relationships with candidates and developing employer branding strategies. This leads to increased productivity and overall efficiency.


Challenges and Considerations in the Best AI Tools for Recruiting

While the best AI recruiting software offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to be aware of potential challenges and considerations before investing in such a tool. Here are some things to remember:


  • Data Privacy and Security: AI systems handle sensitive candidate data, making data privacy and security paramount. Make sure the AI based recruitment platform you choose has robust measures in place to protect personal information.
  • Algorithm Bias: AI algorithms learn from data, and if the data is biased, the AI may perpetuate those biases. It’s crucial to choose a platform that actively works to mitigate bias and ensure fair outcomes.
  • Human Element: While AI automates many tasks, human judgement remains essential. Striking the right balance between AI and human involvement is key to successful recruitment.
  • Cost and Return on Investment: Implementing the best AI recruiting software requires an investment. Carefully evaluate the costs against the potential benefits to ensure a positive ROI.


Considering these factors will help you make an informed decision and select an AI recruiting solution that aligns with your organisation’s goals and values.


How 6 Pence Helps

Finding the perfect blend of human expertise and cutting-edge technology is key to successful recruitment. While the best AI recruiting software can streamline many aspects of the hiring process, it’s essential to have a human touch to make informed decisions.


This is where 6 Pence comes in. We offer a comprehensive approach to recruitment that combines the power of AI in hiring process with the expertise of our recruitment specialists. Our team of experienced professionals can help you use the best AI tools for recruiting while ensuring a human-centric approach to finding top talent.


With offices in Bahrain, Dubai, Iraq, and Oman, 6 Pence is your trusted partner in finding the best talent for your organisation. Ready to find out what happens when AI and human expertise combine in hiring? Contact 6 Pence today to learn more and explore our recruitment solutions!


Frequently Asked Questions 

What is AI used for in recruitment?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is revolutionising the recruitment process. Best AI recruiting software utilises AI to automate tasks like resume screening, candidate sourcing, and scheduling interviews. It analyses vast amounts of data to identify top talent and predict candidate performance, saving recruiters time and improving hiring efficiency.

How is AI used in HR?

Beyond recruitment, AI is changing various HR functions. From automating administrative tasks like payroll and benefits management to providing data-driven insights for workforce planning, AI-powered hiring software streamlines operations and enables HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives. AI-driven chatbots can also handle employee inquiries, freeing up HR staff to address more complex issues.

How do employers use AI?

Employers use AI to enhance their entire talent acquisition process. AI in recruitment helps them source qualified candidates faster, assess applicants more efficiently, and make data-driven hiring decisions. By automating time-consuming tasks, employers can focus on building relationships with candidates and creating a positive candidate experience.

Self-Promotion at Work : Examples and Tips

self promotion at work

Just landed your first job, or maybe you’re a few months in and feeling ready to take on more? That’s great! But with so many talented people around, how do you ensure your boss and colleagues know all about the amazing things you’re capable of? That’s where self promotion at work comes in. 


Now, don’t worry, self promotion for job seekers is not about bragging- it’s about confidently sharing your skills and accomplishments so you can keep growing in your career. Incorporating effective job search strategies can help you identify the best opportunities to showcase your abilities and progress in your professional journey.


This guide is here to break it down for you, step-by-step, in a way that’s comfortable and effective. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to show off your skills at work!


What is Self promotion at Work?

Imagine you aced a challenging project, exceeding expectations and leaving your colleagues impressed. But if no one knows about it, how can you leverage this success for future opportunities?


That’s where self promotion at work comes in. It’s not about boasting or talking yourself up; it’s about strategically promoting yourself in the workplace by highlighting your skills, contributions, and achievements.


Think of it like shining a spotlight on your professional value. By strategically communicating your accomplishments and focusing on personal development in workplace, you ensure your boss and colleagues recognize your talent and potential by strategically communicating your accomplishments. This can lead to exciting new opportunities like project leads, promotions, or recognition and rewards.


Here’s the key: self promotion in the workplace should be done authentically and professionally. It’s about building confidence, showcasing your value, and positioning yourself for career advancement.


Importance of Self Promotion at Work

In today’s competitive workplace, it’s not enough to simply do your job well. While hard work is essential, self promotion at work plays a crucial role in getting recognized and achieving your career goals. Here’s why:


Helps Visibility

Imagine all the amazing things you accomplish going unnoticed. Self-promotion at work ensures your contributions are visible to colleagues and superiors. When your boss is aware of your successes, they’re more likely to consider you for new projects, promotions, or leadership opportunities.


Builds Confidence and Credibility

Talking confidently about your achievements is a good way to boost your self-assurance. Effective self promotion at work allows you to showcase your expertise and build credibility, demonstrating your value to the team and the company. Additionally, outplacement services can provide support in refining these skills, helping you present your accomplishments more effectively.


Opens Doors to New Opportunities

When you strategically promote yourself at work, you make it clear that you’re eager to learn and grow, this positions you for exciting new challenges and career advancement. If a new project arises that requires specific skills you possess, your boss will be more likely to think of you if they’re aware of your capabilities.


Makes Way for Recognition and Rewards

Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your accomplishments! Self-promotion at work doesn’t have to be boastful, but it does involve highlighting your achievements in a professional manner. This can lead to well-deserved recognition, such as bonuses, promotions, or increased responsibility.


By taking ownership of your professional story through self promotion at work, you take control of your career trajectory and pave the way for exciting opportunities and well-deserved recognition.


Some Examples of Self Promotion at Work

Self-promotion at work doesn’t have to be grand gestures. Here are a few easy ways to showcase your skills and accomplishments:

  • During Team Meetings: Briefly mention your contributions to a project and their positive impact.
  • Performance Reviews: Come prepared to discuss your achievements and goals.
  • Helping Colleagues: Offer your expertise to assist colleagues on tasks related to your skills. This demonstrates your knowledge and willingness to share it.
  • Networking Internally: Connect with colleagues from other departments. Share your skills and interests to explore potential collaboration opportunities.


Remember, these are just a few examples of self promotion. The key is to find ways to authentically highlight your value and accomplishments in your day-to-day work.


5 Self Promotion Techniques That Work Wonders

Now that you understand the importance of self promotion at work, let’s dig into some practical techniques to help you confidently showcase your value. Here are five effective self promotion techniques that can work wonders for your career advancement:


Track Your Accomplishments

Don’t rely solely on memory! Maintain a record of your achievements, including completed projects, positive feedback received, and skills you’ve developed. This documentation becomes valuable when preparing for performance reviews or applying for internal positions.


Volunteer for Challenging Projects

Stepping outside your comfort zone and volunteering for challenging projects demonstrates your initiative and desire for growth. Not to mention, successfully completing these projects provides concrete examples of your capabilities for use in self promotion at work.


Seek Feedback and Recognition Programs

Actively seek constructive feedback from colleagues and superiors. This shows your commitment to self-improvement and allows you to identify areas for further development. Additionally, inquire about company recognition programs and nominate yourself or deserving colleagues for outstanding contributions.


Become a Knowledge Source

Share your expertise by mentoring junior colleagues, offering to lead training sessions on your area of proficiency, or writing informative blog posts for the company website. Positioning yourself as a knowledge source establishes you as a valuable asset and showcases your leadership potential.


Build Your Online Brand

In this digital age, having a professional online presence is crucial. Update your LinkedIn profile with your skills and accomplishments, and consider creating content relevant to your field.


By actively engaging in online industry discussions, you establish yourself as a thought leader and demonstrate your expertise to a broader network.


Remember, effective self promotion techniques are all about strategically communicating your value and accomplishments in a professional and confident manner.


How 6 Pence Helps with Self Promotion at Work

While self promotion at work is a powerful tool, sometimes getting through the corporate landscape requires additional support. This is where partnering with a trusted recruitment agency like 6 Pence can be a game-changer.


We understand the importance of showcasing your skills and experience to the right people. That’s why 6 Pence offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to aid you throughout your career journey.


Our specialists go beyond traditional job boards to connect you with pre-vetted opportunities that align perfectly with your qualifications. Located in Bahrain, Dubai, Iraq, and Oman, 6 Pence offers positions that complement your skills and attributes.


If you’re a job seeker with a specific skill set, 6 Pence can connect you with companies looking for outsourced talent. This can be a great way to gain valuable experience and enhance your resume.

Drop your CV by visiting the careers page on our website.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is self-promotion important in the workplace?

Self-promotion helps ensure your contributions and skills are recognized by colleagues and superiors. This can lead to new opportunities, promotions, and recognition within the company.

Is self-promotion good or bad?

Effective self-promotion is positive! It’s about confidently sharing your achievements in a professional manner, not bragging.

What to write in self-promotion?

Focus on specific accomplishments, projects you led, skills you mastered, and positive feedback received. Keep it concise and highlight the impact you made.

Professional Networking Sites for Job Seekers

networking site for job seekers

In today’s competitive job market, a strong online presence is essential for any job seeker. While a well-written CV is crucial, it’s not the only tool in your arsenal. 


Networking sites for job seekers have become powerful platforms to connect with potential employers, industry professionals, and fellow job seekers. These platforms offer a variety of features that can help you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of landing your dream job. 


This blog post will explore the top networking site for job seekers, highlighting their unique features and how they can benefit your job search journey. So, get ready to expand your network, build valuable connections, and find exciting career opportunities!


How to Standout on a Networking Site for Job Seekers?

Imagine a vibrant online space buzzing with professionals from all walks of life. This is the essence of a networking website for job seekers. These platforms go beyond simply listing jobs; they’re designed to foster connections that can transform your career journey.


Here’s how to make the best of networking websites for professionals:

  • Craft a Compelling Profile: Create a profile on a networking site for job seekers that showcases your skills and experience, just like an online resume. This becomes your digital calling card, visible to potential employers and industry leaders.
  • Build Meaningful Connections: Network with recruiters, hiring managers, and professionals in your field. Connect with fellow job seekers to share experiences and support each other on your paths to success.
  • Use Powerful Tools: Utilise advanced search filters on professional networking platforms to find jobs that perfectly align with your expertise. Set up job alerts to stay ahead of the curve and be the first to know about new opportunities.
  • Engage and Learn: Participate in discussions, join industry-specific groups, and gain valuable insights from seasoned professionals. A networking site for job seekers is your chance to showcase your knowledge, stay updated on industry and job market trends, and establish yourself as a thought leader.


By actively engaging in these online communities, you’ll expand your professional network, increase your visibility to potential employers, and ultimately find exciting career possibilities.


Top 7 Professional Networking Sites for Jobs

Now that you understand the power of professional connections, let’s look at the 7 best networking site for job seekers where you can start building your online presence and fostering valuable relationships:



The world’s largest networking site for job seekers, LinkedIn is a must-have. Here you can:

  • Build a comprehensive profile showcasing your skills and experience.
  • Connect with professionals in your field and expand your network.
  • Discover job postings across the Middle East and apply directly through the platform.
  • Join industry-specific groups for targeted discussions and insights.
  • Access premium features like advanced search filters and inMails for a more strategic job search (optional paid subscription).

A leading Middle Eastern networking site for job seekers with a strong focus on the GCC region, allows you to:

  • Create a profile highlighting your qualifications and career goals.
  • Search for jobs by location, industry, and keywords to find relevant opportunities.
  • Connect with potential employers and submit applications directly through the platform.
  • Receive job alerts to stay updated on new postings that match your criteria.
  • Access career advice and resources to enhance your job search skills.


Foundit Gulf

A prominent networking site for job seekers in the Middle East, Foundit Gulf offers a user-friendly platform to:

  • Create a detailed profile showcasing your skills and experience.
  • Browse job postings across various industries, focusing on the Middle East market.
  • Connect with potential employers and submit applications directly through the platform.
  • Set up job alerts to be notified about new opportunities that align with your interests.
  • Utilise career resources like resume builders and interview tips to optimise your job search.



A global networking site for job seekers with a strong presence in the Middle East, Indeed allows you to:

  • Search for jobs using a powerful search engine with a vast database of positions.
  • Refine your search by location, industry, company size, and job type.
  • Save job searches and receive alerts for new opportunities that match your criteria.
  • Research companies and read employee reviews to gain valuable insights before applying.
  • Access salary information for specific positions to ensure competitive compensation.



While primarily known for company reviews and salary information, Glassdoor also offers job listings and networking features for job seekers. Here you can:

  • Explore job postings across various industries in the Middle East.
  • Read anonymous employee reviews and salary information to gain insights into companies.
  • Connect with other job seekers and share experiences through the platform’s discussion forums.
  • Ask interview questions to current and former employees to prepare for your job search.
  • Research company culture and employee benefits before applying.



Primarily a platform for organising and attending local events, Meetup offers a unique way to network with professionals in your field. You can:

  • Discover meetups related to your industry and connect with professionals in your city.
  • Attend events to learn new skills, network with potential employers, and stay updated on industry trends.
  • Build relationships with like-minded professionals who can provide valuable career advice and support.
  • Participate in discussions and Q&A sessions to showcase your expertise and make a lasting impression.
  • Find potential mentors or collaborators within your industry through meetup groups.



A platform for discovering and attending events of all kinds, Eventbrite can be a valuable tool for networking and professional development. Here you can:

  • Search for industry conferences, workshops, and networking events in the Middle East.
  • Register for events that align with your career goals and interests.
  • Connect with event organisers and potential employers in attendance.
  • Participate in workshops and seminars to enhance your skills and gain valuable industry knowledge.
  • Expand your professional network by meeting new people and building connections at events.


By utilising diverse networking site for job seekers, you can create a comprehensive strategy to connect with potential employers, improve your professional visibility, and land your dream job in the thriving job market!


How 6 Pence Helps

While networking site for job seekers are a helpful tool, sometimes the sheer volume of applications can feel overwhelming. This is where partnering with a reputable recruitment agency like 6 Pence can be a game-changer.


At 6 Pence, we offer comprehensive staff outsourcing solutions that benefit both businesses and job seekers. Here’s how we can help you land your dream job:

  • We have established relationships with top companies across the Middle East in Bahrain, Dubai, Iraq, and Oman.
  • Our team of recruitment specialists will work closely with you to understand your skills, experience, and career aspirations. We then leverage our network to match you with suitable job opportunities that align perfectly with your profile.
  • We handle the initial application process, filtering through numerous candidates to ensure only the most qualified individuals are presented to potential employers. This significantly increases your chances of securing an interview.


By partnering with 6 Pence, you gain access to a network of pre-vetted job opportunities and receive expert guidance throughout your job search journey.


Ready to take the next step? Drop your CV by visiting our careers page on our website.


Frequently Asked Question

What is the best professional networking site?

There’s no single “best” networking site for job seekers- it depends on your industry and goals. LinkedIn is a giant with a strong global reach, while focuses on the Middle East market. Explore several options to find the best fit for you.

How to network to find a job?

Build a strong online presence on many or at least one relevant networking site for job seekers. Connect with professionals in your field, engage in discussions, and showcase your expertise. Attend industry events (both online and offline) to network and learn.

What is an example of professional networking?

Connecting with a recruiter on LinkedIn, joining a Meetup group for your industry, or attending a career development workshop are all examples of professional networking.

Personal Development in Workplace | Examples & Ideas

personal development in workplace

Just landed your dream job? Congrats! But the learning doesn’t stop here. The professional world is constantly evolving, and personal development in workplace is the secret weapon that keeps you ahead of the curve. 


Whether fresh out of college or a seasoned pro looking for a new challenge, investing in yourself is the key to long-term career success. This blog will break down 5 reasons why personal development in the workplace matters.


We will also discuss the benefits of self development in the workplace. Get ready to realise your full potential, breeze through your career with confidence, and watch your work experience get better and better!


What Does Personal Development in Workplace Mean?

Imagine yourself excelling in your new job, exceeding expectations, and feeling confident in your abilities. That’s the power of personal development in the workplace.


It’s not just about ticking off tasks and meeting deadlines; it’s about actively investing in your own growth and continuously improving your professional skill set. Personal goals in workplace can involve:


  • Learning New Skills: The workplace is a constant learning environment. Personal development encourages you to seek out opportunities to expand your knowledge base, whether it’s mastering new software programs, attending workshops, or learning from experienced colleagues.
  • Developing Existing Skills: Personal development recognizes that even your current skills can be honed and refined. By actively practicing, seeking feedback, and taking on challenging projects, you can elevate your existing skill set to a whole new level.
  • Building Your Confidence: As you learn and grow, your confidence in your abilities will naturally increase. Personal development allows you to take on new responsibilities, tackle complex problems, and approach your work with a sense of self-assurance.
  • Setting and Achieving Goals: Personal development is all about setting goals and striving for continuous improvement. By setting clear, measurable goals for yourself, you’ll have a roadmap for your professional journey and a sense of accomplishment as you achieve them.


Personal development in workplace is a win-win situation. Ideas for personal development goals benefit both you and your employer. By investing in your growth through a career development plan, you become a more valuable asset to the company, while also setting yourself up for a successful and fulfilling career.


5 Reasons Self Development in the Workplace is Important

Now that you understand the core concept of personal development in workplace, let’s get into the specific benefits it offers you as a new hire or aspiring professional, including various professional development opportunities.


Here are five compelling reasons why investing in a personal development plan is crucial for long-term career success:


Stay Ahead of the Curve

The professional landscape is constantly evolving. New technologies emerge, industry standards shift, and employers seek candidates with the latest skill sets.


Personal development in workplace ensures you stay relevant and competitive in the job market by keeping your skills current and adapting to industry changes. You position yourself for exciting opportunities and career advancement by continuously learning and expanding your knowledge base.


Personal development in the workplace, driven by the HR role in employee development, ensures that employees continually enhance their skills and adapt to industry changes, leading to career growth and new opportunities.


Boost Your Confidence and Credibility

As you develop your skills and expertise, your confidence in your abilities will naturally grow. Personal development in workplace allows you to take on new challenges, tackle complex problems, and approach your work with a sense of self-assurance.


This increased confidence shines through in your interactions with colleagues and superiors, amping up your credibility and making you a valuable asset to any team.


Get New Career Opportunities 

Employers are constantly searching for talented individuals eager to learn and grow. Demonstrating a commitment to personal development in workplace shows initiative, ambition, and a willingness to go the extra mile.


By actively pursuing new skills and experiences, you broaden your horizons and qualify yourself for a wider range of career opportunities within your current company and beyond.


Increase Your Job Satisfaction

Feeling stagnant or unchallenged in your role can quickly lead to job dissatisfaction. Personal development in workplace helps you avoid this pitfall by providing a constant source of growth and stimulation.


As you learn new things and master new skills, your work becomes more engaging and fulfilling. This newfound enthusiasm creates a more positive work experience and overall job satisfaction.


Future-Proof Your Career

The world of work is constantly evolving, and the skills you need today might not be the same skills you’ll need tomorrow. Personal development in workplace equips you with the agility and adaptability to navigate an ever-changing job market.


By continuously learning and expanding your skillset, you ensure your long-term employability and remain competitive throughout your career journey.


How 6 Pence Helps

Are you looking to land a job where personal development in workplace is promoted? 6 Pence is one of the leading recruiters and staff outsourcing agency in the Middle East. We are operational in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai and help top businesses in the area hire talent.


6-Pence helps match potential candidates to the right position in the right organisation, making it a fulfilling journey for both. We have successfully placed over thousands of employees for almost two decades now since our inception. Make 6 Pence a part of your professional journey today!


Drop your CV by visiting the careers page on our website.


Frequently Asked Questions

How to improve personal development at work?

There are many ways to improve personal development in workplace! Start by identifying areas where you want to grow, whether it’s mastering new software, developing communication skills, or taking on more challenging projects. Seek out learning opportunities like workshops or online courses. 

Don’t be afraid to ask experienced colleagues for mentorship and actively seek feedback on your work. Setting clear, measurable goals for yourself will help you track your progress and stay motivated.

How to create personal goals for work?

Effective work goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Consider your long-term career aspirations and identify specific skills or experiences that will help you get there. 


Set realistic deadlines for achieving your goals and break them down into smaller, actionable steps. Remember, your goals should be challenging but achievable to keep you motivated and engaged.

How do I write about my personal goals?

When writing about your work goals, be clear and concise. Start by stating the specific skill or area you want to develop. Then, explain how achieving this goal aligns with your overall career aspirations. 


Be sure to mention specific actions you will take to achieve your goal and the time frame for completion. Writing your goals down makes them more concrete and helps you stay focused on achieving them.

Advantages of Contract Work – Hiring Temps

advantages of contract work

There was a time when you graduated, joined a company, and then worked till you retired. But times have changed! A survey from Procurious has shown that almost 40% of the global workforce are now contract workers.


Further, 70% of these contract workers choose this work mode by choice and not as a compulsion for not getting any other work. So, why are people opting for this temporary and unusual career choice? There are many advantages of contract work that make it so tempting for the modern workforce. 


What is Contract Work?

Contract work is also known as temporary staffing, where an employee doesn’t work for an organisation permanently but for a shorter period, on a need-basis or project-basis.


Most contract workers are specialised and skilled workers, pros in their niche. They usually do not receive the benefits that permanent workers get, such as health insurance, bonuses, or paid time off.


However, many advantages of contract employment actually make it lucrative to employees. Usually, companies hire contract workers through staffing agencies like 6 Pence- who vet and vouch for the credibility of these professionals.


But you can also land contract gigs through popular job boards, freelancing marketplaces, and even on social media. Temporary employees are hired in every industry, and here are some popular contract work examples:


  • Customer service
  • Web/App design and development
  • Public Relations
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content writing
  • Virtual Assistant


Advantages of Contract Work

The temporary staffing industry measured USD 90 billion in 2021, and it is projected to increase at a CAGR of 9.06% during 2021-2030 to reach USD 130.20 billion. So, why are so many people opting for this non-traditional work format and making it extremely popular? We have listed the many benefits of contract work:



Many full-time employees complain of not having flexibility in their schedules. They have to do the work their managers assign, work the hours, and from the pre-determined place.


One of the biggest contract job benefits is that you can choose the hours you work, the pay, and even for how long. The temporary work contract mentions all these details. This allows contract workers to plan their lives accordingly, not disrupt the work-life balance.


Permanent employees often suffer burnout because of the monotony in their lives. Temporary workers have the flexibility that adequately compensates them while giving them time to devote to leisure activities and family.


Great Pay Packages

Permanent employees, often sourced through permanent placement services, have a set wage that is determined during their joining or annual appraisals. Also, companies deduct specific amounts from salaries towards benefits like health insurance and retirement plans. 


Contract workers are often more in demand because of their specialised nature. Experienced professionals are much sought-after by companies and employed on a project basis as SMEs, and they are often paid handsomely. 


Additionally, contract workers and freelancers can often work on multiple projects simultaneously, allowing them to increase their monthly income significantly.


Low Competition

Although contract work is gaining popularity in recent times, it is a low-competition industry as compared to full-time employment. Also, the hiring of temporary workers is much simpler as compared to permanent employment, making it easier to land gigs. 


Low competition ensures a higher chance of getting the job making it ideal for employees, and it is one of the biggest advantages of contract work. 


Chance to Land Permanent Positions

Is there a company you are vying to work with? Maybe you can try making your way into the company by showing your performance in a short-term or contract role.


If you excel in your role and catch the eye of your hiring manager, they might be happy to extend an offer to you. Even if you do not land a permanent role, you can still land multiple assignments with the same company.


Make Foray Into New Industries

Are you looking for a career change? Nowadays, most recruiters prefer to hire someone with experience in the industry. One of the advantages of contract work is that you can test an industry before diving head-first into it. 


This is also a great way to gain experience and build your skill set. Contract work can often expose you to new technologies, methodologies, and tools, making it a perfect opportunity to learn new skills.


Improved Mental Health

Among the biggest benefits of being a contract employee is improved mental health. Common issues faced by modern employees are stress and burnout from constant work pressure and expectations. This can be greatly tackled by contract employment. 


Contract workers have the freedom of choice and can usually take breaks between projects. Also, you will have limited responsibility in your role, thus not requiring extensive supervision or any undue stress.


It is Legal

Most countries have rules governing the working conditions of contract workers. They might not be as extensive as for a full-time employee, but they are still in place. Also, as a contract worker, you will sign an agreement with your employers, which will safeguard you against fraud.


Great Networking Opportunity

By working with multiple companies and hiring managers, you create great connections and networks in the industry. This will also be a great addition to your work experience and will help you create a standout CV that helps you land top jobs.


Additionally, understanding resume mistakes to avoid will further enhance your CV’s impact. Also, by building good connections, you can land jobs through referrals and recommendations.


How 6 Pence Helps

Are you interested in temporary work after learning about the many advantages of contract work? Then, you have come to the right place. 6 Pence is one of the leading staff outsourcing company in Oman, Bahrain, Dubai, and Iraq. We help leading companies in the area hire temporary and permanent staff for their company.


Our experienced recruiters ensure candidates are matched with the most compatible role and organisation, giving them the best opportunity to shine in their role while allowing our business partners to benefit from their expertise. 


We also offer interview tips and any necessary training to better equip for the role. We help international recruits with work visa processing and any legalities needed to work in the GCC.


You can drop your CV with us by visiting our careers page on our website. You can also follow us on our social media channels to learn about the latest job openings. 


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is a contract job good or bad?

Contract jobs have both pros and cons, but the advantages of contract work overshadow the drawbacks. Some cons associated with contract work are irregular pay and lack of job security.


2. What type of work is contract?

Contract employment involves a company hiring an employee for a fixed period of time and for a specific job. They are usually subject matter experts and often have high salaries, flexible work, and many other types of advantages.


3. What is the job of contract?

Contract employees usually come in during seasonal demand, for example, during the EID celebration a departmental store might require more staff. Also, when there is a particular need for a specific skill or SME that is not available among the internal employees, contract employees may be hired. 

Work-Life Balance Resources and Tips

work life balance resources

Feeling perpetually stretched thin between work demands and personal life? You’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance is a constant battle. But don’t despair! Here’s the good news: a wealth of resources are available to help busy professionals like you find their zen and create a more fulfilling life.


This blog will be your guide, looking at valuable work life balance resources that can help you establish healthy boundaries, manage stress effectively, and ultimately achieve a sense of balance between your professional and personal pursuits. By fostering a positive work environment, you can better manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.


So, take a deep breath, grab a cup of cuppa, and get ready to learn practical tips and resources designed to help you reclaim control and find your work-life bliss, all while appreciating the importance of workplace culture.


Why are Work Life Balance Resources Important?

Juggling work deadlines, family commitments, and personal well-being can feel overwhelming. The constant pressure to excel in all areas can lead to stress, burnout, and even health problems . This is where work life balance resources and understanding the benefits of flexible working become crucial allies.


These resources offer practical guidance, tools, and strategies to help you:


Establish Healthy Boundaries

Work life balance resources can help you set clear boundaries between work and personal life to prevent employee burnout. This might involve designating specific work hours, learning to say no to extra tasks, and avoiding checking work emails outside of work hours.


Manage Stress Effectively

Chronic stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Work life balance resources often provide techniques for stress management, such as mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, and time management tips.


Boost Productivity and Focus

Believe it or not, achieving a healthy work-life balance can actually improve your work performance. When you’re well-rested and feel less stressed, you can focus better, make better decisions, and be more productive during your work hours.


Investing time exploring work life balance resources is an investment in yourself and your overall well-being. By implementing their strategies and techniques, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life, both inside and outside the workplace.


5 Ways to Improve Work Life Balance

Now that you’ve learned why work life balance resources and performance management are so valuable, let’s get into some practical ways to improve your work-life balance. These strategies to improve work life can be easily implemented and significantly improve your overall well-being.


1. Prioritise and Set Boundaries

The first step towards achieving a healthy work-life balance is prioritising tasks and setting clear boundaries. Utilise work life balance resources to learn effective time management techniques and create realistic daily or weekly to-do lists.


Don’t be afraid to say no to extra work that would encroach on your personal time. Remember, it’s okay to disconnect and prioritise your well-being.


2. Schedule Time for Yourself and Your Loved Ones

A healthy work-life balance isn’t just about work; it’s about making time for the things that bring you joy and fulfillment outside of the office. Work life balance resources often recommend scheduling dedicated time for hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or simply relaxing and recharging. Treat these activities like important appointments and stick to your schedule as much as possible.


3. Disconnect After Work

The constant ping of emails and notifications can blur the lines between work and personal life. Work-life balance resources encourage setting boundaries by establishing specific times to check work emails and resisting the urge to work outside of designated work hours, which can significantly impact employees’ morale.


Turn off work notifications on your phone and consider setting specific times to check in, allowing yourself to truly disconnect and be present during your personal time.


4. Embrace Technology (But Use it Wisely)

Technology can be a double-edged sword when it comes to work-life balance. While it can often contribute to feeling overwhelmed, work life balance resources also highlight how technology can be used to your advantage.


Utilise apps to manage your schedule, delegate tasks, or track your time. The key is to be mindful and use technology purposefully to streamline your workload and free up time for personal pursuits.


5. Seek Support and Don’t Be Afraid to Delegate

Remember, you don’t have to do it all alone. Work life balance resources often emphasise the importance of seeking support from your colleagues, manager, or even a therapist if needed.


Learn to delegate tasks effectively, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Creating a healthy work-life balance is an ongoing process, and having a support system in place can make a significant difference in your journey.


Common Work-Life Balance Problems and Solutions

Even with the best intentions, achieving work-life balance can be a challenge. Many professionals face common obstacles that can disrupt their well-being. Here are five frequent issues and how work life balance resources can equip you with solutions and ideas to improve work life balance:


Feeling Overwhelmed by Workload

Constantly swamped with work tasks is a major barrier to achieving work-life balance. Work life balance resources offer time management strategies to help you prioritise tasks, delegate effectively, and learn to say no to additional responsibilities that might strain your capacity.


By implementing these strategies, you can regain control of your workload and create space for your personal life.


Difficulty Disconnecting from Work

The constant flow of emails, messages, and notifications can make it difficult to disconnect from work truly. Work-life balance resources encourage setting boundaries by establishing specific times to check work communication and resisting the urge to work outside designated hours. They might also suggest tools and techniques to help you digitally disconnect and be present during your personal time.


Lack of Support from Employer

Sometimes, company culture or a demanding boss can make achieving work-life balance an uphill battle. Work-life balance resources can provide strategies for communicating your needs to your employer and advocating for flexible work arrangements or a more balanced workload. They can also offer advice on navigating challenging work environments.


Unrealistic Expectations and Work Ethics

The pressure to constantly be “on” and available can lead to feelings of guilt and inadequacy, even during personal time. Work-life balance resources promote setting realistic expectations for yourself and establishing healthy boundaries. They can also help you develop a more sustainable work ethic that prioritises both professional success and personal well-being.


Difficulty Maintaining Healthy Habits

Taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial for achieving work-life balance. However, busy schedules can make maintaining healthy habits like exercise, proper sleep, and healthy eating challenging.


Work-life balance resources often provide tips and strategies for incorporating self-care practices into your daily routine, even with a demanding workload.


How 6 Pence Helps

Feeling overwhelmed by the constant juggle between work and personal life? At 6 Pence, we- as a staff outsourcing company in Oman– understand the challenges professionals face in today’s demanding work environment. That’s why we offer a variety of solutions designed to streamline your workload and free up valuable time for the things that matter most.


With convenient locations in Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, and Iraq, our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the work life balance resources you need to achieve a healthy lifestyle.


Contact us today to learn more about how our services can help you get back control of your time and create a more fulfilling life!


Frequently Asked Questions

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Achieving work-life balance is an ongoing process, but there are key strategies to help. These include prioritising tasks, setting boundaries between work and personal life, scheduling time for self-care and loved ones, and utilising technology wisely. Work-life balance resources can offer specific tools and techniques to implement these strategies in your daily routine.


What are some effective strategies to maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Effective strategies include time management techniques like creating to-do lists, setting boundaries by establishing work hours, avoiding work emails outside those hours, and delegating tasks when possible.


Additionally, prioritising self-care through activities like exercise and relaxation and scheduling dedicated time for hobbies and loved ones can significantly improve work-life balance.


What are the three major challenges of work-life balance?

Common challenges include feeling overwhelmed by workload, difficulty disconnecting from work due to constant communication, and lack of support from an employer who may have unrealistic expectations or a demanding work culture. Work-life balance resources can equip you with solutions and communication strategies to navigate these challenges.

Best Payroll Service for Small Business

payroll service for small business

Running a small business is exciting! You get to be your own boss, choose your projects, and watch your dream come to life. But between managing inventory, marketing your brand, and keeping customers happy, there’s one thing that can feel like a real headache: Payroll. 


Whether you have a handful of employees or a growing team, ensuring everyone gets paid accurately and on time is crucial. However, handling payroll in-house can be a complex and time-consuming task.


That’s where payroll services for small businesses come in. These services can take the weight off your shoulders, automate tedious tasks, and ensure you comply with tax regulations.


So, if you’re ready to free up your time and streamline your payroll process, keep reading to learn how a payroll service for small business can benefit your company.


What Does a Payroll Service for Small Business Mean?

Imagine a helping hand dedicated to handling all your employee paycheck woes. That’s essentially what a payroll service for small business does. A payroll management system takes over the complexities of calculating salaries and taxes, ensuring timely payments, and keeping your business compliant with ever-changing regulations.


Additionally, integrating an employee self service feature allows employees to easily access their payroll information, making the process even smoother and more efficient. Instead of spending hours crunching numbers and wrestling with tax forms, you can focus on running your business and growing your team.


Payroll service for small businesses acts as your partner, making sure your employees receive their paychecks accurately and on time every single time. It streamlines the entire process, saving you valuable time and reducing the risk of errors. 


5 Top Small Business Payroll Services

Now that you understand the core benefits of a payroll service for small business, you might wonder which option is the perfect fit for your company. With a vast array of payroll services for small businesses available, the selection process can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!


Here’s a breakdown of five popular payroll service options commonly used by small businesses:


Full-Service Payroll

This comprehensive option is ideal for businesses seeking a complete payroll solution. Full-service payroll services for small businesses handle everything from calculating salaries and taxes to generating paychecks and filing tax forms.


They often integrate with popular accounting software, streamlining your bookkeeping process even further. This hands-off approach allows you to focus on other crucial aspects of running your business.


Basic Payroll Services

Basic payroll services might be a cost-effective option for businesses with a simpler payroll structure. These services typically handle core functions like calculating salaries and taxes but leave tasks like generating paychecks and filing tax forms to the business owner.


While requiring slightly more hands-on involvement, basic payroll services still offer significant time savings and improved accuracy compared to manual calculations.


Hourly Payroll Services

If your business primarily hires hourly employees, hourly payroll services can be a valuable solution. These services are designed to handle the complexities of calculating overtime, breaks, and other variables associated with hourly wages. They ensure your employees are paid accurately and consistently, reducing the risk of payroll errors and employee disputes.


Pay As You Go Payroll Services

For businesses with fluctuating employee numbers or unpredictable pay cycles, pay-as-you-go payroll services offer a flexible alternative. These services allow you to pay only for your employees on the payroll each pay period, eliminating the need for upfront deposits or monthly fees. This option provides flexibility and cost-effectiveness for businesses with dynamic payroll needs.


Small Business Online Payroll Services

The convenience of the digital age extends to payroll management as well. Many payroll service providers offer small business online payroll services. These web-based platforms allow you to manage payroll tasks remotely, anytime, anywhere.


With user-friendly interfaces and readily available customer support, in-house payroll software for small businesses simplify the process and empower you to handle payroll efficiently.


Benefits of Payroll Service Providers for Small Business

Now that we’ve looked at various payroll services for small businesses, it’s time to get into the tangible benefits they offer. Outsourcing payroll to a professional service can significantly improve your day-to-day operations and free up valuable resources to focus on growth.


Here are five key advantages of utilising a payroll service for small businesses:


Increased Accuracy and Reduced Errors

Manual payroll calculations are prone to mistakes, leading to costly penalties and employee dissatisfaction. Payroll service for small businesses utilises advanced software and experienced professionals to ensure accurate calculations and timely payments. This peace of mind lets you focus on other business aspects without worrying about payroll errors.


Time Savings and Increased Efficiency

Payroll processing can be incredibly time-consuming, especially for businesses with a growing team. Payroll services for small businesses take over the entire payroll process, freeing up your valuable time and allowing you to focus on core business activities. This increased efficiency translates to better productivity and overall business growth.


Automatic Tax Compliance

Tax regulations can be complex and ever-changing, and staying compliant can be a significant burden for small business owners. Payroll service for small business handles all aspects of payroll tax calculations, filings, and deposits, ensuring you stay compliant and avoid costly penalties. This level of expertise can save you time, money, and unnecessary stress.


Improved Employee Satisfaction

Employees value receiving their paychecks accurately and on time. A payroll service for small business ensures consistent and timely payments, boosting employee morale and reducing the risk of payroll-related disputes. This fosters a more positive work environment and can help you retain top talent.


Scalability and Growth Potential

As your business grows, so too will your payroll needs. A payroll service for small businesses can easily scale to accommodate your expanding workforce. This eliminates the need for additional software or staff to manage payroll internally.


Choosing the best payroll service for small business means selecting a solution that can grow alongside your company, saving you time and resources in the long run.


Choosing the Best Payroll Service for Small Business

With a wide array of payroll service for small businesses available, selecting the perfect partner for your company requires careful consideration. The best payroll service will cater to your specific needs, budget, and future growth plans.


Here are five key factors to consider when making your decision:


Features and Functionality

Not all payroll services for small businesses are created equal. Carefully evaluate the features offered by each provider. Do they handle basic payroll functions like salary and tax calculations or offer additional services like time and attendance tracking or benefits administration? Make sure the service aligns with your current needs and has the potential to scale with your business.


Pricing and Transparency

Payroll service fees can vary depending on the features offered, number of employees, and pay frequency. Compare pricing structures from different providers and ensure they are clear and transparent.


Some services offer a flat monthly fee, while others charge per employee or per payroll run. Choose a service that fits your budget and avoid hidden fees.


Integration Capabilities

Does the payroll service integrate with your existing accounting software or other business tools? Integration streamlines data entry and avoids manual data transfer, saving you time and minimising errors. Look for a service that offers seamless integration with your existing software.


Customer Support

Reliable customer support is crucial when choosing a payroll service for small business. Make sure the provider offers multiple channels for support, such as phone, email, and live chat.


Evaluate their response times and the availability of dedicated support representatives who can answer your specific questions and address any concerns promptly.


Reputation and Reviews

Before making a decision:

  1. Take some time to research the top small business payroll services.
  2. Read online reviews from other small business owners.
  3. Look for positive feedback regarding accuracy, customer service, and ease of use.


A strong reputation and positive reviews can be a valuable indicator of the provider’s reliability and service quality.


How 6 Pence Helps

At 6 Pence, we understand the challenges small businesses face when it comes to managing payroll. That’s why we- as a payroll company in Iraq– offer a comprehensive payroll service solution designed to streamline your processes, save you time, and ensure accuracy.


With convenient locations in Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, and Iraq, our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the support you need. Our list of payroll service for small business is tailored as per your organisational needs, completely compliant with local laws, and takes into consideration any emergencies or changes.


You get to work with a dedicated account manager, reducing discrepancies. We use advanced security techniques to ensure your data remains secure. Both employees and employers can access our 24/7 HR e-service portals for any necessary paperwork.


Our team will keep track of everything from attendance, leaves, and paid leaves. Contact 6 Pence today to learn more about how we can help your small business thrive!


Frequently Asked Questions

How do small businesses do payroll? 

Small businesses can manage payroll in-house using spreadsheets or dedicated software. Alternatively, they can outsource payroll to a professional service provider.

How much do payroll services cost for a small business? 

The cost of payroll services varies depending on the provider, features offered, number of employees, and pay frequency. It can range from a flat monthly fee to a per-employee or per-payroll run fee.

What is in-house payroll software?

In-house payroll software is a computer program installed on a local computer or accessed through a web browser that helps businesses manage payroll tasks like calculating salaries and taxes, generating paychecks, and filing tax forms.

Resume Mistakes To Avoid When Applying To Jobs

Resume Mistakes To Avoid

Resumes are like your personal mouthpiece, your calling card- the difference between you getting an interview or being lost among the thousands of applicants. Have you been disappointed during your recent job search?


You are probably applying to jobs (where LinkedIn tells you that you are the best fit for the role), but never getting a callback. Studies have shown that 68% of recruiters reject resumes because of poorly formatted CVs, which contain spelling mistakes and grammatical issues.


Thus, to ensure you never get cancelled due to avoidable faux pas, you must be aware of the resume mistakes to avoid. We will share the common errors in resumes and how best to avoid them- so that you never miss out on an opportunity.


Not because you are underqualified but because you missed a comma somewhere. Remember, you only get a few seconds to impress the hiring manager, and with such high competition, you do not want to miss your chance. 


Most Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid

It takes two minutes to proofread your resume and can be the major difference between a successful and not-so-successful job search. 63% of hiring managers say that one of the most common resume mistakes to avoid is sending the same CV for every application. Always tailor your resume according to the job description before hitting the send button on your email. 


Here is a pro tip from us: avoid the easy apply button on LinkedIn and other job portals.


Adding outdated work experience

If you are an experienced professional with many years of experience, then it is best to remove some past experiences that do not align with the role you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for the role of a finance executive, your first job as a telemarketer a decade back does not hold any relevance. 


You should work towards convincing potential employers- why you are a good fit for the job, and have the necessary skills and experience.


Also, irrelevant work experience makes your resume too long. It is better to keep your resume one page long, as it is ATS-compliant, and even recruiters prefer it over long edifices. 


Avoid Grammatical and Spelling Errors

Your resume is the first chance to impress the recruiter. One of the most common resume mistakes to avoid is having typos, errors, and grammatical mistakes. A key quality that most employers look for in an employee is attention to detail and a CV filled with spelling errors, will often leave a bad impression.


You can use tools like Grammarly and Quilbot to check for mistakes. Also, you can ask friends or family to volunteer as an extra pair of eyes and review your CV.


Adding Photos

Most organisations nowadays follow DEI initiatives, and adding photos can be detrimental to that cause. Most countries do not require adding photographs. Additionally, it can make your resume look unprofessional. 


Choosing the wrong file name to save your CV

Now, you were very vigilant while writing your CV- took care of the spelling and formatting. But when it comes to saving the file, you do not pay any heed. Do not use file names with words like “final”, “best”, or “2024”. 


This is one of the most common mistakes in CV writing, and for companies that use ATS, it can lead to rejection even before the resume gets parsed. 


Here is the best way to name your CV:

  • Jane-Doe-Resume.pdf [Name-Surname-Resume]
  • You can additionally add the role that you are applying for in the CV or the company name. 
  • Use hyphens or underscores to separate the words
  • Do not use things like version numbers
  • Use file formats like PDF or Docx to save the file (both these formats are ATS-compliant)


Concentrating on Duties Instead of Accomplishments

Your employers look for a person who can add value to their team. So, instead of just stating your duties in your role, talk about the value you added to the organisation. 


Use action verbs and data to show your accomplishment. Mention any awards that you received or the challenges that you helped overcome with your skills.


Incorrect Contact Information

One of the important resume writing tips is to add your contact details right on top. It should contain details like address, phone number, email id, and your social links, such as LinkedIn, X, etc. This is how the recruiter will reach you if they find you worthy enough for the role. 


However, one of the common resume mistakes to avoid is making typos or mistakes in this key area. You might forget to add the area code to your phone number, or make a spelling mistake in your email address, which is everything that adds up to you not getting a call.  


Moreover, you should remember to add a professional email ID to your CV. Do not use the same email ID you created when you were in your preteens. The best format for professional emails is to use your full name. Eg. [email protected] instead of [email protected]


Using a Fancy Layout

Sometimes, in your zeal to create a standout resume, you end up over designing it. As we mentioned previously, most companies use an Applicant Tracking System to sieve through the applications. An ATS is but an AI-powered tool that doesn’t understand your fancy layouts. 


A well-formatted CV, using the right fonts and format, will ensure your information is properly visible to both human recruiters and AI tools. You can use fonts like Arial, Cambrie, and Georgia.


Recruiters usually do not spare more than a few seconds scanning your resume, and if your CV appears overtly complicated, you might end up in the rejected pile. So, this is one of the biggest resume mistakes to avoid.


How 6 Pence Helps

We hope our tips on how you can be wary of resume mistakes to avoid can help you create a flawless CV that helps you land more interviews and shine in your career.


6 Pence is one of the leading staff outsourcing agencies and recruiters in the GCC. We are operational in Dubai, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain, and work as a staff outsourcing agency for some of the biggest public organisations and global MNCs in the region.


At 6 Pence, we help match the right candidate with the right company, so that both parties can thrive together. Our experienced recruiters can also coach candidates for interviews, and also help with processing work visas.


Drop your CV by visiting the careers page on our website. 


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many mistakes are acceptable on a resume?

The short answer is no mistakes are acceptable on a resume. However, some recruiters may forgive a minor typo, a missing comma or a full stop. However, if you make too many mistakes, your resume can get rejected. 

2. What not to write in a resume?

You should not include things like buzzwords, false information, unprofessional email IDs, headshots, personal details, and full mailing addresses in your resume.

3. What makes a poor CV?

A poor CV consists of spelling errors, is poorly formatted, and is difficult to comprehend for both hiring managers and ATS. Avoid using vague accomplishments or adding irrelevant details. 

Outplacement Services | Career Management

Career Outplacement Services

This blog post discusses career outplacement services, a valuable resource for getting through job transitions. Learn how these services can help you with resume writing guidance, interview preparation skills, and even emotional support.


The blog talks about the benefits of outplacement services and explores different aspects like resume writing, networking strategies, and emotional support. Feeling lost after a job change? Maybe you’ve been downsized or your company is restructuring.


It can be a stressful time, but don’t worry, you don’t have to go through it alone. There are resources available to help you navigate this career transition and land your dream job. One crucial resource is creating a compelling resume for a career change to showcase your transferable skills and experience effectively.


Career outplacement services can be a powerful tool in your job search toolbox, offering guidance and support throughout the entire process. So, let’s see how these services can help you take control of your career journey and achieve your professional goals!

What are Career Outplacement Services?

Career outplacement services are designed to support individuals who are going through a job transition, often due to a layoff, company restructuring, or even a voluntary departure. 


These services are typically offered by specialised firms or consultants who provide a range of resources and guidance on job search strategies to help you get through the complexities of a job search and ultimately land your next dream position.


5 Best Career Outplacement Services Examples

Now that you understand the core offerings of outplacement services for individuals, let’s delve deeper into how each service specifically benefits your job search journey.


From creating convincing application materials to going through the emotional rollercoaster of career transitions, these services provide a comprehensive support system to aid your success:


  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing Support

Crafting compelling resumes and cover letters is crucial for landing your dream job. Career outplacement services can help you polish your resume, providing resume writing tips to highlighting your skills and experience in a way that grabs the attention of potential employers.


They’ll also guide you in writing targeted cover letters that effectively showcase your qualifications , offering effective cover letter strategies to tailor your message to each specific position you apply for.


  • Career Coaching and Guidance

Feeling lost about your next career move? Career outplacement services provide personalised coaching sessions that can help you navigate this critical stage.


Through one-on-one coaching, you’ll explore your career goals, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and develop a clear roadmap for your job search. This personalised guidance will help you refine your focus and ensure your efforts are directed towards achieving your desired career path.


  • Networking and Interview Skills Development

Career outplacement services recognize the importance of strong networking and interview skills in today’s competitive job market. They offer workshops and mock interviews to help you hone your communication and interpersonal skills, enhancing your confidence and ability to connect with potential employers. Through practice and feedback, you’ll learn how to effectively network, build professional relationships, and ace your job interviews.


  • Job Market Analysis and Resources

Staying informed about current job trends is essential for a successful job search. Career outplacement services provide valuable insights into the job market, including in-demand skills, industry trends, and salary ranges.


They also offer access to an array of resources, including job boards, online databases, and professional networking platforms, helping you identify relevant opportunities that align with your career goals and expertise.


  • Emotional Support and Guidance

Job transitions can be emotionally challenging. The uncertainty and stress of finding a new position can be overwhelming. Career outplacement services understand this and offer emotional support and guidance throughout the process.


They can provide resources and strategies for managing stress, maintaining a positive outlook, and staying motivated during your job search journey. With employee outplacement services in place, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the challenges of a career transition and achieve success in your job search.


Choosing the Best Outplacement Services Companies

With a multitude of career outplacement services available, selecting the right company to partner with is crucial for maximising the benefits of your job search. Here are some key factors to consider when making your decision:


  • Reputation and Expertise

Look for a company with a strong reputation and proven track record in the outplacement services industry. Research their experience level, client testimonials, and success rates in helping individuals land jobs. 


Career outplacement services companies with extensive expertise in your specific industry or job function might be a valuable asset, providing tailored guidance and insights relevant to your career goals.


  • Services Offered

Carefully evaluate the range of services offered by each company. Career outplacement services can vary in scope and focus. Ensure the company offers services that align with your individual needs and job search goals. Do you require extensive resume and cover letter writing support? Perhaps personalised career coaching and interview preparation are your top priorities?


  • Individualised Approach

A successful outplacement experience hinges on a personalised approach. Look for companies that provide one-on-one coaching and guidance, tailoring their services to your unique background, skills, and career aspirations.


  • Cost and Value

Professional outplacement services come at varying costs. Consider your budget and the value proposition of each company. Remember, the most expensive option isn’t always the best fit.


Compare pricing structures and make sure the services offered align with your specific needs. Some companies might offer flexible payment options or tiered service packages to accommodate your budget.


  • Company Culture and Client Fit

Finding a company culture that resonates with you is crucial. Look for a company that fosters a positive and supportive environment where you feel comfortable seeking guidance and feedback. Ideally, you want to partner with an outplacement firm that prioritises your success and well-being throughout your job search journey.


How 6 Pence Helps

At 6 Pence, we understand the importance of supporting individuals within the workforce. That’s why we offer comprehensive career outplacement services designed to empower job seekers with the tools and resources necessary to land their dream job.


What sets 6 Pence apart?


Market Expertise

Our team at 6 Pence combines extensive experience in recruitment and human resources with a deep understanding of the specific dynamics of the Middle Eastern job market. We’ll leverage this knowledge to provide personalised guidance and support tailored to your needs and career aspirations within the UAE.


To get started with your dream career, visit the careers page on our website and drop your CV.


Holistic Approach to Outplacement

We, as a staff outsourcing company in UAE, go beyond resume writing and interview skills. Our outplacement services encompass career coaching and the development of targeted networking strategies.


We work with top companies in Dubai, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain, and can help you find a position in a company that fits your profile perfectly. We also help with work visa processing- allowing you to work in the GCC without any hassle.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a career transition service? 

Career transition services, also known as outplacement services, are designed to support individuals navigating a job change. This could be due to a layoff, company restructuring, or even a voluntary departure.


These services typically involve personalised coaching, resume and cover letter writing assistance, interview skills development, and job market analysis. Essentially, they provide a comprehensive support system to help you land your next dream job.


2. Are outplacement services worth it? 

The value of outplacement services depends on your individual circumstances and needs. If you’re facing a challenging job search, lack confidence in your resume writing or interview skills, or simply feel overwhelmed by the transition process, outplacement services can be a worthwhile investment. 


They can offer valuable guidance, support, and resources to help you navigate the job market more effectively and land the right position faster.


3. What is the difference between placement and outplacement?

Placement services typically focus on connecting job seekers with open positions. They might involve job boards, resume distribution, or even headhunting services. Outplacement services, on the other hand, take a broader approach. 


They provide support throughout the entire job search journey, from career coaching and resume writing to interview preparation and even emotional support. Outplacement services are specifically designed to help individuals facing a job transition, while placement services cater to a wider range of job seekers.

How to Update your Resume for a Career Change

resume for a career change

Ever felt like your resume is holding you back from making a big career leap? Maybe you’re switching industries, trying something completely new, or just want to dust off those old skills. Don’t worry, you’re not alone!


Changing careers can feel like a rollercoaster ride. It’s exciting but also a bit daunting, especially when it comes to updating resume for career change. After all, how do you show off your skills and experience when they’re not directly related to the new job you want?


The good news is, with a few tweaks and a bit of strategy, your resume for a career change can become your secret weapon. It’s your chance to highlight your transferable skills, show off your potential, and convince employers that you’re the perfect fit, even if your experience doesn’t scream “obvious choice.”


When crafting a resume for a career change, emphasize transferrable skills and highlight relevant achievements to showcase your readiness for the new role. Use these resume writing tips to effectively communicate your career pivot.


So, ready to take control of your career change and land that dream job? Let’s look at this step-by-step guide and create a resume that’ll open doors and get you noticed!


The Different Formats of Resume for a Career Change

So, when crafting a resume for a career change, you’ve got a few options for the layout. Let’s break down the most common types and see which one might suit you best:


Chronological Resume

This is the most traditional format, listing your work experience in reverse chronological order (newest first). It’s great if you’ve got a solid work history, even if it’s not directly related to your new field. It shows your progression and can highlight transferable skills.


Functional Resume

This type focuses on your skills and achievements rather than the order of your work experience. It’s a good choice if you’re making a big career leap and your previous job titles aren’t super relevant. However, some recruiters might find this format a bit confusing, so use it with caution.


Combination Resume

Think of this as the best of both worlds! It combines elements of chronological and functional formats, showcasing both your skills and your work history. It’s a versatile option for a resume for a career change, as it lets you highlight transferable skills while still providing context for your experience.


So, which one should you choose?


Honestly, it depends on your individual situation and the specific job you’re applying for. If your work history is pretty relevant to your new field, a chronological resume might be your best bet. But if you’re making a major shift, a combination resume might be a better choice, letting you emphasise your transferable skills upfront.


Crafting a professional summary for a resume focused on a career change is crucial to effectively highlight transferable skills and demonstrate readiness for the new role.


Writing a Career Change Resume 

Okay, now that you’ve got a handle on the different resume formats, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: writing a career change resume that wows employers and gets you noticed. The goal here is to bridge the gap between your past experience and the new career path you’re embarking on. But how do you do that?


Let’s break down the key components of writing a career change resume, one step at a time:


Begin with a Strong Summary/Objective Statement

This is your first chance to grab the hiring manager’s attention and explain why you’re making the switch. Instead of focusing solely on your past experience, highlight your transferable skills and passion for the new field. 


For example, instead of saying, “Experienced sales professional seeking a marketing role,” try something like, “Results-driven communicator with a proven track record of building relationships and driving sales, seeking to leverage my expertise in a marketing role.”


Highlight Your Transferable Skills

Think about the skills you’ve honed in your previous roles that are still valuable in your desired field. These are your “transferable” skills; they’re like gold when crafting a resume for a career change. 


For example, skills like communication, leadership, problem-solving, and project management are sought after in almost every industry. Make a list of your strongest transferable skills and showcase them prominently on your resume.


Quantify Your Accomplishments

Numbers speak louder than words, especially on a resume. Instead of just listing your responsibilities, quantify your achievements whenever possible. 


For example, instead of saying, “Managed social media accounts,” try something like, “Increased social media engagement by 25% within six months.” This gives concrete evidence of your abilities and the impact you’ve made.


When crafting a resume for a career change, it’s crucial to optimize it for applicant tracking systems to increase visibility and relevance to new job opportunities.


Tailor Your Experience Section

Don’t just copy and paste your old job descriptions. Take the time to tailor your experience section to the specific job you’re applying for. Focus on highlighting the aspects of your past roles that are most relevant to the new position. 


Even if the job titles seem unrelated, you can often find transferable skills and experiences that demonstrate your potential to succeed in a new field.


Show Your Enthusiasm

Employers want to see that you’re genuinely excited about the new career path you’re pursuing. In your resume summary, cover letter, or even LinkedIn profile, express your passion for the industry and explain why you’re making the switch. 


Highlight any relevant coursework, certifications, or volunteer experience that demonstrates your commitment to learning and growing in this new direction.


The key is to tailor your resume for a career change to each specific job you apply for. 


This means highlighting different aspects of your experience and skills based on what the employer is looking for. It might sound like a lot of work, but it’s a crucial step in demonstrating your suitability for the role. Remember, this holds true even for a career change resume with no experience.


Career Change CV Advice and Formatting Tips

You’ve got the content for your resume for a career change nailed down. Now, let’s make it look as good as it sounds! Here are a few tips to help you format and polish your CV, along with crafting an effective cover letter, to make a lasting impression:


Choose the Right Length

While a two-page resume for a career change might be tempting, aim to keep it concise and to the point. Recruiters often scan resumes quickly, so ensure your most relevant skills and experience are easy to spot.


Clear and Concise Language

Use simple, direct language that’s easy to understand. Avoid jargon or overly technical terms that might confuse the reader. Remember, your goal is to make your resume for a career change as clear and reader-friendly as possible.


Highlight Accomplishments, Not Just Duties

Instead of just listing your responsibilities, focus on your achievements in previous roles. Use action verbs and quantify your results whenever possible. For example, instead of saying “managed projects,” try “successfully led a team of five to complete a project under budget and ahead of schedule.”


Visually Appealing Design

Your resume should be easy on the eyes. Use a clean, professional font and plenty of white space to make it easy to read. Consider using bold headings or subtle colour accents to draw attention to key sections. However, avoid overly flashy designs or distracting elements.


Tailor Your Resume

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all resume for a career change. Tailor your CV to each specific job you apply for. Highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the position, and use keywords from the job description to show that you’ve done your research.


Focusing on these key elements can help you create a compelling resume that showcases your skills, experience, and passion for your new career path. It’s all about highlighting your potential and showing employers that you’re the right fit for the job, even if your past experience isn’t directly related.


Career Change Resume Example Template

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number] | [Your Email] | [Your LinkedIn Profile (Optional)]



[A brief summary highlighting your transferable skills, passion for the new field, and career goals.]



[List your most relevant transferable skills. Example: Communication, Project Management, Leadership, Problem-Solving, Data Analysis, etc.]



[Previous Job Title] | [Company Name] | [Dates of Employment]

[List your most relevant achievements and responsibilities, focusing on those transferable to your new field. Use action verbs and quantify your results whenever possible.]



[Your Degree] | [University Name] | [Year of Graduation]


Additional Sections

  • Certifications: List any relevant certifications or courses you’ve completed.
  • Volunteer Work: Highlight volunteer experience that showcases transferable skills.
  • Awards and Recognition: Mention any awards or recognition you’ve received.


How 6 Pence Helps

We understand that creating a resume for a career change can be daunting, especially when you’re juggling the many other tasks involved in a job search. At 6 Pence, we’re not just a staff outsourcing company in UAE– we’re your partners in career success.


We offer a range of services designed to help job seekers and connect them with exciting opportunities in Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, and Iraq. Whether you’re seeking temporary staff assignments, permanent placements, or specialised expertise, we can help you get through the job market and achieve your career goals.


If you’re ready to take the next step in your career change journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to 6 Pence today. We’re here to help you make a smooth transition and find the perfect role for your skills and aspirations! Drop your CV by visiting our Careers page.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I mention a career change in my resume?

The best way to address a career change in your resume is through a strong resume summary or objective statement. Use this space to briefly explain your career transition, highlighting transferable skills and expressing your enthusiasm for the new field

What type of resume is useful when an applicant has to change careers?

The combination resume format is often the most effective for a resume for a career change. It allows you to showcase both your skills and experience, even if your work history isn’t directly related to the new field.


The combination format starts with a skills summary, followed by a chronological work history section. This allows you to highlight your transferable skills upfront while still providing context for your experience.

What should a resume summary for someone switching careers?

Your resume summary should be a concise and compelling snapshot of your career change goals. Focus on highlighting your transferable skills, your passion for the new field, and any relevant experiences or achievements. Avoid simply summarising your past work history; instead, focus on what you bring to the table in your new career path. 

Overqualified for a Job : Why Does It Matter

overqualified for a job

Did you know that sometimes your qualifications and experiences can prove to be a hindrance to landing a job? Yes, and you thought finishing your education was the highway to a well-paying job.


If you read a job description thoroughly, you will usually find that along with the roles and responsibilities, it will mention the level of experience needed to do a job. For example, if the job ad mentions, “Looking for a software developer with 0-3 years of experience in PHP,” You have 7+ years of experience, knowledge of Python and SQL, and have been a team lead at your previous organisation. This scenario makes you overqualified for a job.


People might be applying for such jobs for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they might be looking for a career change, they may feel stuck in their current role and look for a more challenging position, and finally, it can be because they are often hard-pressed.


Sometimes, the market faces uncertain times, which can lead to layoffs, and getting offers can become tricky. Effective job search strategies are crucial in navigating these challenges and finding suitable employment opportunities.


How can you be overqualified for a job?

Research has found that over 36% of graduates are often overqualified for a position, of which only half the people said they were happy in their position, compared to 72% of employees who were well-matched.


So what exactly is overqualified for a job meaning? 


When you are overqualified for a job, you have more skills and experience than what is needed to perform that job. So, why are your achievements, which can often help you perform the job better than a right-fit candidate or an underqualified candidate, being considered a reason for rejection by recruiters?


While you may have team management skills and knowledge of several coding languages when the role is that of a junior data analyst, those skills that you have acquired over the years are non-transferable.


Also, a person with experience might ask for a steeper salary (and rightly so) to match their current CTC (cost-to-company). However, a company may not have that provision for the junior role that they are hiring.


Being overqualified for a job can be a challenging situation, but using tools like ChatGPT for job hunting can help tailor your applications to highlight relevant skills and experiences.


So, even if you get selected, you might feel less job satisfaction, and you have a higher chance of leaving the company, causing additional expenses and headaches for the business.


Signs that  you are applying for job overqualified

To avoid potential rejection, you can check before applying if you are over qualified for a job. Here are a few things to look for:


You exceed every must-have requirement in the job ad

The first step is to read the job description carefully and understand the skills and qualifications required. If you meet and exceed those asks, you are overqualified. You can also be overqualified for entry level jobs. Wondering how? Well, if the opening is for a non-graduate person, and you have a degree in Engineering, then you are overqualified for the role. 


Your current role pays you more

This is the best way to gauge if you are overqualified for a position. For example, if the ad says the salary range is between USD 50,000-75,000, but you are already making USD 100,000, you are overqualified.


Also, if you are a project manager at your current (or previous) company but the role is for an entry-level position, that makes you overqualified. 


Sometimes, candidates who are overqualified for a job may choose to cancel a job interview if they feel the position doesn’t align with their career goals or growth expectations.


You fly through the pre-vetting assignment and interview rounds

Sometimes, your CV may get shortlisted, and you can get a call-back from the recruiter. You can still ascertain if you are overqualified for a job or not. You finish the trial assignment easily, or you are not challenged enough.


It is time to think: Am I just over-prepared, was the interview not tough enough, or am I overqualified for the position?


Being overqualified for a job can sometimes be a disadvantage, but exploring the benefits of job shadowing can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.


Why do companies avoid hiring overqualified candidates?

While you might be the most eligible candidate in the room, you still have not been selected. Hiring managers are often sceptical of hiring overqualified personnel.


Being overqualified for a job can sometimes result in missed opportunities, especially in an era where the impact of AI on jobs is reshaping the professional landscape.


So, why are talent acquisition specialists rejecting you? Here is why:


Higher turnover

Hiring an employee is a costly and time-consuming endeavour. So, imagine the frustration they feel, when you leave after a few months because the role is not challenging or rewarding enough for you. This is a common problem when hiring an overqualified person for a role. 


You are unwilling to learn

Experience comes with age! But with age comes an unwillingness to learn because you already have the experience to back yourself up. But with every passing year comes new tech and new ways of working, which can be difficult for someone to adapt. While this might not be true for you, most recruiters think this.


Salary is an issue

Money is a big factor for most employers and employees during recruitment. If you are experienced, you will be asking for more money than the budget for the role. Also, if you take a pay cut, you will not be happy in the long run. This is one of the biggest reasons for getting rejected if you are overqualified for a job.


You might find it difficult to work with junior members

The most common problem is an experienced member who takes a job in a junior position, often find it difficult to take orders from a manager who might be younger in age and experience. This can cause discontent within the team.


How to land a job even if you are overqualified for a position?

Here is how you can address the “overqualification” issue when talking to a hiring manager:

  1. Start by addressing a cover letter to the hiring manager. Tell them that although you are overqualified, you can contribute to the role, why you want it, and your willingness to learn and adapt to meet the requirements.
  2. Always tailor your CV for the job you are applying for. Remove any unnecessary credentials and certifications that might not be beneficial. 
  3. Remove the dates of your education and advanced degrees. Small changes can have a bigger impact, especially if you are overqualified for a job.
  4. Summarise your story in the professional summary section. Use simple language, and keep it concise.


Many experienced professionals find themselves overqualified for a job due to shifting job market trends, where positions requiring their skill level are scarce.


How 6 Pence helps

You must always use your strength, in this case, your experience and education to your advantage. Don’t be deterred from applying to a position just because you are overqualified for a job. A staff outsourcing agency like 6 Pence can help you match with jobs that match your qualities. This leads to a win-win situation for both employers and employees.


6 Pence hires on behalf of many top organisations in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai. Drop your CV by visiting the careers page on our website. Also, follow us on our socials to stay updated about the latest job openings. 


Frequently Asked Questions

How to respond to being overqualified for a job?

Whenever you are asked this question, always answer it with enthusiasm and professionalism. Tell them how your experience can be an asset to the company. Highlight all the concerns that we have discussed above in your answer. 


How do you resume a job you are overqualified for?

When creating a resume for a job that you are overqualified for, you can implement the following changes:

  • Remove any unnecessary experiences.
  • Remove the dates of your educational qualification.
  • Customise the resume for the job.


This lets you highlight your USPs relevant to the role without appearing overqualified. 


How is being overqualified for a job bad?

Being overqualified for a job can often be a negative trait because you might feel unmotivated in your current role. You will also not get adequate compensation for your experience. 

How to Cancel a Job Interview [Email Templates]

cancel a job interview

When you are applying to every job in sight, there might come a time when you get a clashing interview schedule. Just like appearing for an interview is scary, so is it to cancel a job interview.


So many thoughts can cross your mind, from whether this will end the opportunity or is it the right decision. Sometimes even an unfortunate emergency might arise from your child being sick to your car breaking down, but whatever the situation it is important to send an apology letter for cancelling a job interview.


This guide will help you navigate this tricky situation, so keep reading!


Valid Reasons to Cancel a Job Interview

Here are a few instances when cancelling an interview is acceptable:

  1. You are extremely sick 
  2. An immediate family member is critically ill
  3. You or a loved one met with an unfortunate accident
  4. There has been a death in the family
  5. You have to cancel interview due to job offer from another company
  6. You realise the company and the role isn’t right for you
  7. You have decided to go back to school


Some inappropriate reasons to cancel a job interview are:

  • You partied late last night
  • Your friends came over
  • You have concert or movie tickets


It is important to remember that you should send a cancel a job interview email as soon as possible. This shows your professionalism and respect for their time and helps to maintain a positive relationship. 


Sometimes, it is better to suggest rescheduling instead of cancelling, especially if you are interested in the role but cannot appear on that particular date and time. 


When you reschedule, always provide an alternate date and time. You can also opt for different types of interviews in HRM. For example, if it was an in-person interview, you can suggest a video or telephonic interview.


Expert Tips to Cancel a Job Interview

Here are some tips from our recruiters on cancelling an interview without coming across as rude and unprofessional.


Be sure you want to cancel

It is important to be completely sure this job isn’t right for you! When you cancel an interview, not reschedule, you often close doors to this opportunity at that particular company.


Inform the recruiter at the soonest

If it is not an emergency and a premeditated decision to cancel a job interview, you must inform the recruiter immediately. Recruiters spend a lot of time and effort behind every hiring, and it is professional and polite to cancel as soon as possible.


It shows your good faith, leaves a positive impression, and enables recruiters to better utilise their time and resources. You can also request an alternate date and time.


Also, if you are cancelling an interview at the last moment, make sure you send an email and then follow up with a call so that the recruiter or hiring manager does not miss the message. 


Remain professional

When communicating to notify about cancelling, use formal and concise language. It is also important, to be honest. This will enable the employer or hiring manager to empathise with your situation. 


Also, if you want to cancel an interview due to a job offer or a change of heart, it is important to be polite and courteous. The professional world is often very small, and you never know when you will meet the hiring manager in the future. Let’s be honest: People never forget a rude employee. 


When sending a cancel a job interview email, always begin by reintroducing yourself or using the same email thread where the interview details were sent. Next, give your reason for cancelling and sincerely express your regrets. 


Mastering job search strategies includes knowing how to cancel a job interview professionally, ensuring you maintain a positive impression for future opportunities.


Never forget to outline the interview details. Mentioning your job role, time and date, and CC-ing everyone on the email helps keep everyone in the loop.


Express your regret

When you cancel a job interview, never forget to apologise to the recruiting team for the inconvenience. This will prevent miscommunication and prevent you from burning the bridge.


Navigating job market trends effectively includes knowing how to cancel a job interview professionally, ensuring you maintain a positive reputation.


The next section will offer some cancel a job interview samples to help you in the next situation such a situation arises.


Cancel a job interview email example

Here’s an example of a professional email to cancel a job interview:


When you cancel due to an emergency

Subject: Cancellation of Interview – [Your Name]


Dear [Interviewer’s Name],


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that, unfortunately, I must cancel our scheduled interview for the [Job Title] position on [Date] at [Time].


Due to (mention unforeseen circumstances), I am unable to attend the interview. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.


Thank you for considering my application. I hope to have the opportunity to connect in the future.


Best regards,  

[Your Full Name]  

[Your Phone Number]  

[Your Email Address]


When you cancel due to another job offer

Here is a professional email template for cancelling an interview because you have accepted another job offer:


Subject: Cancellation of Interview – [Your Name]


Dear [Interviewer’s Name],


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I need to cancel our scheduled interview for the [Job Title] position on [Date] at [Time].


I have recently accepted another job offer and will no longer be pursuing this opportunity. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.


Thank you for considering my application. I am grateful for the opportunity and the time you have invested in the process.


Best regards,  

[Your Full Name]  

[Your Phone Number]  

[Your Email Address]


When you have to reschedule an interview

Here is a professional email template for rescheduling a job interview:


Subject: Request to Reschedule Interview – [Your Name]


Dear [Interviewer’s Name],


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a reschedule of our interview for the [Job Title] position, which was originally scheduled for [Date] at [Time].


Unfortunately, due to [brief reason, e.g., a scheduling conflict or a personal matter], I am unable to attend at the planned time. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and hope we can find an alternative time that works for both of us.


I am available on [provide a few alternative dates and times]. Please let me know if any of these options are convenient for you or if there is another time that would work better.


Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.


Best regards,  

[Your Full Name]  

[Your Phone Number]  

[Your Email Address]


How 6 Pence helps

Job interviews can be extremely stressful, and there may arise situations where you need to cancel a job interview. Remember to be honest, sincere, and professional in your approach.


If you are looking for jobs in Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, and Iraq, drop your CV by visiting the careers page on our website. We hire on behalf of leading public and private sector companies in these areas. Contact us to know more.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do you politely cancel an interview?

Always inform the recruiter ahead of time. Remember to express your regret, and apologise for the inconvenience. Also, never forget to give an honest explanation for cancelling your job interview.

Is it unprofessional to cancel an interview?

It is completely acceptable to cancel a job interview. But do not forget to do so in a professional manner. You can either call or email a recruiter to inform them of the change. You can also ask to reschedule an interview if there is an emergency.

How to turn down a job interview but keep the door open?

If you have another job in hand or do not think this is the right opportunity for you, then you must inform the hiring manager immediately, remember to express your gratitude for being given the opportunity, politely decline the offer, and apolgise for any inconvenience.

Benefits of Job Shadowing – Professional Development

benefits of job shadowing

Ever wish you could get a sneak peek into a day in the life of someone in your dream job? Well, you can- it’s called job shadowing! It’s like getting a backstage pass to the working world, giving you a firsthand look at what it’s really like to do a particular job.


But the benefits of job shadowing go way beyond just getting a glimpse into someone else’s workday. It’s a powerful tool that can help you make informed career decisions, gain valuable skills, and boost your confidence.


Whether you’re a student exploring career development options, someone considering a career change, or just curious about different professions, job shadowing has something to offer you.


Organisations that implement job shadowing programs experience a significant increase in employee engagement, with 89% reporting positive results. So, what exactly are these benefits and what are the best practices to get them? Let’s dig in and find out how job shadowing can be your ticket to a brighter future!


What is Job Shadowing?

What exactly is job shadowing? It’s a bit like being a fly on the wall but in a good way! You spend a day (or sometimes a few hours) observing someone in your dream job or a field you’re curious about. You might tag along to meetings, watch them do their day-to-day tasks, and even get a chance to ask questions.


Think of it as a real-world sneak peek into a particular profession. It’s not about getting hired or doing the work yourself- it’s about learning, observing, and soaking up the atmosphere of a workplace.


The benefits of job shadowing are huge, whether you’re a student figuring out your career path, someone thinking about a career change, or just curious about different jobs and job search strategies. You can taste different roles and industries, figure out if the job is really what you want, and even make valuable connections.


3 Examples of Job Shadowing

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of job shadowing with some real-world examples. This will give you a better idea of how it works and how you can tap into the benefits of job shadowing:


Student Job Shadowing

A college student considering a career in marketing might shadow a marketing manager at a local company. They’ll attend meetings, learn about different campaigns, and even get a glimpse into the day-to-day tasks involved in the role.


Career Change Job Shadowing

Someone working in finance who’s interested in switching to human resources might shadow an HR specialist for a day. This could involve sitting in on interviews, learning about employee benefits, and seeing how HR handles various workplace issues.


Professional Development Job Shadowing

Even experienced professionals can benefit from job shadowing. An engineer might shadow a project manager to better understand how projects are planned and executed. This could help them improve their own project management skills and potentially open up new career opportunities.


Remember, these are just a few examples of job shadowing. The possibilities are endless, and the benefits of job shadowing can be tailored to your specific interests and goals. 


5 Benefits of Job Shadowing in the Workplace

We’ve seen a few examples of how job shadowing works in practice. Now, let’s dig deeper into the benefits of job shadowing in the workplace. This isn’t just about spending a day with someone- it can have a lasting impact on your career journey and personal growth:


Here are 5 key benefits of job shadowing to look out for:


Gain Real-World Insights

One of the greatest benefits of job shadowing is the opportunity to gain firsthand insights into a particular career or industry. You get to see what the job really entails, beyond what you might read in a job description or textbook. 


You can observe the day-to-day tasks, challenges, and rewards of the profession, giving you a realistic understanding of what to expect. This real-world experience can help you make informed career decisions and set realistic expectations.


Build Your Network

Job shadowing isn’t just about observing- it’s about connecting with people in your field of interest. You get to interact with professionals, ask questions, and even get advice and mentorship. These connections can be invaluable as you navigate your career path, providing guidance, support, and potential job opportunities.


Develop New Skills

While you might not be doing the work yourself, job shadowing allows you to learn new skills by observing and asking questions. You can pick up industry-specific knowledge, see how professionals approach different tasks and even learn about software or tools that are used in the field. This hands-on learning experience can give you a head start and make you a more attractive candidate for future job opportunities.


Improve Your Resume

Job shadowing is a unique experience that can make your resume stand out. It shows potential employers that you’re proactive, eager to learn, and have taken the initiative to gain real-world experience. Moreover, you can use the skills and knowledge gained during your job shadowing to strengthen your resume and make you a more competitive candidate.


Make Informed Career Decisions

Choosing a career path is a big decision, and job shadowing can help you make the right choice. By experiencing different roles firsthand, you can assess whether a particular career fits your interests, skills, and personality. 


This eliminates guesswork and allows you to confidently pursue a path that aligns with your goals and aspirations. The benefits of job shadowing in this regard are truly invaluable, as they can save you years of pursuing the wrong career.


5 Best Practices for Job Shadowing

Now that you understand the benefits of job shadowing, let’s make sure you get the most out of it. Remember, job shadowing is a learning experience, and like any good student, a little preparation goes a long way.


Here are 5 best practices to maximise the benefits of job shadowing:


Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Before you start your job shadowing experience, take some time to think about what you want to get out of it. Are you hoping to learn a specific skill, get a feel for the company culture, or make connections in the industry? 


Setting clear goals helps you focus on your experience and maximise the benefits of job shadowing. Talk to the person you will be shadowing, and make sure you’re both on the same page about what you hope to achieve.


Prepare Questions in Advance

Don’t be shy about asking questions! Job shadowing is a learning experience; the best way to learn is by asking thoughtful questions. Before your shadowing day, brainstorm a list of questions you’d like to ask. This shows your interest and engagement, and it helps you get the most out of the experience.


Be Professional and Respectful

Remember, you’re a guest in someone else’s workplace. Dress appropriately, arrive on time, and respect everyone you interact with. Be mindful of confidential information, and avoid interrupting your host during important meetings or tasks. 


A positive attitude and professional demeanour will go a long way in making a good impression and maximising the benefits of job shadowing.


Actively Participate and Engage

Don’t just be a passive observer! Take notes, ask questions, and actively participate in any discussions or activities. When appropriate, offer your own insights and opinions and show enthusiasm for learning. The more engaged you are, the more you will learn and the more valuable the experience will be.


Reflect on Your Experience

After your job shadowing day, take some time to reflect on what you’ve learned. What did you like most about the job? What were the challenges? Did it change your perception of the career? 


Writing down your thoughts and observations can help solidify your learning and give you clarity on your career goals. It’s also a good idea to send a thank-you note to your host, expressing your gratitude for their time and insights.


How 6 Pence Helps

At 6 Pence, we understand the benefits of job shadowing and the importance of finding the right fit for both businesses and job seekers. We can help connect you with opportunities for job shadowing, allowing you to explore different career paths and gain valuable experience.


We operate as staff outsourcing services in Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, and Iraq. Contact us today if you’re looking for guidance on your career journey. Drop your CV by visiting our careers page!


Frequently Asked Questions

How to make job shadowing effective?

To maximise the benefits of job shadowing:

  1. Be proactive.
  2. Set clear goals beforehand, prepare thoughtful questions, actively engage with your host, and take detailed notes.
  3. Be professional and respectful, and always follow up with a thank you.


How much time does a normal Job Shadowing session last?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as the duration of job shadowing can vary depending on the role and company. However, a typical session can range from a few hours to a full workday. Some job shadowing experiences might even last for a few days to give you a more comprehensive understanding of the role.


Is Job Shadowing restricted to learners?

Absolutely not! While job shadowing is a great tool for students and those starting new careers, it’s not limited to just learners. Experienced professionals can also enjoy the benefits of job shadowing as a way to learn new skills, gain fresh perspectives, and explore potential career paths within their current company or a new industry.

How To Use ChatGPT in Your Job Search or Job Hunting

ChatGPT for job hunting

Imagine this: You have just spotted your dream job posting online. It ticks all the boxes- the role is perfect, the company seems amazing, and the salary is exactly what you’re looking for. But there’s one tiny problem: your CV needs a serious makeover, and you’re dreading writing another cover letter.


Don’t panic! ChatGPT in your job search, your new AI-powered career buddy, is here to rescue you. It’s not just for writing funny poems or answering trivia questions anymore- it has become a terrific tool for job seekers like you.


ChatGPT can help you level up your job hunting game in ways you never imagined, from crafting attention-grabbing CVs and persuasive cover letters to prepping for tough interview questions. So, put down that thesaurus and find out how this clever chatbot can amp up your job search. 


Ready to learn more? Let’s dig into the world of ChatGPT for job hunting!


How to use AI and ChatGPT in Job Search

Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t just about robots taking over the world anymore. It’s actually become a pretty handy tool for job seekers. ChatGPT is one of those AI tools that is making waves in the job market. Integrating ChatGPT in your job search can offer personalized resume critiques and interview preparation tips.


But what exactly can ChatGPT for job hunting do? Well, think of ChatGPT as your personal writing assistant and brainstorming companion. You can ask it questions, get suggestions, and even have it draft entire documents for you.


Using ChatGPT for job hunting can significantly enhance your job search process, providing tailored advice, resume optimization, and interview preparation tips, reflecting the broader impact of AI on jobs by streamlining recruitment and improving candidate-employer matching.


Here are a few examples of ChatGPT job search prompts:

Resume Revamp

“Can you review my resume for X position/job title and suggest improvements in wording or formatting to make it more impactful?”

Cover Letter Crafting

“I’m applying for X role at Y company. Can you help me write a cover letter highlighting my key skills and experiences and showing my enthusiasm for the role?”

Interview Prep

“Can you give me some common interview questions for X job title/position? And can you help me craft strong, confident responses?”

Company Research:

“Can you summarise the mission and values of X company based on their website and recent news articles?”


Utilizing ChatGPT for job hunting can significantly streamline your job search by offering personalized resume critiques and interview preparation tips, making it an invaluable tool in the evolving landscape of AI in hiring process.


Remember, ChatGPT is a tool, not a magic wand. ChatGPT in your job search can be incredibly beneficial, offering support and guidance. ChatGPT for job hunting is here to help you, but it’s still important to use your own judgement and creativity throughout the process.


How to Use ChatGPT to Write A Resume

Now, let’s get down to business! Your CV (or resume) is your first impression, your ticket to the interview. But writing one that stands out? That’s tricky! Luckily, ChatGPT for resume building can be your trusty CV aid, offering invaluable resume writing tips to help you craft a standout application.


Here’s how ChatGPT for job hunting can help:


Improve Your Wording:

ChatGPT is like having a thesaurus and grammar expert rolled into one. Ask it to suggest stronger verbs, clearer phrases, or even reword entire sections to make your CV more impactful. You can even give it your old CV and ask it to spruce it up.


Tailor Your CV to the Job

Each job is different, so your CV should be too. Paste the job description and ask ChatGPT to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences. It can even suggest keywords to include so your CV gets noticed by those Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that companies use.


Check for Errors

Typos and grammatical errors can make you look careless. Ask ChatGPT to proofread your CV for any mistakes you might have missed.


Best ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

  • “Can you rewrite this bullet point to make it more impactful: ‘Managed social media accounts for the company’”
  • “Here’s my CV and a job description for a Marketing Manager. Can you help me tailor my CV to highlight the most relevant skills and experience?”
  • “Can you check my CV for any spelling or grammar errors?”


Bonus Tip: Use ChatGPT to create different versions of your CV for different industries or job types. This will save you time and ensure that your CV is always a perfect fit for the role you’re applying for.


So, next time you’re staring at a blank page, remember that ChatGPT for job hunting is there to help you create a CV that shines. It’s a lot like having a personal CV guide, minus the hefty price tag!


What are the Ways to use ChatGPT for Interviews

So, you’ve landed an interview- congrats! Now it’s time to shine, and guess what? ChatGPT for job hunting can be your secret weapon for interview prep.


Think of it like a mock interview but without the awkwardness of asking a friend to grill you with questions.


ChatGPT can help you in a few key ways:


Practice Makes Perfect:

Ask ChatGPT to generate common interview questions for your industry and job level. Then, practise your responses out loud or even type them out and get feedback from the AI.


Tackle Tough Questions:

We all have those dreaded questions we hope won’t come up. Well, ask ChatGPT to throw them at you! It can help you brainstorm thoughtful responses to those tricky behavioural or situational questions.

Fine-tune Your Delivery:

Once you’ve written down your answers, ask ChatGPT for feedback on your wording. It can suggest ways to make your responses more concise, impactful, or tailored to the company’s values.


Here are some examples of ChatGPT for interviews prompts:


  • “Can you give me some common interview questions for an X job title/position?”
  • “How would you answer this interview question: ‘Tell me about a time you faced a challenge at work and how you overcame it?’”
  • “Can you give me feedback on this response I’ve written for the question ‘Why are you interested in this position?’”


The more you practise, the more confident you’ll feel walking into that interview room. And remember, ChatGPT for job hunting is available 24/7, so you can practise whenever and wherever it suits you. That explains why 3 out of 4 job seekers use ChatGPT for job hunting and interview prep.


Use ChatGPT for Job Hunting to Network

We all know that networking is key to landing a job, but striking up conversations with strangers can be a bit daunting, right? Well, guess what? Here, too, the answer is ChatGPT for job hunting.


ChatGPT can help you craft personalised messages that grab attention and spark meaningful conversations. Instead of staring at a blank screen, unsure of what to say, ChatGPT can give you a head start with message templates and suggestions. 


Here’s how it works:


LinkedIn Outreach

Want to connect with a recruiter or someone working at your dream company? Ask ChatGPT to draft a message tailored to that person and highlighting your shared interests or career goals.


Follow-Up Emails

It’s important to follow up after an interview or networking event. But what do you say? ChatGPT can help you craft a thoughtful thank-you note or a message that keeps you top of mind.


Informational Interviews

Reaching out to someone for an informational interview can be intimidating. ChatGPT can help you write a clear, concise message that explains your interest and politely requests their time.


Here are some networking prompts that ChatGPT for job hunting can help you with:


  • “Can you help me write a LinkedIn message to X at Y company expressing my interest in their work and asking for an informational interview?”
  • “Can you draft a thank-you email to X interviewer for the interview at Y company? I’d like to reiterate my interest in the position and highlight Z key skills/experiences.”
  • “Can you help me write a message to a former colleague asking if they know of any open positions in their company?”


Remember, the goal of networking is to build genuine connections. Use ChatGPT as a starting point, but always add your personal touch to make your messages authentic and memorable. With a little help from ChatGPT for job hunting, you can expand your network and open doors to new opportunities. 


How 6 Pence Helps

While ChatGPT for job hunting can be a game-changer, finding the right job and company is still key. That’s where 6 Pence comes in. We understand that the job market can be tough, but you can land your dream role with the right support.


As one of the leading staff outsourcing services providers in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai, we find talents on behalf of top companies from different industries.


If you are looking for well-paying jobs in the GCC, visit our careers page on our website and drop your CV. Follow us on socials to stay updated on the latest openings.


Frequently Asked Questions

How to use GPT 4 for job search?

GPT-4 can help you craft compelling resumes and cover letters, brainstorm interview questions and answers, and even write personalised networking messages. You can use GPT-4 directly on platforms like ChatGPT or explore ChatGPT job search plugins like Ambition to streamline your job search process.


How to prompt ChatGPT to write a job description?

Give ChatGPT clear details about the job, including the title, responsibilities, qualifications, and any specific skills or experience you’re looking for. You can use prompts like: “Write a job description for X job title with the following responsibilities…”


Can you use ChatGPT for your LinkedIn profile?

Absolutely! ChatGPT can help you craft a compelling LinkedIn profile that gets noticed. Ask it to generate a professional headline that highlights your skills and experience. 


You can also use it to refine your “About” section, create engaging posts, or even write personalised messages to connect with recruiters and other professionals. The Ambition ChatGPT job search plugin can also help optimise your LinkedIn profile for maximum visibility.

Best Employee Shift Management Software and App

employee shift management software

Running a business, no matter how big or small, comes with its fair share of challenges. And let’s face it, managing employee shifts can be one of the biggest headaches. Between juggling everyone’s availability, dealing with last-minute changes, and trying to avoid scheduling conflicts, it can feel like a never-ending puzzle.


But here’s the good news: employee shift management software is here to save the day! This nifty tool can streamline your scheduling process, making it easier, faster, and more efficient.


In fact, employee scheduling software has led to 30% more swift schedule creation and reduced scheduling errors by a whopping 55%. But the question remains: how exactly does this magic software work? And what kind of time-saving, money-saving benefits can you expect?


Let’s dig in and explore five ways employee shift management software can improve your business!


What is an Employee Shift Management Software?

Think of an employee shift management software as your digital scheduling companion. It’s a tool that makes creating and managing employee schedules super easy and efficient.


Instead of juggling calendars, spreadsheets, and endless back-and-forth messages, you can handle everything in one place. The work shift management software lets you input your employees’ availability, skills, and preferences, and then automatically generates optimised schedules that fit your business needs.


It can even take into account things like labour laws, overtime rules, and budget constraints. But that’s not all! Many employee shift management software programs have extra features like shift swapping, time tracking, employee exit management, and communication tools.


This makes it easy for your team to stay connected and manage their own schedules, taking some of the load off your shoulders. In short, employee shift management software is like having your own scheduling expert at your fingertips! It’s a game-changer for businesses that want to streamline their operations, save time, and keep their employees happy.


5 Ways You Can Save Time and Money with a Scheduling and Shift Planning Software

You’re probably wondering how exactly employee shift management software can translate into actual savings for your business. Well, buckle up! We’re about to look at five key ways this handy tool can save you both time and money, ultimately helping you run a more efficient and profitable operation:


Reduced Administrative Time

Manually creating staff schedules is a tedious and time-consuming task. With employee shift management software, you can wave goodbye to those endless spreadsheets and hours spent juggling availability. 


The software automates the scheduling process, taking into account employee preferences, skill sets, and labour laws. This frees up valuable time for your managers and HR team, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks that drive your business forward.


Minimised Overtime Costs

Overtime can quickly eat into your profits. With a smart scheduling system, you can optimise your staff allocation, ensuring you have the right people in the right place at the right time. By forecasting labour needs and avoiding overstaffing, you can minimise unnecessary overtime hours, leading to significant cost savings in the long run.


Optimised Staffing Levels

Finding the perfect balance between understaffing and overstaffing is a constant challenge for businesses. However, employee shift management software takes the guesswork out of the equation. 


It helps you analyse historical data, forecast demand, and create schedules that ensure you have just the right number of employees on hand to meet customer needs without overspending on labour costs.


Automated Payroll Processes

Payroll is another time-consuming task that’s prone to errors. You can streamline the process by integrating your shift management software with your payroll system.


The software automatically calculates wages based on hours worked, considering overtime, breaks, and other factors. This reduces the risk of human error, saves time, and ensures that your employees are paid accurately and on time.


Improved Communication and Collaboration

Clear communication is key to a smooth operation. Employee shift management software makes it easy for managers and employees to stay in the loop.


Employees can view their schedules, request time off, and even swap shifts with colleagues, all within the platform. Managers can easily communicate changes, updates, or important announcements, leading to better teamwork and a more engaged workforce.


Reduced Absenteeism

Nobody likes getting stuck covering a shift at the last minute due to a no-show. Thankfully, employee shift management software makes it easier for employees to request time off in advance, giving you plenty of notice to find a replacement. 


Plus, many systems allow for shift swapping, so colleagues can cover for each other directly, reducing the burden on management and minimising disruptions to your operations.


Increased Employee Satisfaction

Happy employees are more likely to stick around, saving you the hassle (and cost) of constantly recruiting and training new staff. Employee shift management software contributes to a more positive work environment by giving employees more control over their schedules, promoting better work-life balance, and making communicating with their colleagues and managers easier. 


All of this leads to happier, more engaged employees who are invested in your company’s success.


How to Choose the Best Shift Management Software?

With so many employee shift management software options, finding the perfect fit for your business can be overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Choosing the best shift scheduling software comes down to understanding your specific needs and priorities.


Here are a few key factors to consider when choosing the best employee shift management software:


Ease of Use

Look for a system with a clean, intuitive interface that’s easy for managers and employees to navigate. Drag-and-drop features, clear visuals, and simple navigation can make a world of difference.


Features and Functionality

Different businesses have different needs. Consider the specific features that are most important to you. Do you need automated scheduling, time tracking, communication tools, or mobile access? Make a list of your must-haves and compare different software options to see which ones tick all your boxes.



Does the shift management software integrate with other tools you already use, like payroll or HR systems? Seamless integration can save you time and hassle by eliminating the need for manual data entry and ensuring that all your systems work together smoothly.


Customer Support

Even with the most user-friendly software, you might occasionally need help. Look for a provider that offers excellent customer support, whether it’s through phone, email, or live chat. Check online reviews and ask for references to see what other users say about the provider’s responsiveness and helpfulness.



Of course, budget is always a consideration. Compare the pricing plans of different employee shift management software options to find one that fits your budget. Keep in mind that the cheapest option might not always be the best fit for your needs. Look for a balance between affordability and functionality.


How 6 Pence Helps

We understand that efficient workforce management is crucial for your business’s success. That’s why we offer a range of payroll and staff outsourcing services designed to make your life easier, including finding the right people to fill those shifts.


Whether you are a small business just starting or a larger company looking to streamline operations, our team of experts can help you find the perfect talent for your needs. We specialise in providing reliable, skilled staff across various industries, ensuring that your shifts are always covered.


Our goal is to simplify workforce management so you can focus on what you do best—running your business. Let us handle the complexities of staffing, scheduling, and payroll while you enjoy the benefits of a happy and productive team.


Contact 6 Pence today to learn more!


Frequently Asked Questions

How do you manage employee shifts?

Effectively managing employee shifts involves creating a schedule that meets your business’s operational needs while considering your employees’ availability and preferences. It requires balancing workload, ensuring adequate coverage, and adhering to labour laws. This can be done manually (often with spreadsheets and calendars) or more efficiently using employee shift management software.

What is the scheduling process in HR?

The HR scheduling process involves:

  • Determining staffing needs based on demand
  • Creating work schedules
  • Communicating those schedules to employees
  • Managing any changes or requests for time off

If done manually, this process can be time-consuming and prone to errors, which is why many businesses turn to employee scheduling software for assistance.

How much does employee scheduling software cost?

The cost of employee scheduling software varies depending on several factors, including the number of employees, the features included, and whether it’s a cloud-based or on-premise solution.


Some software providers offer free plans for very small businesses, while others charge monthly or annual subscription fees. Research and compare different options to find one that fits your budget and meets your specific needs.

5 Employee Incentive Programs for Small Business

employee incentive programs for small business

Key Takeaways – 

Public Recognition and Appreciation: Boosts morale with cost-effective, public acknowledgment.
Flexible Work Arrangements: Enhance productivity through adaptable schedules.
Professional Development Opportunities: Encourage growth with affordable training.


Let’s be honest- happy employees are the backbone of any successful business, especially when you’re starting out. But keeping your team motivated and engaged isn’t always easy, especially for small business with limited budgets. That’s where employee incentive programs for small business come in!


These programs are designed to reward and recognise your employees’ hard work, boosting morale, and creating a positive work environment.


And the best part? You don’t need a huge budget to make a big impact. This blog will look at five creative and affordable incentive ideas that can make a real difference for your small business.


Did you know 80% of companies offer some form of employee rewards program or the other? So, if you’re ready to show your employees some love and build a more engaged and productive team, let’s get started with the basics!


Why are Employee Reward Programs for Small Business Important?

Employee reward programs for small business might seem like an extra expense, but they are actually a smart investment in your company’s future. Think of it this way: When employees feel appreciated and valued, they’re more likely to go the extra mile, be innovative, and stay loyal to your company.


Employee incentive programs for small business aren’t just about handing out bonuses or gifts (although those are nice). They’re about creating a positive work culture where employees feel recognised for their contributions and are motivated to do their best work.


In the long run, this can lead to increased productivity, lower turnover rates, and even a better reputation for your company. Employee incentive programs are integral to an effective compensation strategy, boosting motivation and productivity in the workplace.


So, if you’re looking to build a team of happy, engaged employees who are committed to your company’s success, employee incentive programs for small businesses are a must-have. 


5 Ideas for Employee Incentive Programs for Small Business

Ready to get creative with your small business incentives for employees? You don’t need a massive budget to show your team how much you value their hard work. Here are five employee incentive ideas for small business that are both effective and affordable:


Public Recognition and Appreciation

Everyone loves a pat on the back, right? Public recognition and appreciation go a long way in boosting employee morale. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy- a simple shout-out in a company meeting, a handwritten thank-you note, or even a small trophy for “Employee of the Month” can make a big difference. 


Flexible Work Arrangements

Work-life balance is increasingly important to employees. Offering flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks, can be one of the best employee incentive programs. 


Not only does it show that you trust your employees, but it also allows them to better manage their personal lives, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity. Plus, it doesn’t cost you a penny! This type of flexibility can be a major selling point for attracting and retaining top talent in today’s competitive job market.


Professional Development Opportunities

Investing in your employees’ growth is a smart move for any business. Offering professional development opportunities, such as training courses, workshops, or conferences, shows that you’re committed to their long-term success. 


It’s a win-win situation: employees gain new skills and knowledge, which benefits your company in the long run. These employee incentive programs for small business can range from online courses to mentorship programs, depending on your budget and resources.


Wellness Initiatives

A healthy workforce is a happy and productive workforce. By implementing wellness initiatives, you show your employees that you care about their well-being. These can include gym memberships, healthy snacks in the office, or even company-sponsored fitness challenges. 


These employee incentive programs examples not only promote a healthier lifestyle but also foster a positive company culture where employees feel valued and supported.


Extra Time Off or Paid Leave

Who doesn’t love a little extra time off? Offering additional paid leave or flexible time-off options can be one of the best employee incentive programs for small business. This could mean anything from an extra day off for their birthday to a longer holiday break. 


It’s a simple way to reward hard work and encourage employees to recharge and come back refreshed, ultimately boosting their productivity and overall job satisfaction.


How 6 Pence Helps

Managing employee incentive programs for small businesses, especially with limited resources, can be challenging. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut or struggle to come up with creative ideas that truly motivate your team.


If you want to hire employees for your organisation, trust 6 Pence. We have a proven track record of helping businesses in Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, and Iraq optimise their workforce and create positive, productive work environments.


We reduce your time-to-hire, reduce the cost associated with open positions, and help manage operations by assisting with payroll processing and other administrative work like work visa processing, background verification, etc.


Contact us today to learn how we can partner with you to achieve your goals!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the employee incentive program?

An employee incentive program is a structured plan designed to motivate and reward employees for their performance, dedication, or specific achievements.


These programs can include a variety of rewards, such as bonuses, extra time off, gifts, or opportunities for professional development. The goal is to create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased engagement and productivity.


How to start an employee incentive program?

To start employee incentive programs for small businesses, first define your goals. What behaviours or outcomes do you want to encourage? Next, consider your budget and the types of rewards that would appeal to your employees. 


Involve your team in the planning process to get their input and buy-in. Finally, communicate the program clearly, track its success, and make adjustments as needed to ensure it remains effective and motivating.


What is a productivity incentive?

It aims to encourage increased productivity by offering rewards for meeting or exceeding specific targets. 

These incentives can be monetary, such as bonuses or commissions, or non-monetary, like extra time off, recognition, or career advancement opportunities.

Importance of Workplace Culture – Why Does It Matter?

importance of workplace culture

Key Takeaways – 

  • Workplace Culture Importance: Workplace culture significantly affects employee happiness, productivity, and business success.
  • Positive Culture Benefits: A positive culture boosts morale, reduces turnover, and attracts top talent.
  • 6-Pence emphasizes creating a supportive and engaging environment to maximize employee satisfaction and organizational success.


We all know that a good salary is important, but it’s not the only thing that matters regarding a fulfilling job. After all, who wants to dread going to work every day, even if the pay is decent? That’s where the importance of workplace culture comes in.


Think of it like this: workplace culture is your company’s personality. It’s the vibe, the atmosphere, the way people interact with each other. A positive workplace culture can make your employees happier, more productive, and even more loyal to your company.


In fact, satisfied employees have been 12% more productive than their dissatisfied counterparts! So, what exactly makes a workplace culture great? How can you create one that attracts and retains top talent?


Nurturing a supportive workplace culture significantly enhances employee morale and fosters a productive and rewarding work environment. Let’s dig in and find out why workplace culture matters so much and how you can build a positive environment that benefits everyone.


What’s the Importance of Work Culture?

Workplace culture matters. But why exactly? What’s the big deal?

Well, for starters, it has a massive impact on your employees’ happiness and well-being. Think about it: We spend a huge chunk of our lives at work. Nobody wants to be miserable for 8 hours a day! Also, a strong workplace culture can effectively prevent employee burnout by fostering a supportive environment and promoting work-life balance.


A positive workplace culture creates an environment where people feel valued, supported, and genuinely enjoy coming to work. Happy employees are more engaged, productive, and less likely to leave for greener pastures.


However, the importance of workplace culture goes beyond just happy faces. It can actually boost your bottom line! When employees feel connected to your company’s values and mission, they’re more likely to go above and beyond.


They’re more creative, collaborative, and willing to put in that extra effort. Plus, a positive reputation for a great workplace can attract top talent, making recruitment easier and saving you money in the long run.


So, building a positive work environment is key to success, whether you’re a small startup or a well-established company. It’s about more than just perks and free coffee; it’s about creating a culture where everyone feels like they belong and is working towards a common goal.


5 Ways to Improve Company Culture

By now, you understand the importance of workplace culture and how it can make or break your company’s success. But how exactly can you create a positive and thriving work environment? The good news is that it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.


Prioritise Open Communication

Open communication is imperative for developing a strong workplace culture, which will also improve employee experience. When employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback without fear of judgement, it fosters trust and transparency.


Encourage regular check-ins, team meetings, and one-on-one conversations to create a space where everyone feels heard. Additionally, consider implementing anonymous feedback mechanisms to allow for more candid input.


Remember, open communication isn’t just about talking- it’s about actively listening and responding to employee needs, reinforcing the importance of workplace culture.


Foster Collaboration and Teamwork

Teamwork makes the dream work! Encourage collaboration by creating opportunities for employees to collaborate on projects, share knowledge, and learn from one another. This can be done through team-building activities, cross-functional projects, or even informal social events. 


By fostering a collaborative environment, you break down silos, build trust, and create a sense of camaraderie among your employees. This improves productivity and contributes to a positive and supportive workplace culture.


Encourage Recognition and Appreciation

Everyone wants to feel valued for their contributions. Recognising and appreciating your employees’ hard work goes a long way in building a positive workplace culture. This doesn’t always have to involve monetary rewards but helps in fostering inclusivity and addressing issues such as workplace discrimination effectively. 


A simple thank you note, a shout-out in a company meeting, or even a small gift can make employees feel seen and appreciated and also helps in driving employee engagement. Regularly acknowledging their efforts reinforces the importance of workplace culture and motivates them to continue performing at their best.


Promote Work-Life Balance

A healthy work-life balance is crucial for employee well-being and job satisfaction. Encourage employees to take breaks, use their vacation time, and disconnect after work hours. Consider offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours.


This helps employees manage their personal and professional lives and makes for a positive workplace. Remember, a burnt-out employee is less productive and more likely to leave, so investing in work-life balance is key to maintaining a positive workplace culture.


Lead by Example

The importance of workplace culture starts at the top! Leaders and managers need to embody the values and behaviours they want to see in their employees. Be approachable, transparent, and supportive. 


Encourage open communication, actively participate in team activities, and show genuine appreciation for your employees’ contributions. By setting the right example, you create a ripple effect that inspires the entire team to embrace a positive and collaborative work environment.


How 6 Pence Helps

We understand the benefits of positive workplace culture and how it makes businesses thrive. However, we also know that it can be a daunting task, especially for small businesses with limited resources.


The importance of workplace culture can’t be overstated, and the importance of healthy work culture goes beyond just employee satisfaction- it directly impacts your bottom line.


That’s where 6 Pence steps in. As a leading staff outsourcing agency, we will take care of everything from filling a vacancy and helping with HR administration activities like work visa processing for international hires, payroll processing, and even access to a 24/7 HR e-service portal. This will enable both employers and employees to access important documents anytime and anywhere.


We proudly serve clients in Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, and Iraq. If you’re ready to create a workplace culture that attracts and retains top talent while boosting productivity and overall success, contact us today. Let’s work together to build a company culture that truly shines!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is culture in a workplace?

Workplace culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that shape an organisation’s social and psychological environment. The unwritten rules guide how people interact, communicate, and work together. 


Understanding the importance of workplace culture is crucial, as it significantly impacts employee engagement, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. A positive culture can attract and retain top talent, while a negative one can lead to high turnover and decreased morale.


What is quality culture in the workplace?

A strong commitment to excellence in all aspects of the business characterises a quality culture in the workplace. It’s a mindset where employees at all levels are focused on delivering high-quality products or services, continuously improving processes, and exceeding customer expectations. 


The importance of workplace culture is evident in how a quality-focused environment fosters collaboration, innovation, and a sense of pride in one’s work, ultimately leading to a more successful and sustainable organisation.


What is professional culture?

Professional culture encompasses the shared norms, values, and expectations that govern behaviour and interactions within a particular profession or industry. It defines how professionals dress, communicate, and conduct themselves in the workplace. 


Recognising the importance of workplace culture, particularly in professional settings, is essential as it sets standards for ethical conduct, client interactions, and overall professionalism. A strong professional culture fosters trust, respect, and credibility among colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

Top Recruitment Strategies for Startups to Retain Talent

Recruitment Strategies for Startups

Key Takeaways – 

  • Recruitment Challenges: Startups often struggle to recruit suitable candidates.
  • Lack of Employer Brand: Startups may not have a well-known or attractive employer brand.
  • How 6 Pence may help you design recruitment strategies for startups.


Recruitment can make or break your company, which is especially critical when running a startup or small business. Employees are the backbone of any business, and when you have just a handful of them, it becomes even more essential to find only the best ones. 


However, startups often find it challenging to recruit the right person. This happens for several reasons, such as lack of employer brand, inability to pay high salaries and competitive benefits, a disorganised hiring process, etc.


Thus, recruitment strategies for startups are an essential requirement. An end-to-end hiring process can cost $4000 for every new recruit. But this cost shouldn’t make you cut corners and hire the first applicant that comes your way.

A bad hire costs almost $ 17,000, which can even go up to $100,000 if they hold a place of responsibility. Effective recruitment strategies often involve leveraging external sources of recruitment to attract a diverse pool of candidates, addressing challenges like brand recognition and competitive compensation.


Recruitment Strategies for Startups that Actually Work

Are you struggling with recruitment for your early-stage startup? Here is a hiring strategy for startups that you can follow:


Understand the purpose behind the recruitment

Effective recruitment strategies should adapt to current job market trends. When you are creating recruitment strategies for small business you must start from the ground up!

To enhance recruitment strategies, startups should consider hiring remote workers to expand their talent pool and overcome challenges. As a startup, you can get carried away and end up under-hiring or over-hiring!


Here are some questions you can ask yourself before starting the recruitment drive:


  1. What are the important roles that need to be filled?
  2. How many people are needed who can work optimally?
  3. What are the exact roles and responsibilities of each role?
  4. Can this job be automated?


This will help you better understand the number of hires. 


Create a proper job description

The next step is to create a well-written job description. Many small businesses often don’t pay much attention to job descriptions, which can mislead applicants and lead to candidate dissatisfaction. 


Create a tailored and role-specific job description based on the role and responsibilities. This will help you attract top candidates who are actually interested in the role.


Decide on a budget

As a startup, you are mostly bootstrapped and on a tight budget. An important startup recruitment strategy is to decide the budget and the maximum and minimum amount, and this will allow you to determine the ROI. This is how you can decide on the hiring budget:


  1. Calculate the number of people you have to hire
  2. Consider the costs like job board fees, staffing agency fees, referral program bonuses, and employer branding costs
  3. Decide on the cost per hire (total recruitment amount/number of hires)


Build an employer brand

Today’s employees would want to work with a reputable brand. This doesn’t mean you have to be a top MNC. This means that your company has a positive public perception of it on social media.  Research has shown that 86% of prospective candidates wouldn’t apply for a company that has a bad reputation. 


To reduce your cost-per-hire and attract top talents, creating a positive employer brand is one of the most critical recruitment strategies for startups.


Diversify the recruitment channels

Do not trust just a single job board or hiring channel to find the top talent. One of the best hiring tips for startups is to use a multi-pronged approach to find not just active candidates but also passive ones. 


Here are some recruitment channels that you can use:

  • Job boards: Post ads on different job boards. As a startup, you can also use freelancing and remote work platforms to find candidates. 
  • Social media: Social media can be a great way to attract candidates to your startup. You can leverage the power of LinkedIn, X, and Instagram to hire freshers and experienced professionals alike. 
  • Staffing agency: If you are struggling with talent acquisition, outsource the work to a reputable staffing agency. They have extensive candidate databases and connections that reduce the time and cost of hiring. 
  • Referral programs: One of the most effective recruitment strategies for startups is to harness the power of referral. 
  • Alternative hiring: You can also visit career fairs and have tie-ups with universities to hire freshers.


Create an interview process

Once you have completed the candidate sourcing, it is time to find the top talent. A proper interview process will keep your candidate engaged throughout the process and help you find the best-fit talent for your brand. 

Implementing effective recruitment strategies, such as conducting a behavioral interview, can help startups overcome challenges in hiring the right candidates.

Here is how:


  1. Ask candidates to complete a short assignment.
  2. Do not just have a boring interview; you can have video, behavioural, group discussion, or lunch interviews.
  3. Run background and reference checks.


Have a streamlined onboarding process

Recruitment doesn’t end with an offer letter. The best recruitment strategies for startups include provisions for the onboarding process. The right onboarding process will reduce turnover, increase satisfaction, and create a positive employer brand. 


Tweak and adjust your hiring process

The best recruitment strategies for startups is one that considers both the good parts and drawbacks of the entire process. Recruitment is a constant process, and as your company grows so will the hiring drives. Thus, it is essential to find the loopholes early on and try to rectify them in the future.


Also, recruitment strategies for managers will differ from those for freshers or mid-level executives. Thus, don’t forget to tailor your approach for each role.


Create a candidate pipeline

A candidate who might not have seemed like a good fit at the moment may appear at a later stage. So, when creating a hiring strategy for startups, remember to create a clause for the candidate pipeline. Stay in touch with these candidates on social media. 


Work on the benefits

As a startup, you might be unable to match up with a top MNC’s salaries. But what you can do is work on providing unique benefits. You can consider offering things like:


  1. Offering remote or flexible work
  2. Provide more paid leaves
  3. Give perks like insurance, paternity/maternity leave
  4. Provide employees with company shares


Create a positive candidate experience

A positive candidate experience is what helps to attract and retain candidates. It can also prevent employee turnover while also helping to create a positive employer brand. 


Work on legal compliance

It is important to have a legally compliant hiring process. Look into local and internationally accepted labour laws. Always ensure you are on the right side of the law. 


How 6 Pence helps

Are you struggling with forming the right recruitment strategies for startups? 6 Pence is here to help. We are one of the leading recruitment and staff outsourcing company in UAE, Oman, Bahrain, and Iraq. Our team provides an end-to-end, customised hiring process. We not only help with staffing needs but also help with background verification, onboarding, and work visa processing.


As a staffing and payroll company in Iraq, we also help with disbursing salaries and calculating leaves, taxes, and benefits. Contact us to learn more about our services.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a recruitment technique?

Recruitment techniques refer to the methodologies a company adapts to attract, evaluate, select, and onboard candidates for job vacancies. These can include everything from posting job ads on social media to running referral programs.

How to speed up recruitment process?

Here are some easy ways to speed up the recruitment process:

  • Writing clear job descriptions
  • Reduce the steps in your hiring and interview process
  • Leverage tools like ATS
  • Outsource to staffing agency like 6 Pence


How to write a recruitment strategy plan?

Here are some tips for writing effective recruitment strategies for startups:

  1. Review the current hiring process
  2. Get feedback from interviewers and interviewees alike
  3. Implement tools to reduce manual intervention
  4. Identify ways to attract top talents
  5. Implement effective interview and onboarding process

External Sources of Recruitment & External Hiring

External sources of recruitment

Key Takeaways:

  • External Recruitment Benefits: Explores the advantages of sourcing talent beyond internal channels.
  • Methodologies Covered: Discusses five effective methods—online job boards, social media, recruitment agencies, employee referrals, and direct sourcing.
  • Optimizing Recruitment Efforts: Offers tips for leveraging external sources to streamline and improve recruitment processes.


Finding the right people to join your team is crucial to any successful business. But sometimes, the perfect candidate isn’t already sitting in your office. That’s where external sources of recruitment come into play!


Instead of looking only within your company, external recruitment casts a wider net, opening up a whole world of possibilities for finding talented individuals who can bring fresh perspectives and skills to your organisation.


This broad approach enhances the benefits of recruitment by tapping into diverse talent pools and fostering innovation. So, what exactly are these external sources, and why should you bother exploring them? Let’s dive in and look at the exciting world of recruitment beyond your company walls!


5 External Recruitment Methods

Let’s say you’re sold on the idea of looking beyond your company walls for new talent. But where exactly should you start your search? There are tons of examples of external recruitment out there. Let’s take a look at five common external sources of recruitment in HRM:


Online Job Boards

Among the different types of external recruitment, online job boards are a go-to resource for job seekers and employers. These platforms, like Indeed, LinkedIn, and even industry-specific boards, act as virtual marketplaces where companies can post job openings and candidates can browse for their ideal positions. 


As one of the most coveted external sources of recruitment, online job boards are a great way to reach a massive audience and are often quite user-friendly. In fact, a whopping 50% of all applications come from job boards. 


However, keep in mind that they can also generate a flood of applications, so be prepared to dedicate time to sorting through them. Additionally, job board postings usually come with a cost, so factor that into your budget.


Social Media Recruitment

Social media isn’t just for cat videos and holiday snaps! Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can be surprisingly effective recruitment tools. You can share job openings, engage with potential candidates, and even build relationships with passive job seekers who might not be actively looking but are open to new opportunities. 


Social media recruitment is a great way to showcase your company’s culture and reach a wider audience. It can also be more cost-effective than traditional advertising. However, remember that social media requires consistent effort and a strong online presence to succeed.


Recruitment Agencies

Recruitment or staffing agencies can be a great option if you are looking for more hands-off external sources of recruitment. These companies specialise in finding and matching candidates with businesses, saving you time and effort.


They have established networks and often have access to candidates who aren’t actively searching for jobs. A good recruitment agency in Iraq, like 6 Pence, can also help with everything from screening and interviewing to negotiating offers.


However, it’s important to choose a reputable staff outsourcing agency that understands your specific needs and charges reasonable fees.


Employee Referrals

Your current employees are often your best advocates! Encourage them to refer friends and colleagues who might be a good fit for your company. Employee referrals can be a goldmine because you’re getting candidates who have already been pre-vetted by someone you trust.


Plus, these candidates often have a good understanding of your company culture, which can lead to faster onboarding and better retention. To sweeten the deal, you can even offer referral bonuses to your employees as an incentive.


Direct Sourcing

Direct sourcing means actively reaching out to potential candidates directly, often through professional networks like LinkedIn. This method allows you to target specific individuals with the skills and experience you seek. 


While it can be more time-consuming than other methods, direct sourcing can be valuable for filling niche roles or attracting passive candidates who might not be actively seeking new opportunities.


5 Advantages of External Recruitment

Now that we have looked at some of the external sources of recruitment, a pressing question remains: why bother with all this effort? What’s so great about external recruitment, anyway? Well, tapping into external sources offers many advantages that can seriously boost your business. Let’s take a look at 5 key reasons to consider:


Fresh Perspectives and New Ideas

When you only hire internally, you might miss out on the fresh ideas and innovative approaches from bringing in people from different backgrounds. External candidates often have unique experiences and perspectives that can challenge your current ways of thinking and lead to breakthroughs. 


Moreover, they can bring new skills and knowledge your existing team might not have, ultimately helping your company grow and stay ahead of the curve.


Access to a Wider Talent Pool

Let’s face it, your internal talent pool is limited. But when you look outside your company walls, a whole world of potential opens up. External recruitment gives you access to a much larger and more diverse group of candidates with varying skill sets and experiences. 


This means you’re more likely to find the perfect match for your specific needs, whether it’s a highly specialised role or a fresh perspective on an existing challenge.


Increased Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are essential for building a strong and innovative team. You create a more vibrant and inclusive workplace by actively seeking candidates from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. 


This fosters a positive company culture and leads to better decision-making, creativity, and problem-solving. Remember, a diverse team brings a variety of perspectives to the table, helping your company thrive.

Competitive Edge in the Market

External sources of recruitment can actually give you a competitive advantage. How? By bringing in new talent with up-to-date knowledge and skills, you stay ahead of the curve and keep pace with industry trends. 


Additionally, a fresh perspective from outside your company can spark innovation and help you identify new opportunities. This allows you to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and stay one step ahead of your competitors.


Filling Specialised Skill Gaps

Sometimes, the skills you need simply aren’t available within your existing team. This is where external recruitment shines! By actively searching outside your organisation, you can find candidates with specialised expertise that can fill those gaps and bring immediate value to your company.


Whether it’s technical knowledge, language skills, or industry-specific experience, external sources of recruitment can help you find the missing piece to your puzzle.


How 6 Pence Helps

Getting through external sources of recruitment can feel a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re juggling the many other demands of running a business. That’s where 6 Pence comes in! We understand the unique challenges faced by companies in the Middle East, and we’re here to make your hiring process smoother and more effective.


With our expertise in staff outsourcing and a deep understanding of the local talent landscape, we can help you identify the best external recruitment methods for your business needs. Whether you are looking for temporary staff, specialised professionals, or a complete overhaul of your recruitment strategy, we offer flexible solutions tailored to your business goals.


We proudly serve clients in Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, and Iraq. If you’re ready to tap into a wider talent pool, reduce hiring risks, and gain a competitive edge, contact us today to learn more about how our staff outsourcing solutions can drive your business growth.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between an internal and external recruiter?

An internal recruiter works within a company’s HR department, focusing on finding candidates already employed by the company or through employee referrals. An external recruiter works outside the company, typically as part of a staffing agency, and searches for talent from various external sources, such as job boards, social media, and their network.


When to use external recruitment?

External sources of recruitment can be a smart choice when you need to fill specialised roles, need to hire quickly, lack the resources for in-house recruitment, want fresh perspectives, or are struggling to find qualified candidates internally.


Why do companies hire externally?

Companies hire externally to access a wider talent pool with diverse skills, save time and resources, tap into recruitment expertise, gain fresh perspectives, fill skill gaps quickly, and improve their overall hiring outcomes.

Job Market Trends for Job Seeker to Watch Out

Job market trends

Key Takeaways – 

  • The 2024 job market will present both opportunities and challenges for job seekers.
  • AI is poised to reshape the job landscape while also creating new opportunities.
  • How 6 Pence helps you effortlessly build your skills and customize your resume for each job.


The job market has changed drastically in the last few decades. There was a time when employers dictated the terms of employment, and the demand for open positions was almost equal to the supply of potential candidates.


But things in 2024 have changed drastically. Well, technology is changing things fast, shaking up traditional industries and creating new roles in response to the needs of the 21st-century economy.


According to studies, automation will replace 85 million jobs by 2025, but it will also create 97 million new jobs. Plus, 44% of workers’ skills will face disruption in the next five years.


Therefore, it is crucial to stay updated in these rapidly changing job market trends for success. That’s why we’re here with this article to help you understand what’s happening in employment market trends.


In this blog, we’ll look into the major job market trends shaping how we work in 2024. Plus, we will provide tips on how you can keep up with these emerging trends in job market. 


Top 5 Job Market Trends in 2024

The job market is no exception to this rapidly changing world. With technology evolving and global events like the pandemic reshaping how we work, it’s essential to keep an eye on the job market trends shaping the future of employment. 


So, let’s look at five key job market trends that are expected to have a significant impact in 2024.


More Competition for Remote Work

Remote work became really popular during the pandemic and ushered in a new era of work. Most companies and employees now prefer remote work over in-office work, and some organisations are also offering hybrid work methods, and they are also managing remote employees efficiently. 


Many employees prefer to opt for remote work as it offers them better work-life balance and improved physical and mental health. A recent survey has shown that many candidates prefer for a pay cut over remote work options.


According to a report, even though only 10% of jobs were remote in December 2023, they got 46% of all job applications. So, if you’re after a remote job, be ready for some tough competition. To stand out, make sure you have the skills remote employers are looking for and change your resume to match.


Rise of AI and Automation

You’ve probably heard about artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and the impact of AI on jobs. These technologies are changing job market trends. Some people worry they will take over all the jobs, but it’s not that simple.


Yes, some jobs might disappear, but new ones will come up, too. Let’s be clear artificial intelligence cannot replace human intelligence or emotional quotient.


For example, robots took over factory work, but that created new jobs in engineering. The same thing might happen with automation. Jobs like data entry might get automated, but new roles will open up for people with special skills, like critical thinking and understanding AI.


The demand for AI experts is growing, too—by 40%. So, instead of fearing AI, why not learn about it? Knowing AI and related skills could boost your career.


Gig Economy and Freelancing

The gig economy and freelancing offer alternative job opportunities for those looking to supplement their income, deciding on a career change, or even just starting out.


With the flexibility to work on short-term projects or assignments, freelancing can provide a source of income while exploring different career paths. As the job market evolves, freelancing offers individuals the chance to adapt to changing job market trends and gain clarity about their career goals.


Tips for Job Seekers to Adjust to New Job Market Trends 

In this fast-changing job market, staying ahead of the curve is really important for job seekers. But how can you adjust to these evolving job market trends and find the right opportunity? 


Here are some simple yet effective tips to help you navigate the shifting global job market trends:


Stay Informed

One of the best ways to stay ahead is by staying informed. Keep your finger on the pulse of your industry by reading up-to-date news and job market trends.


Whether it’s through industry publications, attending conferences, or joining webinars, staying informed of job growth projections by career will give you valuable insights into what employers are looking for.



In this competitive job market, having the right skills is essential. So, take the time to identify the skills and qualifications in demand in your field, and then invest in developing those skills.


Whether it’s through training programs, certification courses, or online learning platforms, upskilling will make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.


Be Flexible

Flexibility is key in rapidly changing job market trends. So, be open to new opportunities and be willing to consider roles that may not align perfectly with your ideal job description. By being flexible, you can adapt to the changing needs of employers and increase your chances of finding meaningful employment.


Build a Strong Online Presence

In this era of technology, having a strong online presence is really important. So, make sure your LinkedIn profile is current and showcases your skills and experience. This will help you stand out to potential employers and increase your visibility in the job market.



Networking is another important aspect of going through the job market. So, it’s important to attend events, join professional organisations, and reach out to people in your network to expand your connections. 


Networking can help you access job opportunities that may not be advertised publicly and increase your chances of finding the right opportunity.


Consider Freelance or Contract Work

Freelancing or contractual work can be a great way to gain experience, build your skills, and expand your professional network. Also, consider taking on freelance or contract projects to supplement your income and increase your chances of finding meaningful employment.


By following these simple tips, you can adjust to evolving job market trends and increase your chances of finding the right opportunity. 


Soft Skills Matter More

While technical skills are important, soft skills like communication and problem-solving are becoming super valuable in job search strategies. Employers want people who can work well in teams and handle tricky situations. These skills are key for jobs in customer service, sales, and management. 


So, if you want to stand out, focus on developing these skills. Also, get involved in group projects, take on leadership roles, and look for chances to collaborate and solve problems.


Green Jobs Are On the Rise

Climate change has become a big concern, leading to a rapid increase in green jobs. These are jobs that help protect the environment, like working in renewable energy, green construction sector, or sustainable agriculture.


Governments and businesses are committing to becoming more eco-friendly, which means more opportunities for green jobs. In fact, over 300 million new green jobs could be created by 2050. So, if you’re passionate about the environment, green jobs could be a great fit for you.


So, there you have it—some of the big job market trends shaping the employment industry in 2024. It’s a changing world out there, but with the right skills and knowledge, you can go through it like a professional.


How 6 Pence Helps

Staying informed about job market trends is essential for job seekers who are looking to make the most of this shift. By understanding emerging trends in job market, and global opportunities, you can position yourself for success in a rapidly evolving job market. 


Are you feeling a little overwhelmed by this dynamic shift? 6 Pence is here for your assistance! We are a leading staff outsourcing partner for many top organisations in Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, and Dubai across many industry verticals. Drop your CV with us by visiting our careers page, and get access to top jobs in the region.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is meant by trends in the job market?

Ans. Job market trends basically mean the patterns and changes happening in the job world. It’s like the direction in which the job market is heading. This includes what kinds of jobs are out there, what skills you need, how different industries are growing, and how companies are hiring people.


Knowing and adjusting to these trends is super important if you want to keep up and stay competitive when looking for a job.


Q2. What are the current trends in the labour market?

Ans. There are several labour market trends are shaping the way people work:


  • Remote work and telecommuting are becoming more common, offering flexibility to employees.
  • The gig economy is providing opportunities for freelance and temporary work.
  • Skill specialisation is on the rise, with employers seeking workers with specific expertise.
  • Workforce diversification is increasing, promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities.


Q3. What is the trend in employment?

Ans. In employment market trends, there’s a focus on:


  • Employee well-being and mental health, with companies prioritising their workers’ welfare.
  • Upskilling and reskilling initiatives to prepare employees for future job demands.
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts aim to create a more inclusive and fair workplace for all.

How to Hire Remote Workers Effectively

hire remote workers

Why has remote working become so popular in the global labour market? Well, the COVID-19 pandemic played a big role in it, forcing many to adapt when in-person collaboration became impossible.


But even before 2020, remote work was gaining popularity. It offers numerous benefits for both employers and employees, and it’s clear that this trend is only getting stronger.


In fact, a study found that 64% of employees would consider leaving their jobs if forced to return to the office. This means that offering remote work options is crucial for retaining top talent. However, when you hire remote workers, it comes with its own set of challenges.


When you hire remote staff, you might only meet them once or twice a year, if at all. This makes it harder to check whether they’ll be a good fit for your company. So, while recruiting remote workers is similar to hiring in-office employees, it requires extra thought and consideration.


If you want to hire remote workers successfully, you must have a streamlined hiring process that will allow you to hire the best candidates to work for you, even from a distance.


In this blog, we’ll share some tips to help you hire remote workers more effectively, making the process smoother and more successful.


Tips for Recruiting Remote Workers

Recruiting remote workers involves several key steps that are similar to hiring traditional on-premise workers but with some additional considerations for remote work. So, here are some tips on how to hire remote workers effectively so that you won’t make any hiring mistakes.


The Job Posting

The first step in employing remote workers is creating a clear and detailed job description. You need to understand how the job will be done remotely and what tools and qualities potential candidates will need.


Before you start the hiring process, think about where your job posting will be seen and what benefits and pay are expected by the applicants. When you hire remote workers create your job posting by keeping these things in mind:


  • Clearly outline the responsibilities and expectations for the role.
  • Specify the skills and experience needed.
  • Mention any specific remote working tools or software they will use.
  • Highlight the benefits of working remotely for your company, such as flexibility and work-life balance.


A well-written job posting will attract the right candidates who are prepared to work remotely and have the necessary skills and experience.


The Interview

Once you have received applications, the next step is the interview process. Knowing how you will conduct interviews and what technology you will use is crucial. Most people are familiar with videoconferencing tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, but it’s important to choose a platform that all parties can access easily.


During the interview:

  • Test the medium beforehand to avoid any technical issues.
  • Make sure that the candidates have a good understanding of how the interview will be conducted.
  • Prepare a set of questions that not only assess the candidate’s skills and experience but also their ability to work remotely.


Ask about their previous remote work experience, how they manage their time and stay organised, and how they handle communication in a remote setup. This will give you insight into how well they might fit into your remote team.



When you hire remote workers, good communication is critical to building the right team. It starts right at the beginning of the hiring process. So, be clear about your expectations of applicants and talk to them about their references about their past experiences.


When discussing the role with candidates:

  • Explain your communication tools and processes.
  • Be upfront about how often and through which channels you will communicate (e.g., email, chat, video calls).
  • Make sure to discuss how meetings will be conducted and how feedback will be given and received.


Clear communication from the start helps build trust and sets the stage for a successful working relationship. Your candidates may feel they’re taking risks by accepting a remote job, so make sure you’ve done your homework and can answer their questions. If you don’t have an answer for something, be honest and let them know you’ll get back to them as soon as possible.



When you hire remote workers, onboarding can be challenging, especially when dealing with different time zones and legal requirements across borders. Therefore, having a solid training program and the necessary legal paperwork in place is essential.


For effective onboarding:

  • Develop a training program that covers all aspects of the job and remote work expectations.
  • Ensure new hires have access to all the tools and resources they need to get started.
  • Schedule regular check-ins to see how they’re adapting and address any issues they might be facing.


It’s also important to have all legal paperwork in order, especially if you’re hiring internationally. You might seek assistance from specialised professionals who can handle the legal and administrative aspects of hiring employees in different countries.


When companies decide to hire remote workers, implementing effective employee selection methods becomes crucial to ensure the right candidates are chosen for their virtual teams.


Hiring remote workers requires careful planning and clear communication. By focusing on these points, you can successfully hire remote workers who are well-equipped to contribute to your team.


How to Determine Remote Workers’ Salary? 

When you hire remote workers, deciding on their salaries can be a bit tricky, but there are a few common approaches:


Pay Based on Local Market Rates

When you hire remote workers, one option is to pay them according to the local market rates where they live. This means that someone working remotely in San Francisco might earn more than someone in Dubai, even if they have the same role and experience. To simplify this process, companies often use location multipliers for different areas.


Set Rate for All Employees

Another approach is to pay all remote workers based on a set rate, regardless of where they’re located. This is becoming more common as remote work gains popularity. For instance, some companies, like 37Signals and Buffer, pay all their remote employees at a certain percentile, such as the rate in San Francisco, regardless of their actual location.


Both approaches have their pros and cons, and the best option for your company depends on various factors like budget, company culture, and the nature of the work. However, it’s essential to consider fairness and equity when it comes to the discussion of ‘hire remote workers salary’ to ensure that all employees feel valued and motivated.


By carefully evaluating these factors and discussing them with your team, you can determine the most suitable approach for compensating your remote workers. Remember, the goal is to find a balance that attracts and retains top talent while also aligning with your company’s values and objectives.


How 6 Pence Helps

When companies hire remote workers, you don’t let geographical restrictions hinder your access to the right talent for your organisation. But it is not smooth sailing.


To help you find the right talent locally or globally, you can partner with 6 Pence. We are one of the leading staffing providers, and we help our business partners close open positions faster than before. Our team will offer end-to-end assistance, from interviewing to background verification and even processing work visas for foreign hires. We also help with payroll processing and related administrative work. To learn more, connect with us today!


Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. What is remote recruiting? 

Ans. Remote recruiting involves hiring employees virtually, bypassing traditional in-person interviews and assessments. As more companies embrace remote work setups, the hiring process shifts to accommodate this trend. It includes sourcing, interviewing, and selecting candidates using online tools and technologies. It reflects the change in modern work practices.


Q2. How do companies support remote workers?

Ans. When companies hire remote workers, they support them by:


  • Ensuring regular, open, and clear communication channels.
  • Implementing strategies to keep remote employees focused and involved.
  • Addressing the challenge of maintaining work-life balance in remote settings.
  • Remaining focused on long-term organisational goals while accommodating remote work arrangements.


Q3. What is a remote employee challenge?

Ans. Challenges faced by remote employees include:


  • Miscommunication due to the absence of face-to-face interaction.
  • Inadequate technology and infrastructure hindering workflow.
  • Low-quality virtual meetings lead to inefficiency.
  • Employees and departments operating in isolation, hampering collaboration.
  • Insufficient training for remote work affects productivity and performance.

How To Prepare for a Behavioral Interview (With Tips)

tips for behavioural interview

Interviews can be extremely intimidating! It’s your opportunity to show off your talent and calibre, as well as for your employers to judge your potential for the organization. That’s why you surely need some tips for behavioural interview. Current employers do not just validate candidates based on their qualifications but also their soft skills.


While you can have technical rounds that allow you to showcase your expertise, behavioural interviews will help hiring managers understand how your future performance is based on your past behaviour.


When preparing for a job interview, especially a behavioural one, it’s crucial to highlight your past experiences effectively. Start by reviewing the job description and identifying key skills and qualities required. 


Behavioural interviews ensure the most suitable candidates are selected for the job. This approach takes a deep dive into your past experience to understand how you face challenges and collaborations and achieve great results. 


Sounds intimidating? Fear not! This blog will help you overcome your problems by providing useful tips for behavioural interview. 


Our proven behavioural interview strategies allow you to easily transform your anxiety into confidence. Let’s explore these tips to turn your next pre-screening interview or behavioural interview into a success story.


Top tips for behavioural interview

Unlike traditional job interviews, behavioural interviews focus more on what you have done in your previous jobs than how you deal with a hypothetical situation.


The idea here is that your past behavior will provide the interviewers with insights into whether you are suitable for the job or not. Not sure how to prepare for a behavioural interview? Here are some behavioural interview tips for success in job interviews, including how to craft a compelling self-introduction for an interview:


Be clear and concise

To maintain engagement with your interviewer, you should pay attention to your tone, eye contact, smile, and even posture. When it comes to communication, you should focus on being as clear and concise as possible. One simple way to do this is to use the STAR/CAR format. 


Now, back to the STAR/CAR format, you can easily use these as valuable tips for behavioural interviews:


STAR Format:

  • Situation: Carefully set the scene and give the necessary details of your example.
  • Task: Describe to the interviewers what your responsibility was in that situation
  • Action: Clearly explain the steps you took to address it.
  • Result: Lastly, share the outcomes of your action.


CAR Format:

  • Context: Properly describe the situation to the interviewers and explain a relevant example from your past.
  • Action: Explain the steps you took to solve those problems and deliver results.
  • Results: Finally, share the outcomes your action achieved. Additionally, you can also offer specific facts relating to the results.


This is probably one of the best tips for behavioural interview. Utilising this format, you can easily structure your answer for the interviewer.


Research thoroughly

While preparing for behavioural interview, thoroughly research the company you are interviewing for. This step is crucial to avoid common job interview mistakes and to develop effective job search strategies. Here is how you can go about using this information to formulate your behaviour interview answers:


  • Firstly, you must research the company and carefully read the job description.
  • Secondly, you should make a list of all the top skills required for the role you are applying for. Simultaneously, prepare a few stories that demonstrate your competency in those skills.
  • Lastly, you should weave in the knowledge of the company in your answer.


Using these tips for behavioural interviews can help you overcome your fears and turn them into confidence.


Curate a list of competencies, attributes, and skills

Instead of being scared or intimidated, you should take a behavioural interview as a chance to showcase your talents, abilities, and results. You think you will instantly increase your chances of getting the offer.


Take note of the skills required for your dream job role, and simultaneously focus on the skills the company is looking for in prospective candidates.  Combining both of these will result in a cluster of skills necessary for the role. Based on these, you can build a list of your capabilities.


Listing your talents and skills will ensure you do not forget them during the real interview. Using these tips for behavioural interview, you can provide the interviewers with exactly what they want, thus boosting your chances even more.


Build a narrative

How you explain your past experience is in your hands. You will have to decide how to justify the relevance of your past experience with the current role you are applying for. Therefore, do not be hasty; take your time and think.


There could be some unique and memorable situations from your past experience that you can use to showcase how you are a great fit for this role.  While preparing for behavioural interview, you should focus on emphasising your key strengths to make your stories more compelling.


After all, your future success will depend on your past actions. So, the better your story is, the higher the chance of success. Be specific in your storytelling, and avoid using vague language.


Practice aloud before the real interview

Practice makes a man perfect, and it is one of the most invaluable tips for behavioural interviews. To be more specific, you should practice answering possible interview questions out loud. Then, carefully observe yourself and look for opportunities to improve your answer. 


Speaking your answers out loud gives you a better understanding of your own position. If you want to be even more thorough, try doing this in front of a mirror. This way, you can see how you present yourself while answering questions.


Demonstrate Results

Among all the tips for behavioural interviews, this is probably the most useful one. During the interview carefully detail how you have reached successful outcomes and quantify the results whenever necessary.


In addition to detailing successful outcomes, you should also explain unsuccessful outcomes. When describing these you should focus on how you handled the situation, and what you could have done differently. 


During behavioural-based interviews, the interviewers look for drive and passion in the candidate. With these tips for behavioural interviews, you will be able to show them your best qualities and your willingness to achieve great results. Interviewers prefer quick learners; therefore, you need to show how you maximize the feedback to achieve great results. 


Wrap your answer with a nice conclusion

While some stories may go according to the STAR methods, some won’t, and that is fine. In any case, just make sure you wrap up your story with a nice conclusion. This will help the interviewers understand what they are supposed to learn from your story. 


Telling your story and then telling what you think about the entire incident allows you to leave a favourable impression. In addition, by giving your own summation, you are ensuring that the interviewers do not end up drawing the wrong conclusion from your stories. Utilizing these tips for behavioural interviews will allow you to turn the situation in your favour.


How 6 Pence Helps

Now that you are armed with these useful tips for behavioural interviews, it’s time you put them in action. Practice your responses, research the company and the role, and approach the interview with a positive mindset.


Above all, never forget that behavioural interviews are your chance to shine and showcase your skills. So use these behavioural interview strategies well to significantly increase your chances of securing your dream job.


Are you looking for well-paying roles in the GCC? Drop your CVs by visiting our careers page. 6 Pence is one of the leading staff outsourcing company in Oman, Dubai, Bahrain, and Iraq. We hire workers for some of the top organisations in these areas. 


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I prepare for a behavioural interview?

Read the job description carefully to check if you have the required skills and qualifications. Think of a story that highlights each of these skills as well as emphasises why you are the right fit for the role. Lastly, no matter what questions is asked, give it your own positive spin and answer with confidence and clarity. 


  1. What are the mistakes in behavioural interviews?

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, so by preparing in advance, you can tremendously improve your performance. Here are some mistakes you should avoid during the interview:


  • Excessive talking or not at all, both can be detrimental
  • Criticising your previous employers and colleagues can form a negative impression
  • Not being honest


  1. What are behavioural interviewing techniques?

Behaviour-based interview techniques refer to the method of evaluating candidates based on their past experience and behaviours. Businesses use this technique to predict a candidate’s future performance.  Further, it provides them with deep insights into the candidate’s skills, decision-making, and work style.

7 Professional Development Opportunities for Career Growth

Professional Development Opportunities

Are you not satisfied with your current job position? Do you feel tired and unmotivated from repeating the same processes every day? It’s not unusual for professionals to experience career ruts every now and then. Seeking professional development opportunities can often reignite passion and drive in your career.


You may feel like your work isn’t challenging enough or that you are not making any meaningful contribution to the development of your organisation. One way to jazz up your enthusiasm for your work is by exploring new professional development opportunities. 


Learning is a continuous process; therefore, no matter what stage of your life you are at, you should never stop learning. Learning new skills, especially when they concern your profession, can make you feel more motivated.


Further, it will also increase your chances of promotions and boost your earning potential. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional searching for new ways to recover from your burnout is necessary.


This blog will explore top professional development opportunities that could instantly bring back your enthusiasm and motivation.


Why professional growth opportunities are so important?

Development opportunities for employees open a new gate for your career advancement. Additionally, they can also help you hone your existing skills and learn new ones. By intentionally opting for training development opportunities, you will stand out among the pool of applicants.


Moreover, by taking the initiative to learn skills independently, you will signal to employers that you are open to new experiences and constantly seek opportunities to grow.


Overall, candidates who consciously seek professional development opportunities are more desired by employers. Doing so will help you form a positive image in the eyes of your employers. In the next section, we will briefly focus on the various advantages of seeking growth opportunities.


How do professional development opportunities benefit employees?

There are many benefits to seeking professional growth opportunities, from boosting confidence in your abilities to creating more opportunities for advancement. Here is a small glimpse of all the advantages: 


  • Unlock new areas of interest: On your way to broaden your knowledge, you can uncover alternative career paths that you may find more fulfilling.
  • Learn new skills: Through professional growth opportunities, you can hone both hard and soft skills in your area of interest.
  • Constant motivation: Upskilling can remind you of why you were interested in your field of expertise in the first place. Consequently, you can reignite your enthusiasm for your job, set new goals, and improve your overall performance.
  • Boost confidence and credibility: Adding new skills to your resume shows your dedication and commitment to your field. Your credibility will increase, and so will your confidence.
  • Build networks: Professional development opportunities allow you to build new networks through spaces like workshops, classes, webinars, conferences, etc. 
  • Provide new challenges: Doing the same daily task can kill your creativity. Therefore, learning something new is very important. Because it can spark innovation and improve your old processes and methods.
  • Career advancement: By becoming a highly qualified employee, you can attract the attention of your employers. Intentionally seeking professional development opportunities boosts your earning potential and increases your overall value.


Training development opportunities are part of the continuous process of enhancing and improving your skills, knowledge, and competencies. So, if you are also interested in exploring new opportunities to increase your growth, keep reading the section below.


Top developmental opportunities for employees

In today’s highly competitive job market, staying relevant and in demand requires continuous learning and development. Here is a list of top professional development opportunities to elevate your skillset and propel your career forward:


Online courses

Online learning, also called e-learning, allows you to access course material, learn from instructors, and interact with your fellow learners on a virtual platform. Online courses provide an adequate learning environment to develop yourself professionally, regardless of your location. 


Therefore, online courses have become one of the most common professional development opportunities for working professionals. By becoming an online learner, you can easily develop the skills to boost your salary and earn a promotion.


Formal education and degree program

One of the most common ways to increase your professional development opportunities is through formal education and degree programs. By advancing your education, you can become more competitive in the market and increase your career prospects.


That is, if you have enough time and dedication to enroll and complete the whole program. Overall, pursuing additional degrees can broaden your knowledge base and qualify you for new job roles. 


Professional certification

Earning professional certificates can include coursework; however, it requires more preparation. In addition, you may have to pass standardised tests to receive the certification.


Certificates are an option for employees who are too busy to commit themselves to lengthy coursework but require skills to move onto new roles.  Here is a list of some of the most popular professional certifications: 


  • Human resources
  • Healthcare
  • Legal
  • Social services
  • Accounting and finances.


Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars

Attending conferences, seminars, and workshops is one of the most overlooked examples of professional development opportunities. These types of events allow you to step outside of your daily routine and explore new ideas and perspectives.


In addition, you get the rare opportunity to interact with others from your own field. Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider taking advantage of these professional development opportunities:


  • You will learn about new industry trends, research, and best practices that can help you improve your job performance.
  • Connect with other professionals, get a chance to exchange ideas and experiences and build collaborative relationships.
  • Participating in workshops can give you more hands-on experience and help you develop new skills.


Technical skill training

If you are interested in advancing your proficiency in your area of interest, technical skills training provides a great space for you. By acquiring in-demand technical skills, you can significantly increase your value in the eye of your organisation.


Moreover, these types of professional development opportunities equip you to perform your current job duties more efficiently and effectively. 


Further, upskilling can also open doors for promotion and career advancement within your organisation. Therefore, whenever possible, try to brush up on your skills. Here are a few ways you can improve your technical skills:


  • Participate in company-sponsored training programs and workshops.
  • Take part in industry hackathons or workshops to learn new technologies.
  • Utilise online documentation, tutorials, etc., to independently learn new skills. 


By actively seeking these professional development opportunities, you can ensure your skillset remains relevant, thus enhancing your career prospects.



If you plan to launch a new career or are considering switching to an entirely new girl, internships can come in handy. They can help you investigate whether different jobs and responsibilities suit you before you take the big leap and switch over.


These types of professional development opportunities present a potent combination of learning, experience, and relationship building. With internships, you will get real-world experience in your chosen field.


This could be a huge advantage when you enter the job market. Further internships also add credibility and depth to your resume, showcasing your initiative and eagerness to learn and develop.



Mentorship might be worth a try if you are seeking new professional development opportunities. A mentor is somebody who has taken the same path you want to follow. Therefore, they can act as your trusted advisor, offering valuable career guidance, support, and encouragement.


Further, they can help you navigate new challenges, identify opportunities, and even develop a strategic career plan. In addition, mentors have insider knowledge about industry trends, practices, etc, which can give you a significant advantage in your career journey.


Lastly, your mentors can use their network to connect you with other professionals in your field. Thus opening the door for more opportunities and collaboration.


How 6 Pence Helps

Professional development is crucial if you do not want to be stuck in the stagnation period of your career. To advance your career and stay competitive, you need to explore and utilise new professional development opportunities.


It’s like planting a seed for future growth, the more you sow, the better your job perspective. In the end, to survive the current job market learning new skills is not a recommendation but a requirement. 


You can apply for the latest job openings in Oman, Dubai, Iraq, and Bahrain, by dropping your CVs on our careers page. 


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of professional development opportunities?

Professional development opportunities are the process of improving skills, knowledge, and abilities relevant to your career. These opportunities allow you to grow professionally and increase your value in your workplace.


2. What are the top 3 developmental opportunities?

Here are 3 of the more valuable options that offer a well-rounded approach to professional development:


  • Skill development: Includes mastering technical skills, soft skills, and industry-specific knowledge.
  • Collaboration: Being able to work effectively with others is essential to achieve success
  • Networking: Building strong and professional relationships can significantly impact your career growth.


3. What are the developmental opportunities?

Development opportunities include any experience, resources, or activities that help you improve your skillset, knowledge, and abilities professionally. These opportunities can include activities like training sessions, mentorship programs, specialised projects, workshops, etc.

How to Negotiate Salary – Tips You Need to Know

Salary Negotiation Tips

Landing a job offer is great, but let’s be honest—those conversations about money can be nerve-wracking. That’s why we all need some salary negotiation tips. In fact, 1 in every 4 candidates does not know how to negotiate salary in an interview and thus does not negotiate at all. It’s understandable—you don’t want to sell yourself short, but you don’t want to come across as too demanding either. 


But don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal to feel a little awkward talking salary! That’s why we’ve put together this easy guide with 7 salary negotiation tips to help you get the compensation you deserve. So, let’s begin!


7 Salary Negotiation Tips for Job Seekers

Let’s be real- if you don’t know what you’re worth, it’s tough to ask for it. This prep work is crucial, so you walk into that negotiation feeling knowledgeable and confident. So, if you are wondering how to negotiate salary in an interview, here’s what you need to follow:


Research Average Salaries in Your Field

Think of salary negotiation tips like this one, like online shopping for your skills. You wouldn’t buy something without checking the price tag, right? Here’s how to find out your fair market value:


  • Online Salary Tools: Websites like Glassdoor, Indeed,, and PayScale are your go-to resources. Search by job title, experience level, and location to get a range of typical salaries in your field.
  • Don’t Forget the Details: Job titles can be tricky! Make sure you’re comparing apples to apples. Two “Marketing Manager” positions might have completely different responsibilities depending on the company size and industry.
  • Tap into Your Network: Know someone working in a similar role? Don’t be shy about asking for a ballpark figure (if you feel comfortable doing so). People are often more willing to share this info than you might think!


Research is one of those salary negotiation tips that gives you hard data to back up your salary requests. It shows you know the market and helps prevent you from accidentally lowballing yourself!


Factor In Your Experience and Skills

Sure, average salaries are great, but you’re not just average, are you? Now, look at what makes you stand out from the crowd. Years of experience definitely matter; someone with 5+ years in the field likely commands more than a recent graduate. 


Did you know that 44% of employees never bring up salary negotiation during their performance reviews? Do not be one of them. Always think about your ideal life and set out on its path early. 


Additionally, familiarity with different types of interviews in HRM, such as behavioral, technical, and situational interviews, can aid in preparing for various aspects of the hiring process. Mastery of salary negotiation techniques, combined with a comprehensive understanding of interview types, enhances your ability to secure a favorable compensation package.


Also, think about your special skills. Are you a coding whiz? A social media guru? Do you speak multiple languages? These all bump up your earning potential. If you’re new to the field or changing careers, don’t panic. Focus on highlighting transferable skills and your willingness to learn. Enthusiasm and potential go a long way when it comes to salary negotiation tips.


Consider Your Location

Which salary negotiation tips will work for you depends on a lot of factors. One of them is location. Where you live makes a huge difference in salary expectations. So, here’s what to follow:


  • Big City, Bigger Paycheck: Generally, the cost of living in major cities is higher, so salaries tend to follow suit.
  • Regional Differences: Even within a country, there can be variations. A tech role in a bustling urban hub likely pays more than the same position in a rural area.
  • Going Global? Research is a MUST: If you’re open to international opportunities, consider local compensation standards and cost of living.


Websites used for salary research often let you filter by location, so take advantage of that feature. Remember, not all salaries for all roles are equal. So, make sure you consider the context of the region and its cost of living. 


Calculate Your Ideal Salary Range

So, you’ve dug into market rates, considered your skills, and factored in location. Now, it’s time to nail down your target number. Consider salary negotiation tips like this one as having two parts: your dream salary and your minimum acceptable offer.


Your ideal salary is what you’d be thrilled to get. It takes into account your needs, lifestyle goals, and the value you offer the company. On the other hand, your “walk-away” number is the absolute lowest you’d accept before walking away from the offer. Having this minimum figured out protects you from settling for less than you deserve in the heat of the moment.


Remember, salary negotiation tips are about compromise. So, knowing your range gives you flexibility while still aiming for your ideal compensation. An effective compensation strategy involves understanding market standards and aligning your expectations accordingly.


Check Out Company-Specific Reviews

Salary negotiation tips and thorough research give you a broad picture, but what about the specific company you’re interested in? Here’s where some online sleuthing comes in handy:


  • Glassdoor to the Rescue: Glassdoor often includes reviews where employees anonymously share salary information. Take these with a grain of salt (disgruntled ex-employees exist!), but it can give you a sense of the company’s pay trends.
  • Dig Deeper: Does the company have a reputation for being generous or a bit stingy? Online forums or even social media, can sometimes reveal clues about their compensation philosophy.
  • Insider Info: Have a friend of a friend who works there? If appropriate, discreetly ask about the general compensation culture. A direct connection can be your most valuable source!


This research helps you manage expectations. So, if the company is known for below-average pay, compensation negotiation tips like this set the stage for your negotiation strategy. This is one of the most important salary negotiation advices to follow before you walk into an interview. 


Remember, Benefits Count Too

If the initial salary offer is slightly lower than you hoped, don’t despair immediately! Remember, compensation is about more than just the number on your paycheck. Take a deep breath and consider the total package the company is offering.


Are there good health insurance plans, generous vacation policies, or opportunities for professional development? Maybe they offer flexible work options that are super valuable to you personally. Before getting discouraged, factor those perks into what the job is truly worth to you.


This is where those interview salary negotiation tips really come in handy. You might say something like, “While the salary is a bit lower than my target, I’m very interested in the flexible work options. Would there be room to negotiate those as part of my overall compensation?”


Know the Laws in Your Region

While salary negotiation often feels like a game with unspoken rules, knowing you have rights is important! Many regions have laws in place that affect how you can approach these conversations. Here are some salary negotiation tips to follow:


  • Salary History Bans: Look up possible bans. Some places have laws prohibiting employers from asking about your previous salary. This helps prevent past inequities from following you and ensures the focus is on what you bring to the table now.
  • Pay Transparency: In some regions, companies are required to disclose salary ranges upfront in their job postings. This gives you a valuable reference point from the start and saves everyone time.
  • Protected Discussions: You have the legal right to discuss wages with colleagues in many places. This can help gather information about fair compensation levels within a specific company or industry.


Don’t underestimate the power of knowing your rights as an employee! A quick online search using keywords like “[your location] salary negotiation laws” can allow you to negotiate confidently and protect your interests.


How 6 Pence Helps

Salary negotiation tips can feel a bit overwhelming, especially while juggling your job search. At 6 Pence, we understand your focus should be on showcasing your skills and finding the perfect fit. We hire on behalf of top public agencies and MNCs in Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, and Dubai. Our clients hail from different industries like oil and gas, telecommunication, finance, etc., which allows us to find you meaningful and competitive employment opportunities. 


Drop your CV with us by visiting the careers page on our website. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I say in salary negotiation? 

Here’s some salary negotiation advice: start by thanking them for the offer and expressing your enthusiasm about the position. Then, confidently state your desired salary range, briefly referencing your research and the specific skills and experience you bring to the role. Show openness to negotiation by suggesting a willingness to discuss other aspects of the compensation package if needed.


How to ask for a higher salary offer example? 

Begin by showing your appreciation for the offer and reaffirming your interest in the role. Then, directly but politely state that you were hoping for a salary closer to a specific number (your target) based on your skills and market research. Express interest in negotiation by asking if there is any flexibility in the compensation they are offering.


To successfully negotiate a higher salary, start by researching market rates for your position and industry. This knowledge equips you with a solid foundation for your discussions.


When to negotiate salary?

As per expert salary negotiation tips, the best time to negotiate is after the employer has expressed serious interest and, ideally, extended a formal job offer. This shows you are a desirable candidate and puts you in a stronger position. Avoid bringing up salary too early in the interview process. If pressed, provide a researched salary range, but emphasise your focus on finding a position that fits you.

Employee Self Service – Employee Payroll Self Service

employee self service

Job hunting can be stressful enough. You have spent hours tailoring your CV, searching for the right opportunities, and finally landed an interview. But wait! There’s paperwork to fill in, questions about company policies, and maybe you need to check your payslip from a previous job. Wouldn’t it be great if you could handle all of this on your own time?


Well, here’s some good news- employee self service systems are here to help! These handy online tools let you manage loads of HR-related tasks directly without needing to wait for someone else to get back to you. Let’s see how they can save valuable time and help you find answers quickly.


What is an Employee Self Service System?

Think of an employee self service system (ESS) like your personal HR assistant, available 24/7. It’s a secure online platform where companies put loads of information and tools you’d normally need to track down someone in HR. 


With an HR employee self service portal, you get to handle many of those HR-related tasks yourself—updating your address, checking your payslip, or even finding out about the company’s dress code policy. The bottom line? An employee self service system gives you control, saves you time, and helps you find the answers you need without all the hassle.


5 Benefits of HR Employee Self Service Service Systems

Now we know what an HR employee self service system is, but why should you care? Well, these systems offer many benefits that can make your job search strategies and overall work-life way easier. 


So, let’s dig into some of the top perks:


Saves You Precious Time

No more waiting for someone in HR to update your address or send you a payslip. With an ESS, you can often make changes yourself or access important documents instantly. So, this frees up time to polish your resume, research companies, or practice your interview skills—activities that actually move your job search forward. In fact, ESS portals lead to a whopping 44% increase in employee productivity!


Puts You in Control

An ESS lets you manage your own information. You can update your contact details, skills, or qualifications whenever needed, ensuring your job applications always present your most up-to-date profile. This control translates to better chances of catching a recruiter’s eye.


Boosts Your Tech Skills

Using an ESS comfortably builds your digital literacy, a highly desired asset in today’s job market. It demonstrates to potential employers that you’re adaptable, can learn new systems quickly, and are comfortable navigating the digital world- all valuable traits.


Answers Your Questions Quickly

A well-designed ESS provides a treasure trove of information, from company policies on flexible hours to past tax documents. Finding answers on your own saves a ton of time compared to emailing HR and waiting for a response. Plus, it allows you to be informed and prepared, whether you’re interviewing or starting a new job.


Reduces Errors

When you directly input or update your information, there’s less risk of mistakes compared to a form being filled out by someone else. This accuracy is vital. Imagine the headache of a wrong address delaying your pay or important tax documents having typos. An employee payroll self service portal, especially when managed by a reputable payroll company in Iraq, gives you peace of mind that your data is correct.


From saving time to building your skills, employee self service systems are a serious win for job seekers and employees alike. So, if you can use one, jump on it! It’ll not only simplify your work life but also give you an edge in your career journey.


5 Tips for Using ESS Employee Self Service Effectively

Did you know that 81% of all businesses already use an ESS? Employee self-service systems can be a game-changer, but only if you use them to their full potential. So, here are some practical tips to help you navigate an ESS like a pro, making sure you reap all those time-saving benefits:


Explore Thoroughly

Your employee self service system likely has more features and resources than you initially realise. So, set aside some time to browse the different sections, familiarise yourself with the layout, and see what’s possible. You might discover hidden gems like training modules, company announcements, or even the ability to submit leave requests.


Keep Your Login Handy

Bookmark the ESS login on your computer for convenience, and consider adding it to your phone’s home screen. This way, whenever you need to update details or find information quickly, you won’t have to scramble to find the website.


Update Information Promptly

Life changes! So, get into the habit of updating your ESS profile with any new addresses, phone numbers, skills, or qualifications. This proactive approach ensures your applications are always up-to-date and prevents delays caused by outdated information.


Double-Check Your Entries

A few extra seconds of proofreading can save you major headaches down the line. Before submitting any changes, take a moment to carefully review your entries, especially for crucial data like bank account numbers or tax details.


Reach Out to HR When Needed

Remember, an ESS is designed to streamline processes but doesn’t replace your human HR team entirely. So, if you’re struggling to find what you need, encountering technical glitches, or have complex questions, don’t hesitate to contact HR for support.


These few simple steps can turn your employee self service system into an impactful companion in your job search and overall work life. Welcome the convenience, stay proactive with your information, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.


How 6 Pence Helps

Employee self service systems give both job seekers and employees much-needed control and convenience. At 6 Pence, we understand the importance of streamlining HR processes to help individuals and businesses alike. 


6 Pence offers its business partners and their employees access to our advanced 24/7 HR e-service portal. This enables employees to access any important documentation with just a single click. 



What is self-service for employees?

Employee self-service means using a secure online system to manage your own HR-related tasks and information. This might include things like updating your address, viewing payslips, checking company policies, or even applying for internal jobs.


What is the disadvantage of employee self-service?

The main disadvantage of employee self service is the potential for errors if you input your information incorrectly. Sometimes, complex questions or issues still require direct contact with HR, and there’s always a slight risk of technical glitches within the system.


Why is self-service important?

Self-service saves valuable time for employees and HR departments by streamlining routine tasks. It increases your control over your own information and helps you find answers quickly and independently, even outside of typical office hours.

The Evolution of Human Resource Management (HRM)

evolution of human resource management

Have you ever considered how much the world has changed over the past century? Back in the 1970s, having a PC was a rare luxury if you worked in an office. But fast forward to the 2000s, and it became almost impossible to do your job without one.


All these changes can be overwhelming, especially in the workplace. That’s where the human resources (HR) department steps in. They’re responsible for managing the well-being of employees and the company.


In times of crisis, who do you think is the first department called upon? It’s usually HR. Yet, they often don’t get the credit they deserve for a company’s success. Despite this, HR plays a crucial role in ensuring employee and business success. They’re employees’ first point of contact when they join the company and often the last one, too.


So, in this article, we’ll look into the evolution of human resource management (HRM) and its impact on how we work.


Functions and Evolution of Human Resource Management 

The evolution of human resource management has come a long way from its traditional roots of administrative tasks to becoming a strategic function crucial for organisational success. 


So, let’s look into the functions of human resource management:


Transition to Human Resource Management

The evolution of human resource management has changed things in many ways. Earlier, HRM was more about handling paperwork and compliance. However, as businesses realised the need to align their people with long-term goals, the evolution of human resource management began. 


It shifted from merely managing people to strategically developing and using human resources for organisational growth. Therefore, HRM professionals had to adapt and become strategic partners rather than just administrators in decision-making.


Strategic HRM

The strategic evolution of human resource management aims to align HR practices with the organisation’s broader goals. It’s all about blending HR strategies with long-term objectives to gain a competitive edge. 


The goal? A talented, motivated workforce that drives organisational success. The strategic evolution of human resource management focuses on engaging employees, managing talent, and proactive planning. By linking HR practices with strategic goals, organisations can use their people to achieve lasting competitive advantages.


Technology and HRM

Technology plays a significant role in the evolution of human resource management. From simplifying processes to improving decision-making, technology has changed the game. Think human resource information systems (HRIS) and applicant tracking systems (ATS). 


These tools automate administrative tasks, making recruitment and performance management more efficient. Besides, with technology, HR can gather and analyse vast amounts of data, offering insights for talent management and strategic planning.


Eventually, it enables businesses to simplify HR processes and adopt a data-driven approach to managing their workforce.


How Many Stages are there in the Evolution of HRM? 

Since the dawn of the Industrial Age, HR departments have come a long way, from simple record-keeping to becoming strategic organisational partners.


So, let’s look into the four main stages in the evolution and development of HRM:


Industrial Revolution

During the Industrial Age, HR was only about caring for workers’ welfare, like wages and leaves. Back then, factories needed lots of workers fast, so they hired and trained them quickly. But the conditions were harsh – think 16-hour workdays, seven days a week. 


Eventually, factory owners realised that happy workers are productive workers. This led to programs to meet workers’ basic needs and government regulations on working conditions, sparking the need for the evolution of human resource planning.


Period of Trade Unionism

As government regulations and labour unions grew, personnel departments were born. From around 1900 to the 1960s, this period was all about HR being more admin-focused. 


They tracked records, managed talent, and ensured workplace safety. It was also about applying scientific principles, like Frederick Taylor’s idea of simplifying jobs for better productivity.


Behavioural Perspective

In the late 20th century, the term “human resources” became popular. HRM shifted focus, realising that employees are motivated by more than just money. Theories from behavioural scientists like Maslow and McGregor showed that needs like achievement and self-actualisation mattered, too. 


Besides, keeping talented workers happy became a priority, with the economy becoming more service-oriented. HR began suggesting changes like better work environments and more social communities.


Strategic Human Resources

Today’s HR is all about strategy. HR managers aren’t just admin; they’re part of the senior management team, shaping the company’s overall business strategy. They work closely with other departments to align employee and company goals and encourage creativity and innovation. Plus, they provide crucial advice on corporate culture during mergers or when hiring a diverse workforce.


So, from taking care of apprentice welfare to being strategic partners in business growth, the evolution of HR function has come a long way, adapting to the needs of the times and the workforce.


Future Trends of Human Resource Management

In the coming years, the evolution of human resource management is set to undergo some significant changes. 


Remote-first Workforce

Firstly, with more people working remotely, HRM will need to find ways to ensure effective virtual collaboration. This means developing communication and performance management strategies in a remote work environment.


Prioritsing Employee Wellbeing

Secondly, with the evolution of human resource planning, there will be a continued focus on employee wellbeing and work-life balance. HRM will need to adopt policies and programs that support mental health, flexibility, and integration between work and personal life.

Technology Will Be At The Forefront

Thirdly, technology will play a bigger role in the evolution and development of HRM. We’ll see more use of AI, automation, and data analytics to simplify HR processes and make better decisions.


DEI Measures Will Be Strictly Followed

And finally, diversity and inclusion will remain a top priority for HRM. They will continue leading initiatives to create workplaces that value people from all backgrounds and perspectives.


So, as we examine the functions and evolution of human resource management, the future holds many changes to be made. Adapting to future trends in HRM is important to meet the changing needs of the workforce.

How 6 Pence Helps

As we conclude our exploration of the evolution of human resource management, it’s clear that HRM has come a long way from its origins as a purely administrative function. By understanding the past, we can better prepare for the future of HRM and continue to evolve in response to the changing needs of the workplace. 


If you are struggling to meet the demands of modern HRM and staffing needs, then worry not! 6 Pence has almost two decades of experience in helping businesses in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai find the right candidates for their organisation. Our job doesn’t just end with the onboarding; we will also assist with payroll processing, work visas, paperwork verification, and other HR-related work.


To know more, connect with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the concept and evolution of HRD?

Ans: HRD has existed since the 18th century, starting with apprentice training. Initially, HRM was about keeping records; then, it moved to managing labour agreements. Over time, it became more scientific, systematically selecting, training, and compensating employees. 


Now, the concept has evolved to see employees as valuable resources and opportunities for growth. In the last couple of decades, HRD has gained importance in management, emphasising the development of human potential within organisations.

Q2. What is the difference between old HR and new HR? 

Ans: In the old days, HR was all about strict job descriptions and promotions based mainly on time served and performance reviews. But now, things have shifted. New HR is more flexible, with fewer rigid rules. It focuses on empowering employees, offering broader job roles where creativity and initiative shine. 

Q3. What are the 5 roles of HR?

Ans: Here are the 5 roles of HR:


  • HR looks for new talent through ads, online platforms, and agencies. They interview candidates and negotiate job offers.
  • HR creates job descriptions, determining the skills needed for each position and how teams will work together.
  • They plan company events and schedules, ensuring smooth operations.
  • HR helps new hires settle in by providing training and guiding them through company policies.
  • They create and update rules and regulations, ensuring everyone understands and follows them.

10 Benefits Of Outsourcing HR Functions

benefits of outsourcing hr functions

Are you feeling the world’s weight on your shoulders with all those HR tasks piling up? It’s time to lighten your load and supercharge your efficiency with HR outsourcing. But wait, what exactly is HR outsourcing, and how can it transform your role? Let’s dive in and explore the benefits of outsourcing HR functions. It can be your secret to success in managing human resources


What is HR outsourcing?

Picture this: you’re the HR professional managing all the intricate aspects of human resources within your organisation. From recruitment to compliance, it’s a lot to juggle. But what if there was a way to lighten your load?


HR outsourcing services are designed specifically for professionals like you. It’s the process of partnering with an external company to handle some or all of your HR tasks. Whether it’s streamlining payroll, navigating complex legal requirements, or enhancing employee benefits, outsourcing offers a strategic approach to managing HR responsibilities.


Leveraging the expertise of an external provider can be like expanding your team without adding more desks to your office. You can focus your time and energy on high-impact initiatives while ensuring that essential HR functions are expertly managed. 


Outsourcing isn’t about relinquishing control; outsourcing HR benefits is about maximising efficiency and effectiveness. Whether you outsource specific projects or delegate comprehensive HR functions, the goal remains to empower your organisation to thrive. 


So, for companies of varying sizes, outsourcing isn’t just a solution- it’s a strategic advantage. It’s about elevating your role from tactical execution to strategic leadership, driving positive outcomes for your organisation and its employees. 


Which HR functions can be Outsourced?

When it comes to running a business, handling all the HR tasks can be quite overwhelming. But did you know that you can outsource some of these functions?


It’s true! There are immense benefits of outsourcing HR functions. It can save you time and resources, allowing you to focus on growing your business and taking care of your customers better. Additionally, HR system integration becomes seamless, enabling smoother data flow and better analytics. This allows internal teams to focus on core business activities, driving growth and innovation.


Here are some HR functions that you can outsource:



Keeping up with ever-changing employment laws and regulations can be challenging. Outsourcing this to HR experts ensures your business stays compliant and avoids penalties. 


Employee Relations

Dealing with internal compliance or issues like harassment claims requires skill and sensitivity. Sometimes, the internal HR team is already short-staffed, or in smaller organisations, it can become difficult for them to remain impartial.


In such cases, an external agency or mediator helps resolve issues and maintain a positive and amicable working environment.


Payroll Processing Services

Ensuring timely and accurate payment of wages, taxes, and deductions is crucial. Outsourcing payroll processing ensures everything is done correctly and in compliance with laws. 


Employee Benefits and Workers’ Compensation

Offering benefits like health insurance or retirement plans is important for employee satisfaction. Outsourcing HR can help you provide competitive benefits packages. 


Handling claims and ensuring injured employees get proper care can be complex. Outsourcing this function helps streamline the process and reduce issues. 


The benefits of outsourcing HR functions like these can take the worry off your shoulders and let you focus on running your business smoothly.


Types of HR Outsourcing 

As HR professionals, you understand the importance of finding the right solutions to support your organisation’s needs. When outsourcing HR services, exploring the different types of HR outsourcing methods available is essential. Here’s a closer look at the options:


Professional Employer Organisation (PEO)

When you team up with PEO, you’re getting a helping hand to manage your HR tasks. Here’s how it works:


The PEOs officially act as the employer for your staff. They handle things like paying salaries, managing benefits, and ensuring all the legal aspects are sorted out. But don’t worry—you still call the shots when it comes to day-to-day employee matters like hiring and managing performance


You pay the PEO for their services, but even though they handle the paperwork, you’re still responsible for tasks like bringing new hires and updating employee records. 


PEOs are especially handy for small to medium-sized businesses. They give you access to perks and services that might otherwise be too pricey. It’s like having the resources of a big company while still running your own ship. 


Administrative Services Organisation (ASO) 

When considering outsourcing options, an ASO provides a comprehensive suite of HR services while allowing businesses to maintain their employer status.


Unlike a PEO, where the provider becomes the employer of record, ASOs function as trusted partners, offering support and expertise in administrative HR functions. 


Under the ASO model, businesses retain control over their employees and their records. The ASO acts as an advisor and collaborates closely with the internal HR team to address needs and concerns. This approach allows businesses to customise their HR services, choosing only the ones that align with their specific requirements. 


For HR professionals seeking more operational support while retaining authority over their organisation, ASOs offer a tailored solution. With an ASO, you can maintain your current benefits structure and utilise preferred technology solutions while benefiting from the organisational and administrative support of an external HR services provider. It’s like having a knowledgeable ally to assist with HR tasks without relinquishing control over company operations. 


Human Resources Organisation (HRO)

For HR professionals, HROs offer a flexible and tailored approach to outsourcing HR functions. Picture it as a customisable menu of services designed specifically for larger companies with existing HR capabilities. 


Unlike other outsourcing models, HROs empower HR teams to select the precise services they require, much like picking dishes from an a la carte menu. Whether it’s recruitment, compliance, or other specialised areas, HROs provide targeted assistance where needed. 


These organisations are well-suited for companies with the capacity to manage general HR functions but seek additional support in specific areas. With a diverse array of services on offer, HROs cater to the varied needs of larger corporations. 


The appeal of HROs lies in their versatility and comprehensive service offerings. The advantages of outsourcing HR functions is that they allow HR professionals to maintain control over their operations while accessing specialised expertise in key areas.


Each model empowers organisations to enhance efficiency and drive success while maintaining control. Let us learn in-depth about why it is important to outsource HR functions. 


What are the Benefits of Outsourcing HR Functions

Discover the benefits of outsourcing HR functions! From saving money to accessing top-notch expertise, outsourcing can transform your HR game and supercharge your organisation’s success. 


Cost Savings

Outsourcing your HR tasks can be a real money-saver. You won’t have to worry about hefty salaries, benefits, or training costs for an in-house team. 


Access to Expertise

Imagine having a whole squad of HR pros at your fingertips. That’s what outsourcing offers! You can access diverse expertise in different HR areas, from recruitment to compliance. It’s like having your dream team! 


Focus on Core Activities

Tired of drowning in paperwork? One of the benefits of outsourcing HR functions is that it frees up your time to focus on what matters- strategic initiative and employee growth. Say goodbye to mundane tasks, and hello to making a real impact! 



Business needs fluctuate, right? Outsourced HR services can easily flex up or down to match those changes. No need to stress about hiring or downsizing internally. 


Compliance Management 

Keeping up with employment laws can be a headache. Luckily, outsourcing partners stay on top of all the latest regulations, so you can breathe easy knowing your organisation is compliant. 


Enhanced Efficiency

One of the benefits of human resource outsourcing is that it can turbocharge your efficiency, leaving you more time to tackle those big projects or even take a well-deserved coffee break! 


Employee Development 

Who doesn’t love levelling up their skills? Outsourcing partners often offer awesome training programs, giving you the tools to empower your employees and foster a culture of growth. 


Improved Employee Experience

Happy employees, happy life! With outsourced HR support, you can offer top-notch benefits, support, and development opportunities, creating a workplace where everyone wants to stick around. 


Risk Mitigation 

Nobody likes playing with fire, especially when it comes to legal compliance. Outsourced HR providers are pros at navigating tricky situations, so you can sleep soundly knowing your organisation is protected. 


Strategic Support 

Need a sounding board for those big decisions? The benefits of outsourcing HR functions include getting strategic insights to help you steer the ship toward success. It’s like having a trusted advisor in your corner, ready to help you conquer any challenge! 


With HR outsourcing, you gain cost savings, expertise, and strategic support while focusing on core activities and enhancing employee experience. It’s a win-win for your organisation’s growth. 


How 6 Pence Helps

So, there you have it! The benefits of outsourcing HR functions are clear: cost savings, access to expertise, enhanced efficiency, and more. By leveraging outsourcing, you can streamline your HR processes, focus on activities, and ultimately drive success for your organisation. So why wait? 


Not, sure of where to find a reliable partner. Don’t worry! 6 Pence is a leading staffing and HR outsourcing partner in Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, and Iraq. We have two decades of experience in providing customised and full-service staffing, payroll, and HR administration services to our business partners. To learn more, contact us today!


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is HR outsourcing?

HR outsourcing is when you can delegate your tedious HR duties to an organisation with expertise in handling hiring, payroll, legal matters, administrative work, etc. 


2. What are the benefits of outsourcing?

Outsourcing HR means saving costs, accessing expertise, turbocharging efficiency, and creating a thriving workplace. It’s the secret sauce to supercharging organisational growth!


3. How will outsourcing increase the effectiveness of HR?

Outsourcing increases HR effectiveness by allowing experts to handle tedious tasks, freeing up internal resources for strategic initiatives. It boosts efficiency, ensures compliance, and provides access to specialised knowledge, enhancing overall HR performance and driving organisational success.

What Is Performance Management? Process and Cycle

Performance Management Process

Did you know that only 12% of employees feel recognised at their work? Conversely, about 25% of employees leave their current job due to lack of recognition. With talent wars and labour shortages, it’s essential you avoid voluntary departures at all costs.


But how? What can you do to make your employees feel more appreciated, valued, and motivated? Implementing a comprehensive performance management process might be of some help.


Imagine a system that fosters growth and encourages employees to achieve goals efficiently and effectively. Seems like a dream right? Not anymore. With this blog, you will unlock the secret to achieving all your business goals while keeping your employees motivated.


This blog will help you understand what the performance management process is and why it is so important. Further, it will also provide you with useful tips to significantly improve your performance management plan. 


If you are interested in knowing how a well-designed performance management strategy can unlock your employees’s full potential, then keep reading till the end.


What is the performance management process?

Performance management is a continuous process used to improve individual and organisational effectiveness. The performance management process includes a cycle of feedback between managers and their employees to ensure the organisation’s objectives are achieved.


In recent years, the definition of performance management has changed. What once used to be an annual affair has now become a continuous process that ensures your employees are performing efficiently throughout the year. 


Overall, you can divide the performance management process into four key steps:


  • Planning: Setting up employee and organisational goals.
  • Monitoring: Consistent monitoring is done to ensure sufficient progress is being made to achieve the said goals.
  • Reviewing: Measuring the progress of the employees on a yearly or biannual timeframe
  • Rewarding: Rewarding employees for successfully reaching their goals.


Now that you are familiar with the performance management process in HRM, let’s examine it and try to understand why it is so important.


Why is the performance management process so important?

Here are five reasons why an employee performance management process is important:


Boost performance and engagement

When managers and team leaders constantly have an open and constructive feedback channel with their team, they can help to provide on-time suggestions. This leads to improved performance and keeps the employee morale high.


Employees feel valued and heard when they can reach out to their superiors when they face issues, as it helps them with a learning opportunity while also bettering their output.


Strengthen goals alignment

Performance management makes it easier for managers and leaders to develop realistic goals to measure for their employees. A good performance management plan will allow your employees to set practical goals for themselves. Therefore, consider preparing an updated job description for your team and discussing with them how you would like them to progress. 


In addition, you can work with them to establish SMART goals that align with their career objectives and roles. By setting goals that cascade down from the company’s primary objective, you can ensure the individual efforts of your employees end up contributing to the bigger picture. 


Boost employee motivation

A successful performance management process can easily increase your team’s engagement. In addition, it can also encourage open dialogue between managers and employees.


You can boost your team’s engagement by establishing weekly meetings, monthly check-ins, etc. Furthermore, you can even develop a process to measure the engagement and motivation level of your employees regularly.


Clearly mention your expectations, provide regular feedback, and nurture development opportunities to help your employees understand their roles.


This can also make your employees feel valued and motivate them to improve their skills. Overall, the performance management process is a great method to increase engagement and improve performance.


Improve productivity

Aside from improving engagement, performance management also helps you encourage and inspire your team to perform better, hence boosting productivity. This would, in turn, create a stress-free workplace environment, allowing your employees to retain their focus and achieve more in less time.


Establish transparency in the workspace

One of the biggest advantages of performance management process is that it allows you to increase workplace transparency. By sharing organisational goals and helping your team establish individual SMART goals, you can further contribute to maintaining a transparent environment. 


To create a performance management system that promotes transparency, you must first outline the tasks employees can perform.  Then, you should demonstrate how they can prepare to achieve positive outcomes.


Moreover, informing your employees about the motivation behind the performance management process will help them optimise its use. Lastly, you can also explain how their goals and accomplishments contribute to the bigger picture. 


When your employees know the potential rewards of their work, they can easily work on improving their performance.


Support talent development and retention

A strong performance management process can help you identify high performers and their development needs. By investing in employee growth, you can easily retain top talents. Further, this will also motivate them to continue optimising their performance while also inspiring other employees. 


You can easily recognise employees during weekly check-ins, or at the end of a project. According to their performance, you can plan rewards and offer incentives. By offering public accolades and additional benefits you can also encourage other employees to improve their performance.


A well-designed performance management process is a vital tool for any organisation seeking success. It goes beyond evaluating past performance; it is a continuous cycle that fosters employee and organizational growth. Therefore, the next section will provide you with some useful tips. 


Tips to improve performance management process

Performance management fosters a culture of learning and improvement that benefits both your employees and the organisation. Here are some tips to improve your performance management system:


  • Align employee and HR performance management: Make sure to involve your HRs from the very beginning and try to get their input during the down phase of your performance management process. By aligning employee and HR performance management, you can ensure your system meets legal and company guidelines. 


  • Invest in a good employee performance evaluation system: There is no one-size-fits-all in the performance management process. You need to select an evaluation method that best suits your specific roles and provides meaningful insights. Develop a clear employee performance evaluation system to ensure consistency across different managers and departments.


  • Use technology for cascading goals: Technology can come in handy to keep track of who is responsible for what. But that is not all; using advanced tools offers broad visibility and easy access for everyone. This way, completing or modifying goals will be a hundred times easier.


  • Actively involve your employees: Gone are the times when the performance management process used to be a top-down exercise. Nowadays, performance management is more of a shared responsibility between employees and supervisors. Increased employee participation will result in higher satisfaction, commitment, and motivation.



How 6 Pence Helps

In the end, the performance management process can help you achieve organisational objectives efficiently while retaining employees. 6 Pence is a leading staffing agency in Oman, Bahrain, Iraq, and Dubai. We help businesses find the right talent and also assist with the hired employees’ payroll processing, paperwork verification, and work visa application (for foreign hires) and job role-related training.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the performance management plan process?

The performance management plan process is a structured approach within the performance management system. This process focuses on building personalised roadmaps for each of your employees to achieve their goals and improve their overall performance.


2. What are the 5 performance management processes?

At the fundamental level, performance management processes consist of 5 elements. These elements are:


  • Planning
  • Monitoring
  • Developing
  • Rating
  • Rewarding


These five processes are a part are essential for establishing a successful performance management process.


3. What is the performance management model?

A performance management model is a framework that guides your organisation in


  • Setting and aligning goals
  • Evaluating employee performance
  • Promoting continuous development


Overall, you can say that a performance management model is like a roadmap for your whole process.

Performance Management Challenges and How to Solve Them

Performance Management Challenges

Does your performance management system feel more like a performance drain? Performance reviews can be a powerful tool to drive employee development; however, traditional methods often fall short. If your employees seem disengaged and your managers are frustrated, that is one of the few signs that your system is creating more loss than profit.


Therefore, to help you overcome such issues, this blog will explore some of the common performance management challenges and discover ways to transform your system.


In today’s dynamic work environment, employee performance is the key to success. Regular performance reviews are supposed to be a valuable tool for businesses. Unfortunately, reality often falls short of your expectations. These days, performance management seems like one of the biggest challenges for the workforce. Therefore, this blog dives into the core challenges facing performance management, offering solutions to transform performance management from a dreaded chore to a powerful performance driver.


What are some common performance management challenges companies face? 

Experiencing performance management challenges in the workplace is common. But rather than wasting your time, you should focus on resolving the problem. Therefore, here is a list of some of the most common performance management challenges your organisation may face:


Lack of goal alignment and clarity

Without goal alignment and clarity, you are bound to face challenges in team performance management. Having unclear goals between organisational objectives will ultimately lead to diminished performance. Therefore, to make sure everyone is on the same page, you need to establish a strategic direction and then focus on clear goal setting.


By ensuring your goals are specific, aligned, and measurable, you can significantly reduce performance management challenges. Therefore before designing your performance management strategy check whether your goals are properly communicated to each member of your team or not. In addition, you can also define responsibilities so everyone understands their roles.


Employee performance issues

One of the most common reasons behind employee performance issues is a lack of engagement and motivation. This happens when your employees are not fully interested in their work. It can lead to several major issues, like decreased productivity and sub-par performance. If you wish to resolve this kind of performance management challenge, you must first recognise the issue’s root cause. 


In most cases, employees may feel demotivated due to:



If you wish to overcome this, you can implement performance-based reward programs, incentives, flexible work arrangements, etc. This will create a supportive culture that motivates employees to do their best.


Insufficient feedback and lack of communication

Not giving your employees proper feedback can easily become a major performance management challenge. Similarly, a lack of proper communication can also cause a lot of issues. Inadequate feedback leaves employees confused about their contribution. Meanwhile, poor communication can limit discussions on your goals and expectations. 


To resolve these performance management challenges, you must encourage open dialogues between managers and employees.  You can also try introducing evaluation strategies like 360-degree feedback and performance reviews to discover areas for improvement.


Another important method to avoid challenges in team performance management is through training management. This can help with employee development and foster a positive and highly productive work environment.


Limited Resources and Time Constraints

Lack of resources and time are some of the most common performance management challenges businesses face. Facing limitations due to budget is normal. However, you should not let it distract you from finding better solutions. 


Firstly, you need to identify critical resources and prioritise investment in the areas that generate the best results. Secondly, you can use technology to automate administrative tasks and streamline the performance management process. Lastly, you should fairly distribute responsibilities to the most capable individuals to generate the best results.


Software Challenges

If the software performance review system does not work properly it can become a major performance management problems. For example, if an employee faces errors while logging into the review platform, it can sour their overall experience. And even though the vendor can fix the problem immediately, the impact would have already been made. 


To avoid forming negative connotations about review, be upfront with your employees about the possible performance management challenges from the beginning.


Lack of HR Tech Skills

A successful performance management process requires proper skills. So, if your HR team is not trained enough, you are bound to experience performance management challenges. Therefore, before the performance management process is behind you, you need to ensure your HR staff is capable of handling tasks efficiently. 


To ensure success, you can also opt for regular training and upskilling activities. Furthermore, you can hire an external consultant to support the team in areas where they lack skills.


Lack of Data Integration

Data integration is necessary if you do not want your performance management process to turn into a giant mess. Data scattered across various systems makes it impossible to accurately track progress. To avoid such performance management challenges, you need to create a cohesive talent management strategy


You can start by investing in a performance management system that integrates existing HR and learning management platforms. This will provide you with a holistic view of data. Further, it will also decrease the need for manual data entry, thus saving you a lot of time. 


In addition, you can also try utilising performance analytics to track individual and team performance metrics. This will help you recognise trends, identify areas of improvement, and provide valuable insights.


Resistance to New Changes

Humans are creatures of habit, and that is an established fact. Therefore, it’s natural they resist any changes in their routine work. So, when implementing a new performance management challenge, you can expect resistance from various members of your organisation. This kind of performance management challenges may not seem big in the beginning, but it can have quite an impact on the outcomes. 


To avoid this, you can do two things:


  • Firstly, properly communicate the need for change with your employees and provide proper training and support.
  • Secondly, you can implement these changes over a gradual course of time to ease the employees into the change without startling them.


Biased Reviews

As a human being, being totally rational and objective can be very difficult. So it’s no wonder that biased reviews have become a thing in the performance management process. Subjective evaluations fail to reflect actual performance. Biased reviews can cause distrust among your employees, turning this into an even bigger problem. 


To avoid such performance management challenges, you can train the HR manager to be unbiased during the process. Moreover, you can even implement standard evaluation criteria to ensure fairness.


Inconsistency in Performance Measurement Standards

These types of performance management challenges often undermine the credibility and fairness of the process. Overall, they can lead to confusion and a lack of trust in the system. Therefore, to avoid such performance management challenges, you need to properly communicate and define the standard performance criteria. 


Additionally, you can also hold calibration sessions to discuss the evaluation outcomes with managers and ensure the standards are applied consistently.


How 6 Pence Helps

Too many performance management challenges can make the whole process into a dreaded annual chore. But that does not mean you can’t do anything to turn them into a pleasant experience for your employees. If you are struggling with HR and staffing issues, connect with us at 6 Pence. 


At 6 Pence, we are the leading HR recruitment and staff outsourcing agency in the GCC. When we place employees with your organisation, we also undertake their annual performance evaluation, payroll, and other related administrative work. If you are a business based in Dubai, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain, get in touch with us today to learn more!


Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What are the challenges in managing performance? 

Some of the challenges in performance management are:

  • Lack of leadership quality
  • Inadequate and untimely feedback
  • Unclear communication
  • Lack of employee motivation
  • Lack of flexibility


2. Why is performance management so difficult? 

Performance management can often be challenging because there is often a lack of coordination between the employer and employee. Some of the reasons can be a misleading job description, wherein employees are not clear about their roles and responsibilities, while managers struggle to judge them fairly. Inadequate feedback can also cause issues because employees are often kept in the dark about what they are lacking and how they can better their performance.


3. What are the key factors affecting performance?

Key factors affecting employee performance are:

  • Lack of goal clarity
  • No transparency in processes
  • Poor cross-team communication
  • No clarity on roles and responsibilities

How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview [Tips]

self introduction for interview

Do you know what is the favourite question of interviewers? And which is the most dreaded one by interviewees? Surprisingly, it is one question, “Why don’t you tell me something about yourself?”


A self-introduction for interview helps you create a strong impression. Remember the saying, First impression is the last impression, well that holds true for an interview. This is probably the easiest question, given that no one knows you better than yourself.


But when you are sitting in front of a bunch of strangers who can decide your professional fate, it can become very challenging to decide what to tell, and what to leave behind.


Self introduction for job interview can make or break the chance to work in an organisation.


What Should Be Included in Job Interview Introduction?

Your interview self introduction example should include the following details:


Your Personal Details

This will be a brief introduction to yourself, including your name and educational qualifications (just the latest degree or professional certifications; you don’t need to start with your pre-school details).


Keep this short, and sum it up within three to four sentences.


“I am Jasmin Ahmed, and I originally hail from India but have been working Dubai for the last three years. I am proficient in speaking four languages: Hindi, English, Arabic, and French. I have a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and recently got certified as an SEO specialist.”


Even though the recruiters will have the CV in front of you, they still might expect you to go through them. You can also mention any special detail, like if you topped your university or got the Dean’s recommendation.


Previous Work Experience

Now, you don’t need to learn up your entire work experience from your resume. However, when giving self introduction for interview, just briefly summarise your last experience or any special project you worked on.


It can be something like this:


“I am currently working as a project manager at XYZ and head a team of 10 sales executives. I was part of the team that worked on the ABC marketing project, which gained over 10 million Instagram views.”


But if you are giving a self-introduction sample for job interview fresher role, you can skip this part or mention any internships you worked on.



An interviewer values not just your academics and professional prowess but also your personal attributes and character. Your self-introduction in an interview also demonstrates whether you fit the company’s culture and long-term objectives.


You can mention your hobbies, such as whether you love gardening, cooking, or sports. However, it is important to remember that you should not mention anything that is politically or religiously inclined or discriminatory in nature in this section.


This part can also be used to showcase your personal values and things that you believe in.


For example:


“I love pets and have two labradors called Tom and Jerry. Before adopting these rescue dogs, I used to volunteer at an animal shelter along with my grandfather, who was a strong advocate of animal rights.”


Future Plans

This part should be about how you plan to contribute to the organisation and why you deserve a place on the team. Talk about where you see yourself in the future and how this organisation is the right place for them. It will show your enthusiasm for the role.


What is the Ideal Duration of a Self Introduction for Interview?

There is no exact duration for delivering a job interview introduction. According to experts, the duration should be as long as an elevator pitch, which is about as brief as possible—within a minute. Any more than that and the recruiter might lose interest. This is especially true in the case of virtual interviews.


Also, most of the information that you share during the self introduction is already present with the hiring managers, and the other points will also come up later during the interview, when you can elaborate on them.


Self Introduction for Interview: Best Way to Answer

Even the best of us get tongue-tied when asked to give a job interview introduction. Don’t we all go into a flashback of all the times in the past when we stammered, huffed, and puffed and almost had an anxiety attack?


Well, this guide will teach you the best way to introduce yourself in an interview.


Mid-level Executives

“Hello, I’m Sarah. With five years of experience in Marketing, I’ve honed skills in Google Ads, project management, and client interaction. I’m enthusiastic about your use of AI in delivering out-of-the-box marketing campaigns.


My strengths lie in understanding the consumer and tailoring campaigns that resonate with them while also ensuring seamless communication and timely delivery of work. Outside work, I enjoy cooking and meditation. Thrilled about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and eager to discuss how I can add value to the team.”


“Hello, I’m Ahmed. With 7 years of experience in sales, I’ve honed my skills in cold calling, sending emails, and research. I thrive in a high-pressure work environment, which is evident in my ability to be recognised as the star salesperson for two years in a row in my last organisation. Excited to bring my expertise to the sales manager role, I look forward to contributing to [Company Name]’s success. Thank you for considering my application.”


Senior Executives

“Hello, I’m Farouq. With over 10 years of experience in leadership roles, I’ve navigated complex challenges and driven strategic growth. My expertise lies in adaptability and innovation, fostering high-performing teams, and delivering measurable results.


I am attracted to this senior management position at [Company Name] because of its commitment to innovation and excellence. Eager to leverage my experience in the FinTech Sector, I’m ready to collaborate with the talented team here to drive impactful change and achieve organizational goals. Thank you for considering my candidacy.”


“Good day, I’m Amy. With extensive experience in senior management spanning 12 years, I’ve led teams to achieve strategic goals in the IT industry. My expertise lies in building client relations and creating an emotionally resilient team, which helps drive profitability and foster innovation. I’m drawn to this opportunity at [Company Name] due to its commitment to creating AI-enabled, eco-friendly chips. Eager to leverage my leadership and strategic acumen to propel [Company Name] to new heights. Thank you for considering my candidacy.”



“Hi there, I’m Harry, a recent graduate with a degree in Computer Science from Hunter College in New York. While I may be new to the workforce, I bring enthusiasm, fresh perspectives, and a strong desire to learn and grow. I’ve developed a solid foundation in coding and cyber security during my academic journey. I’m excited about the opportunity to apply my education and contribute positively to [Company Name]. With a proactive attitude and a willingness to take on challenges, I’m eager to embark on this journey and make a meaningful impact.”


How 6 Pence Helps

We hope by now you feel confident enough to give self introduction for interview. Remember, unless you can sell yourself effectively to the recruiters, you will not stand a chance to land the job.


If you are looking for well-paying jobs in Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, or Iraq, look no further. 6 Pence is a leading staffing and recruitment agency in the GCC. We hire for top MNCs and local public sector authorities. You can submit your CV by visiting our careers page on our website.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start my self introduction?

Start your self introduction by stating your full name, experience, and qualifications. You can also mention your skills, strengths, passions/hobbies, and what you can bring to the job. What is an example of a self introduction?


Hello, my name is [Name]. I recently graduated as [Name of the Course] from [Name of University]. I have interned as a [role] with [Company Name]. I’m enthusiastic to start my career in [Industry] and work with the innovative team at [Company Name].


What are some good introduction lines?

Some examples of introductory lines include:


  1. “Hello, I am (Name)…
  2. “With 15 years of expertise in leadership position, I’m (name)…

How to Create an Effective Career Development Plan

Career Development Planning

Remember those days when your father joined the same organisation and then retired after 35 years? Well, that’s a thing of the past. Most individuals today do not want to limit themselves; they want to explore new avenues and improve their chances of professional success.


Are you feeling stuck in your career? Wishing you had a clear path to your dream job? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many people feel lost when it comes to career development planning. But the good news is, with a step-by-step approach, you can take control and start shaping your future!


This guide will walk you through the key stages of career development planning, helping you unlock your potential and achieve your career goals. So, grab a cuppa, get comfy, and let’s get started!


A Complete Career Development Planning Guide

Ready to take charge of your career? Whether searching for a new job, a promotion, or a complete career change, a solid plan is your key to success. Think of this guide as your personal roadmap to help you reach your career goals.


Let’s break down the seven steps to create your own personalised career development plan!



The first step in any good career development plan for employees is all about you! This might sound obvious, but taking the time for honest self-reflection is crucial. So, grab a pen and paper and let’s get started with your career development planning, especially if you are considering staff outsourcing solutions to enhance your workforce strategy.


Make a note of your strengths and weaknesses

What are you naturally good at? What skills do you enjoy using? Are there areas where you’d like to improve? Don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself- a strong self-assessment is the foundation for a successful career development plan.


Think about your values and interests too

What kind of work environment motivates you? What kind of work do you find most fulfilling? Understanding your values will help you identify career paths that align with who you are, not just what you think you “should” do.


Finally, consider your long-term goals

Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? What kind of work do you want to be doing? These long-term goals will be your guiding light as you develop your career development plan.


By taking the time for a thorough self-assessment, you will gain valuable insights into your strengths, interests, and aspirations. This self-awareness is essential for meaningful and achievable career development planning that propels you forward in your chosen field!


Career Exploration and Research

Now that you have a better understanding of yourself through your self-assessment, it’s time to explore the exciting world of career possibilities! This is where your career development planning gets really fun.


Think broadly

Don’t limit yourself to jobs you’ve always known about. Research different industries, roles, and even companies you admire. There might be a perfect fit you haven’t even considered yet!


The internet is your best friend here

Use online resources, career websites, and professional networks like LinkedIn to learn more about different career paths. There’s a wealth of information available to help you discover exciting options that align with your skills, interests, and professional development goals.


Talk to People: A Key Step in Career Development Planning

Chat with friends, family, and colleagues who work in different fields. Ask them about their day-to-day tasks, what they enjoy (and dislike!) about their jobs, and the skills needed to succeed. Their insights can be invaluable in shaping your career exploration journey.


Remember, there’s no single “right” path in career development planning. This exploration stage is all about gathering information and keeping an open mind. The more you learn, the better equipped you’ll be to make informed decisions for your future and develop a targeted career development plan!


Goal Setting

With a better understanding of yourself and your options, it’s time to set some clear and achievable career development goals. Remember, strong goals are the roadmap for your career development plan! Here are some tips to get you started with this stage of your career development planning:



Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, instead of saying “I want to improve my public speaking skills,” a SMART goal might be “I will enrol in a public speaking course by (date) and give a presentation at a team meeting within 3 months.”


Short-term vs. Long-term

Set a mix of short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals provide a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated. Long-term goals keep your big picture in mind and give you direction.


Write it Down

Writing down your goals makes them more real and increases your chances of achieving them. Include them in your career development plan for easy reference.


By setting clear and achievable career development goals, you’ll have a specific target to work towards. This focus will keep you motivated and on track as you progress through your career development planning process!


Career development can be significantly enhanced by understanding the benefits of flexible working, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and improved work-life balance.


Action Plan Development

Now that you have your goals set, it’s time to translate them into actionable steps! This is where the rubber meets the road in a career development plan for employees.


Think about the specific actions you need to take to achieve each goal. For example, if a goal is to improve your computer programming skills, your action plan might include taking online courses, attending workshops, or working on personal coding projects.


Break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps. This will make them feel less overwhelming and help you stay motivated. Set deadlines for each step. Having deadlines creates a sense of urgency and keeps you on track. 


Remember, your action plan is a living document. As you progress through your career development planning, you may need to adjust your action steps based on your experiences and learnings.


Skill Development

Now it’s time to focus on building the skills you need to achieve your career development goals. Continuous learning is essential to staying ahead in any field! Here are some ways to invest in your skill development:


  • Online Courses: Many platforms offer quality online courses and employee development programmes on a wide range of subjects.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attend industry conferences or workshops hosted by professional organisations.
  • Mentorship: Tap into the knowledge and experience of a mentor in your field.
  • On-the-Job Training: If possible, seek opportunities to take on new responsibilities or projects within your current role.


Remember, skills aren’t just technical when it comes to career development planning! Soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and time management are equally important and often valued by employers. By continuously developing and updating your skill set, you’ll become a more valuable asset to any organisation and make significant strides in your career development plan.


Networking and Mentorship

Building strong connections can be incredibly beneficial for your career development plan. Here are some ways to leverage networking and mentorship:


  • Professional Networking Events: Attend industry events, conferences, or meetups to connect with people in your field.
  • Online Networking Platforms: Utilise professional networking sites like LinkedIn to connect with potential employers and mentors.
  • Join Professional Organisations: Becoming a member of industry-specific organisations can open doors to new opportunities and provide valuable networking connections.
  • Seek a Mentor: Find a mentor who can offer guidance, support, and career advice based on their experience.


Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! Networking and mentorship can play a key role in helping you achieve your career development goals.


Regular Review and Adjustment

Think of your career development plan as a flexible guide, not a rigid rulebook. Life happens! Circumstances change, and you might discover new interests along the way. That’s why regular reviews and adjustments are so important.


Here’s how to stay adaptable:


  • Schedule Check-Ins: Set reminders every few months (or more frequently if needed) to review your career development plan and track your progress.
  • Celebrate Successes: It’s essential to acknowledge your milestones as you achieve in following your development goals for work. Positive reinforcement keeps you motivated.
  • Be Flexible: If your goals or interests shift, it’s okay to modify your plan! The key is staying committed to your professional development.


Know that your career development planning is an ongoing journey! You’ll achieve a fulfilling and successful career by staying flexible, revisiting your goals, and celebrating your wins!


How 6 Pence Helps

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your career development planning? If you are looking for newer opportunities, then you have come to the right place. 


6 Pence is one of the leading staffing and recruitment agencies in the GCC. We assist global and public sector companies in Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, and Iraq with hiring needs. Visit our careers page to submit your CV, and we can help you match with your best-fit employer.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is career development and example?

Career development is the ongoing process of managing your professional life. It’s more than just finding a job; it’s about setting goals, gaining new skills, and constantly striving for growth in your chosen field.


For example, someone interested in becoming a marketing manager might participate in leadership training, attend industry seminars, and seek out mentorship opportunities- all of which contribute to their career development.


What are the 5 stages of career planning?

While there are different models, the core stages of career development planning generally include:


  1. Self-Assessment
  2. Career Exploration
  3. Goal Setting
  4. Action Plan Development
  5. Skill Development


What is the career development process?

The career development process is cyclical rather than linear. It involves the stages mentioned previously, along with regular review, adjustment, and continuous learning. Think of career development planning as a lifelong journey with many exciting milestones along the way.

Job Search Strategies to Find a Job Fast

Job Search Strategies

Job search can feel overwhelming! There are many things to consider, from crafting your CV to acing interviews. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! This guide will equip you with modern job search strategies to help you navigate the process with confidence. 


So, whether you’re a recent graduate or a seasoned professional looking for a new challenge, this guide is for you! Plus, the job market is constantly evolving, so staying up-to-date with the latest techniques is key. Let’s explore seven strategies that will help you stand out from the crowd and land your dream job, , including leveraging staff outsourcing solutions. Let’s get started!


7 Modern Job Search Strategies to Land Your Dream Job

The old-school way of job hunting just doesn’t cut it anymore! To find the best opportunities and beat the competition, you need a fresh approach. So, let’s ditch outdated ways and dive into these modern job search techniques. 


Optimise Your Online Presence

In today’s digital world, your online presence is your virtual CV! Recruiters and hiring managers often search online to find potential candidates. So, think of your online profiles as a way to make a great first impression. 


Here’s how to optimise your online presence as part of your job search strategies:


  • Professional Profiles: Create or update your profiles on platforms like LinkedIn. Showcase your skills, experience, and achievements clearly and concisely.
  • Relevant Keywords: Use keywords related to your industry and target job roles throughout your profiles. This helps you show up in relevant searches.
  • Clean Up Social Media: Be mindful of your social media presence. Ensure that anything public reflects your professionalism positively.


Remember, your online presence extends beyond job boards. A polished online image can open doors to unexpected opportunities!


Network Like a Pro

Networking is one of the most powerful tools in your job search strategies toolkit! Building connections can lead to hidden job opportunities, industry insights, and valuable referrals. Additionally, incorporating resume writing tips can ensure your application stands out to potential employers.Here’s how to network effectively:


  • Be Strategic: Identify relevant industry events, conferences, meetups, or online groups. Focus your networking efforts where you’ll likely connect with people in your field.
  • Perfect Your Pitch: Prepare a short, engaging introduction about your skills and experience. This is your “elevator pitch”; it helps people understand your goals and what you bring to the table.
  • Focus on Connections: Focus on building genuine connections. Listen more than you talk, offer help where you can, and follow up with those you connect with.


Networking isn’t just about asking for favours! It’s a two-way street that helps you expand your professional network for future career growth, making it a great addition to your employment search strategies.


Target Your Applications

Mass-applying to every job you see might seem tempting, but it’s a recipe for disappointment. Instead, focus your job search strategies on quality over quantity! Here’s how:


  • Do Your Research: Invest time in understanding the company and job role. Does it align with your skills and goals?
  • Tailor Your Materials: Tweak your CV and cover letter for each application. Highlight relevant skills and experiences that match the job requirements.
  • Show Your Passion: In your cover letter, demonstrate a genuine interest in the company and the position. This shows you’re a serious candidate, not just spamming applications!


Targeted applications demonstrate your professionalism and attention to detail. This can make all the difference in securing an interview, making them an essential part of your career search strategies!


Harness the Power of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a treasure trove of opportunities for job seekers! Here’s how to maximise this platform as part of your job search strategies:


  • Complete Profile: Make your profile stand out with a professional photo, clear headline, and detailed summary. Include industry-relevant keywords throughout.
  • Connect Strategically: Build your network with recruiters, hiring managers, and people in your target companies. Don’t be shy about reaching out!
  • Engage Actively: Contribute to discussions, share relevant articles, and congratulate others on their achievements. Being active boosts your visibility.
  • Use Job Search Tools: LinkedIn has a great job board with advanced search filters. Plus, it lets you set up job alerts for your desired roles.


LinkedIn is more than just a digital CV! It’s your platform to connect with potential employers and showcase your expertise, so make sure this is part of your job finding strategies.


Leverage Niche Job Boards

While big job boards have their place, don’t overlook niche job boards! These websites cater to specific industries, professions, or locations. Let’s see why they’re important for your job search strategies:


  • Targeted Results: Niche job boards attract a more relevant pool of candidates and employers. This means less competition and a better chance of finding a good match.
  • Industry Insights: These boards often have industry-specific news and resources. This can help you stay informed and prepare for interviews.
  • Hidden Gems: Niche boards can unearth unique opportunities not advertised on mainstream platforms. This can be a game-changer, especially in specialised fields!


Research niche job boards for your industry and location. Then, incorporate them into your job hunting strategies to maximise your chances of success!


Utilise Temp Agencies and Freelancing Platforms

Temporary recruitment agencies and freelancing platforms can be valuable tools in your job search strategies, especially if you’re open to flexible work arrangements. Here’s how they can help:


  • Get Your Foot in the Door: Temp or contract roles can open doors to permanent positions. It’s a chance to demonstrate your skills and potentially impress an employer.
  • Expand Your Network: Even if a temp position doesn’t become a full-time job, you’ll gain experience and build connections in your field.
  • Try Out Different Industries: Freelancing allows you to test the waters in different industries and discover what you truly enjoy before transitioning into a permanent role.
  • Bridge Employment Gaps: If you’ve been out of the workforce for a while, temp or freelance work can fill any gaps on your CV and keep your skills sharp.


While different from traditional job hunting, temp agencies and freelancing platforms can be a stepping stone in your employment search strategies. Be open to these opportunities, as they can lead to unexpected and rewarding paths!


Tap into Employee Referrals

Employee referrals are like hidden job opportunities! Companies often give preference to candidates referred by existing employees. Here’s how to use this oft-missed tool in your job search strategies:


  • Reach Out to Your Network: Start with friends, family, and former colleagues. Let them know you’re job hunting and inquire about potential openings or referrals within their companies.
  • Utilise LinkedIn: Check which of your connections work at your target companies. Politely reach out, express your interest in their company, and inquire about open positions or potential referrals.
  • Attend Industry Events: These gatherings are great for making connections that could eventually lead to referrals.


Companies trust the judgement of their employees. A good referral means you’re pre-vetted, potentially giving you an edge over other candidates! It’s a fantastic way to boost your visibility within companies and should be part of your career search strategies.


How 6 Pence Helps

Finding the right job can feel overwhelming. That’s why we offer solutions tailored to streamline your search and help you land your dream role! 


With our presence in Bahrain, UAE, Oman, and Iraq, we understand the complexities of regional job markets. Our expertise and resources allow us to identify the best opportunities for your skills and experience.


Ready to take the next step? Drop your CV with us by visiting our careers page.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a job search strategy?

A job search strategy is your plan of action for finding your ideal job. It includes everything from defining your career goals and updating your CV to networking effectively and utilising the best job search tools. Having a clear strategy focuses your efforts and improves your chances of landing the perfect role.


What are the 3 steps for a successful job search?

While everyone’s job search strategies are unique, these 3 key steps are a great starting point:


  1. Self-Assessment: Start by understanding your skills, experience, and what you want from your next role. This helps you target the right opportunities.
  2. Active Search: Utilise various job search strategies, like online job boards, networking, and reaching out to companies directly. Consistency is key!
  3. Preparation: Practise your interviewing skills, research potential employers, and always tailor your CV and cover letter for each application.


How do I prepare for a new job?

Once you land your dream role with the help of different job search strategies, the preparation continues! Do your research about your new company and role. Be proactive and ask questions to ensure a smooth transition. Show enthusiasm and a willingness to learn- this sets you up for success from day one!


How to Write an Effective Cover Letter: Tips & Examples

Effective Cover Letter

Is a cover letter even relevant in 2024? Well, what with ATS-compliant resumes and hiring through online job boards, many of you might feel the cover letters have become redundant and old school. But, let us tell you, it is still very much relevant.


Cover letters are still very much in demand by recruiters and hiring managers, and can help you different yourself from competition. But just writing another generic cover letter won’t cut the ice. There is an art to writing an effective cover letter, which can help your CV shine.


So, how to write a cover letter that can help you land your dream job?


What is a Cover Letter?

Firstly, your cover letter is not your resume or CV. It is an extra document that you can attach to your resume and is usually one page long. It acts like a self endorsement for yourself, where you tell the company and the hiring manager why you are the right person for the role and how you can contribute towards organisational success.


An effective cover letter is not a synopsis of your resume but an opportunity to explain any aberration or particular point that might be present on your CV.


Here are some things that an effective cover letter can convey:


  1. Provide a more personal introduction and give a peek into your personality
  2. Show employers why you are eager to work with them and why you are the best fit
  3. Explain situations like employment gap, over-qualification for the role, or even under-qualification


Here is a template for a simple effective cover letter:


  • Contact information (Name, email address, phone number)
  • Hiring manager’s name and title
  • A greeting
  • An opening paragraph with a hook line
  • Body paragraph
  • Concluding paragraph
  • Sign-off


Remember, an effective cover letter is one that has been personalised for the particular role and the company. 


Step-by-step Guide To Write An Effective Cover Letter

We have taken some advice from our expert recruiters to compile a stepwise guide on how to write perfect cover letter for any job. So, read on:


Learn About The Company and Hiring Manager

Thanks to the power of the Internet, nothing remains hidden. So, become a detective and find out about your potential employer, any latest project, their company culture, and the top management. This will help you to tailor your cover letter accordingly.


LinkedIn can help you learn about the hiring manager, and you can reach out to them and ask them smart questions regarding the role or the opportunity. You can allude to this when starting a cover letter.


Even if you don’t get a reply, you can always use the hiring manager’s name to address the cover letter directly to them.


Open With An Engaging Hook

One of the most important tips for writing an effective cover letter is to catch the recruiter’s attention within the first two lines.


Instead of just saying, “I am Jasmine, applying for the role of an IT specialist,”” you can start by writing, “I am an expert Oracle-certified professional with over 5 years of experience, and I’m looking for an opportunity to apply my skills and contribute to your organisation’s overall success.”


It is best to avoid humour, as not everyone will have the same taste in it, and it can backfire on you.


Address the Hiring Manager By Name

Which approach do you think will be more effective: “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Salma Ahmed”? The latter, right?


Addressing the hiring manager by name can help build rapport and leave a mark. A generic greeting like “To whom it may concern” can make your cover letter flat.


Tell the Hiring Manager Why You Are The Right Person for The Job

To write an effective cover letter, don’t tell the hiring manager why the role is great for you, rather you need to tell why you are great for the role.


Read the job description carefully—it will give you an idea about responsibilities, expectations, and challenges. Study how your qualifications and expertise can help address all these points. 


But keep it short and crisp—you don’t want to lose the recruiter’s attention or come across as boastful. You can also add praise that an ex-colleague or client may have said to you.


For example:


“When I was heading the merger and acquisition on behalf of my company, my attention to detail towards the logistics and operations was legendary; my manager alluded to me by saying that I was so meticulous that she would trust me with planning a Mars mission.”


Finish Strong

The closing paragraph is the last opportunity to leave an indelible mark on your recruiter. Instead of saying, “I look forward to hearing from you”, you can say, “I would be happy to relocate for this opportunity.”


Or you can even say, “I believe my qualification and enthusiasm towards will contribute towards the future objectives of XYZ Co. I would love to meet with you soon to discuss the value I will bring to the role of an Associate Director of Sales.”



It is human to err, so it is important to double-check before hitting the send button. Check the spelling, grammar, and information twice. You can even ask a friend or relative to do the checking on your behalf.


How 6 Pence Helps

An effective cover letter can be the difference between getting a call for an interview and getting ignored. So, make sure you know the best ways to writing an effective application letter. 


6 Pence is a leading staff outsourcing company for many reputable companies in the Middle East. We are operational in Oman, Bahrain, Iraq, and Dubai. Visit our careers page to submit your CV and cover letter to us.


Frequently Asked Questions

What makes an effective cover letter?

An effective cover letter contains a few important features like your understanding of the role and the organisation, and how your skills and qualities are the right fit for the company.

How to end a cover letter?

When writing an effective cover letter, you must pay heed to the closing as well. Make sure your conclusion appears confident, passionate, and should state your desire for the roles and goals. 

What are the four key parts of an effective cover letter?

The 4 parts of an effective cover letter includes the following:

  • Contact information
  • Introduction paragraph
  • Body paragraph
  • Concluding paragraph

Resume Writing Tips To Help You Stand Out

Resume Writing Tips

Have you ever wondered what makes a resume stand out to potential employers? Your resume is like your personal marketing tool, showcasing your experience, skills, and qualifications in just one page.


But the thing is, with companies using software like an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to sift through applications, you need to make sure your resume is tailored to catch their eye and pass through the ATS.


These ATS scan resumes for specific keywords to rank candidates. While they can save time for employers, they also have their drawbacks. In fact, about 60% of employers admit that these systems sometimes miss qualified candidates. That’s where knowing the right resume writing tips comes in handy.


In this article, we’ll guide you through some top tips for a good CV and share some samples to help you ace your next job application. 


Top Strategies and Tips for Creating a Resume

Whether you are a fresh graduate or a skilled professional, having a well-crafted resume is crucial for getting the best opportunities. So, let’s look into the most effective strategies and resume writing tips:


Be Strategic

Your resume isn’t a laundry list of everything you’ve ever done. Therefore, you have to be selective. Firstly, highlight experiences that showcase your skills and problem-solving abilities related to the job and role you are applying for. 


Instead of generic headings like “work” and “volunteering,” opt for more specific ones like “research,” “international experience,” or “leadership experience” to group similar positions together.


Keep it Consistent

One of the most effective resume writing tips is consistency, especially regarding formatting. Stick to one format throughout the document, whether it’s bold headers or bullet points. Consistent formatting and error-free content convey professionalism and attention to detail.


Also, a well-formatted and consistent resume is more ATS-compliant, making it easier to pass through the preliminary checks.


Include a Variety of Experiences

Don’t limit yourself to just paid employment. Employers value diverse experiences, including volunteering, internships, and project-based. Besides, how you present these experiences matters just as much as the experiences themselves.


Think Like an Employer

Remember, employers only spend a few seconds scanning each resume. So, tailor your resume for each job application by highlighting relevant experiences that directly align with the job requirements. Also, make it easy for employers to see the connection between your skills and their needs.


Keep it Visually Balanced

A well-designed resume strikes a balance between text and white space. Avoid cramming too much information or leaving too much empty space. Choose a readable font, avoid tiny text, and minimize the use of graphics. If you use colour, ensure it remains legible when printed in black and white.


Following these strategies and tips for a good CV will increase your chances of landing your dream job. But how do you start with resume writing? Read the next section for more effective resume building tips. 


Create an Effective Resume using these Resume Writing Tips and Samples

Creating an effective resume can open doors to numerous job opportunities. But what exactly makes a resume stand out? So, let’s look into some resume writing tips and samples that make a resume more effective:


Step 1: Gather Your Professional Information

Before starting resume writing, gather all relevant professional information. This includes:


  • Measurable achievements from previous positions; instead of writing, “I helped close more deals”, opt to write, “By implementing strategic planning and implementation, I successfully closed 60% of deals.”
  • Inventory of soft, hard, and technical skills; be honest with your skills, and ensure they align with the current role you are applying to.
  • Detailed job history with responsibilities and accomplishments; this should be summarised and written using statistics and figures.
  • Educational credentials and certifications: always start with the latest certification and the last attended course.
  • Volunteer work and awards: never shy about showing your skills and accomplishments outside your work.


For example:

If you’re applying for a marketing role, gather your achievements in previous marketing campaigns, your proficiency in analytics tools, and any relevant certifications in digital marketing.


Applying these resume writing tips sets the stage for an impactful resume that aligns with your career goals.


Step 2: Choose the Right Resume Format

Selecting the appropriate resume format is one of the most effective resume writing tips. So, consider these options when writing a resume:


  • Chronological: Highlights work experience first, ideal for consistent job histories
  • Functional: Emphasises skills and training, beneficial for career changers or those with employment gaps
  • Combination: Blends skills and work experience, suitable for professionals seeking career advancement


Choose a format that best showcases your qualifications and career trajectory.


Step 3: Add Your Contact Information

Make sure that your contact information is displayed correctly. Such as:


  • Full name
  • Current phone number
  • Professional email address
  • City, state, and ZIP code


For example:

Your resume header might look like this:


John Doe | 123-456-7890 | [email protected]


This allows hiring managers to reach out for further consideration easily.


Step 4: Create a Good Resume Summary

Create a summary that precisely highlights your key skills and accomplishments.


For example:

  • Aspiring project manager with strong organisational skills and a commitment to driving success through collaboration
  • Results-oriented marketing professional with 5+ years of experience driving successful campaigns and increasing brand visibility. Proficient in digital marketing strategies and analytics tools, with a proven track record of exceeding targets 


Whether you opt for a summary or an objective, make it impressive and tailored to the job you’re applying for.


Step 5: Outline Your Work History With Verifiable Metrics

Another effective resume writing tip is to focus on achievements rather than responsibilities. 


For example:

  • Increased sales by 30% within six months
  • Handles operations, which resulted in a 20% reduction in costs
  • Led a team that successfully launched a new product while exceeding sales targets by 15%.


Remember, highlighting valuable accomplishments proves your value to potential employers.


Step 6: Showcase Your Skills

Create a section with dedicated skills to highlight your strengths. Also, include a mix of hard and soft skills relevant to the job. 


For example:

  • Hard skills: Digital Marketing (SEO, SEM, Google Analytics)
  • Soft skills: Excellent written and verbal communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving


By showcasing your diverse skill set, you demonstrate your ability to excel in various aspects of the job.


Step 7: List Your Education Accurately

Another one of the most effective resume writing tips is to detail your educational background accurately. Such as:


  • Name of institution
  • Location
  • Degree or program
  • Graduation date or expected graduation date.


For example:

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | University of California, Berkeley | May 2020
  • GPA: 3.8
  • Relevant Coursework: Software Engineering, Database Management, Artificial Intelligence


Step 8: Include Certifications and Training

Highlight any certifications, licenses, or professional training you’ve completed. 


For example:

  • Lifeguard Certification (American Red Cross, June 2021)
  • First Aid Training (In Progress, American Red Cross)


This showcases your commitment to ongoing learning and professional development.


Step 9: Incorporate Optional Sections

Include additional sections such as volunteer work, awards, or publications, if applicable. 


For example:

  • Worked on construction projects to build and repair homes for low-income families.
  • Collaborated with a team of volunteers to complete shelter projects for indigenous tribes in Mexico.


These sections provide further insight into your character and accomplishments.


Step 10: Proofread and Finalise

Before submitting your resume, carefully proofread for typos and formatting errors:


  • Check for grammatical mistakes
  • Ensure consistency in formatting
  • Save your final document in a professional format (e.g., PDF)


A polished resume reflects attention to detail and professionalism, which increases your chances of making a positive impression on potential employers. 


By following these resume writing tips, you can create a resume that effectively showcases your qualifications and sets you apart from the competition. 


How 6 Pence Helps

If you’re still feeling stuck or need help writing a resume, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Professional resume writing services and career advisors are available to provide personalised guidance and support tailored to your needs. In fact, investing in your resume is an investment in your future success.


Now, armed with these resume writing tips, you must be looking for the next big opportunity. 6 Pence is one of the leading staff outsourcing company in Bahrain, Dubai, Iraq, and Oman. We hire candidates for top global and local companies in these areas across different industries like IT, communication, oil and gas, etc. 


Visit our careers page, and drop your CV with us! You can also follow us on our social handles to stay updated on the latest job openings.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is a CV vs Resume?

Ans: CV vs Resume


A resume is a concise document, usually one page long, highlighting key aspects of a person’s career. A CV is a complete document detailing a person’s entire career history.


The format of a resume is flexible, while a CV’s format varies based on the job and the applicant’s background. Resumes are suitable for any job, whereas CVs are preferred for academia, science, law, and medicine roles.


Q2. How do you write an effective resume?

Ans: Resume writing tips 


  • Create a clear, organised resume format.
  • Use bullet points with strong action verbs.
  • Provide context and quantify achievements.
  • Highlight relevant skills and qualities.


Q3. Which is the best resume writing strategy?

Ans: Best resume writing tips and strategies


  • Use relevant keywords to increase the chances of being noticed by automated systems.
  • Highlight professional achievements to stand out to hiring managers.
  • Create short and impactful content to effectively communicate your qualifications and experiences.

Role of HR in Onboarding Process & Recruitment

role of hr in onboarding process

So, you just finished a mammoth hiring drive and have found cream-of-the-crop candidates for the company. Now, what?


Well, now comes the most integral part of an employee’s lifecycle in the organisation: onboarding! If done well, this single step can increase employee retention by an astounding 82%.


Yes, so the role of HR in onboarding process is extremely critical and sets up the path to employee engagement, loyalty, and a positive employer brand. Want to learn more about it? Read on!


What is Onboarding?

Onboarding is a part of the human resource management (HRM) process, wherein a new employee is welcomed on board after completing the interview and accepting the offer letter.


This process will help a new recruit feel welcomed into the organisation, understand their roles and responsibilities, meet new colleagues, and learn their way around the company’s tech and processes.


The HR role in onboarding process is integral because the HR is probably the only person the new employee is familiar with; it’s like having an old friend in a new school. You can seek support when things get overwhelming without judgment.


An onboarding process can last between a few days to a few months. It is usually the time an employee takes to feel confident in their new role.


Top Onboarding Activities

Did you know that 36% of employers don’t actually have a formal onboarding process? To prevent this from happening, the role of HR in onboarding process in HRM is the key to a successful employee-employer relationship.


Here are some activities that must be performed during onboarding:


  1. Job offer and salary negotiations
  2. Paperwork processing (work visas, background verification, relieving letter from last employers, educational certificates, etc.)
  3. Policy framework and cultural training
  4. Benefits introduction (insurance, leaves, redeemable expenses, etc.)
  5. Tour of the premises
  6. Introduction to the team and senior executives
  7. Job training


3 Role of HR in Onboarding Process

So, let us learn how you can make a new employee feel welcome and increase the efficiency of the onboarding process for future success.


Create a Structured Plan

To determine and divide the HR onboarding roles and responsibilities among the team, you must first chalk out a detailed plan across all onboarding levels.


Here is a quick overview that you can follow and customise as per your organisational requirements:



  1. Begin by sending a welcome email or package: it can include any company merchandise, requisition for paperwork, and information regarding the start date and dress code (if any).
  2. Provide the company handbook, which the employees can read to familiarise themselves with the company’s culture, objectives, and policies.


On the Joining Day

  1. Introduce them to the team where they are assigned.
  2. Assign a buddy, a colleague or a peer who can help answer their questions and familiarise them with the day-to-day activities.
  3. An essential part of the HR employee onboarding process includes giving a tour of the facilities either in-person or virtually (for remote workers).


First Week of Joining

  1. During the first week after joining, HR should have regular check-ins, which can help sort out any teething problems that they might face.
  2. An important role of HR in onboarding process during the first few days is providing access to training, tools, and resources that the new employee will require to discharge their responsibilities efficiently.


3 Months Since Joining

Most companies have a probationary period of three months during which the employee’s performance is closely monitored by the HR, reporting manager, and senior management. This is done to check whether the new hire has successfully adapted to the work and company’s culture.


During this phase, the role of HR in onboarding process is to have regular check-ins, provide feedbacks, and offer guidance.


One Year Since Joining

The new employee is no longer new, and you have completed the HR employee onboarding process. You will be responsible for conducting performance reviews or appraisals, providing constructive feedback, and finally, discussing the employee’s future company goals with them.


Add Tools to Streamline The Onboarding Process

The role of HR in onboarding process is extensive, and it can get extremely tedious to manage it manually. You can opt for various tools to help you bring efficiency and effectiveness to the entire system.


Some tools that can be used for HR employee onboarding process are:


HR Management Systems

It is a centralised dashboard that enables the storage of employee data, tracking of the onboarding process, and automating any manual tasks. This will ensure all the paperwork is updated and the company remains compliant with local labour laws and regulations.


Project Management Tools

With so many small steps involved in onboarding, it is difficult to keep track of it all. A project management tool makes the role of HR in onboarding process much easier. It will help delegate tasks, create checklists, schedule tasks, and monitor progress.


Learning Management System (LMS)

Knowledge transfer is essential during the onboarding, as it will allow the new employee to work optimally and contribute towards the company’s success. LMS will allow your colleagues to create training modules and assessments.


Communication Software

Whether you have in-person onboarding or virtually, communication tools like Slack, Teams, Skype, or Meet come in very handy. It allows seamless collaboration between colleagues, private check-ins, and real-time feedback.


Introduce the Company’s Culture Early On

For an employee to contribute positively towards the company’s overall growth while also feeling satisfied and engaged, they must understand and respect the company’s culture.


It is the role of HR in onboarding process to introduce them to this. You can do this in the following manner:


  1. Provide a welcome package comprising company merchandise, a letter from the founder or CEO, and an employee handbook.
  2. The employee handbook should contain all the details pertaining to your DEI initiatives, sexual harassment and anti-discrimination policies, and any other important details.
  3. Create a buddy program where a peer can help them become familiar with the company and the team.


Other role of HR in Onboarding Process

Apart from the orientation and paperwork, HR also ensures that the new employee has access to 


  • Role-specific training
  • Compliance and regulatory training
  • Finance setup (opening bank accounts, tax accounts, etc.)


How 6 Pence Helps

The role of HR in onboarding can help set the tone for an employee’s time in the organisation. HR managers are like the captain of the onboarding ship, but with so many minute and integral tasks to be performed, while also managing other operation activities, it can feel overwhelming.


That’s where 6 Pence can help. We not only assist with staffing and recruitment but also provide job-related training to new hires, payroll processing, paperwork verification, and even work visas. This empowers our business partners to not only offer an exclusive, highly satisfying, and seamless onboarding experience but also better optimise their daily operations.


To learn more, connect with us today!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of HR in onboarding?

The HR plays an all-encompassing role during the onboarding process. They will oversee the completion of the necessary paperwork, provide introduction with the team, orientation, and also ongoing support.

What are the onboarding stages in HR?

Usually, there are 5 stages in the onboarding process:


  1. Pre-joining
  2. Orientation
  3. Training
  4. Transition to full-time role
  5. Evaluation

How can HR improve onboarding?

An HR can improve onboarding by following the below-mentioned steps:


  1. Personalising the process
  2. Asking the new hire for feedback
  3. Preparing onboarding resources
  4. Educating managers about onboarding processes and orientations

HR Checklist for Startups – Building your HR department

hr checklist for startups

A company is nothing without its human resources, which is true for Fortune 500 corporations and startups. Small business owners spend over 40% of their time on tasks that do not generate income, such as hiring, payroll processing, and administrative tasks.


However, these processes are also integral, especially for a startup. Since you often struggle to make ends meet and get your business off the ground, you need to rely on your team for success.


If you are a small business that doesn’t have a dedicated human resource department, this blog is for you. We will share an HR checklist for startups that will help you find the right team members, retain them, and smooth operations while being legally compliant. Ready to build a team?


Why Does A Startup Need A Dedicated HR Department?

According to research, 30% of startups have less than 50 employees, where everyone plays multiple roles. So, many small businesses often think having a dedicated HR department is a luxury. Let us tell you it is not; it’s a necessity. 


Here are four reasons why you need an HR plan for a startup company:


  1. Find and hire the best person for your team.
  2. Retain top talents for a longer period.
  3. Create scalable and inclusive policies that can help provide your employees with the right wages, well-being, and flexibility.
  4. An HR startup checklist lets you comply with local and international labour laws regarding taxes, benefits, onboarding, and offboarding.
  5. The HR department will ensure the organisation and its employees remain ethical in their behaviour.
  6. The HR team is responsible for navigating through any policy change and ensuring your operations are not compromised.
  7. The HR checklist for startups will help you to set your short and long-term goals and the path to achieve them.


If you don’t want to be among the 23% of businesses that fail due to bad employee choice, then it’s time you implement and follow an HR checklist for startups.


Benefits of Having An HR Checklist for Small Business

An HR checklist for startups can be convenient for managing day-to-day operations, employee lifecycle, and keeping track of business objectives. Let us look into the other advantages of having an HR startup checklist:


  1. It helps build a comprehensive plan to help create a guide map for all HR processes and timelines.
  2. An HR plan for a startup company will help streamline the operational and administrative process; you can increase efficiency, save time and money, and add HR tools to automate manual tasks.
  3. A human resource compliance checklist will help an organisation stay within labour and tax laws and prevent any unlawful activity that can lead to penalisation.
  4. A checklist will prevent uncertainty and costly mistakes that can impact your company’s reputation.
  5. Even a one-member HR team can better grasp tasks and be confident in their administrative powers.


HR Checklist for Startups: What Should You Include

Here, we have broken down the complete end-to-end process of implementing a successful HR process. Let’s get started!


Create a HR Department

Firstly, you need to get started- create a human resource department. You don’t need a multi-member team for a startup. However, a strategic leader who can formulate HR policies and plans is required.


You can start by addressing these informations:


  • What will be the salaries and benefits?
  • What will the leave and payroll process be?
  • What is the employee communication process?
  • What will the hiring and exit policy look like?


Use HR tools

HR tools like human resource information systems (HRIS), applicant tracking systems (ATS), and collaborative software can help you with employee management. Investing in tools can save a lot of time doing repetitive manual tasks while streamlining the processes. 


HRIS tools will manage things like employee attendance, onboarding, salaries, and benefits. This can be especially beneficial for startups, where one employee often plays multiple roles.


Create A Formalised On boarding and Hiring Process

As a small business, you might have a very informal relationship within the corporate hierarchy, but recruitment and onboarding must be formalised. This will ensure regulatory compliance and prevent future liabilities.


Also, by having a formalised process, you can create a positive employer brand, engage with prospects better, and attract top talents.


These are a few things you must include in the HR checklist for startups:



Organisational Culture

Whether you are a startup or an established company, your brand will not just be known by its offerings but also by its employee satisfaction level and company culture. When starting a startup, formulate policies for DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion), safety and behavioural, and ethical practices.


Economic Considerations

Do you know what keeps good employees? Competitive remuneration. But to decide on that, you must have a proper policy in place. You must include the following things in your HR checklist for startups:


  • Have a fair and competitive compensation package.
  • Add benefits like insurance, retirement package, etc.
  • Leave policies and deductions


Training and Performance Management Initiatives

Just hiring employees isn’t enough. You need to create opportunities for their growth, which serves two purposes: employee retention and satisfaction and the company’s overall growth.


As a startup, you might think this isn’t necessary, but if you want your company to grow, investing in training and providing regular feedback can help. This is one of the must-have points in the HR checklist for startups.


Maintaining Employee Record

Employee data must be carefully stored, including their performance and appraisal details, personal details, and other important information. Each country has its own set of documents that an employer must provide for their employees. Ensure you have a proper storage and security system for this.


Create a Company Guidebook

The employee handbook is an essential part of the HR checklist for startups. It will have all the information for an employee’s daily tasks, leave policies, policies against sexual harassment, etc.


Advanced Onboarding Process

You must make your employees feel welcomed on their first day; this sets the tone for their experience with your brand. The HR checklist for employee onboarding must contain:


  1. Important paperwork that must be furnished during the joining
  2. Access to company-issued laptops and any other important thing that they might need to successfully render their duties
  3. Introduction with team members and any basic training that they might require to get started


Exit Process

Not all employees will stay with you and retire from your organisation. Employee exit policy is an integral part of the HR checklist for startups. It is beneficial for both the employee and employer.


How 6 Pence Helps

An HR checklist for startups is integral for your small business’s success and your employees’ happiness. But when you are just starting out, this can slip your mind and may cost you big in the future. 


To prevent such a mishap, you can outsource your HR process to experts.


6 Pence is a leading staff outsourcing agency for staffing and HR recruitment processes in the GCC. We provide tailored, end-to-end policies for your organisation. Our expert recruiters can hire staff who best fit your company’s demands. But our work doesn’t stop there- we will assist with everything from verification of candidate details, visa processing, payroll processing, and other HR processes.


Connect with us to know more.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are HR needs in a startup company?

The HR needs of a startup company include crafting employment and payroll policies, recruitment, training, and creating short-term and long-term goals.


What is a checklist in human resource?

A checklist in HR involves key tasks that need to be undertaken for seamless operations, legal compliance, and employee satisfaction. Every company can have a self-evaluation checklist, and it can be tailored according to its needs.


How do you build an HR department in a startup?

To build an HR department in a startup, you must keep the following things in mind:


  • Company objectives
  • HR fundamentals (recruitment, onboarding, appraisal, and exit policy)
  • Payroll processes 
  • Opt for HR tools

Role of HR in a Successful Training and Development

hr role in employee development

Ever wondered why HR professionals are so concerned about training and developing employees? Well, according to a survey from 2015, 38% of them consider it their top staffing priority. And it makes sense, right? Companies that invest in their employees’ growth tend to come out on top.


In this constantly changing corporate world, businesses realise the importance of investing in their employees. With a growing focus on employee engagement, retention, and well-being, HR departments are taking on new roles and responsibilities.


Traditionally, HR used to focus mainly on hiring, firing, and the occasional pay raise. But now, they’re stepping into a bigger role: fostering and supporting the career growth of employees.


In this article, we will take you through the HR role in employee development and why it’s so important for the progress of both employees and the company. 


What is the HR role in Employee Development? 

HR, or Human Resources, is the backbone of any organisation when it comes to managing and nurturing its workforce. But the question is, what is the role of HR manager in organisational development, and do they contribute to the company’s overall success? So, let’s take a look!


Identifying Training Needs

The first HR role in employee development process is to identify the training needs of the workforce. An HR will accomplish this through various methods, such as conducting skills assessments, analysing performance data, and gathering feedback from both employees and managers. 


They can also effectively tailor development plans to meet individual and organisational goals. How? By understanding employees’ current skill sets and pinpointing areas for improvement.


Creating Individual Development Plans

Once skill gaps have been identified, the HR will work closely with higher management to create individualised development plans. These plans outline specific goals, resources, and timelines to help employees close the skill gaps and achieve their full potential. 


Whether it’s through workshops, online courses, or mentorship programs, HRs ensure that employees have access to the necessary tools and support to succeed in their development journey.


Supporting Career Advancement

Another HR role in employee development is to identify employees with the potential to take on leadership roles within the organisation. Through career development plans, leadership training, and exposure to cross-functional opportunities, HR helps groom employees for future leadership positions. 


Besides, by investing in the growth and advancement of its employees, the organisation strengthens its talent pipeline and builds a culture of internal mobility and career progression.


Providing Ongoing Support

The HR role in employee development is not a one-time event but an ongoing process requiring continuous support and guidance. HR serves as a mentor and coach to employees. They also help them set and track progress toward their development goals. 


Whether it’s offering constructive feedback, providing resources, or connecting employees with mentorship opportunities, HR makes sure that employees feel supported and empowered to take ownership of their professional growth.


Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning

Eventually, the HR role in employee development is more than individual growth. By building a continuous learning and growth culture, HR helps drive innovation, adaptability, and resilience within the workforce. Eventually, it contributes to the long-term success and sustainability of the organisation. This also helps attract top talents while reducing employee churn.


5 Top Importance of HR Role in Employee Development 

HR is like the engine that drives the development of employees within an organisation. So, let’s look into why the HR role in employee development is so important and how it benefits both employees and the organisation as a whole.


Enhancing Employee Performance

Every organisation wants its employees to perform at their best, right? That’s where the HR role in training and development matters. HR steps in with training and development programs. By investing in these initiatives, employees gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles. 


Imagine a team where everyone is equipped with the right tools and expertise to handle any task. As a result, there will be better productivity, work quality, and efficiency will become second nature.


Employee Engagement and Retention

Ever heard the phrase, “happy employees, happy company”? Well, it’s true. When employees feel valued and supported through training and development opportunities, they’re more engaged with their work. They stick around longer, which reduces turnover rates and saves the organisation from the costly cycle of recruitment and onboarding. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.


Developing Leadership Skills

Leadership isn’t just about titles; it’s about inspiring others, making tough decisions, and handling tough situations. The role of HR manager in training and development plays a major part here. They recognise this and invest in developing leadership skills among employees. 


Whether it’s through workshops, mentoring, or specialised programs, they help aspiring leaders hone their abilities and become the driving force behind organisational success.


Adaptability and Innovation

In this constantly changing world, change is the only constant. Therefore, organisations need employees who can contribute more and think outside the box. That’s where HR’s training and development programs come into play. 


The role of HR manager in training and development is to equip employees with the tools to embrace change and foster innovation. This way, organisations stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in their respective industries.


Improved Organisational Culture

Think of a workplace where learning and growth are not just encouraged but celebrated—a place where employees feel supported in their personal and professional development journey. That’s the kind of organisation most employees nowadays prefer. 


In short, the HR role in employee development is not just about ticking boxes. Besides, it’s about investing in an organisation’s most valuable asset—its people. So, the next time you hear about the HR role in employee development, remember: it’s not just about training; it’s about transforming potential into performance and dreams into reality.


How 6 Pence Helps 

The HR role in employee development is undeniable. Their main focus is on helping employees grow and succeed within an organisation. Therefore, they invest in training, development, and other initiatives to set employees up for success, ultimately benefiting the whole organisation. 


Are you looking to hire top candidates for your business? Worry not! At 6 Pence, our experienced recruiters can help find the best-fit candidate for open positions within your company. We have been helping with staffing and HR assistance for the last two decades in Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, and Dubai. For more details, get in touch with us today!



Q1. What is the role of HR in team development? 

Ans: HR plays a major role in team development by ensuring the right people are recruited, policies are fair, and positive work culture is maintained. They balance talent pools, advocate for employee rights, set positive examples, and create communication policies that encourage openness. Eventually, their efforts contribute to balanced teams where employees feel supported, valued, and motivated to collaborate effectively.


Q2. How does HR effectively manage employee performance?

Ans: HR effectively manages employee performance through:


  • Planning: Setting clear goals aligned with organisational objectives and providing a roadmap for employees to follow.
  • Performance Coaching: Offering regular feedback and support tailored to each employee’s needs while empowering them to improve and develop skills.
  • Performance Review: Providing constructive feedback, recognising strengths, and addressing areas for improvement to guide future development plans.


Q3. What is HR Employee Engagement?

Ans: Employee engagement refers to how employees feel about their jobs and how much effort they put into them. It’s like having a positive attitude and showing dedication to their work. HR plays a crucial role in ensuring employees are satisfied, share the company’s values, and are supported. This means HR helps develop employees by building a work environment where they feel valued and motivated to give their best.

Benefits of Flexible Working for Your Employees

benefits of flexible working

Let us get some facts straight- 71% of companies have said that offering flexibility allows their team to be more innovative, compared to 57% of companies that do not.


Flexible work is not just a Gen Z thing; 75% of Gen X prefer remote or flexible work. Thus, the benefits of flexible working are there for both employers and employees. 


If you have been struggling to hire top talent, we suggest you add “flexible working” as one of the perks to your job description. A study by Gitnux has shown that 75% of employees consider flexible work as a top benefit, and they can even take a pay cut for the same.


The DNA of Workplace Flexibility

Flexibility enables an employee to work from anywhere, apart from a traditional office setup, whether at home, in a cafe, or even in the wilderness. Workplace flexibility also gives worker better control over their schedule; they often do not work 9-to-5 jobs.


Types of Flexible Working Options

Now, flexibility comes in many shapes and sizes, making it so appealing to employees. Today’s workers do not like the rigidity of traditional jobs, and the many benefits of flexible working endear them to this concept.


Here are the different types of flexible work options:


  1. Hybrid: This is one of the most popular flexible work schedule jobs- where employees can divide their time between working remotely and on-site.
  2. Compressed: Most countries globally have 40 hours of work week, but in a compressed working style, workers can choose to do the work in 4 days instead of 5 days.
  3. Flexible time: In some organisations, employees are given complete freedom over their work schedule. They do not have to work between 9 to 5; they can choose to finish their 8-hour shift as they want.
  4. Remote: It is one of the favourite flexible working options, where workers can work virtually from anywhere in the world. They do not have to visit a traditional office space. 


Now that we have understood the different types of flexible working options, let us look at the impact of flexible working on employers and employees alike.


Benefits of Flexible Working For Employees

In a recent survey, 63% of employees chose flexible work as the top consideration for taking up a job offer over salary issues and work-life boundaries.


Now, you can understand that there must be several advantages to a flexible attendance policy for employees. Let us look into them:


Work-life Balance

Burn-out, stress, and anxiety have become very common among modern workers, and this can be managed to a great extent by providing workers with flexible or remote work options.


By opting for work-from-home, an employee can meet their project deadline while also tending to any personal commitments, like a doctor’s appointment.


Employee Satisfaction 

A satisfied worker is a more productive worker. Think, if you had to travel 2 hours in peak Dubai traffic and then sit through work only to make that same journey back, would you be happy or frustrated? Most, probably the latter. This will impact your ability to deliver at work.


But if you could simply stay at home, the 4 hours spent on your commute could be better utilised to manage your work commitment.


Focus on Upskilling

Professional development is one of the top benefits of flexible working for employees. A worker can opt for online or offline classes for professional courses while working. This can be a win-win situation for both the employer and the employee.


Benefits of Flexible Working For Employers

But is flexible work schedule jobs only beneficial for employees? No, even employers can benefit from it!


Here is how a company can use flexible work to their advantage:


Engaged Employee

Employees are more engaged in organisations where they feel empowered and respected. This can be done by allowing them to decide on their work schedule. 


Engaged employees are satisfied, more productive, and loyal towards the employer.


Attract Top Talents

A company can attract the best talents by offering them flexible work. You can also widen the search for your talent pool. A UAE-based company can attract professionals staying in India by offering remote work options. 


Remote work also enables workplace diversity, allowing for increased productivity and a positive employer brand.


Reduce Employee Churn

80% of employees would opt to stay with a company that offers flexible work over one that doesn’t- this makes it one of the top benefits of flexible working. Did you know that 30% of staff left a job that didn’t offer flexible work?


An open position, hiring, and training new employees can cost a company an average of $4000. Yes, that’s a lot of money. And, then, you have the headache of finding the right person to fill that open position. Employee retention can be one of the biggest motivators for organisations to opt for flexible work.


Reduce Absenteeism

Employees can ask for leave- it’s their right, and it can be for a variety of reasons: a family wedding, a doctor’s appointment, a child’s PTA meeting, and more. But what if that collided with the day you had an important meeting? 


By offering flexible work, your employees can do both, and this will reduce the number of missed days at work.


Increased Productivity

A happy and content employee is more productive, as they are more loyal towards their employer. This means they will put more effort into their work. There are also fewer distractions when employees work from home, making them more productive.



Flexible or remote work is operationally cost-effective. The company will not have to spend on a large office space, with less electricity bills and overhead charges. 


Eco-friendly Option

100 employees commuting to the office can generate a significant amount of pollution, which can be saved if they just stay put at home. This is one of the greatest benefits of flexible working.


How 6 Pence Helps

We hope this article could shed some light on the many benefits of flexible working for employers and employees. So, if you are thinking of adding flexible work to your company policies but do not know how to hire a remote team, then don’t worry; we are here.


6 Pence is one of the leading staffing agencies in Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, and Iraq. We help businesses hire temporary, temp-to-permanent, and permanent staff as per their requirement.


Our experienced recruiters have access to an extensive candidate database, and they conduct thorough background verification, process work visas, and undertake payroll processing on behalf of our clients.


6 Pence also provides employers and their employees access to the HR e-service portal, allowing them to access any HR-related document at any time and anywhere. Connect with us to know more.



1. Why is it good to be flexible at work?


Workplace flexibility gives people more control over their schedules, allowing them to balance their professional and personal lives better. This flexibility can alleviate the stress and time restrictions associated with commuting, resulting in better overall well-being.

2. How does flexible working motivate staff?


Flexible work gives workers better control over their work schedule. This independence gives them a better work-life balance, allowing them to arrange their schedules while meeting deadlines and remaining content.

3. Does flexible working reduce stress?


The flexible workplace model can minimise workplace stress by fostering an environment that values teamwork, collaboration, and greater productivity while preserving work-life balance, independent thinking, and enjoyable and sustainable working habits.


Also Read : Navigating Global HR Challenges in 2024 – Strategies for Success

Is the Impact of AI on Jobs Positive or Negative?

impact of AI on jobs

Did you know that around 30% of workers fear that AI could replace their jobs within the next three years? 


The impact of AI on jobs has been quite visible lately. While it may automate routine tasks, it’s also creating new types of jobs. By 2030, experts predict that AI will create 20-50 million new jobs, especially in sectors like healthcare and pharmaceuticals.


But what about the industries facing job displacement due to AI? Well, while some may see significant changes, the overall economy is expected to benefit from increased employee productivity and output. Still, it’s crucial to understand AI’s impact on employment and the economy as it continues to evolve.


In this blog, we’ll look into the impact of AI on jobs, while exploring the positive impact of artificial intelligence on employment. We’ll also discuss how will AI affect jobs in the future.

Understanding the Impact of AI on Jobs Role

The impact of AI on jobs is profound, especially in industries like high-tech manufacturing. However, this shift is also reshaping job roles. Some roles are becoming obsolete while new ones are emerging.


For instance, in manufacturing, workers now need to adapt to operating and maintaining machines and robots that handle manual tasks. Moreover, the impact of AI on jobs also pave the way for new jobs like data analysts, AI programmers, and machine learning specialists. These roles require a blend of technical expertise and business perception.


Thus, to grow in this evolving landscape, individuals must adapt.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Work Experience 

Ever thought about how AI is changing the way we work? Well, AI is revolutionising the workplace in ways we never imagined. From simplifying workflows to personalising learning experiences, the impact of AI on jobs across industries is quite big. 


So, let’s look into some of the major impacts of artificial intelligence on work:


AI is all about making things easier, right? Well, in the workplace, it’s no different. With AI-powered tools, companies can optimise their workflows to run smoother than ever before. These tools analyse operations and pinpoint areas for improvement, helping businesses cut down on manual labour and costly errors. 


Plus, predictive models can foresee potential issues before they even happen, saving time and money in the long run.


AI isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s about understanding people too. That’s why AI-powered tools can tailor learning experiences to each employee’s unique needs. 


By analysing data, these tools identify skill gaps and offer customised training, leading to happier, more engaged employees. And let’s not forget about intelligent assistants – they’re like personal productivity experts, automating tasks and providing insights to increase efficiency.

Improved Decision-Making

AI isn’t just smart; it’s lightning-fast too. With real-time data analysis, employees can make informed choices quicker than ever before. Whether it’s spotting trends or forecasting outcomes, AI-powered tools provide valuable insights to guide decision-making. 


And for managers, real-time data on employee performance means better-informed decisions across the board.

Enhanced Collaboration

Collaboration is key in any workplace, right? Well, AI is taking teamwork to the next level. With real-time feedback and collaboration tools, employees can work together more efficiently than ever before. Plus, AI-powered resources make it easier to share ideas and tackle projects as a team, no matter where you are in the world.

Improved Work-Life Balance

Last but not least, let’s talk about the impact of AI on jobs work-life balance. We all want to find that perfect balance between work and life, and AI is here to help. 


By prioritising tasks and managing schedules, AI-powered tools give employees more control over their time. Whether it’s suggesting the best times for meetings or helping with time management, AI is making it easier for employees to juggle their workload and enjoy some well-deserved downtime.


So, there you have it – the impact of AI on jobs in a nutshell. In the end, one thing’s for sure – AI is here to stay, and it’s changing the workplace as we know it.

How Will AI Affect Jobs in the Future? 

The impact of AI on jobs is a hot topic, and understandably so. So, let’s take a closer look at the AI impact on employment, how it shapes the future of work, and what it means for different industries and job roles. 

The Reality of Job Displacement

It’s no secret that AI is capable of performing tasks more efficiently than humans, especially those that are repetitive and routine. In fact, according to a report by the World Economic Forum, around 75 million workers could lose their jobs by 2022 due to AI’s incursion into the workforce. This is a significant concern, particularly for workers in fields like data entry, customer service, and basic analysis.

Jobs at Risk

The latest study by OpenAI sheds light on the impact of AI on jobs that are most vulnerable to AI advancements. Roles such as mathematicians, financial advisors, writers, and computer scientists are among those that could see significant changes or even disappear altogether. This highlights the need for workers to adapt and acquire new skills to remain relevant in the evolving job market.

New Opportunities

But it’s not all doom and gloom when we talk about the impact of AI on jobs. Alongside job displacement, AI is also creating new opportunities. The World Economic Forum predicts that around 58 million new jobs will be created in the coming years, many requiring digital skills. 


Workers who possess skills like programming and data analysis will be in high demand as organisations seek to use AI for strategic decision-making and innovation.

Impact of AI on Jobs: Tech Profiles in Demand

So, what are these new job opportunities? Let’s take a closer look at the impact of AI on jobs in the future:


  • Data Analyst: With data becoming increasingly valuable, organisations need experts to interpret and analyse data to inform business strategies.
  • Blockchain Specialist: As blockchain technology gains traction, cybersecurity and fraud prevention professionals will be essential for managing risk in blockchain networks.
  • Cloud Engineer: With the shift towards cloud computing, there’s a growing demand for professionals who can build, maintain, and troubleshoot cloud infrastructure.
  • AI Specialist: As AI evolves, professionals with expertise in data science, machine learning, and deep learning will be instrumental in developing AI-powered applications and tools to drive organisational growth.

In short, while the impact of AI on jobs may bring about job displacement in some areas, it also presents exciting prospects for new and emerging roles. 

How 6 Pence Helps

While the impact of AI on jobs is undeniable, it is not a one-dimensional story of job loss. Instead, AI presents opportunities for job creation, skill enhancement, and industry transformation. 


By embracing AI technologies and investing in human capital development, we can shape a future where AI works hand in hand with humans to drive innovation, productivity, and prosperity in the workplace. 


If you are looking for workers who are skilled in embracing the changes brought about by AI adoption, then worry not! 6 Pence is here to help you find human resources as per your requirements. We are one of the leading staffing agencies in Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, and Dubai.


To know more, contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does using AI in the workplace impact job satisfaction?

The use of AI at work can affect how satisfied employees feel with their jobs. For instance, AI tools like chatbots can personalise employee experiences, improving job satisfaction. However, too much reliance on AI tools may lead to cognitive overload and difficulty disconnecting from work, which can decrease satisfaction. Therefore, organisations must balance AI use to ensure it enhances job satisfaction rather than detracts from it.

2. What is the negative impact of AI on employment?

The negative AI impact on employment boils down to a few key factors:


  • AI’s ability to automate routine tasks can lead to job loss in industries like data entry and customer service.
  • Different industries are affected differently, with some experiencing significant job loss while others see growth. This can worsen income inequality.
  • AI creates a demand for advanced skills, leaving low-skilled workers at risk of unemployment. 

3. What is the impact of artificial intelligence on industry?

The impact of AI on industries is profound and wide-ranging:


  • Education benefits from AI with personalised learning experiences and instant assistance.
  • Healthcare sees improved diagnostics, robotic surgery assistance, and virtual health monitoring.
  • Finance benefits from automation, fraud detection, and predictive analytics for investment.

Overall, AI enhances efficiency, accuracy, and user experiences across various sectors.


Also Read: Is Your Business Ready for the Contingent Workforce Solutions?

7 Talent Acquisition Recruitment Goals 2024 Your Company Needs

talent acquisition recruitment goals

Imagine this scenario: You have a vacancy in your finance department. To cut back on costs or hasten the vacancy fillup, you hire a fresh graduate instead of an experienced finance professional. A fresher will lack industry knowledge and may expose your company to unintentional mistakes, making your company suffer. 


This is a common scenario across many companies in diverse sectors; hence, having the right talent acquisition objectives and process in place is extremely critical. 


Finding the right people in today’s competitive job market can be challenging. That’s where talent acquisition recruitment goals come in. 


Goal setting for talent acquisition lets you focus your hiring efforts and improve your chances of success. Let’s dive into the top goals to consider!

Talent Acquisition Recruitment Goals 

Now that you understand the importance of talent acquisition recruitment goals, let’s explore seven key areas to focus on in 2024. These goals will guide your hiring strategy and help you secure top talent in an increasingly competitive market:

Focus on Skills-Based Hiring

In today’s rapidly changing work environment, focusing on skills-based hiring is one of the smartest talent acquisition recruitment goals you can set. This means looking beyond traditional job titles and academic qualifications to identify candidates with the core skills needed for success.

Why This Matters

  • Find Hidden Talent: Focusing on skills opens up a wider pool of potential candidates, including those who may have taken a non-traditional career path.
  • Predict Future Success: Skills are often a better indicator of a candidate’s potential to learn, adapt, and thrive in your organisation.
  • Reduce Bias: Skills-based assessments can help reduce unconscious biases in the hiring process, leading to a more diverse workforce.

Remember, skills-based hiring is an ongoing process. Thus, regularly review and update the skills you prioritise to ensure you’re always finding the best talent for your organisation.

Elevate Diversity and Inclusion

A diverse and inclusive workforce isn’t just a nice thing- it’s a business imperative. Studies consistently show that companies with greater diversity outperform their competitors in innovation, problem-solving, and overall profitability.

How to Set SMART Goals for DEI initiatives:

  • Specific: Don’t just aim for “more diversity.” Set targets for representation across different groups, such as gender, ethnicity, etc.
  • Measurable: Track metrics like the diversity of your candidate pool, new hires, and leadership team over time.
  • Achievable: Start with realistic targets based on your current baseline.
  • Relevant: Tie your diversity goals to your company’s mission and business objectives.
  • Time-bound: Set deadlines for achieving specific milestones.

Talent acquisition smart goals examples include increasing the representation of women in management positions by 10% within the next 2 years.

Partner with Marketing to Build Employer Brand

Your employer brand describes how you market your organisation to potential employees. A strong employer brand attracts top talent and makes them want to work for you. This is where partnering with marketing becomes one of the key talent acquisition recruitment goals.

Why Marketing Matters:

  • Consistent Messaging: Marketing can help ensure your values, culture, and employee experience are communicated clearly across all channels, including website, social media, job postings, and more.
  • Reach a Wider Audience: Marketers have expertise in targeting the right people with the right messages, expanding your candidate pool.
  • Showcase Employee Stories: Collaborate to feature authentic employee testimonials that highlight what it’s really like to work at your company.

What does a strong employer brand look like for your company? Set clear metrics such as increased website traffic and positive social media mentions. Plan initiatives like employer branding videos or targeted social campaigns.

Improve Candidate Experience

Candidate experience is how job seekers perceive your company throughout the hiring process. A positive experience is crucial- it directly impacts whether top candidates accept your job offers and how they speak about your company to others.

How to Improve:

  • Optimise Job Postings: Make them clear, concise, and highlight your company culture.
  • Communicate Proactively: Keep candidates informed about timelines and next steps.
  • Provide Timely Feedback: Even rejections should be respectful and offer constructive advice if possible.
  • Leverage Technology: Use tools to streamline scheduling, interviews, and communication.

In a competitive market, candidates have choices. So, a smooth and respectful process makes them more likely to choose you. Also, happy candidates become brand advocates, even if they don’t get the job. 


And a well-designed process saves time and reduces candidate drop-off. These are all markers for ticking off your talent acquisition recruitment goals.

Harness the Power of AI & Automation

AI and automation tools are transforming the world of recruiting. By harnessing their power, you can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and make smarter hiring decisions- a key talent acquisition recruitment goal for the modern HR team.

How AI and Automation Help:

  • Source More Effectively: AI can quickly scan vast candidate pools to identify those most likely to match your open roles.
  • Reduce Bias: Automated resume screening can help eliminate unconscious bias by focusing on skills and qualifications.
  • Schedule Seamlessly: AI-powered chatbots can handle the back-and-forth of scheduling interviews, saving recruiters time.
  • Gather Data Insights: Analyse hiring data to spot trends and optimise your approach.

Identify pain points. Where would automation make the biggest impact? These would be your resume screening and interview scheduling processes, among others. Research platforms that align with your needs and budget. Define how you’ll measure the impact of AI on efficiency, quality of hire, and more. All of these contribute to the successful completion of a goal.

Build Talent Pipelines for Proactive Hiring

Proactive hiring means staying ahead of the curve by building relationships with potential candidates before you even have open roles. This is one of the strategic talent acquisition recruitment goals that ensures you have a pool of qualified individuals ready when needed.

Why Talent Pipelines Matter:

  • Reduce Time-to-Fill: Skip the initial sourcing scramble when a position opens, speeding up the hiring process.
  • Attract Passive Candidates: Engage individuals who may not be actively job searching but are open to the right opportunities.
  • Strengthen Your Employer Brand: Nurturing relationships with potential candidates showcases your company as a desirable workplace.

Platforms like LinkedIn are great for networking and identifying talent in your industry. Webinars, meetups, or even virtual coffee chats connect you with potential candidates. 

Use email newsletters or dedicated platforms to stay in touch with promising individuals. Also, encourage employees to recommend talent from their networks.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data should be at the heart of your talent acquisition strategy. Tracking the right metrics allows you to make informed decisions, optimise your processes, and demonstrate the value of your talent acquisition recruitment goals.

What Data to Track:

  • Time-to-Fill: How long does it take to fill open positions?
  • Cost-per-hire: What are your average costs associated with each hire?
  • Source Quality: Which channels generate the best candidates?
  • Candidate Experience Surveys: Get direct feedback from those who go through your process.
  • Diversity Metrics: Track representation across stages of the hiring process.

Ask important questions: Where are candidates dropping off in the process? Are your recruiting dollars targeting the right channels? Knowing these can demonstrate the need for new tools or resources.

How 6 Pence Helps

Setting and achieving ambitious talent acquisition recruitment goals takes strategy, resources, and expertise. That’s where 6 Pence comes in. As a leading staff outsourcing provider, we understand the unique challenges businesses face in the competitive markets of Bahrain, UAE, Oman, and Iraq. 


Our team of experts can partner with you to streamline your recruitment processes, elevate your employer brand, and implement the latest technology solutions. From staff outsourcing and payroll management to PRO services and recruitment, we offer comprehensive services to support your growth.


If you’re ready to take your talent acquisition to the next level, contact 6 Pence today.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a smart goal for recruiting? 

SMART talent acquisition recruitment goals for recruiting are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Example: Increase the percentage of offers accepted by qualified candidates.

What are the objectives of talent acquisition? 

The primary objectives of talent acquisition recruitment goals include:


  • Attracting top talent to fill open positions quickly and efficiently.
  • Building a strong employer brand to appeal to potential candidates.
  • Creating a positive candidate experience to enhance your reputation.
  • Utilising data and technology to streamline and improve the hiring process

What are the objectives of talent management framework?

A good framework aims to achieve these talent acquisition objectives:


  • Align workforce strategy with overall business goals.
  • Develop and retain top talent within the organisation.
  • Make a culture of continuous development and learning .
  • Plan for workforce succession to ensure future leadership.

Also Read: How to Use Employee Exit Reasons for Reducing Staff Turnover?

Human Resource Strategy – A Checklist for Business Success

human resource strategy

Congratulations! You’ve built a great company. But in today’s competitive world, having the right people and keeping them happy is essential for ongoing success. That’s where a strong human resource strategy comes in. 


Think of your HR strategy as your roadmap- it guides how you attract, develop, and manage your team. Our 9-point checklist will ensure your HR strategy and planning are on the right track, helping you build a winning workforce that takes your business forward.


So, grab a pen and let’s get started!

The Tried and Tested Human Resource Strategy Checklist

Every business is unique, with its own set of challenges and goals. However, specific HR strategies are essential for almost every organisation. This checklist covers the tried and tested approaches that create a powerful foundation for any company’s success. 


Let’s dive into the 9 fundamental types of human resource strategies you’ll need:

Align HR with Business Goals

Think of your HR team as a strategic partner, not just a department that handles paperwork. What are your company’s overall goals for the next few years? Growth? Entering a new market? 


Every part of your human resource strategy should be directly linked to helping the business achieve those big-picture goals. This alignment is one of the most important, yet underutilised, best HR strategies for ensuring every effort made by HR drives genuine business success.

Invest in Talent Acquisition

Finding and hiring the right people is crucial. Don’t wait for someone to leave before thinking about replacing them! Talent acquisition should be a proactive process. Does your HR team have the resources and tools to reach the best candidates? 


Also, consider building a strong employer brand to attract top talent and make them want to work for you. This long-term investment in talent acquisition creates a competitive advantage and ensures your workforce has the skills to take on future challenges.

Prioritise Employee Development

Your employees are your most valuable asset. Invest in their growth! Provide opportunities for training, upskilling, and career development. This shows employees you care about their future and helps you retain top talent. 


When people feel valued and see paths for advancement, they’re more engaged and productive. This commitment to employee development is key to a successful human resource strategy and fuels long-term business success.

Culture as Competitive Advantage

Your company culture is what sets you apart. Is it a place where people feel valued, respected, and energised to do their best work? A positive and supportive culture attracts top talent, boosts morale, and helps reduce turnover. Don’t underestimate its importance! 


Your human resource strategy is critical in cultivating a thriving culture through initiatives promoting collaboration, recognition, and a sense of shared purpose.

Maximise HR Technology

The right HR technology can make a huge difference! It can streamline processes like recruiting, onboarding, and payroll. Plus, it gives you access to valuable data to inform your decisions. 


Many great tools are available, so research what’s best for your needs. Investing in HR technology should be a key part of your overall human resource strategy- it saves time, increases efficiency, and improves the employee experience.

Focus on Data-Driven Decision Making

In HR, it’s important to go beyond gut feelings. Use data to make informed decisions about everything from hiring to compensation and benefits. 


Track key metrics like turnover rate, time-to-hire, and employee engagement scores. This data will reveal what’s working well and where improvements are needed. Data-driven insights form the basis for a truly effective human resources strategic plan, ensuring your efforts are targeted and impactful.

Champion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

A diverse and inclusive workforce isn’t just an excellent idea– it’s good for business. Companies that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion outperform their peers in innovation, problem-solving, and overall profitability.


Your human resource strategy should actively promote a culture of inclusion and remove barriers to advancement for everyone. This can involve unconscious bias training, diverse recruitment pipelines, and creating a work environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Embrace Flexibility and Change

The world of work is constantly evolving! Be prepared to adapt to changing expectations, new work models, and even shifts in laws and regulations. 


Does your human resources strategic plan include ways to support flexible work arrangements, remote work, and ongoing change management? Agility in HR ensures your employees feel supported and your business stays ahead of the curve.

Communication as a Core Pillar

Clear and transparent communication is essential for building trust and engagement with employees. Your human resource strategy should prioritise open communication channels. 


Does your team regularly update employees on company news? Are there mechanisms for two-way feedback? Invest in tools to facilitate regular, easy communication between HR, managers, and employees at all levels.

How 6 Pence Helps

Crafting a successful human resource strategy takes expertise, resources, and ongoing effort. That’s where 6 Pence can be your strategic partner. As a leading staff outsourcing provider, we understand businesses’ unique challenges in Bahrain, UAE, Oman, and Iraq. 


We’ll work closely with you to implement the best practices outlined in this checklist, ensuring your HR strategy is perfectly aligned with your business needs.


Our services include staff outsourcing, payroll outsourcing, PRO services, and other recruitment-related aid. Ready to elevate your HR function and achieve even greater business success? Let’s discuss how 6 Pence can transform your HR function into a strategic advantage. Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a great HR strategy? 

A great human resource strategy is a comprehensive plan that aligns your company’s people-related practices with its overall business goals. It involves developing specific initiatives and programs to attract, develop, motivate, and retain top talent. A great strategy is also data-driven, flexible, and focuses on creating a positive and inclusive company culture.

What are the 5 HR strategies? 

While there are many specific strategies, here are 5 fundamental areas to include in any human resource strategy:


  • Talent Acquisition: Finding and hiring the best people for your organisation.
  • Employee Development: Providing training, mentoring, and career growth opportunities.
  • Compensation & Benefits: Offering competitive and attractive packages to retain talent.
  • Employee Engagement: Creating a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated.
  • HR Technology: Leveraging tools to streamline processes and gain valuable insights.

What is HR strategy map?

An HR strategy map visually represents your human resource strategy plan. It helps you connect specific HR initiatives to your overall business goals, clearly showing how your HR function drives broader organisational success.


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The Complete Guide to Employee Leasing Agreements

employee leasing agreement

Are you a business owner or an HR manager seeking flexible staffing solutions? Today, a lot of businesses feel that flexible staffing is the answer to their current challenges, like employee retention and beating inflation while also delivering on quality. But even though it is a great thing- it brings a new worry- what kind of employee contract should you have with a temporary hire?


Employee leasing agreements could be the answer you’re looking for.  


In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need about employee leasing agreements. We’ve got you covered, from understanding the basics to exploring the advantages and disadvantages. Let’s dive in and explore the world of employee leasing agreements together!

Understanding Employee Tenancy Agreement

Employee tenancy agreements, also known as employee leasing contracts, are fundamental documents that establish the terms of a unique employment arrangement. It is a contractual arrangement where a leasing company (lessor) provides skilled workers to a client company (lessee). These leased employees work under the direction and supervision of the client company but remain employees of the leasing company.


For businesses, employee tenancy agreements offer a flexible staffing solution. They provide access to skilled workers without the long-term commitment or administrative burdens of traditional hiring. This arrangement allows businesses to scale their workforce based on fluctuating demands while focusing on their core operations.


One of the primary benefits of employee tenancy agreements is cost-effectiveness. Businesses can save on recruitment, training, and benefits costs associated with permanent employees. Additionally, these agreements provide access to specialised skills that may not be available in-house.


However, businesses must carefully consider the terms of the agreement, including payment terms, duration, and termination clauses. Ensuring that the agreement aligns with the business’s needs and complies with relevant labour laws and regulations is crucial.

Employee Leasing Advantages Disadvantages

Employee leasing solutions, also known as staff leasing solutions, offer several advantages and disadvantages for businesses. Let’s explore these in detail:


  • Cost Savings: Employee leasing in HRM can result in cost savings for businesses, as they do not have to bear the costs of recruiting, training, and providing employee benefits. Additionally, companies can save on administrative costs associated with payroll and HR management.
  • Access to Skilled Talent: This type of leasing allows businesses to access a pool of skilled and experienced employees that they may not have in-house. This can be especially beneficial for companies that require specialised skills for short-term projects.
  • Flexibility: Employee leasing offers businesses flexibility in managing their workforce. They can quickly scale their workforce up or down based on fluctuating demand without the long-term commitment of hiring permanent employees.
  • Reduced Legal Liability: In an employee leasing arrangement, the leasing company is responsible for certain HR functions, such as compliance with labour laws and regulations. This can reduce the legal liability for the client company.


  • Loss of Control: One of the main disadvantages of employee leasing is the loss of control over the leased employees. The client company may have limited control over these employees’ hiring, training, and management.
  • Dependency on the Leasing Company: Businesses that rely heavily on employee leasing may become dependent on the leasing company for their staffing needs. This can be risky if the leasing company fails to meet its commitments.
  • Confidentiality Concerns: There may be concerns about the confidentiality of sensitive information when working with leased employees. Businesses must ensure appropriate measures are in place to protect their proprietary information.
  • Potential for Disputes: Disputes can arise in employee leasing arrangements, particularly regarding employment status, benefits, and termination. Businesses must have clear agreements in place to address these potential disputes.

In short, employee leasing offers several advantages, but businesses must also consider the disadvantages to make a more informed decision. By weighing these factors carefully, businesses can determine if employee leasing is the right solution for their staffing needs.

Key Components of an Employee Leasing Agreements

Employee leasing agreements, like any contract, contain several key components that define the terms and conditions of the arrangement. Let’s explore these components:

Identification of Parties

The agreement should identify the leasing company (lessor), the client company (lessee), and the leased employees. This section typically includes the names and contact information of all parties involved.

Scope of Services

This section outlines the specific services that the leasing company will provide to the client company. It should include details such as the type of work to be performed, the location of the work, and any special requirements or conditions.

Duration of the Agreement

The employee leasing agreements should specify the start date and end date of the leasing arrangement. It may also include provisions for renewing or terminating the contract before the end date.

Payment Terms

This section details the payment terms for the employee leasing arrangement, including the fees to be paid to the leasing company and the payment schedule. It may also include provisions for additional costs, such as expenses related to training or equipment.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

The agreement may include clauses relating to confidentiality and non-disclosure to protect the client company’s proprietary information. This section should outline the obligations of both parties regarding protecting confidential information.

Insurance and Liability

The employee leasing agreements should mention the insurance coverage required for the leased employees and any liability issues that may arise during the leasing arrangement. This section helps protect both parties in case of accidents or other unforeseen events.

Termination Clause

Conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement. It should include provisions for notice periods and any penalties or fees that may apply in case of early termination.

Dispute Resolution

The agreement should include provisions for resolving disputes that may arise during the leasing arrangement. This can be include mediation or other forms of dispute resolution.


So, employee leasing agreements contain several key components that define the terms and conditions of the arrangement. By understanding these components, businesses can ensure that their employee leasing agreements are clear, comprehensive, and legally sound.

How 6 Pence Helps

Are you considering employee leasing to grow your workforce? 6 Pence can be your trusted partner. Our staffing experts will help you navigate complex employee leasing agreements, handle payroll and benefits for leased staff, and ensure compliance with local labour laws in Bahrain, UAE, Oman, and Iraq. 


Let 6 Pence streamline your employee leasing process. Contact us today for a personalised consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a leased employee? 

A leased employee is an individual who works for a leasing company but is assigned to work under the direction and control of a client company. In this arrangement, the leasing company remains the official employer, but the leased employee performs duties for the client company.

What is an example of employee leasing? 

An example of employee leasing is when a leasing company provides a client company with temporary workers for a specific project or period. For instance, a leasing company may supply skilled IT professionals to a client company to assist with a software development project.

Are leased employees temporary employees?

Yes, leased employees are typically considered temporary employees. This is because their employment status is contingent upon the leasing arrangement between the leasing company and the client company.


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Navigating Global HR Challenges in 2024 – Strategies for Success

global hr challenges

Running a business in today’s globalised market is exciting but also challenging. Managing people across borders adds a whole new layer of complexity! These global HR challenges can feel overwhelming, but you can navigate them successfully with the right strategies. 


From cultural differences to ever-changing regulations, there’s a lot to consider. But don’t worry- this blog will break it down for you. We’ll look at common global HR issues and provide practical solutions. Ready to streamline your international HR processes? Let’s get started!

What are Global HR Challenges?

So, what exactly are these global HR challenges we mentioned? Imagine trying to attract top talent in another country or following different labour laws in every location you operate in. It can get complicated quickly!


Here are some of the most common global challenges of HRM on the international stage:

General Challenges

  • Work Permits & Visas: Hiring from abroad often involves navigating complex immigration processes. Understanding visa requirements and timelines for different countries is crucial.
  • Compensation & Benefits: Salary expectations and standard benefits packages vary greatly across markets. Offering globally competitive packages is key to attracting talent.
  • Recognising Talent: Assessing skill sets from another culture can be difficult. Knowing how to translate qualifications or adapt interview styles for a global context is essential.
  • Navigating Cultural Differences: Beyond communication styles, deep-seated cultural values influence how people approach work. For instance, some cultures are more hierarchical, whereas others value autonomy. HR needs to bridge these differences to ensure smooth collaboration.
  • Managing Employee Expectations: Employees in different countries may view work-life balance, benefits, or career progression differently. Understanding and addressing these varying expectations is critical for satisfying and engaging your global workforce.

Managing a Remote Workforce

  • Building Trust: Fostering trust takes extra effort when you don’t see people daily. Schedule regular check-ins beyond work tasks and encourage team members to connect informally.
  • Overcoming Loneliness: Remote employees can feel isolated. Offering channels for virtual socialising, ‘watercooler’ chat spaces, and even online team events helps combat this.
  • Technology Disparities: Ensure all employees, regardless of location, have reliable internet access and the necessary tools. Unequal tech setups create frustration and hinder productivity.

Complying with Local Laws

  • Payroll and Taxes: Calculating payroll accurately across borders is essential. This involves understanding different tax systems and social contribution laws.
  • Contracts: Employment contracts need to be tailored to each country’s standards, including provisions for working hours, vacation, termination, etc.
  • Data Privacy: Storing and handling employee data becomes more complicated when different national regulations come into play.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of global HR challenges, but it gives you a good idea of the complexities of international HR. But fear not! There are ways to overcome these challenges and build a strong, successful international team.

How to Overcome HR Challenges at the International Level?

So, we’ve talked about the hurdles you might face in global HR. But don’t be discouraged! Here are some practical strategies to help you overcome these global HR challenges and build a thriving international team:

Embrace Technology 

Technology can be your best friend in the world of global HR. Many tools are available to help you with everything from recruiting to communication. For example, online platforms can help you cast a wider net when searching for talent, even across borders. 


Video conferencing tools keep your remote teams connected, and cloud-based HR software can streamline processes like payroll and benefits management, even with employees in different countries. Investing in the right technology can save you time, money, and many headaches.

Prioritise Cultural Sensitivity

Building a strong company culture is important, but it takes on a whole new dimension when you’re managing a global team. Understanding and respecting different cultures is essential. This includes things like communication styles, holidays, and work-life balance expectations. 


Invest in training for your managers on cultural sensitivity. This will help them create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Foster Clear Communication

Clear and consistent communication is critical for any successful team, but it’s essential when managing a remote, international workforce. Regularly update employees on company news and goals, regardless of location. 


To cater to different preferences, use various communication channels, such as email, video conferencing, and instant messaging. Also, be mindful of time zone differences and schedule meetings at times that are convenient for everyone involved.

Invest in Employee Development

Just like any employee, your international team members need opportunities to grow and develop their skills. This will not only help them perform better in their roles, but it will also show them that you’re invested in their future. 


Offer training programs and development opportunities that are accessible to employees around the world, perhaps through online learning platforms or remote coaching programs.

Build Strong Relationships

Taking the time to build strong relationships with your international employees is essential. If possible, this can be done through regular communication, virtual team-building activities, and even occasional in-person visits. 


Strong relationships will help you create a more cohesive and supportive team environment, even when employees are miles apart.


By following these strategies, you can overcome global HR challenges and build a strong, successful international team. Remember, a happy and engaged workforce is key to achieving your business goals, no matter where your employees are located!

How 6 Pence Helps

Navigating global HR challenges can feel overwhelming. That’s where 6 Pence comes in! As a leading HR solutions provider with expertise in Bahrain, UAE, Oman, and Iraq, we understand the unique challenges businesses operating in the region face.


Our extensive network and cross-cultural expertise allow us to find the best talent for your international team, regardless of location. We manage complex visa and work permit processes on your behalf. Let us handle the complexities of payroll calculations and local tax laws. We ensure you remain compliant with changing regulations across multiple countries.


Ready to build a thriving global workforce minus global HR challenges? Contact 6 Pence today, and let us partner with you to navigate the world of global HR!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the global challenge in human resource management? 

Managing people across different cultures, laws, and time zones is one of the biggest global HR challenges. This involves finding talent in new markets, complying with unfamiliar regulations, and fostering effective communication within remote, international teams.

What is a major challenge that confronts most HR departments? 

One of the global HR challenges in 2024 is keeping up with how quickly work is changing. HR needs to adapt to new work models (remote/hybrid), implement the right technology, and focus on employee well-being on a broader scale.

What should HR focus on in 2024?

In 2024, HR should prioritise building a positive employee experience, even for remote workers. Using data to make informed decisions is crucial. HR also needs to focus on flexibility, skills development, and building a workplace where diversity and inclusion are at the forefront.


Also Read: Improve Team Productivity With 9 Strategies That Actually Work

Is Your Business Ready for the Contingent Workforce Solutions?

contingent workforce solutions

Ever feel like your business is stuck in a routine? Same team, same tasks, same old results? What if we told you there’s a way to inject some fresh energy and flexibility into your workforce? 


We’re talking about contingent workforce solutions, which take the business world by storm. But before jumping on the bandwagon, let’s take a quick pit stop to see if your company is ready to embrace this exciting new approach! 

What is Contingent Staffing?

Think of a contingent workforce as a pool of talented people ready to jump in and tackle specific projects or fill temporary needs within your business. These could be freelancers, independent contractors, consultants, or even temporary workers brought in through a staffing agency. The key here is that they’re not permanent employees- they come on board for a set timeframe or to complete a particular task.


So, how do contingent workforce solutions benefit your business? Well, imagine needing a highly qualified web developer for a short-term project. Hiring someone full-time might not make sense. But with contingent workforce solutions, you can tap into a network of skilled individuals, find the perfect match for your project, and get it done without the long-term commitment. That’s the beauty of this approach- flexibility and access to expertise precisely when needed.

5 Signs Your Business Could Benefit From Contingent Workforce Outsourcing

Feeling overwhelmed by your workload or facing a skills gap within your team? Contingent workforce outsourcing might be the perfect solution! Here are five signs that your business could benefit from this flexible staffing approach:

Need a Specialised Skill Set, But Not Forever

Let’s face it: sometimes you need a specific expert for a particular project, like a great graphic designer for a new marketing campaign. Hiring someone full-time might not make sense in the long run. 


But with contingent workforce solutions, you can access a network of specialists, find the perfect match for your short-term needs, and get the job done efficiently. No unnecessary long-term commitments, just the expertise you need and precisely when you need it.

Project Overload is Draining Your Team

Are you feeling swamped with a sudden influx of projects? Don’t overload your current employees and risk burnout! Contingent workforce outsourcing allows you to scale your workforce up quickly. 


Bring in temporary staff to handle the extra workload, ensuring your existing team stays focused and productive on their core tasks. Once the project’s done, the contingent workers seamlessly move on, leaving your team refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges.

Unpredictable Workflows are Throwing You a Curveball

Does your business experience seasonal spikes or unexpected changes in demand? A rigid, full-time staff might not be able to adapt quickly enough. Contingent workforce solutions offer the agility you need. 


Scale your workforce up or down depending on your current workload, ensuring you have the right amount of people on hand to keep things running smoothly, no matter what curveballs come your way.

Testing the Waters Before Diving In

Thinking about expanding into a new market or launching a pilot program? Hiring a full-time team might be a gamble. Contingent workforce outsourcing allows you to test the waters first. 


Bring in temporary staff with the specific skills needed to get your project off the ground. This way, you can assess the venture’s viability before making any long-term commitments.

Keeping Costs in Check is a Priority

Building a large, full-time staff can be expensive. A contingent workforce in HRM helps you control costs. You only pay for the expertise you need and when you need it. 


No benefits packages or additional office space are required. This allows you to focus your resources on core business functions while still achieving your goals.


If you recognise any of these scenarios in your own business, contingent workforce outsourcing could be your secret weapon! It provides a flexible, cost-effective way to address common business challenges and stay ahead in a rapidly changing market. But remember, successful implementation is key. 

5 Steps to Integrate Contingent Workforce Solutions

So, you’re sold on the potential of contingent workforce solutions. Excellent! However, integrating them smoothly into your existing team is crucial for success. Here’s a roadmap to get you started:

Define Your Needs

Before diving in, take a step back and clearly define your needs. What specific expertise are you looking for? Is it a short-term project or an ongoing requirement? A clear picture helps you find the perfect contingent workers for the job.

Find the Right Partner

Not all contingent workforce providers are created equal—research reputable agencies specialising in your industry. Look for clear communication, a strong understanding of your needs, and a proven track record of placing qualified talent.

Onboard Seamlessly

First impressions matter! Develop a smooth onboarding process for contingent workers. Provide clear information about their role, expectations, and company culture. This sets them up for success and fosters a positive working relationship from the get-go.

Communication is Key

Don’t leave your contingent workforce in the dark! Maintain open communication channels. Regularly update them on project progress and provide opportunities for feedback. This keeps them engaged and invested in the work.

Build Strong Relationships

Remember, contingent workers are valuable members of your team, even if it’s temporary. Take the time to build strong relationships. Recognise their contributions and show your appreciation. This fosters a positive work environment and increases the chances of successful collaboration in the future, even with contingent workforce solutions.


By following these steps, you’ll create a seamless and productive experience with contingent staffing solutions. Get ready to embrace flexibility, tap into specialised talent, and achieve your business goals while staying cost-effective. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Finding the perfect contingent workforce solutions and integrating them seamlessly into your operations takes time and expertise. That’s where 6 Pence steps in as your strategic partner. As a leading HR solutions provider, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by contingent workers.


Our extensive network and recruitment expertise allow us to find highly skilled contingent workers tailored to your needs. Moreover, navigating labour laws and regulations for contingent workers can be complex. We ensure you remain compliant and minimise legal risks. We help develop a streamlined onboarding process and provide ongoing contingent workforce management support to ensure a positive experience for both you and the contingent workers. 


Ready to unlock the power of a flexible workforce? Contact 6 Pence today, and let’s build a winning contingent workforce solution together!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a contingent workforce programme? 

A contingent workforce program is a strategic approach to staffing where a company utilises a mix of full-time employees and temporary or contract workers. This allows businesses to adapt their workforce size and skills quickly in response to changing needs.

What are 3 examples of a contingent worker? 

Three common types of contingent workers are freelancers, independent contractors, and temporary agency workers. Freelancers are independent professionals. Independent contractors operate as their own businesses and provide client services under a contract. Temporary agency workers are employed by a staffing agency and placed on temporary assignments at different companies.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a contingent workforce?

On the positive side, a contingent workforce offers businesses flexibility, allowing them to scale up or down quickly based on need. It also provides access to specialised skills on demand without the commitment of hiring full-time. Additionally, it can lead to cost savings since you reduce overhead costs associated with permanent employees.


However, there are downsides to consider as well. Businesses may have less direct control over contingent workers’ day-to-day work. Ensuring temporary workers integrate well with your existing team also takes effort. And finally, navigating legal regulations specific to contingent workers can present a challenge.


Also Read: Is Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Right for Your Business?

HR Guide to Improve Employee Retention and Satisfaction

ways to improve employee retention

Are you constantly hiring employees? Well, it might not be because your company is growing, but maybe you aren’t able to hold on to your employees. Are you feeling the pinch of employee turnover? A recent study has shown it can cost up to $4700 per hire, a costly reality for businesses of all sizes.


But what if there were ways to keep your talented team happy and engaged, reducing turnover and boosting your bottom line? Well, good news! 


We’re here to explore seven innovative ways to improve employee retention, going beyond the usual perks and creating a work environment where people truly thrive. So, wondering how to retain your best employees? We say buckle up and get ready to discover fresh strategies to keep your best people on board!

Why Focus on Ideas for Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention?

Let’s be real- losing a good employee hurts. It’s time-consuming to hire a replacement, costly to train them, and meanwhile, your team’s morale can take a nosedive. But here’s the thing: focusing on keeping your current employees happy isn’t just a nice thing to do- it’s good for business!


Think about it: satisfied employees are more productive, reducing costs related to absenteeism and turnover. Happy teams also mean happy customers, which translates into better reviews and stronger customer loyalty. And when employees feel valued, they’re more likely to share ideas and go the extra mile, fueling creativity within your company. 


The bottom line? Employee satisfaction and retention aren’t just fluffy HR concepts- they’re serious drivers of business success! So, it’s about time you focus on ways to improve employee retention.

7 Innovative Ways to Improve Employee Retention

Tired of hearing the same old advice about employee retention? Pay raises and fancy perks can only go so far. If you’re truly serious about keeping your top talent, it’s time to think outside the box. Forget those outdated retention strategies and embrace fresh approaches that will make a lasting impact. 


It’s time to create a workplace where your star talent wants to stay and thrives. So, here are 7 innovative ways to improve employee retention:

Offer Mentorship and Coaching Programs

Think of mentorship and coaching programs as a superpower for your employees and business. Pairing experienced employees with those newer to the team unlocks a goldmine of knowledge-sharing and professional growth. It’s a win-win situation: mentees get personalised guidance for their career path, while mentors develop their leadership skills. 


Additionally, coaching programs that provide external expertise can be one of the best ways to improve employee retention, helping them tackle specific challenges or develop new skills in a targeted way. This commitment to growth shows your employees that you’re invested in their future, a powerful motivator to stay with the company long-term.

Celebrate Small Wins and Milestones

The big promotions and annual awards are important, but don’t underestimate the power of recognising those everyday successes, too! Celebrating small wins and milestones, whether completing a tough project, reaching a sales goal, or even a positive customer review, creates a culture of appreciation where everyone feels seen and valued. 


Such ways to improve employee retention can be as simple as a shout-out in a team meeting, a handwritten thank-you note, or a small reward. The key is to make it genuine and consistent. When employees feel their hard work doesn’t go unnoticed, they’re more likely to stay engaged and motivated- and isn’t that what retention is all about?

Embrace Flexible Work Arrangements

Rigid 9-to-5 schedules are increasingly a thing of the past and go against ideas to improve employee retention. Embracing flexible work arrangements is one of the most impactful ways to improve employee retention in today’s world. This could mean offering remote work, flexible hours, or compressed work weeks. 


Why do such ways to increase employee retention matter? It shows trust in your employees and allows them to design a work schedule that fits their lives. Whether caring for family members, avoiding a stressful commute, or simply having a better work-life balance, flexibility goes a long way in creating a loyal, happy workforce.

Create a Culture of Continuous Learning

In today’s rapidly changing business world, employees crave opportunities to grow their skills and knowledge. Creating a culture of continuous learning means going beyond basic training sessions. 


Encourage employees to pursue online courses, attend conferences, or even take on new projects within the company. This can be one of the most organic ways to improve staff retention.


Invest in programs that offer tuition reimbursement or provide time off for professional development. One of the most organic ways to improve employee retention is to show your team that you’re genuinely invested in their growth. Employees who feel they’re continually learning and expanding their skills are more likely to see a long-term future at your company and stay motivated for the long haul.

Provide Opportunities for Creative Input

Your employees are a powerhouse of ideas- don’t let them go untapped! Foster an environment where everyone feels encouraged to share their big or small suggestions. This might involve regular brainstorming sessions, open suggestion boxes, or surveys soliciting feedback. 


It’s crucial to go beyond just collecting input, implement good ideas, and publicly acknowledge employee contributions. When employees feel like their voices matter and they have the power to shape processes or company initiatives, they feel a stronger sense of ownership and investment in your company’s success. This goes a long way toward promoting employee loyalty and retention.

Foster a Sense of Belonging

We all want to feel like we belong at work- as part of a team. This is essential for employee satisfaction and retention. Actively build a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and included. 


Encourage team bonding activities, whether virtual or in-person social events or even collaborative projects, that get people across departments working together. 


Celebrate diversity and inclusion, ensuring everyone has a seat at the table. Focus on building open communication channels where employees feel comfortable sharing feedback and seeking support. When people feel a genuine connection to their team and the company, they’re far more likely to stick around for the long term.

Prioritise Employee Well-being

Burnout is a major driver of employee turnover. Prioritising employee well-being signals that you value your people beyond just their work output. That means supporting both their mental and physical health. Consider initiatives like flexible time off for mental health days, access to mental health resources (counselling, etc.), and onsite or subsidised wellness programs. 


Promoting a culture where taking breaks and self-care are encouraged goes a long way. When employees feel supported in all aspects of their well-being, they’re happier and less likely to burn out, but they also feel a deeper connection and commitment to a company that genuinely cares.

How 6 Pence Helps

Implementing these innovative ways to improve employee retention takes a deep understanding of your workforce and the complex HR landscape. That’s where 6 Pence can help! As a staff outsourcing provider, we’ll partner with you to create a workplace where your talented team wants to stay. Let us help you with:


  • Staff outsourcing
  • Payroll outsourcing
  • PRO services
  • Recruitment

Our specialists in Bahrain, UAE, Oman, and Iraq have a strong grasp of the regional regulations and cultural nuances, ensuring your retention initiatives are effective and compliant.


Ready to invest in your greatest asset- your people? Contact 6 Pence today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How will you improve employee retention? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer! One of the best ways to improve employee retention is to identify why employees might leave your company and then tailor solutions accordingly. This could involve anything from offering better growth opportunities to creating a more supportive work environment.

How can HR help with retention? 

HR plays a crucial role in retention! HR can help design everything from effective onboarding programs to fair compensation and benefits packages. Tracking employee satisfaction data, facilitating communication between managers and employees, and spearheading recognition initiatives all fall under HR’s umbrella.

What is a retention strategy?

A retention strategy is a proactive plan of action companies create to minimise employee turnover. It involves analysing why employees might leave and then implementing initiatives to address those concerns and increase overall job satisfaction. In short, it means ways to improve employee retention effectively. This could mean everything from offering mentorship programs to revamping the company’s recognition system.


Also Read: Improve Team Productivity With 9 Strategies That Actually Work

Looking at 7 Benefits of Recruitment Agency – Are They Worth It?

benefits of recruitment agency

Did you know that companies that have high-quality employees have 3.5 times more revenue growth than their competitors?


But recruitment is not everyone’s cup of tea- it has its own set of challenges and can be highly taxing for the HR department. Filling an open position can be time-consuming, stressful, and, let’s be honest, expensive- especially if you end up with the wrong person for the job. 


But what if there was a way to find top talent faster, reduce your workload, and even save money in the long run? That’s where recruitment agencies come in! They claim to be a game-changer for businesses, but are they really worth the investment? 


Let’s dive deeper and explore the potential benefits of recruitment agency so you can decide if it’s the right fit for your company!

What is the Role of Recruitment Agencies?

Think of recruitment agencies as your hiring superheroes! They specialise in finding qualified candidates to fill open positions within companies. How do they do this? 


Recruitment agencies have a vast network of talent they tap into, saving you the hassle of advertising jobs and sifting through countless resumes. They also have specialised knowledge of different industries, allowing them to identify candidates who possess the right skills and experience quickly.


But that’s just the start! One of the biggest benefits of recruitment agency is its ability to assess candidates beyond just their resumes. They conduct in-depth interviews and often use screening tools to ensure the people they present to you are skilled and likely to be a good fit for your company culture.  


This kind of careful matching can save you a lot of headaches (and money!) in the long run. If you’re looking for a faster, more efficient way to hire top talent, exploring the benefits of recruitment agency is a smart move.

7 Benefits of Recruitment Agency

So, are recruitment agencies really worth the investment? If you’re weighing the pros and cons, let’s explore 7 of the most commonly cited advantages of employment agencies. 


From saving you precious time to tapping into hidden talent pools, there might be more benefits than you realise. Here’s a sneak peek at what recruitment agencies can offer your business:

Save Time and Resources

The hiring process can be a major drain on your internal team’s time and resources. Think about it: writing job descriptions, advertising openings, sifting through countless resumes, scheduling interviews… it all adds up! 


One of the most significant employment agencies advantages is that they take on these tasks, freeing up your HR staff or managers to focus on other priorities. This can be especially valuable for small businesses or during periods of rapid growth when your team is already stretched thin. 


By letting recruitment agencies handle the initial legwork, you can streamline the hiring process and find the perfect candidate faster.

Access a Wider Talent Pool

Recruitment agencies often have an extensive network of candidates you might not be able to access alone. This includes passive candidates who aren’t actively job searching but might be open to the right opportunity. 


One of the benefits of recruitment agency is that they have established relationships within specific industries, giving them access to in-demand candidates with specialised skills. This wider reach can be a game-changer, especially when looking for niche skills or talent in a competitive market. 


By leveraging recruitment consultant benefits and their vast network, you’re increasing your chances of finding the diamond-in-the-rough candidate for the role.

Expertise in Finding Niche Skills

Finding candidates with highly specialised skills can be a major challenge. Recruitment agencies often develop a deep understanding of specific industries and niches. This means they know where to find those hard-to-find candidates and how to assess their qualifications accurately. 


Whether you need a software engineer with expertise in a rare programming language or a sales leader with a proven track record in a specific market, recruitment agencies can save you time and frustration in your search. Their specialised knowledge is certainly one of the primary benefits of recruitment agency.

Improve Quality of Hire

Hiring the wrong person can be a costly mistake in terms of money and lost productivity. 34% of CFOs confirm that bad hires cost them more than just productivity. In fact, managers often spend 17% of their valuable office hours supervising underperforming hires.


Recruitment agencies go beyond just matching resumes to job descriptions. They take time to understand your company’s culture and values, ensuring they present candidates who are skilled and likely to be a good fit long-term. 


This careful screening process increases the chances of finding someone who’ll thrive in your work environment and contribute to your team’s success. This focus on compatibility is one of the major benefits of hiring a staffing agency.

Ensure a Good Cultural Fit

Finding someone with the right skills is important, but let’s not forget company culture! A poor cultural fit can lead to low morale, decreased productivity, and higher turnover. Recruitment agencies understand this. 


They take the time to learn about your company’s values, work style, and team dynamics. This knowledge allows them to present candidates who are more likely to mesh well with your existing team, creating a more harmonious and productive work environment


This focus on compatibility is one of the key benefits of recruitment agency, saving you from costly mis-hires.

Enhanced Efficiency in the Hiring Process

The hiring process can be incredibly time-consuming, from searching for candidates to scheduling interviews and negotiating offers. Recruitment agencies take on a significant chunk of this workload, streamlining your entire process. 


Their established networks, screening processes, and hiring expertise mean you finish faster- finding the right person for the job without endless delays. Streamlining your processes is key to boosting your business’s overall effectiveness.

Offer Market Insights and Salary Guidance

Recruitment agencies are constantly immersed in the job market. This gives them valuable knowledge about current salary trends, in-demand skills, and the overall competitive landscape within your industry. 


They can offer insights into attracting top talent and advise you on competitive salary packages. This kind of up-to-date market information is one of the valuable benefits of recruitment agency, empowering you to make informed hiring decisions and stay ahead of the curve.

How 6 Pence Helps

By now, you might be convinced of the benefits of recruitment agency and wondering how to find the perfect one for your business. That’s where 6 Pence steps in! 


We are one of the foremost staffing solutions providers in Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, and Dubai. We understand the challenges faced by businesses. By allocating a dedicated project manager, we ensure that only the best-fit candidates are employed at your organisation. We ensure labour law compliance and complete data security.


Our specialist recruiters have in-depth knowledge of local labour laws and cultural nuances. This ensures you find the right talent while remaining compliant with regional regulations.


Ready to unlock the power of strategic recruitment? Contact 6 Pence today, and let’s find the perfect fit for your team!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the function of a recruitment company? 

Think of a recruitment company as your matchmaker for finding the perfect employee! They specialise in connecting businesses with qualified candidates. This involves everything from advertising jobs, sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and sometimes even negotiating offers. 


They aim to streamline the hiring process and ensure you find the right fit for your open positions. Therefore, there are tons of benefits of recruitment agency that you can harness to drive your company forward.

What is the role of recruiters in the recruitment process? 

Recruiters are like talent scouts! They’re on the front lines, actively searching for candidates, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and assessing if someone has the skills and personality to thrive in your company. It’s a good idea to make the most of the benefits of recruitment agency. Why? Well, they act as a bridge between job seekers and employers, making the hiring process smoother for everyone involved.

What is the role of talent acquisition?

Talent acquisition is the approach to finding and hiring the best people for your organisation. It’s more than just filling open jobs- it’s about building a strong workforce that aligns with your company’s long-term goals. Talent acquisition specialists, often with the help of recruitment agencies, focus on finding the right talent at the right time, ultimately boosting business success.


Also Read: Applicant Tracking System Software – A Guide For New-Age Hiring

Improve Team Productivity With 9 Strategies That Actually Work

improve team productivity

Do you feel like your team could be accomplishing even more? You’re not alone! Many teams get stuck in routines, which can sometimes lead to a bit of a productivity slump. But hey, there’s good news! 


You can make many simple tweaks to boost your team’s efficiency and get everyone firing on all cylinders. In this blog, we’ll explore 9 practical strategies that actually work to improve team productivity. So, grab a pen and some paper, settle in, and let’s unlock the full potential of your team!

9 Strategies to Improve Team Productivity 

Ready to transform your team into a productivity powerhouse? Implementing even a few small changes can greatly impact how efficiently and effectively your team works together. So, let’s dive in and explore 9 practical strategies that can improve team productivity and boost your business’s overall success: 

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Think of goals as your team’s roadmap. If everyone doesn’t know where they’re going or their priorities, it’s easy to get sidetracked or waste effort. As a leader, make sure every team member understands how their individual work contributes to the bigger picture. 


Set clear deadlines, define what success looks like, and provide the resources they need to get the job done. When everyone’s on the same page, it’s amazing how this simple step can improve team productivity and reduce frustration.

Foster Open Communication

Communication is the lifeblood of any high-performing team. It creates a more productive, collaborative and positive environment when people feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking for help, or even respectfully raising concerns. 


Encourage open dialogue during meetings, implement channels for regular feedback, and make sure your team members feel heard. 


This might involve activities to improve team performance, like workshops to practise effective communication or team-building exercises. Investing in open communication might take a bit of time upfront, but the payoff for your team’s productivity is huge!

Embrace Technology to Streamline Workflows

Are outdated systems or clunky processes slowing your team down? It’s time to embrace technology! According to a recent study, 92% of employees attested that technology that makes their work easier positively impacts how happy they are with their jobs.


The right tools can make a world of difference if you are looking to improve team productivity. Consider investing in:


  • Project Management Software: Keeps everyone organised and on track with deadlines.
  • Communication and Collaboration Tools: Allows for seamless information sharing and real-time updates.
  • Automation Tools: Eliminates tedious, repetitive tasks, freeing up your team’s time for higher-level work.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try out different tools and see which ones positively impact your team’s workflow and overall efficiency.

Offer Opportunities for Growth and Development

When your team members feel like they’re stagnating in their roles, it can drain motivation and productivity. Help your team stay engaged and driven by offering opportunities to learn new skills and expand their responsibilities. 


This could involve providing them access to online courses, supporting them in attending conferences or even offering cross-training within the company. When employees see that you’re invested in their growth, they’re more likely to go the extra mile, which can ultimately increase team productivity.

Celebrate Wins and Recognise Contributions

Feeling appreciated is a powerful motivator that can help you improve team productivity! When your team members know their hard work is noticed, they will likely stay engaged and committed to excellence. Take the time to celebrate both big and small victories, whether it’s completing a major project or making a great customer service save. 


Recognition doesn’t have to be fancy- a simple shout-out in a team meeting, a handwritten note, or even a small reward can go a long way. Show your team that you see their effort and value their contributions, and you’ll see a positive boost in morale and a determination to keep up the good work- all of which improves team productivity!

Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Burnout is a major productivity killer. While having a hard-working team is important, it’s equally important to encourage a healthy work-life balance. This means:


  • Respecting employees’ time outside of work hours.
  • Encouraging them to use their vacation days and take proper breaks.
  • Creating a culture where disconnecting to recharge is seen as a positive.

When your team feels supported in taking care of themselves both mentally and physically, they’ll return to work refreshed, energised, and ready to tackle challenges. This focus on well-being can enhance individual and team performance in the long run!

Prioritise Employee Well-Being

Taking care of your team’s well-being extends beyond just promoting work-life balance. Consider offering mental health resources, wellness programs, or flexible work arrangements to support their overall well-being and, in turn, improve team productivity. This shows your employees that you value them as people, not just employees. 


When people feel supported and cared for, they’re more likely to be loyal, productive, and invested in the company’s success. So, prioritising well-being isn’t just a nice thing to do; it’s actually a smart strategy to improve team productivity.

Encourage Collaboration and Knowledge-Sharing

Silos within teams are a productivity roadblock. Therefore, to improve team productivity, encourage your team members to work together, share ideas, and learn from each other’s expertise. 


Create a culture where asking for help or offering mentorship is celebrated. You could set up regular brainstorming sessions, cross-departmental projects, or even team-building activities that foster collaboration. 


When knowledge flows freely, and team members support each other, you unleash a wave of innovation and problem-solving that supercharges your team’s effectiveness. If you wondered whether teamwork increases productivity, this is the proof.

Delegate Effectively and Empower Team Members

As a leader, it’s tempting to want to control everything, but trying to do it all will only leave you overwhelmed, and your team underutilised. Learning to delegate effectively is key if you want to improve team productivity. Identify tasks that can be assigned to team members with the appropriate skills and provide them with the necessary resources and support. 


When you empower people with trust and responsibility, you free up your own time and give your team members opportunities to step up, develop their skills, and feel a greater sense of ownership in their work.

How 6 Pence Helps

Ready to supercharge your team’s effectiveness? Implementing these strategies to improve team productivity takes effort and a deep understanding of what motivates your unique team. 


An important point of building a good team is hiring a great team. 6 Pence can reduce all your hiring woes with our tailored and streamlined staffing solutions. As one of the leading staff outsourcing agencies in the GCC, we can find you the best talents for your open positions, whether for a temporary job or for a more permanent role. 


Contact 6 Pence today, and let’s increase team productivity together!

Frequently Asked Questions

What improved productivity of a team? 

Lots of things can improve team productivity! It could be anything from setting clearer goals and expectations to investing in the right technology or even promoting a healthier work-life balance for your employees. The key is to identify the specific areas where your team might be facing challenges and then implement solutions that address those directly.

How can you improve team performance? 

Once again, there are lots of ways to improve team performance! It all starts with clear communication, shared goals, and a commitment to supporting each other. However, innovative ideas should be considered for truly transformative results to improve team performance. 


This could involve offering exciting professional development opportunities, utilising new technologies to streamline collaboration, or revamping how you recognise and celebrate success. Remember, a thriving team is always learning and evolving!

What is team efficiency?

Team efficiency is all about how well a team utilises its resources- time, skills, and energy- to achieve its goals. A highly efficient team gets the job done with minimal wasted effort. This might involve streamlining processes, improving communication, focusing on results, or finding other team improvement ideas to minimise bottlenecks. Think of efficiency as not just working hard but working smart!


Also Read: What are the Critical Skills Required for Talent Acquisition?

A Guide to Choosing the Best HR Software for Small Businesses

hr software for small businesses

Did you know that the HR job is one of the most stressful? Well, it’s no surprise- given they are responsible for managing a lot of the operational work, hiring to payroll management, and even employee onboarding and termination. This is more significant in small businesses where you often don’t have a large HR team due to budgetary constraints.


A recent study has seen that 81% of HR managers feel they don’t have enough workers to help them with their work. With 53% of HRs saying that their workforce has grown in the last five years, but only 4 out of 10 respondents said that they had seen any increase in their HR budget. 


This can be solved by using HR software small business. This handy technology can be a game-changer for small businesses, but choosing the right one can feel confusing with so many options on the market. 


We’ll walk you through everything you need to know about choosing the best HR software for small businesses so you can find the perfect fit and free up your time to focus on what you do best. Let’s get started!

Begin by Understanding Your Small Business HR Software Needs

Before you start browsing shiny options for HR software small businesses, it’s crucial to get clear on your business’s unique HR needs. Ask yourself:


  • What HR tasks are taking up the most time? Is it tracking Paid-Time-Off (PTO) requests, managing payroll, or something else?
  • Where do you face frequent bottlenecks or errors? This could be with onboarding paperwork, compliance issues, or performance reviews.
  • What are your growth goals? Do you anticipate needing more advanced HR software for small businesses as you expand your team?

Taking the time for this self-assessment is key! It’ll help you avoid investing in HRMS for small businesses with a bunch of features you’ll never use or, worse, one that doesn’t address your most pressing pain points. Think of it as creating a customised checklist for your HR technology needs- this will make your search much more focused and efficient!

5 Essential Features to Look For in HR Software For Small Businesses

Choosing the right HR software small businesses can make a world of difference. To streamline your HR processes, save you time, and reduce headaches, look for solutions that offer these key features:

Payroll Management

Accurate and timely payroll is essential! Look for HR software for small businesses that simplifies calculating wages, taxes, and deductions. It should integrate seamlessly with your preferred accounting software to minimise double entry and errors.

Time and Attendance Tracking

Simplify time tracking for hourly employees and manage PTO requests with ease. This feature can save you countless hours of manual calculations and keep your team informed about their available time-off balances.

Employee Self-Service Portal

Empower your employees and save yourself administrative work! A self-service employee management software for small business allows employees to view their payslips, update personal information, and submit PTO requests without needing to bother HR.

Benefits Administration

Managing benefits can be complex for small businesses. Look for HR software that helps organise and track your benefits offerings, facilitating easy enrollment and handling any necessary deductions.

Onboarding and Offboarding

First impressions matter! Streamline your onboarding systems for small businesses to make the new hire experience smooth and efficient. Look for software that facilitates document collection and e-signatures and automates welcome emails for a welcoming introduction to your company. It’s also useful to have features that manage the offboarding process promptly and efficiently.


Remember, the best HR software small businesses doesn’t necessarily have the most features. Focus on what addresses your most pressing needs and challenges, and ensure the software is easy for you and your employees!

5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing HR Systems for Small Businesses

Beyond features, finding an HR software provider that’s a good fit for your small business is important. Here are some questions:


Understand the pricing model. Is it a subscription-based model or a one-time purchase? Are there additional fees for things like implementation or support? Ensure the pricing aligns with your budget and the value you expect from the HR software for small businesses.


If you plan to grow your business, will the software grow with you? Ask about their plans for different business sizes and if you’ll need to upgrade to a more expensive package as your team expands.


What level of support is offered? Do they have phone, email, or live chat support during your business hours? A responsive support team is crucial, especially during implementation.


Does the HR software for small businesses integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, like accounting or timekeeping software? This will save you time and prevent errors caused by manual data transfer.


How does the provider secure your sensitive employee data? Inquire about their security measures, data encryption protocols, and compliance with relevant regulations.


Think of your HR software small business provider as an extension of your team. Take the time to research their reputation and choose a company you trust. 


Choosing the right HR software small businesses isn’t just about features; it’s about establishing a partnership built on reliability and support for your business’s growth.

How 6 Pence Helps

Choosing the right HR software for small businesses is a major decision. You can always outsource your work to 6 Pence. 


We are one of the leading staffing and recruitment solutions providers in Bahrain, UAE, Oman, and Iraq. Our expert team undertakes end-to-end staffing solutions, from job posting to background verification and work visa processing. Our assistance doesn’t end there; we also help with payroll management. 


With 6 Pence, you get access to our advanced HR e-service portal, which allows employers and employees alike to access any document they want at any time and from anywhere.


Ready to simplify your HR processes and free up time? Contact 6 Pence today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HR software system? 

Think of HR software as a digital assistant for your small business’s HR needs. It’s a set of tools designed to help you manage everything from payroll and employee information to time tracking and benefits administration. Simply put, it makes your HR tasks easier and way more efficient!

What are the three types of HR software solutions? 

There are many types of HR software for small businesses out there, but here are three of the most common ones:


  • Core HR: The foundation for managing employee data, payroll, and basic HR processes.
  • Talent Management: Focuses on recruiting, onboarding, and developing your employees.
  • Workforce Management: Helps with scheduling, time and attendance tracking, and optimising workforce deployment.

Why do companies use HR software?

Companies use HR software for small businesses for a bunch of reasons! It can:


  • Save time on administrative tasks.
  • Reduce errors and improve overall accuracy.
  • Ensure compliance with labour regulations.
  • Provide valuable insights into your workforce data.
  • Enhance the overall employee experience.


Also Read: What is the Role of Blockchain Technology in Recruitment?

Is Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Right for Your Business?

recruitment process outsourcing

Does the hiring process feel like a constant battle for your business? You might be posting jobs, sifting through resumes, and scheduling interviews- but struggling to find and onboard the right candidates. Plus, it eats up so much valuable time and resources! Sound familiar? 


Well, what if we told you there’s a way to streamline your entire hiring process, reduce costs, and get expert help in finding top talent? It’s called Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) and is a key part of staff outsourcing solutions.


But is it truly the right fit for your business? Let’s dive in and discover if RPO could be the solution you’ve been searching for!

What is Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)?

Think of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) as partnering with an outside company that acts as an extension of your internal HR team. They handle all or part of your recruitment process- everything from sourcing and screening candidates to conducting interviews and managing offers. These are just some of the recruitment process outsourcing examples. Basically, they take on the heavy lifting of finding the perfect hire.


So, here’s the key difference: with a traditional recruitment agency, you typically use them to fill specific vacancies. However, with the recruitment process outsourcing, the partnership is longer-term. The RPO solutions provider gets to know your company culture and the specific skills you need and becomes deeply integrated into your overall recruitment strategy. This approach offers several benefits over traditional hiring methods!

5 Recruitment Outsourcing Benefits

Partnering with an RPO provider can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. If you’re considering Recruitment Process Outsourcing, here’s a look at some key advantages it can offer:

Access to a Wider Talent Pool

RPO providers have extensive networks of candidates and use specialised tools to find the best talent, even for hard-to-fill roles. This can give you access to qualified individuals you might not reach alone.

Improved Quality of Hire

RPO providers are experts in recruiting! They have proven screening processes and assessment tools to identify candidates with the right skills and those who’ll be a good fit for your company culture. This means you’re more likely to hire people who’ll thrive in your company long-term.

Faster Time-to-Fill

The hiring process can be lengthy. Recruitment Process Outsourcing providers streamline everything, from sourcing resumes to scheduling interviews. Their dedicated focus on recruitment means they can help you fill open positions faster, reducing the time positions remain vacant.

Cost Savings

While RPO involves outsourcing costs, it can save you money in the long run. Reduced HR workload, fewer bad hires, and a faster hiring process all impact your bottom line.

Enhanced Employer Branding

RPO providers understand the importance of a positive candidate experience. Their expertise helps ensure a professional and seamless process for applicants, strengthening your reputation as an employer.


Recruitment Process Outsourcing isn’t just about filling open positions; it’s about strategic talent acquisition. By partnering with a recruitment outsourcing provider, you can improve your hiring outcomes, save time and money, and enhance your overall competitiveness in attracting the best talent.

Does Your Business Need RPO Solutions?

While Recruitment Process Outsourcing offers a lot of benefits, it’s important to determine if it’s the right solution for your specific needs. Here are some questions to help you decide:


  • Are you facing hiring challenges? Do you struggle to find qualified candidates, experience high turnover, or find the hiring process too time-consuming for your internal team?
  • Are you scaling rapidly? A sudden influx of hiring needs can be overwhelming if your business grows. An RPO partnership can handle the increased volume and find the right talent quickly.
  • Do you need specialised expertise? If you’re hiring for niche roles that require specific knowledge or skills, an RPO provider with industry expertise can be invaluable.
  • Are you looking for a long-term talent strategy? RPO solutions go beyond immediate needs. They are focused on building a sustainable pipeline of talent tailored to your company’s growth goals.

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, exploring recruitment process outsourcing might be smart! Remember, successful RPO talent acquisition is a partnership- so it’s important to find a provider that aligns with your company culture and values this collaborative approach.

How 6 Pence Helps

Deciding whether to implement Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a major step for any business. If you’re ready to explore the benefits of RPO solutions but want a trusted partner to guide you through the recruitment process outsourcing steps, 6 Pence is here! 


6 Pence is one of the leading staffing and recruitment outsourcing agencies in the GCC. We have nearly two decades of experience helping global brands and local public sector agencies with their human resource needs. 


Our experienced recruiters have access to extensive candidate databases, allowing us to hire faster with top-quality candidates. With a dedicated project manager, we can reduce the chance of miscommunication and better personalise our services. But our work doesn’t end with finding the right employee; we also assist with payroll processing. Our recruitment and hiring processes are compliant with international and local labour laws


Ready to streamline your hiring and build a winning team? Contact 6 Pence today, and let’s unlock the power of strategic talent acquisition for your business!

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the recruiting process outsourcing? 

Recruiting Process Outsourcing (RPO) means partnering with an external company to help with the complete or a part of your hiring process. This company effectively becomes an extension of your HR team, taking on tasks like finding candidates, screening applicants, and interviews.

What is RPO and how does it work? 

RPO is a way to outsource your recruitment to experts! Basically, you partner with an RPO provider with in-depth recruiting knowledge. They handle your hiring needs based on your specific requirements, ensuring a seamless and efficient process. This can involve everything from developing job descriptions to onboarding new hires, saving you time, money, and lots of headaches!

What is the difference between RPO and BPO?

Both RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) and BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) involve outsourcing certain functions to external companies. The key difference is in what’s being outsourced. RPO focuses specifically on recruitment, whereas BPO is a broader term that can encompass tasks like accounting, customer service, or IT support.


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Payroll Accountant Job Description – A Guide To A Job in Finance

payroll accountant job description

Do you think you are good with numbers? Are you someone who is trusted with budgets? Then, maybe becoming a payroll accountant might be a good option. 


The role of a payroll accountant is crucial in ensuring that employees are paid accurately and on time. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) anticipates a 6% expansion in accountant and auditor roles from 2021 to 2031. It also predicts more than 136,000 new job opportunities each year.


This article will delve into the responsibilities and expectations associated with this position. We will also look at a comprehensive payroll accountant job description sample to understand what it entails.


So, whether you’re considering a career as a payroll accountant or seeking to understand the role better for hiring purposes, this guide will provide valuable insights into the job description. Without further ado, let’s understand the world of payroll accounting!

Core Functions and Duties of a Payroll Accountant

A payroll accountant job description involves various responsibilities focused on ensuring accurate and timely processing of employee compensation. So, here are the key payroll accountant responsibilities typically associated with this role:

Processing Payroll

Payroll accountants calculate employee salaries, wages, bonuses, and deductions accurately. So, they ensure compliance with company policies and regulatory requirements.

Maintaining Payroll Records

They keep detailed records of employee compensation confidentially, updating them with each payroll cycle.

Tax Compliance

They also accurately calculate and withhold income taxes, healthcare contributions, and other statutory deductions. This also means filing payroll tax returns and remitting taxes to government agencies.

Benefits Administration

They administer employee benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. So this involves calculating contributions, coordinating enrollments, and reconciling benefit payments.

Auditing and Reporting

Their job includes participating in audits to ensure the accuracy of payroll processes and records. Moreover, they generate payroll reports for management, HR, and regulatory agencies.

Addressing Employee Inquiries

They handle employee inquiries regarding paycheck discrepancies, tax withholding, and benefits promptly and courteously.


Overall, payroll accountants are crucial in managing payroll operations, supporting employee satisfaction, financial compliance, and organisational success. 

Payroll Accountant Job Description: What to Expect

We know the importance of precision and accuracy in payroll accounting. So, it’s not a surprise that as businesses navigate the complexities of financial management, the role of a Payroll Tax Accountant shines brightly. 


Let’s look at the intricacies of this vital position through a comprehensive payroll accountant job description template:

Sample Payroll Tax Accountant Job Description

Position Title: Payroll Tax Accountant

Location: [XYZ]

Job Type: Full-time


As a Payroll Tax Accountant, you’ll play a pivotal role in managing payroll taxes to ensure compliance and accuracy within our organisation. Your meticulous attention to detail and expertise in tax regulations will be instrumental in maintaining precise financial records.

Key Responsibilities

  • Processing Payroll Taxes
  • Tax Compliance
  • Record-Keeping
  • Auditing and Reconciliation
  • Employee Communication
  • Continuous Improvement


  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, or related field
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation preferred
  • Strong understanding of payroll tax laws and regulations
  • Proficiency in payroll processing software and Microsoft Excel
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Effective communication and interpersonal abilities

Join Our Team:

If you’re seeking a dynamic role where your expertise in payroll accounting can make a difference, we invite you to join our team as a Payroll Tax Accountant. Embrace this opportunity to contribute to our organisation’s success while advancing your career in accounting.


Note: This is a sample payroll accountant job description created to briefly explain how the JD might look for this role. So, it is subject to changes as per various company policies.

Understanding Payroll Accountant Salary and Career Progression

Now that you know the payroll accountant job description, let’s move on to other essentials. Being associated with payroll accounting careers involves considering salary prospects and potential advancement opportunities. 


So, let’s understand the factors shaping payroll accountant salaries and career paths:

Salary Factors

On average, payroll accountants earn a yearly salary of $59,220. However, salary variation among payroll accountants is influenced by multiple factors, such as:

  • Experience: Entry-level roles offer lower pay, while seasoned professionals command higher salaries.
  • Education and Certification: Advanced degrees like a Master’s or certifications like Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) can boost earnings. Employers usually seek payroll accountants with a minimum bachelor’s degree in accounting.
  • Industry: Sectors with high profits or strict regulations may pay more. 
  • Skills and Specialisations: Expertise in international payroll or tax compliance can lead to better pay.

Career Progression

The career progression of a payroll accountant typically follows a structured path. It is bolstered by opportunities for advancement based on performance and qualifications. And here’s a typical trajectory that follows after you fulfill the payroll accountant job description:

Entry-Level Payroll Clerk

Entry-level positions, such as payroll clerks or assistants, provide foundational experience in payroll processing and administration. So, responsibilities may include:


  • Data entry
  • Payroll verification
  • Assisting with tax filings

Payroll Accountant

As professionals gain experience and knowledge in payroll accounting principles and practices, they may advance to roles as payroll accountants. So, responsibilities expand to include:


  • Payroll tax calculations
  • Compliance
  • Reporting

Senior Payroll Accountant

Individuals may transition to senior payroll accountant roles with continued growth and expertise. Senior positions involve complex payroll functions, leadership responsibilities, and strategic involvement in payroll process improvements.

Payroll Manager or Director

Payroll professionals may ascend to managerial or directorial positions at the pinnacle of their careers. So, these roles include: 


  • Overseeing entire payroll departments
  • Managing teams of payroll specialists
  • Shaping organisational payroll strategies

However, ongoing education and skill development are crucial. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Understanding the intricacies of a payroll accountant job description is essential for job seekers. At 6 Pence, we specialise in connecting talented individuals with reputable employers seeking payroll professionals. Our extensive network and expertise in HR consultancy allow us to match candidates with companies that value their skills and expertise. 


So, whether you’re a seasoned payroll accountant looking for new challenges or an aspiring professional eager to kickstart your career in payroll, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Drop your CV by visiting our careers page, and keep an eye on the latest vacancies by following us on social media.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the function of payroll accounting? 

The function of payroll accounting is to manage and process employee compensation. So, this, according to the payroll accountant job description, includes salaries, wages, bonuses, and deductions while ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations.

What is the role of a payroll administrator? 

The role of a payroll administrator is similar to the payroll accountant job description. So, it involves overseeing the payroll process, including calculating wages, distributing paychecks, handling tax withholdings, maintaining payroll records, and addressing employee inquiries regarding compensation.

What is the highest salary of an accountant?

The highest salary of an accountant can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, industry, and qualifications. However, top-level accountants, such as chief financial officers (CFOs) or partners in accounting firms, can earn significant salaries, often in the six-figure range or higher. But, it’s safe to say that payroll accountant roles and responsibilities decide the exact figures.


Also Read: From Recruitment to Retention: A Deep Dive into Common Hiring Mistakes

A Guide To Create an Effective Employee Evaluation Checklist

employee evaluation checklist

Effective employment evaluation is a double-edged sword: it helps an organisation understand and reward the performance of an employee, and for the staff, it enables them to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and scope for future improvement.


Navigating employee evaluations can be an unending and terrifying maze without the right map. That’s where an effective employee evaluation checklist comes into play, shining a light on the path to insightful and fair assessments. Did you know that 74% of millennials feel uninformed about their job performance?


This guide is your key to unlocking a streamlined and impactful evaluation process. We’ll start with the fundamentals, pinpoint precisely what your checklist needs to capture and share actionable tips to bring it all to life. 


Ready to transform how you view performance reviews? 


Join us on this journey to elevate your team’s success and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

The Basics of a Performance Review Checklist

Wondering how to evaluate employee performance fairly? A well-crafted employee evaluation checklist is your compass. It will guide you through the essentials while ensuring no detail is overlooked from your checklist for performance appraisal.

First Up, Pinpointing Specific Criteria is Key. 

Think of it as setting the GPS for your evaluation journey. These criteria could range from job knowledge and skills to teamwork and problem-solving abilities. The aim is to provide a clear path to assess each employee’s contributions and growth areas.

Next in Line, Fairness Takes the Front Seat. 

Using a uniform checklist ensures every team member is evaluated on the same scale. This approach fosters a sense of justice and strengthens the team’s trust in the evaluation process.

Consistency is Your Co-pilot. 

With each review guided by the same markers, you’ll gain a panoramic view of how performance trends over time. This allows for meaningful comparisons and growth tracking.

Not to mention, Preparation Becomes a Breeze. 

Armed with your checklist, gathering thoughts and supporting examples ahead of time transforms reviews from daunting to doable. So, it sets the stage for a structured and insightful exchange.

Let’s not forget its Importance in Opening the Floor for Dialogue. 

A thoughtful checklist does more than evaluate; it encourages conversation. It invites open, two-way discussions about achievements, hurdles, and aspirations. Also, this allows employees to self-evaluate themselves and make note of future growth opportunities.


In short, your employee evaluation checklist is far from a mere formality. It’s the backbone of a process that enriches understanding, ensures equity, and cultivates development within your team. With these in mind, creating a checklist that resonates with and uplifts your team is well within reach.

Key Components to Include in an Employee Evaluation Checklist

Creating a comprehensive employee evaluation checklist involves several key components. Let’s break down what to include for a balanced and insightful review:

Job Performance

Firstly, focus on job performance when working on an employee performance review checklist. This covers the quality of work, efficiency, and goal achievement. Ask, “Has the employee met their targets?” Evaluating how effectively they handle their daily tasks and contribute to team objectives is crucial.

Skills and Competencies

Next, assess skills and competencies. This includes technical abilities and soft skills like communication and teamwork. Consider, “Are they using their skills effectively?” Understanding their strengths and areas for growth guides personal development plans.

Work Attitude

Then, look at work attitude. This is about their professionalism, reliability, and adaptability. Reflect on questions like, “Do they demonstrate a positive approach to challenges?” An employee’s attitude significantly impacts team dynamics and morale.

Initiative and Creativity

Furthermore, evaluate initiative and creativity. Recognise employees who go beyond their basic duties and contribute innovative ideas. Ask yourself, “Have they shown proactive problem-solving?” This highlights those driving change and improvement.

Development and Training

Additionally, consider development and training needs. Identify opportunities for further growth and learning. Think, “What training could enhance their performance?” This ensures employees are equipped to meet current and future challenges.

Goals for the Next Period

Lastly, set goals for the next period. Discuss and agree on clear, achievable objectives. Add questions like, “What targets will drive their development?” This forward-looking component motivates and provides direction for ongoing improvement.


Incorporating these elements into your employee evaluation checklist ensures a thorough and balanced assessment. It highlights accomplishments and areas for improvement and sets the stage for continuous development and success.

Implementing Employee Appraisal Checklist Effectively

Implementation is critical to making the most of your employee evaluation checklist. Let’s explore how to apply it effectively in your review process:

Start with Clear Communication

First up, clear communication is essential. Before the evaluation begins, explain the checklist to your team. This ensures everyone understands the criteria and process. It sets a transparent and open atmosphere for the reviews.

Use as a Guide, Not a Script

Remember, the checklist is a guide, not a script. While it’s important to cover all areas, allow for natural conversation. This approach encourages more meaningful discussions and insights.

Provide Specific Examples

Always back up your assessments with specific examples. This makes feedback concrete and actionable. It helps employees clearly see where they excel and where there’s room to grow.

Encourage Employee Input

Not to mention, make it a two-way conversation. Encourage employees to share their thoughts and self-assessments. This empowers them and provides valuable perspectives on their performance and aspirations.

Focus on Development

Based on Gallup research, 32% of employees who left their jobs recently cited a lack of promotional opportunities as their reason for leaving. Use the appraisal as an opportunity to plan for future growth. Discuss training, new challenges, and career goals. This shows employees their development is a priority. 

Follow Up

Also, don’t let the appraisal be the end of the conversation. Employees show 2.7 times higher engagement when they receive feedback on a weekly basis; schedule follow-ups to discuss progress on goals and ongoing support. This continuous engagement reinforces the value of the appraisal process.


Implementing your employee evaluation checklist with these practices ensures a productive and positive experience. It turns evaluations into opportunities for growth, motivation, and alignment with company objectives.

How 6 Pence Helps

While an effective employee evaluation checklist is a cornerstone of fair and insightful appraisals, integrating comprehensive HR solutions can elevate your approach to talent management.


6 Pence specialises in offering bespoke Staff Outsourcing and Payroll Outsourcing services that complement your internal evaluation efforts. By leveraging our expertise, businesses can ensure that every aspect of employee management is handled with precision and care.


Serving businesses across Dubai, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain, 6 Pence is strategically positioned to support your operations wherever you are. Contact us to discover how 6 Pence can assist in streamlining your HR processes!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a performance evaluation checklist? 

A performance or employee evaluation checklist is a tool used during employee reviews. It outlines the criteria and standards for assessing job performance, ensuring a structured and consistent evaluation process.

What should an employee evaluation include? 

An employee evaluation checklist should include assessments of job performance, skills and competencies, work attitude, initiative and creativity, development needs, and goals for the future. It should also encourage dialogue for feedback and development planning.

What is a key evaluation checklist?

A key employee evaluation checklist refers to the essential elements and criteria used to assess an employee’s performance effectively. It focuses on critical areas such as job performance, skills, attitude, and goals, ensuring a comprehensive review of an employee’s contributions and areas for growth.


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Applicant Tracking System Software – A Guide For New-Age Hiring

applicant tracking system software

Did you know that in the current job market, on average, 118 people apply for a single job? These numbers would be much higher for larger global corporations. Thus, sifting resumes, managing the hiring pipeline, and finally onboarding can become challenging!


In the modern business world, finding and keeping the right talent is a top priority. Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software is a key tool for this challenge. It helps businesses manage the hiring process from start to finish. 


This guide will take you through everything you need about Applicant Tracking Software. We’ll start with how it works. Then, we’ll talk about why it’s so important. Finally, we’ll look at the good and the bad of using Applicant Tracking System software. If you want to improve your hiring process, this guide is for you. 


Let’s dive into how ATS software can help modern businesses like yours.

Understanding How Applicant Tracking System Software Works

So, first things first: what is an Applicant Tracking System in HR? At its core, ATS software simplifies the recruitment process. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it functions, making it easier for businesses to navigate hiring challenges.

Step 1

Firstly, when a job opening is posted, Applicant Tracking System software begins its work. It collects applications from various sources. This includes job boards, company websites, and email submissions. By consolidating these applications in one place, it saves time right from the start.

Step 2

Next, the Applicant Tracking System software sorts through the resumes. It scans for specific keywords related to the job. Keywords might include skills, experiences, or educational qualifications. This step ensures that only the most relevant applications move forward in the process.

Step 3

Then, the employee tracking system ranks the candidates. It prioritises applications based on how well they match the job criteria. This feature helps hiring managers quickly identify the top candidates without manually reviewing each resume.

And Some More

Additionally, ATS can also manage communications with candidates. It sends automated emails to acknowledge receipt of applications. Furthermore, it can notify candidates about their application status. This keeps applicants informed and engaged throughout the process.


Moreover, Applicant Tracking System software can streamline interview scheduling for selected candidates. It may integrate with calendars to find suitable times for both interviewers and candidates. This feature alleviates the administrative strain on HR departments.


ATS also provides valuable analytics. It tracks metrics such as the number of applicants, sources of the best candidates, and time-to-hire. These insights help businesses refine their recruitment strategies over time.


In essence, ATS software acts as a bridge between employers and potential employees. It selects, organises, and simplifies the recruiting process. Doing so ensures that businesses can focus on evaluating the best candidates. All the while, it maintains a positive experience for job seekers. This balance is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive job market.

7 Benefits of Using ATS Tools for Recruitment

Applicant Tracking System tools have transformed recruitment. They offer a multitude of benefits that streamline the hiring process. So, let’s delve into seven key advantages:

Efficiency in Handling Applications

First off, Applicant Tracking System software tools greatly speed up the review of applications. By automating the initial screening, they save precious hours. So, this means HR teams can focus on engaging with top candidates sooner.

Enhanced Candidate Quality

Next, ATS helps improve the quality of candidates who reach the interview stage. So, matching resumes with job requirements ensures only the most suitable applicants are considered. This precision elevates the overall talent pool.

Reduced Hiring Costs

The efficiency provided by ATS tools leads to reduced hiring costs. 86% of HR experts agree that using ATS greatly accelerates the hiring process. Companies can allocate resources more effectively by shortening the hiring time and minimising manual tasks. So, needless to say, this cost-saving is significant over time.

Improved Candidate Experience

Applicant Tracking System software tools contribute to a better candidate experience. Automated communications keep applicants informed and engaged. So, this transparency and timeliness can enhance the company’s reputation among potential employees.

Streamlined Communication

Communication between HR, hiring managers, and candidates is smoother with ATS. Centralising messages and updates eliminates confusion. Therefore, this clear, organised approach ensures everyone stays on the same page.

Compliance with Regulations

ATS tools also assist in maintaining compliance with employment laws and regulations. They can be configured to ensure fair hiring practises are followed. So, this eliminates or lessens the risk of legal issues.

Valuable Insights and Reporting

Lastly, ATS tools offer valuable insights through reporting features. Companies can track metrics such as source effectiveness, time-to-hire, and candidate engagement. These analytics support strategic decisions to optimise future recruitment efforts.


In short, Applicant Tracking System software tools make recruitment easier and more effective. By integrating ATS into their recruitment strategy, businesses can navigate the hiring process more successfully, ensuring they attract and retain the best talent.

Who Should Use an HR Recruiting Software?

Applicant Tracking Systems are versatile tools that can benefit various organisations. Understanding who can gain the most from implementing an ATS can help businesses make informed decisions. Around the world, 75% of recruiters use an applicant tracking system.


Here are the key groups that should consider using ATS:

Growing Businesses

If your business is expanding quickly, an Applicant Tracking System software can greatly help. It manages the influx of applications, ensuring you don’t miss out on great candidates.

High Volume Recruiters

An ATS is essential for companies that hire many people at once, like in retail or customer service. It simplifies sorting through lots of applications, saving you time.

HR Teams Seeking Efficiency

HR departments looking to streamline their work will find ATS tools very useful. These systems handle the routine tasks, allowing HR staff to focus on more strategic aspects of hiring.

Improving Candidate Experience

Companies that want to improve the application process for candidates should use an Applicant Tracking System software. It automates updates and feedback, keeping candidates in the loop.

Recruitment Strategy Enhancement

If your goal is to refine how you hire, ATS provides the data you need. It tracks the success of your postings and helps identify areas for improvement.

Compliance-Conscious Organisations

For businesses in industries with strict hiring regulations, an ATS ensures that your recruitment process complies with the law, reducing the risk of legal issues.

Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Small and medium-sized businesses also benefit from ATS. There are scalable solutions that fit smaller budgets but still provide the advantage of streamlining the recruitment process.

How 6 Pence Helps

Integrating an ATS can significantly enhance your recruitment process, making it more efficient and effective. However, managing an ATS and ensuring it aligns with your broader HR strategy can be a complex task. This is where 6 Pence steps in to bridge the gap.


While Applicant Tracking System software focuses on streamlining the recruitment process, 6 Pence offers comprehensive Staff Outsourcing and Payroll Outsourcing services that take your HR management to the next level. Our services are designed to alleviate the administrative burden on your team, allowing you to focus on strategic growth and core business activities.


Located in Dubai, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain, we’re equipped to support your business across the Middle East. For more details on how 6 Pence can support your business needs and help optimise your operations, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does an ATS work? 

An Applicant Tracking System software automates the recruitment process. It collects applications; filters resume based on keywords, ranks candidates, and helps with scheduling interviews. This system streamlines hiring by managing large volumes of applications efficiently.

What is the importance of ATS? 

ATS is important because it makes hiring faster, more organised, and fair. It helps businesses manage applications effectively, ensuring no potential candidate is overlooked. Additionally, it supports compliance with hiring regulations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ATS?

ATS speeds up the hiring process, improves candidate quality, reduces administrative workload, and enhances data management. It also ensures a fair and unbiased recruitment process.


But then there’s a risk of overlooking qualified candidates if their resumes don’t precisely match keyword criteria. It can also depersonalise the recruitment process, making it feel less engaging for candidates.


Also Read: 7 Trends in Human Resource Management For 2024

Simple Steps to Improve Employee Experience – A Complete Guide

improve employee experience

Employees’ happiness and satisfaction are key in today’s fast-paced business world. A positive workplace can lead to better performance, loyalty, and innovation. So naturally, companies worldwide have been seeking ways to improve their team’s work experience. 


This article will explore easy yet effective methods to achieve this goal. First, we’ll dive into what a strategy for employee experience involves. Next, we’ll look at actionable steps to uplift your work environment. Then, we’ll discuss how to see if these changes are making a difference. Join us as we learn how to improve employee experience and create a more fulfilling workplace for everyone.

5 Key Elements of Employee Experience Strategy

At the heart of any successful business lies its workforce. So, a strategic approach to improving employee experience is crucial. But what does this strategy to improve employee experience entail? It’s about more than just perks and pay. It involves every aspect of an employee’s journey within the company. 


So, let’s break down the key elements you need to take care of to enhance employee experience:


This is the environment in which employees work. A positive culture fosters collaboration, respect, and inclusivity. It’s about creating a space where employees feel valued and part of a team.


The tools and systems employees use daily significantly impact their experience. User-friendly, efficient technology can make work smoother and more enjoyable.


Physical or virtual, the workspace should be conducive to productivity and comfort. It includes everything from ergonomic furniture to the layout of an office or the flexibility of remote work options.


Employee experience extends to how a company supports its team’s physical and mental health. Initiatives like wellness programs, flexible working hours, and stress management resources are vital to improve employee experience.

Growth Opportunities

Employees want to feel like they’re advancing in their careers. Providing clear paths for development and learning is essential for a positive experience.


Companies can create a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond surface-level improvements by focusing on these elements. It’s about building a foundation that supports every employee’s journey, from their first day to their growth within the organisation.

7 Practical Ways to Improve Employee Experience

Did you know a survey by Gartner found that merely 13% of employees are completely satisfied with their workplace experience? But improving the employee experience doesn’t have to be complicated. In reality, with the appropriate attitude, it may be really simple. So, let’s explore some ideas to improve employee experience any business can take to make a significant difference:

Listen to Employee Feedback

First off, actively seek out what employees think. So, use surveys, suggestion boxes, and meetings to gather insights. This step shows you care about their opinions. It can reveal areas for improvement. Acting on feedback also builds trust and a sense of belonging among the team.

Recognise Achievements

Recognition goes a long way. So, celebrate both big wins and small victories. Use awards, shout-outs in meetings, or simple thank-you notes. This practice boosts morale. It makes employees feel valued for their contributions. Plus, it encourages a culture of appreciation and respect.

Offer Career Development

Investing in employees’ growth is crucial to improve employee experience. So, offer workshops, online courses, and opportunities for advancement. This approach enhances their skills and shows commitment to their future. Employees who see a clear growth path are more engaged and motivated.

Enhance Communication

Clear communication is key to improving employee experience. So, ensure information flows smoothly between management and staff. Regular updates, team meetings, and open-door policies encourage transparency. This openness helps employees feel informed and part of the company’s journey.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Encourage a balance between work and personal life. Flexible working hours, remote work options, and emphasising the importance of breaks can make a big difference. Employees who feel their well-being is a priority will likely be happier and more productive.

Improve the Physical Workspace

The environment affects performance. So, create a comfortable, appealing workspace to improve employee experience. This can mean ergonomic furniture, natural light, or a well-equipped break room. For remote employees, provide the tools they need to work effectively from home. A pleasant workspace can improve focus and satisfaction.

Foster a Positive Culture

Finally, cultivate a supportive and inclusive culture. Encourage collaboration, respect, and diversity. Team-building activities and open discussions about company values can strengthen bonds and improve employee experience. A positive workplace culture makes employees feel safe and happy to contribute their best work.


So, simple, thoughtful actions can make a significant impact, leading to a better employee experience for all. By implementing these strategies, businesses can create a more engaging and satisfying work environment. 

Measuring Success of Better Employee Experience

Once you’ve implemented strategies to improve employee experience, assessing their impact is crucial. But how do you know if these efforts are successful? Here are simple ways to measure success:

Survey Employee Satisfaction

Start by regularly surveying your team. Use the same questions over time to track changes. Look for improvements in satisfaction levels. This direct feedback is invaluable.

Monitor Retention Rates

Keep an eye on retention. A better employee experience often leads to lower turnover. So, if fewer people are leaving, it’s a good sign your strategies are working.

Check Engagement Levels

Engagement surveys or tools can help measure how involved and enthusiastic employees are about their work. Higher engagement means your improvements are having a positive effect.

Review Productivity Metrics

Productive employees are usually happier employees. So, track productivity before and after implementing changes. Look for increases in output or efficiency.

Gather Qualitative Feedback

Beyond numbers, listen to what employees say. So, during meetings or one-on-ones, ask how they feel about the workplace changes. Their stories and perspectives can provide deep insights.

Analyse Recruitment Success

If it’s easier to attract top talent, it could be due to a better workplace reputation. A positive employee experience makes your company more attractive to prospective hires.


Organisations with high employee engagement report 23% higher profitability. So, success in these areas boosts morale and contributes to the company’s overall performance and reputation. By using these measures, companies can get a clear picture of the effectiveness of their employee experience strategies. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Is your HR department struggling to maintain and improve employee experience? Well, why do it alone when you can have an expert assisting you?


You can outsource your staffing, recruitment, and payroll processing to us. We assist with tailored and customised strategies that help organisations find top talents and enable a smooth experience for employees.


Located in Dubai, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain, 6 Pence offers tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each business. Our services are designed to streamline operations, ensuring that companies can focus on their core activities while fostering a supportive and productive work environment for their employees.


For more information on how 6 Pence can help you improve employee experience or to inquire about our services, feel free to reach out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is employee experience strategy? 

An employee experience strategy is a plan that focuses on improving every aspect of an employee’s journey within a company. It aims to enhance job satisfaction, productivity, and engagement. It does so by encouraging:


  • Better work culture
  • Technology use
  • Workspace design
  • Well-being support
  • Growth opportunities

How can I improve my workplace experience? 

To improve employee experience, start by listening to employee feedback to understand their needs:


  • Recognise their achievements
  • Invest in their career development
  • Enhance communication
  • Promote work-life balance
  • Improve the physical workspace
  • Foster a positive work culture

These steps can lead to a more engaged and satisfied workforce.

What does it mean to improve employee experience?

Improving employee experience means creating a better work environment that supports employees’ well-being, development, and satisfaction. It involves making changes to ensure that employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated to contribute their best work. So this can include improving company culture, technology, and workspace and providing growth opportunities.


Also Read: How to Use Employee Exit Reasons for Reducing Staff Turnover?

Employee Conflict Resolution – A Step-by-Step Guide

employee conflict resolution

Employee conflicts are inevitable in any workplace, but how we handle them makes all the difference. Welcome to our comprehensive guide on employee conflict resolution. Here, we’ll explore practical strategies and best practices to resolve disputes and restore harmony. 


Whether you’re a supervisor, HR professional, or a team member, this guide will provide valuable insights into employee dispute resolution in a way that strengthens team dynamics. From understanding the basics to implementing practical solutions, we’ll navigate through the essential steps for creating a more cooperative and productive work environment


Let’s dive into the world of employee conflict resolution, where every challenge is an opportunity for growth and understanding.

Employee Conflict Resolution: Understanding the Basics

Employee conflict resolution is all about handling disagreements in the workplace. So, it’s an essential skill. Conflicts happen, whether between team members with different viewpoints or due to misunderstandings.


Firstly, it’s crucial to understand that not all conflict is bad. Sometimes, it can lead to creative solutions and better understanding among employees. So, the key is how it’s managed. Effective conflict resolution involves open communication, empathy, and a willingness to find a mutually beneficial solution.


Employee conflict resolution starts with identifying the root cause of the conflict. So, is it a clash of personalities? A misunderstanding? Or maybe different work styles? Recognising the source is the first step to resolving it.


Next, conflict management for supervisors is all about creating an environment where everyone feels heard. So this means encouraging open dialogue and ensuring each party can express their perspective without fear of judgement.


Active listening plays a big role in employee conflict resolution. Therefore, it’s not just about hearing the words but understanding the emotions and motivations behind them. This helps in finding common ground and moving towards a resolution.


Also, it’s important to stay neutral. As a mediator, maintaining impartiality helps gain the trust of all parties involved. It ensures the process is fair and focused on resolution, not blame.


Finally, finding a solution that works for everyone involved is the goal. This might include compromise or finding a new way of working together. Employee conflict resolution should be practical and acceptable to all parties.


In short, employee conflict resolution is about understanding the problem, listening to all sides, and working towards a solution that benefits everyone. So, it’s a process that resolves the immediate issue and can lead to a stronger, more cohesive team.

Top 10 Strategies for Dealing with Employee Conflict

Effectively dealing with employee conflict is crucial for maintaining a healthy workplace. But how to resolve conflict between employees at work? 


Here are some strategies for employee conflict resolution:

Address the Issues Without Delay

Don’t let conflicts fester. Address them as soon as they emerge to avoid further escalation.

Allow Open Communication Among The Staff

Encourage open and honest discussions. Create a safe area in which workers may discuss their concerns.

Active Listening Can Help Save The Day

Listen to all parties involved without judgment. Understand their perspectives and feelings.

Identify Common Goals To Foster Camaraderie

Remind conflicting parties of their shared objectives and interests. This can often shift the focus from individual differences to collective goals.

Empathy and Understanding For The Win

Show empathy. Acknowledging each person’s feelings can de-escalate tension.

Find A Common Ground Between Disputing Parties

Aim for solutions that satisfy all parties involved. Compromise may be necessary.

Set Clear Expectations From The Resolution

Be clear about acceptable behaviour and the consequences of continued conflict.

Use Unbiased Mediators

Sometimes, bringing in an unbiased third party can help resolve deeper conflicts.

Access To Right Training

Provide conflict resolution training. It equips employees with the skills to handle disagreements constructively.

Follow-Up With The Involved Parties

After resolving a conflict, check in with the involved parties. Ensure that the resolution is effective and the relationship is mending.


These strategies can help resolve employee conflicts and build a more understanding and cohesive work environment.

Resolving Conflict Between Employees: Best Practices

Successfully resolving conflicts between employees is vital for a harmonious workplace and increased productivity


Here are some unique best practices to consider for employee conflict resolution:

Structured Conflict Resolution Meetings

Arrange structured meetings specifically for conflict resolution, guiding the conversation with clear objectives.

Clarify Misunderstandings

Often, conflicts arise from misunderstandings. Clarify any miscommunications that might have contributed to the conflict.

Establish Ground Rules for Discussion

Set rules for respectful communication during conflict discussions, like no interruptions and speaking in turns.

Focus on Specific Behaviours and Events

Encourage employees to discuss specific incidents and behaviours rather than generalising or making personal attacks.

Explore Solutions Together

Facilitate a brainstorming session where conflicting parties can propose their own solutions to the problem.

Agree on a Follow-Up Plan

Develop a clear plan for how the employees will interact moving forward and how they will address similar issues if they arise again.

Encourage Accountability

Have each party acknowledge their role in the conflict and commit to making changes.

Document the Agreement

Keep a record of what was agreed upon to ensure clarity and accountability.

Offer Support and Resources

Provide access to resources like counselling or mediation services if needed.

Promote a Culture of Respect

Reinforce the importance of respect and teamwork regularly, not just during times of conflict.


By implementing these best practices, conflicts between employees can be resolved more effectively, leading to a healthier, more productive workplace environment.

How 6 Pence Helps

Effectively management and employee conflict resolution are crucial to maintaining a positive and productive workplace. However, it’s just one piece of the larger puzzle of staffing and hiring. Navigating these areas can be complex, but 6 Pence offers comprehensive solutions to ease these challenges.


At 6 Pence, we specialise in a range of services designed to streamline your staffing and recruitment processes. From Staff Outsourcing to Payroll Outsourcing and Recruitment, we cover all bases to ensure your HR needs are met efficiently and effectively. Operating across Dubai, Iraq, Oman, and Bahrain, our reach and expertise are wide, allowing us to cater to diverse industries and organisational needs.


We’re here to simplify your HR processes and free you to focus on what you do best – running your business. Contact us for more information, and let us help you create a more harmonious and productive workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is employee conflict? 

Employee conflict is when two or more employees disagree or clash due to different opinions, styles, or interests. It can impact their work and the team’s dynamics.

How do you resolve employee conflict? 

To resolve employee conflict, encourage open communication, listen to each side, find common ground, and work together to find a fair solution. It’s important to address conflicts early and constructively.

What is the role of HR in conflict resolution?

HR’s role in employee conflict resolution is to facilitate discussions, ensure fairness, provide guidance, and help find a resolution that works for everyone involved. They also create policies and training to prevent conflicts.


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Fairness in the Workplace – A Closer Look at Pay Equity Analysis

pay equity analysis

Did you know that a recent survey by Forbes shows that women generally earn 17% less than men? Despite contributing the same and having similar qualifications, there was still a wide gap! This opens up the need for a pay equity analysis and bridging this gap to create a cohesive workplace.


In today’s world, fairness in the workplace isn’t just a nice to have; it’s a must. That’s where pay equity analysis comes into play. It’s not just about giving everyone the same paycheck. Instead, it’s about ensuring everyone gets a fair shot based on what they bring to the table. 


But, diving into pay equity analysis can feel like a maze. Don’t worry, though. We’re here to guide you through it, breaking down the jargon and making it simple. By the end of this blog, you’ll understand what pay equity is, how to measure it, and why it’s different from equal pay. So, let’s make sense of pay equity analysis together!

Understanding Pay Equity Analysis

Talking about fair pay is one thing, but ensuring it across your organisation is where pay equity analysis comes into play. This might sound like a hefty term, but it’s just about ensuring everyone is rewarded fairly for their contribution to the team, regardless of their background.


Pay equity analysis isn’t about diving into complicated math or legal jargon. At its heart, it’s a way to shine a light on how people are paid and ensure fairness prevails. So, the goal is to ensure that everyone doing work of equal value gets paid equally. It’s not just comparing job titles; it’s about understanding the contribution to the company’s success.


This equity compensation analysis helps us see where gaps might exist. Sometimes, these gaps are not obvious, hidden under traditional practices or overlooked assumptions. Not to mention, conducting a pay equity analysis sends a strong message about your company’s commitment to fairness and equality. It shows you’re not just talking the talk but walking the walk.

How to Conduct a Pay Equity Analysis?

Fair pay is more than just a good idea; it’s the foundation of a great workplace. That’s why understanding and implementing pay equity analysis is so important. This process can seem complex, but we’re here to simplify it. 


So, let’s walk through the essential steps and best practices for effective pay equity analysis:

Collect Comprehensive Data

The first step is gathering detailed information about all aspects of compensation within your company. So, this includes not just salaries but bonuses, benefits, and any other perks. Remember, the goal is to get a full picture of what everyone is earning.

Classify and Compare

Once you have your data, it’s time to organise. So, group employees by role, department, or function and then look at the pay within these groups. This helps identify if there are discrepancies that need closer examination.

Analyse for Gaps

Here’s where you dive deep. Look for patterns of inequality. Are certain groups consistently paid less? If so, why? This step is crucial for uncovering hidden biases or practices contributing to unfair pay.

Plan and Act

Finding gaps is one thing; fixing them is another. Develop a plan to address any issues you’ve found. So, this might involve adjusting pay scales, revising compensation policies, or even reevaluating job descriptions and classifications.

Monitor and Update

Compensation equity analysis is not a “set it and forget it” task. Regular reviews are essential to maintain fairness as roles evolve and your team grows. So. make pay equity analysis a regular part of your HR practises.


Your pay equity analysis journey shows your commitment to fairness and equality in the workplace. It’s a clear signal to your employees that you value their contributions and are dedicated to ensuring everyone gets a fair deal. Yes, it requires effort and diligence, but the benefits- happier employees, a stronger company culture, and a more attractive employer brand- are well worth it.

Why Compensation Equity Analysis Matters More Than Ever

Today, the spotlight on fairness and equality in the workplace has never been brighter. Pay equity isn’t just a trend; it’s a crucial part of building a successful, resilient business. Here’s why ensuring fair pay is more important now than it has ever been:

Building Trust

People want to work for companies they believe in, companies that show they care about their employees. When you commit to pay equity, you’re building trust. So, it’s like telling your team, “We’ve got your back,” and that kind of trust is priceless.

Championing Diversity and Inclusion

A fair workplace is a diverse and inclusive one. By ensuring everyone is paid equitably for their efforts, you’re taking a stand for diversity and inclusion. So, pay equity analytics sends a clear message that everyone’s contribution is valued equally, regardless of background.

Boosting Employee Morale

Knowing you’re being paid fairly for your work does wonders for your morale. It’s comforting to see that your employer takes fairness seriously. So, this kind of morale boost can lead to increased employee productivity, creativity, and loyalty.

Attracting Top Talent

The best talent out there is looking for more than just a paycheck. They want to work somewhere that aligns with their values. Therefore, a commitment to pay equity can make your company stand out as a desirable workplace, helping you attract and retain the best.

Protecting Your Reputation

In the age of social media and immediate communication, news spreads quickly. A reputation for fairness in pay can enhance your company’s image, while any perception of inequality can do significant damage. So, in other words, fair pay practices are not just good ethics; they’re good for your brand.

Future-Proofing Your Business

The world is changing, and businesses need to adapt to stay ahead. So, embracing pay equity is a step towards future-proofing your company. It ensures that your business remains relevant, respected, and competitive in a world that increasingly values equality and fairness.


Therefore, ensuring fair pay is more than just the right thing to do; it’s a smart business strategy. It’s about creating a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and motivated to give their best. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Navigating pay equity analysis can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be a journey you take alone. If you feel that you need help with staffing, HR administration, and payroll processing, then reach out to 6 Pence


Our experts have years of experience in managing the staffing and payroll needs of top MNCs and government bodies in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai! Our end-to-end, customised strategies will ensure you have access to the best talents and pay them as per industry standards.


For more details, connect with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of pay equity? 

Pay equity means ensuring everyone gets paid fairly for their work, no matter who they are. So, it’s all about fairness in pay for similar work or work of equal value.

What is used to measure pay equity? 

To measure pay equity, companies look at things like job roles, experience, and performance. They compare this information to make sure everyone is getting a fair deal.

What is the difference between equal pay and pay equity?

Equal pay is about making sure men and women get the same pay for doing the same job. Pay equity goes further, aiming to ensure all jobs that are of equal value to the company are paid equally, no matter what the job is or who’s doing it.


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From Recruitment to Retention: A Deep Dive into Common Hiring Mistakes

common hiring mistakes

Hiring the right people is crucial. It’s not just about filling a spot. Instead, it’s about finding someone who fits well with your team and helps your business grow. But let’s be honest: making mistakes during the hiring process is easy. We have all done it, and some of us still do it. 


In fact, hiring the wrong person could lead to expenses amounting to 30% of the individual’s first-year salary. But did you know these errors can cost your business more than just money? They can affect team spirit and even your company’s reputation. 


So, why do these common hiring mistakes happen? Sometimes, it’s a rush to fill a position. Other times, it’s not knowing what to look out for. But don’t worry. We’re here to guide you through these common pitfalls. 


By the end of this blog, you’ll know how to spot these mistakes and, more importantly, how to avoid them. Let’s dive in and make your hiring process smoother and more effective!

Identifying Common Hiring Mistakes

Hiring the proper individual is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It’s tricky, especially when you’re in a hurry. So, what are these common hiring mistakes we keep talking about?


  • First off, one big mistake is not defining the job clearly. 
  • Next, skipping background checks can lead you into trouble. 
  • Furthermore, not checking employee-employer compatibility.

Three out of four businesses that ended up hiring the wrong person for the job reported an average loss of $14,900 due to this mistake, with 74% of employers acknowledging they made a poor hiring decision. But by keeping these common hiring mistakes in mind, you can refine your approach. 

Impact of Common Recruiting Mistakes on Your Business

When it comes to recruitment mistakes to avoid, they don’t just end with the wrong person joining your team. They stretch far and wide, impacting various aspects of your business. 


Let’s break it down under a few key points:

Financial Costs

First and foremost, the financial impact! Hiring the wrong person can be expensive. Think about the time and resources spent on recruiting, training, and then managing someone who doesn’t work out. 


If you need to start over, that’s double the expense. In fact, the cost of a poor hiring decision can vary widely, ranging from $17,000 to as much as $240,000.

Team Morale

Now, let’s talk about team spirit. When someone doesn’t fit well, it affects everyone. It’s like having a team rowing in opposite directions. The effort is there, but the boat’s going nowhere. Team members might feel frustrated or less motivated, slowing progress and dampening the workplace atmosphere.

Productivity and Performance

Another key area is productivity. A mismatched hire can lead to delays, errors, and a drop in overall performance. This can affect your business’s ability to meet deadlines and maintain quality. 


Lastly, bad hiring practises can irrevocably harm your company’s reputation. Word spreads fast. If your hiring process is seen as flawed or if your turnover rates are high, it could deter potential talent from applying. It’s similar to getting a bad review on a popular product. People hesitate to buy, and it takes time to rebuild trust.


So, what does all this mean? It shows that common recruiting mistakes can have a ripple effect on your business. But, by being aware and taking steps to improve your hiring process, you can steer clear of these pitfalls. 

Best Practices to Follow and Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common hiring mistakes is crucial for building a strong, cohesive team that drives your business forward. You don’t want to become yet another instance of recruitment failure examples. So, here are some best practices to help you steer clear of these pitfalls and make your hiring process as effective as possible: 

Define Job Roles Clearly

One of the first steps to avoid common hiring mistakes is clearly defining job roles. A well-detailed job description not only attracts the right candidates but also sets clear expectations. So, make sure the roles and responsibilities are outlined precisely to prevent any confusion down the line.

Conduct Thorough Background Checks

To avoid common hiring mistakes, don’t skip the background checks. These checks give you a clearer picture of who you’re bringing into your team. So, think of it as doing your homework before making a big decision. It’s about ensuring the person’s experience, skills, and character match what your business needs. A little diligence here can save you a lot of trouble later.

Assess Cultural Fit

Another key practice to avoid common hiring mistakes is assessing a candidate’s fit with your company culture. It’s not just about the skills on a resume; it’s about how well they mesh with your team and values. So, look for candidates who share your company’s vision and work ethic to foster a harmonious work environment.

Use Structured Interviews

Structured interviews are a powerful tool to avoid common hiring mistakes. By asking each candidate the same set of questions, you can compare answers more fairly and make informed decisions. It’s like judging a competition with a clear scoring system; it helps ensure the best candidate stands out based on merit, not just a gut feeling.

Foster Continuous Learning and Growth

Also, to avoid common hiring mistakes, create an environment that values continuous learning and growth. Employees who feel supported in their professional development are more likely to stay and grow with your company. So, it’s a win-win; your team gets stronger, and your employees feel valued and fulfilled.


By following these best practices, you can avoid common hiring mistakes and build a team that’s skilled and aligned with your company’s goals and culture. After all, the goal is not just to fill a position but to find someone who will contribute to your business’s success for years to come. Let’s make hiring a strategic asset, not a stumbling block.

How 6 Pence Helps

Building your team can be a big task. It takes time, effort, and quite a bit of money. That’s where 6 Pence comes in. We’ve got a team of experts who are passionate about helping you avoid common hiring mistakes. They’re all about ensuring you get the best people on board, without all the hassle.


Here’s what we can do for you:


  • Staff Outsourcing: Finding the top talent for your specific needs.
  • Payroll Outsourcing: Making your payroll management smooth and efficient.
  • Recruitment: Connecting you with the right candidates who fit your company perfectly.
  • 24/7 HR e-service Portal: Employers and employees can access any HR-related documentation anytime and anywhere.
  • Post-hiring assistance: We extend our help beyond finding a staff. We help with visa processing for international hires, conduct background checks, and assist with training.

Did you know that 70% of companies opt for outsourcing primarily to cut costs? Flexibility ranks as the second most significant factor, with 40% of businesses highlighting its importance. Speed comes in third, cited by 20% of companies as their top priority for outsourcing.


Let us handle these things so you can focus on your passion. Get in touch with us at 6 Pence today! We’re here to support your business’s growth!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the biggest risk of a new hire? 

The biggest risk of a new hire is not fitting well with the team or not meeting the job expectations. It’s a common hiring mistake to focus just on skills and miss checking if they match your company culture. This mismatch can lead to issues like low morale and productivity in your team.

What are the weaknesses of recruitment? 

Weaknesses in recruitment often include a rushed process and not having a clear idea of what the job really needs. These are common hiring mistakes that can end up with the wrong person for the job. Skipping steps like detailed interviews or background checks can also lead to these mistakes.

Which of the following are common mistakes when hiring?

Some common hiring mistakes include not clearly defining the role, ignoring the importance of a cultural fit, and overlooking the candidate’s potential for growth. Another mistake is not involving your team in the hiring process, which can help ensure the new hire works well with everyone.


Also Read: Best Practices to Evaluate Training Effectiveness for Optimal Results

A Comprehensive Guide to UAE Corporate Tax

UAE corporate tax

Taxes can be daunting; not paying taxes on time and the right amount can lead to severe penalties. 


Welcome to the world of UAE corporate tax, a topic that might sound daunting at first, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We’re here to break it down into bite-sized, easy-to-digest pieces, ensuring you get the full picture without the headache.


So, what’s the big deal about the UAE corporate tax? Until recently, the UAE was known as a tax-free haven, but things have changed a bit. Now, there’s a new kid on the block: corporate tax. But here’s the deal- it’s not as scary as it sounds, and you’ll want to know plenty of details, whether you’re running a business or just curious about how things work in the UAE.


In this blog, we’re going to guide you through the ins and outs of UAE corporate tax, from the basics of what it is and who needs to pay it to how to calculate it for your business. And we promise to keep things simple, straightforward, and as casual as a chat over a cup of Arabian coffee.

Introduction to UAE Corporate Tax Law

The UAE stands out as a hub of innovation and growth in the dynamic global business landscape. But even in the land of endless opportunities, taxes are a reality that businesses must navigate. The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE marks a significant shift, aligning the nation with global tax practices while offering a competitive edge.

What is UAE Corporate Tax?

Corporate tax, simply put, is a tax on the profits of corporations. This concept was introduced in the UAE to diversify the economy and meet international tax standards. The UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF) announced in January 2022 that it would introduce a federal corporate tax on business profits for the first time, effective for financial years starting on or after June 1, 2023. 


This new corporate tax UAE is part of the Ministry of Finance’s commitment to transparency and international tax standards.

Who is Affected?

The corporate tax applies to all businesses and commercial activities in the UAE, except for those involved in natural resource extraction, which remain subject to emirate-level taxation. 


Whether you’re a startup in a bustling city centre or a multinational in a free zone, understanding your tax obligations is crucial.

UAE Corporate Tax Law Qualifying Income and Entities

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty: what income qualifies for corporate tax and who needs to pay it in the UAE? It’s simpler than you might think, so let’s break it down step by step.

What Counts as Taxable Income?

When discussing taxable income for UAE corporate tax, consider it your business’s yearly earnings after some adjustments. It’s like taking your company’s profit or loss and tweaking it according to specific rules.


Your company should always keep track of its earnings and report them. This is done by preparing financial statements. If you’re following international rules (IFRS) or simpler ones for smaller businesses (IFRS for SMEs), that’s great. But, if your business makes less than AED 3,000,000, you can just track cash coming in and out.


Not all money your business makes or loses gets counted the same way. Here’s a quick rundown:


  • Unrealised gains or losses, basically money you expect to make or lose but haven’t yet, can sometimes be left out, depending on your choice.
  • The money you make from dividends or moving assets around your group of companies is usually not taxed.
  • If you’re restructuring your business, some gains or losses from this process might not count.
  • There are certain expenses the law doesn’t let you deduct. Keep an eye on these.
  • When your business deals with related companies, make sure these transactions are at arm’s length, meaning they’re done as if they weren’t related.
  • If your business is part of a larger group, you might be able to share losses to reduce the total tax bill.

Special Consideration for Corporate Tax in the UAE Free Zone

In the UAE, Free Zone companies get a special deal on corporate tax. If they check all the right boxes, they enjoy a 0% rate on certain incomes. Let’s unpack what it takes to get this benefit and what it means:

Who Qualifies?

To be in the clear for this special 0% tax, a Free Zone company must:


  1. Really set up shop in a Free Zone with enough business activity.
  2. Earn an income that qualifies.
  3. Choose not to be taxed under the regular UAE corporate tax rules.
  4. Follow strict pricing rules for transactions between related companies.
  5. Keep audited financial records.

If you miss any of these, the company won’t qualify for the tax relief for 5 tax years.

What Counts as Qualifying Income?

Income from dealings with other Free Zone companies counts. But there’s a catch. If the income comes from certain activities the law doesn’t favour, the usual 9% tax applies.


If a Free Zone company does business directly in the UAE mainland or abroad through a permanent setup, that part of the profit gets taxed at 9%. This rule prevents companies from avoiding tax while operating outside Free Zones.

Avoiding Double Taxation

The UAE has treaties with other countries to prevent the same income from being taxed twice. If a Free Zone company makes money abroad, these treaties can help reduce the tax burden.

Real Estate in Free Zones

Not all income from real estate in Free Zones enjoys the 0% rate. Income from certain properties, like commercial ones dealing with non-Free Zone entities or from residential units, faces the 9% tax. Commercial property is real estate in a Free Zone used for business, not as a residence or hotel. 


In short, Free Zone companies can get a significant tax advantage but must play by the rules. From keeping proper records to earning the right kind of income, every detail matters for staying on the 0% side of corporate tax.

How to Calculate Corporate Tax in UAE?

Calculating corporate tax might seem complex, but with the right approach, it can be straightforward. Let’s walk through the process, step by step, to understand how UAE corporate tax is calculated.

Small Business Relief

You might catch a break if your business makes AED 3 million or less annually. Up until the end of 2026, qualifying small businesses can choose Small Business Relief. This means, for tax purposes, it’s like they made no taxable income at all. So, no corporate tax to pay. But you’ve got to meet certain conditions to get this perk.

Standard Calculation Without Relief

Not all businesses will fit into the small business category or might choose not to use the relief. Here’s how the tax adds up if you’re going the standard route:


  • The first AED 375,000 you make is tax-free. 
  • Anything over AED 375,000 is taxed at 9%.

A Quick Example

Imagine your business made AED 1 million in a year. Here’s how you’d figure out your tax:


  • AED 375,000 of your income isn’t taxed.
  • The remaining AED 625,000 (AED 1,000,000 minus AED 375,000) is taxed at 9%. So, 9% of AED 625,000 equals AED 56,250 in tax.

Add it all up, and your corporate tax in Dubai would be AED 56,250 for that year. Remember, any tax credits you have can lower this amount.


Staying on top of your corporate tax obligations is crucial in the UAE. If you’re late submitting your tax return, there’s an initial penalty of AED 1,000. This penalty increases by AED 1,000 for every month your submission is delayed, capping at AED 10,000. But it’s not just about being timely; it’s also about keeping accurate records. The law requires that all your financial records and information be updated. Failing to do so can cost you AED 10,000 for each infraction. 

How 6 Pence Helps

At 6 Pence, we understand the ins and outs of UAE corporate tax and beyond. We’re here to make things simpler for you. With our expertise, navigating the complexities of tax and employee management becomes a breeze. 


We offer various services tailored to support your business every step of the way. From staff outsourcing to payroll management, we’ve got you covered. Each service is designed to ease your business processes, ensuring compliance and efficiency.


We’re strategically located across the Middle East, with offices in Iraq, Bahrain, Oman, and Dubai. This means wherever you are in the region, we’re with you, ready to provide the support you need.


Interested in making your business operations smoother? Reach out to us. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is qualifying income in UAE corporate tax? 

Qualifying income refers to the earnings a business generates subject to corporate tax in the UAE. This typically includes profits from business operations, but exemptions may apply for certain incomes, such as those earned by companies in free zones under specific conditions.

Is business tax-free in UAE? 

Historically, the UAE was known for its tax-free business environment. However, with the introduction of corporate tax for financial years starting on or after June 1, 2023, businesses are required to pay tax on their profits. Nonetheless, personal income and certain other incomes remain tax-free.

Who pays corporate tax in UAE?

Corporate tax is paid by companies operating in the UAE on their taxable profits. This includes both local and foreign businesses. Certain sectors, like oil and gas extraction and other natural resource-related industries, may have different tax arrangements and are typically taxed at the emirate level.


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How to Use Employee Exit Reasons for Reducing Staff Turnover?

employee exit reasons

Employees leave no matter how amazing the career opportunities, company culture, or compensation packages are! Employee exit reasons can be many, but it might not always be the company’s fault that a staff member decides to leave.


Thus, as an HR or manager, you must undertake an exit interview reasons for leaving a job. Through this guide, we will talk about the insights gathered from exit surveys and interviews. We aim to shine a light on the patterns and trends leading to employee departures. It’s about getting to the heart of the matter, making sense of the feedback, and using it to foster a better work environment.


So, let’s explore the common reasons for leaving a job on application and offer practical strategies to increase employee retention. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started on transforming insights into action.

Identifying Common Exit Survey Reasons for Leaving

When discussing employee exit reasons, it’s all about understanding why people leave their jobs. Let’s break down the reason for leaving jobs. This knowledge is crucial for any employer or HR professional looking to keep their team intact and happy.

Lack of Growth Opportunities

First up, many employees leave because they feel stuck. They’re looking for chances to grow, learn, and move up. When these opportunities are missing, they might look elsewhere. It’s a top employee exit reason. 

Unsatisfactory Compensation

Next, let’s talk money. Employees who feel they’re not being paid what they’re worth or under the market standards might start job hunting. Regular market comparisons can help employers stay competitive with salaries and benefits. Addressing this employee exit reason can keep your team content.

Poor Management

Management matters. A lot. Employees often leave due to issues with their bosses. Good leadership is key to keeping a team together. Training managers to be better leaders can tackle this common employee exit reason.

Work-Life Balance

Everyone values their time. If, as a company, you constantly expect your staff to work beyond working hours or during weekends, then there is a high chance that they might leave.


Flexibility and understanding of work-life balance can make a big difference. Addressing this employee exit reason shows you care about your team’s well-being.

Lack of Recognition

Feeling unseen can push employees away. Everyone wants to feel valued and recognized. Simple gestures of appreciation can prevent this employee exit reason from becoming a problem.


Employers and HR professionals can make meaningful changes by identifying these employee exit reasons. It’s all about listening, understanding, and acting. 

Strategies for Addressing Employee Exit Reasons

Tackling employee turnover is key for any thriving business. Here, we’ll explore effective strategies to keep your team on board and happy. Let’s dive into how you can address common employee exit reasons and reduce turnover.

Offer Growth Opportunities

First off, growth is big. Employees want to grow in their careers and see a future with you. You can do this in the following manner:


  • Offering regular training opportunities
  • Providing yearly reviews 
  • Next, offering constructive feedback and opportunities to learn from SMEs
  • Finally, offering growth opportunities like promotions, salary hikes, and more

Review Compensation Regularly

Money talks. Ensure your pay scales are competitive and fair. Regular salary reviews and transparent communication about compensation can make a big difference. 


Compensation includes base wages and benefits like health insurance, life insurance, paid time off, etc. By addressing this frequent employee exit reason, you’re showing your team they’re valued.

Improve Management Practices

Leadership is crucial. Train your managers to lead with empathy and effectiveness. Employees who feel supported by their bosses are more likely to stay. Addressing management-related employee exit reasons strengthens your team from the top down.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Balance is essential. Encourage flexible working hours and respect personal time. Employees who feel their work-life balance is valued are less likely to leave. This strategy directly combats a common employee exit reason, enhancing overall satisfaction.

Recognize and Reward

Lastly, don’t forget to say “thank you.” Recognition programs and rewards for hard work can boost morale. A little appreciation goes a long way in addressing employee exit reasons for feeling undervalued.


By implementing these strategies, employers can significantly reduce employee turnover. Each step addresses key employee exit reasons, creating a more positive, supportive, and rewarding work environment. 

Leveraging Exit Interview Reasons for Leaving a Job

Exit interviews are gold mines for making your workplace better. They give you the real reasons people leave. Let’s look at how to use these insights to fix problems and keep your team happy.

Gather Honest Feedback

First, make sure the exit interview is a safe space. When employees feel comfortable, they’ll share their reasons for leaving. This honesty helps you understand employee exit reasons better and make necessary changes.

Identify Patterns

Next, look for trends. If you hear the same employee exit reasons repeatedly, you’ve found something to fix. This step is crucial for spotting the big issues that might be causing a lot of people to leave.

Take Action

Knowing the problems isn’t enough. You have to fix them. Use the feedback from exit interviews to make real changes. This shows your current team that you’re serious about addressing employee exit reasons and improving the workplace.

Communicate Changes

Tell your team about the changes you’re making. This transparency can boost morale and trust. It shows you’re listening and committed to addressing employee exit reasons.


Leveraging exit interviews is a powerful way to understand and address the reasons behind employee departures. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Employee exit reasons can be many, but it opens up a vacancy whenever that happens. Some exits happen voluntarily, while others may be involuntary. However, an open position can cost a company 33% of annual wages. Therefore, if you want to fill open positions faster with top-quality hires, connect with 6 Pence. 


Our expert team not only helps with staffing and recruitment solutions but also helps to streamline your HR process with our payroll services. At 6 Pence, we constantly work to increase company productivity and employee efficiency.


We are operational in Iraq, Bahrain, Oman, and Dubai and offer our solutions to clients across different industries. Interested in learning more about how we can help your business thrive? Reach out to us. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main reasons for leaving a job? 

The main reasons for leaving a job include lack of growth opportunities, unsatisfactory compensation, poor management, insufficient work-life balance, and lack of recognition.

How do you politely quit your job? 

To politely quit your job, prepare a clear and concise resignation letter, schedule a meeting with your manager to discuss your decision personally, express gratitude for the opportunity, and offer to help with the transition.

Why do good managers quit?

Good managers quit due to 


  • limited opportunities for advancement
  • feeling undervalued by higher management
  • misaligned with company values or direction
  • excessive workload without adequate support
  • seeking better compensation or work-life balance

Also Read: 5 Data-Driven Recruitment Strategies to Find Top Hires

How to Manage Remote Employees While Maintaining Productivity?

manage remote employees

Remote work was something that became very commonplace during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. While HRs and organisational heads thought employees would flock back to their offices once the global lockdown was lifted. But, Forbes stated that 12.7% of full-time workers are now working remotely in 2023, and 28.2% are employed in the hybrid model.


Thus, businesses strive to manage remote employees, maintain efficiency, productivity, and company culture, and prevent malpractices like data breaches and moonlighting.


This blog delves into the best ways to manage remote teams, focusing on effective leadership techniques, HR strategies for support and development, and best practices for optimising productivity. 


So, let’s dive into remote work management, where flexibility meets productivity, and distance knows no bounds in achieving organisational goals. 

Effective Techniques for Managing Work from Home Employees

Effective leadership is best for any successful remote team. In this digital era, leading from afar brings unique challenges. But, with the right approach, it’s possible. 


Here’s how:

Communicate Clearly and Often

Good communication is the foundation of remote work. Using video calls, instant messaging, and emails is vital to stay connected. Clear instructions and expectations prevent misunderstandings. 


So, schedule regular team meetings and one-on-one check-ins to ensure everyone feels heard and aligned with their goals. Remember, it’s better to over-communicate than leave room for assumptions.

Trust Your Team

Remote work thrives on trust. So, rather than monitoring every minute, focus on the results your team delivers. Empower them with the autonomy to manage their schedules. 


This approach demonstrates your confidence in their abilities, encouraging a culture of accountability and respect. Trust also means allowing them to take ownership of their tasks, fostering a sense of responsibility and pride in their work.

Provide Regular Feedback

Feedback is a two-way street. It’s about recognising achievements and addressing areas for improvement. So, make it a regular part of your routine to provide constructive feedback. 

Encouraging an open feedback culture helps individuals feel valued and part of the team’s progress.

Embrace Continuous Learning

The digital landscape is always evolving, and so should your team. So, encourage the exploration of new tools and methodologies that can enhance efficiency and collaboration. 


Provide access to online courses and workshops. Promoting a culture of continuous learning not only keeps your team’s skills sharp but keeps them engaged and motivated. 


By deepening your understanding of the latest trends in remote work, you can better navigate the challenges of the work-from-home work model.

Top HR Strategies to Manage Remote Employees

Enhancing support and development for remote employees is crucial for any organisation’s success. HR plays a pivotal role in ensuring remote teams remain engaged, productive, and satisfied. 


So, here, we’ll delve into effective remote management strategies that HRs can follow:

Foster a Strong Onboarding Experience

First impressions matter. To manage remote employees successfully, start with a comprehensive onboarding process. This includes 


  1. First, clear communication about company culture
  2. Second, an understanding of the long-term and short-term expectations
  3. Next, access to available resources
  4. Finally, conducting virtual meet-and-greets with team members and key departments  

So, by investing in a thorough onboarding experience, HR can lay a solid foundation for remote employees’ long-term success and engagement.

Enable Continuous Learning and Growth

For remote employees to thrive, continuous learning is key. Therefore, HR strategies should include access to online courses, webinars, and virtual workshops tailored to skill development and career growth. 


Encouraging employees to set personal development goals and offering support can effectively manage remote employees’ career aspirations. This not only helps in managing remote employees but also in retaining top talent by showing a commitment to their professional growth.

Implement Flexible and Supportive Policies

Flexibility is crucial to manage remote employees successfully. So, HR should develop policies that recognise the unique challenges of remote work, such as flexible working hours and mental health days. 


This can be done by:


  1. First, creating supportive policies accommodating different time zones and personal obligations
  2. Second, create a more inclusive and supportive remote work environment to prioritise employee well-being

Establish Regular Check-ins and Feedback Loops

Consistent communication is essential to manage remote employees effectively. Therefore, HR should facilitate regular check-ins between managers and their remote teams to discuss progress, challenges, and well-being. 


Encouraging an open feedback culture where remote employees can share their insights and suggestions can lead to continuous improvement and innovation. These interactions are vital for maintaining connection and ensuring remote employees feel valued and heard.


So, incorporating these HR strategies can allow you to manage remote employees successfully. 

Managing Remote Teams Best Practises

Optimising productivity is essential when managing remote employees. Achieving this requires a blend of clear expectations, tools, and a supportive culture. 


Here’s how to enhance productivity for remote teams:

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

To manage remote employees successfully, setting clear, achievable goals is crucial. This clarity helps remote workers understand what is expected of them, aligning their daily tasks with the company’s broader objectives. So, regularly review these goals to ensure they remain relevant and motivating.

Equip Teams with the Right Tools

The right digital tools to manage remote employees can streamline workflows and boost efficiency. So, to manage work-from-home employees effectively, provide access to 


  • project management software
  • communication platforms
  • collaboration tools

Foster a Culture of Accountability

When you manage remote employees, fostering a culture of accountability is key. So, encourage teams to take ownership of their work and results. 


Regular check-ins and updates on progress can help maintain focus and drive, ensuring that everyone is accountable for their contributions.

Encourage Work-Life Balance

Encouraging a healthy work-life balance is vital to managing remote employees successfully. So, respect boundaries to prevent burnout and ensure remote workers have time to recharge. Ensure that remote workers are not asked to work during off-hours (beyond their log-out time), on weekends, and during holidays.


A well-rested team is more engaged and productive, which is beneficial for both the employees and the organisation.

How 6 Pence Helps

Hiring employees, whether hybrid, remote, or work-from-office, can be challenging for organisations. The right employee can be instrumental to a company’s success. Therefore, if you want to hire permanent or temporary staff, opt for 6 Pence’s staff outsourcing solutions.


At 6 Pence, we help our business partners close vacancies faster by finding quality candidates in the shortest possible time because of our comprehensive candidate database, top recruiters, and a tailored hiring process.


To manage remote employees, 6 Pence provides access to our 24/7 HR e-service portal, which allows both staff and employers to access any documentation at any time, and anywhere.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is managing remote employees? 

Managing remote employees involves overseeing the work and well-being of staff who work outside the traditional office environment, ensuring productivity, engagement, and collaboration.

How do you manage a remote team effectively? 

To manage a remote team effectively, use clear communication, set explicit goals, leverage technology for collaboration, and foster a trust-based culture.

How HR can support remote employees?

HR can support remote employees by implementing flexible work policies, providing tools for collaboration and wellness, facilitating regular feedback, and offering professional development opportunities.


Also Read : Driving Employee Engagement: 6 Easy Tips for Businesses

The Role of HR in Enhancing the Employee Onboarding Process

employee onboarding process

You applied for a job in a top company, and after multiple rounds of interviews, you finally got the offer letter and accepted it. Now, do you just come to the office on the first day and dive head-first into work? No, right!


A proper employee onboarding process is necessary to integrate a new employee into the company’s culture and the role and responsibilities associated with that particular role. So, who conducts the onboarding process for new employees? In most companies, the HR will perform this vital task.


In today’s fast-paced business world, the role of HR in onboarding process is more crucial than ever. Effective onboarding sets the stage for long-term success, both for the employee and the organisation. 


In this blog, we will explore how HR can enhance the onboarding process for new employees. We will explore practical examples and learn how to design effective programmes for streamlined onboarding. Let’s get started!

Understanding the Employee Onboarding Process

The employee onboarding process is crucial for integrating new hires into a company. It’s more than just paperwork and formalities. Onboarding sets the stage for an employee’s future in the organisation. 


Here’s a closer look at what makes this process so important.

Firstly, Preparation is Key. 

A lot needs to happen before a new employee steps into the office. HR should prepare their workspace, set up necessary technology, and plan their first day. It’s about ensuring everything is ready so the new hire can start smoothly.

Secondly, The First Day is Vital. 

It’s the new employee’s first impression of the company. This day should focus on making them feel welcomed and valued. A great way to start the first day is by:


  • conducting a friendly office tour
  • introductions to team members and managers
  • an overview of the company culture 
  • make them feel comfortable and part of the team

Thirdly, Effective Training Plays a Significant Role. 

It’s not just about showing new employees their daily tasks but also helping them understand their role and how they fit into the larger picture.


Training for new employees can be offered in the following manner:


  • performing practical tasks
  • shadowing experienced colleagues
  • having open channels for questions and feedback

This approach helps new hires gain the confidence and skills needed for their new role.

Finally, Ongoing Support is Essential. 

Onboarding doesn’t end after the first week or even the first month. Regular check-ins, goal-setting sessions, and feedback opportunities are crucial. They help new employees adapt, grow, and feel supported throughout their journey in the company.


In conclusion, a well-structured onboarding process is invaluable. It’s not just about starting off on the right foot. It’s about building a foundation for long-term success and satisfaction in the workplace

Innovative Onboarding Process Examples in Action

Innovative approaches to the onboarding process can significantly impact a new hire’s experience. Some examples demonstrate how companies can creatively enhance their employee onboarding process.

Interactive Onboarding Journeys

Innovate the employee onboarding process by creating interactive journeys. Instead of traditional presentations, use interactive modules where new hires can explore different aspects of the company. This could include 


  • Virtual tours of the office
  • Interactive timelines of the company’s history
  • engaging quizzes about company policies

This approach makes the onboarding process more engaging and memorable.

Social Integration Initiatives

Integrating new hires into the team is a key part of the employee onboarding process. Organise social events, like team lunches or group activities, as part of the onboarding process. This helps new employees build relationships and makes onboarding a more enjoyable experience.

Continuous Feedback Mechanisms

Integrate continuous feedback into the employee onboarding process. Set up regular check-ins and feedback sessions throughout the onboarding period. This allows HR to gauge the effectiveness of the onboarding process and make adjustments as needed. It also makes the new hire feel valued and listened to, enhancing their onboarding experience.

Designing an Effective Onboarding Programme for New Employees

Creating an effective onboarding policy for new joinees is vital for their successful integration into a company. A well-structured employee onboarding process can significantly improve new hire retention and satisfaction. 


Here’s a look at a four-step employee onboarding process that can be a game-changer:

Step 1: Pre-Boarding

Even before a new employee’s first day, the employee onboarding process begins. Pre-boarding includes 


  • sending out welcome emails
  • preparing necessary paperwork
  • providing an itinerary for the first week

This step in the onboarding process helps to reduce the first-day anxiety. To ease the process, you can consider automated employee onboarding!

Step 2: Orientation

The orientation phase is the official start of the employee onboarding process. It usually happens on the first day and includes a welcome session, office tour, and introduction to team members. 


The goal is to familiarise new employees with the company culture, their colleagues, and the work environment. An effective orientation makes new hires feel welcomed and valued.

Step 3: Role-Specific Training

After orientation, the employee onboarding process moves into role-specific training. This involves detailed explanations of job responsibilities, hands-on training, and setting short-term goals. 


This step is crucial in the onboarding process as it equips the new employee with the necessary tools and knowledge to perform their job effectively.

Step 4: Ongoing Support and Integration

The final step in the employee onboarding process is ongoing support and integration. This includes regular check-ins, feedback sessions, and mentorship programs. It’s essential to make new employees feel supported and part of the team long after their initial start date. This ongoing support is essential for building confidence and fostering long-term engagement.


In short, a well-designed onboarding programme for new employees involves careful planning and execution at each step of the onboarding process. By following these four steps, companies can ensure their new hires are well-equipped, comfortable, and ready to thrive in their new roles.

How 6 Pence Helps 

A successful employee onboarding process is critical to employee satisfaction, and HRs are instrumental in conducting this process from end to end. 


However, the HR department in any company is already taxed with numerous responsibilities; thus, if you are looking to find the best-fit employees and streamline the onboarding process, then consult 6 Pence.


Our approach is designed to be comprehensive, efficient, and tailored to each organisation’s unique needs. When you partner with us for staff outsourcing, we help close open positions quickly and efficiently. But also extend our support beyond the recruitment phase. We help with payroll processing, onboarding, and paperwork processing and provide both employers and employees access to a 24/7 HR e-service portal.


We are not just limited to one location. Our operations span across Dubai, Bahrain, Oman, and Iraq. For more details, feel free to contact us directly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is employee onboarding process? 

The employee onboarding process is how new hires are integrated into an organisation. It involves equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviours to become effective company members. This process typically includes orientation, paperwork, training, and social integration activities.

What is the 4-step onboarding process? 

The 4-step onboarding process typically includes:


  • Pre-Boarding
  • Orientation
  • Training
  • Ongoing Support

What is the onboarding plan of HR?

The onboarding plan of HR is a structured approach to integrate new employees into the company. It typically involves setting up objectives and timelines for each stage of the onboarding process. This plan is designed to ensure new hires receive all necessary information, training, and support to become productive and engaged members of the organisation.


Also Read: Boosting Employees Morale: 12 Strategy for Happier Workplace

The Art of Asking Effective Pre-Screening Interview Questions

pre-screening interview questions

Pre-screening interview questions is a crucial part of the recruitment process, bridging the bridge between sifting through resumes and inviting candidates for formal interviews. Today, we will explore the strategic questions that gauge the candidate’s qualifications and their fit within your company culture.


This blog will guide you through creating impactful pre-screening interview questions, interpreting candidate responses, and adhering to best practices to ensure a legally compliant and effective pre-screening process. 


Whether you’re a seasoned recruiter or new to the hiring scene, mastering the art of pre-screening can transform your approach to finding the ideal candidate.

Crafting the Right Pre-Screening Interview Questions

Crafting the right pre-screening interview questions is essential for any recruiter or hiring manager. This process involves more than just assessing a candidate’s technical skills. Instead, it’s about understanding their overall suitability for the role and the company.


Here’s how to tailor your pre-screening interview questions effectively:

Identify Core Job Requirements 

Start by identifying the key skills, experiences, and qualifications essential for the role. These should align with the job description and the needs of your team.

Understand Company Culture 

Consider what personality traits and values are celebrated in your company. Your questions should gauge whether the candidate’s work style and values align with your organisational culture.

Develop Open-Ended Questions 

Craft questions that encourage candidates to share detailed responses. For example, instead of asking if they have a particular skill, ask them to describe a situation where they used that skill effectively.

Behavioural Questions

These pre-screening interview questions can help you understand how a candidate has handled past situations, indicating how they’ll perform in the future. Ask about their challenges, how they dealt with them, and what they learned.

Role-Specific Scenarios

Pose hypothetical job-related scenarios to assess the candidate’s problem-solving and decision-making skills. This can give you insight into their approach to work-related challenges.

Balance Between Professional and Personal

While focusing on professional competencies, include a few pre-screening questions for job applicants that give insight into the candidate’s personal attributes and soft skills. 


These questions will help you determine how well they will get with the team and work towards the company’s overall growth.


For reference, let’s look at a list of potential questions:


  1. Can you tell us about your past job experiences?
  2. What qualities do you have that make you an excellent candidate for this position?
  3. Why do you want to work for our company?
  4. Can you describe a challenging work situation and how you handled it?
  5. What are your salary expectations?
  6. Are you comfortable with the location and work hours required for this role?
  7. What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
  8. How soon are you available to start?
  9. Can you give an example of how you’ve worked effectively under pressure?
  10. Questions about the role or the company?

By carefully tailoring your pre-screening interview questions, you can better understand each candidate’s potential fit within your organisation.

Evaluating Responses to Employment Pre-Screening Questions

Evaluating candidates’ responses during a pre-screening interview is as important as asking the right questions. Here’s what to look for in pre screening interview questions and answers for freshers:

Relevance and Specificity

Look for answers that are directly relevant to the questions asked. Candidates should provide specific examples or experiences rather than general or vague responses. This indicates their ability to understand and address the question effectively. 

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Pay attention to how candidates describe their problem-solving processes. Look for signs of critical thinking, creativity, and practicality in their approach to past challenges or hypothetical scenarios.

Communication Skills

Evaluate what the candidates are saying and how they are saying it. Good communication skills are demonstrated through clear, concise, and coherent responses. This is crucial for roles that require effective interpersonal communication.

Alignment with Company Values

Assess how well the candidate’s responses align with your company’s culture and values. Their answers should reflect an understanding and acceptance of the principles and ethics that your organisation upholds.

Past Behaviours as Predictors of Future Performance

In behavioural questions, the candidate’s past actions can indicate their future behaviour. Look for patterns in their responses that demonstrate consistent professional conduct and performance.

Enthusiasm and Motivation

Gauge the candidate’s enthusiasm for the role and the company. Genuine interest is often reflected in well-researched and thoughtful responses.

Red Flags

Be alert to any red flags in responses, such as inconsistencies, evasion of certain topics, negative remarks about previous employers, or over-exaggeration.


Remember, the goal is to gather as much meaningful information as possible to make an informed decision about the candidate’s potential fit within the role and the organisation.

Best Practices in Applicant Pre-Screening Questions

Adopting best practices while asking employment pre-screening questions is vital to ensure the process is effective and legally compliant. Here are some strategies to consider:

Compliance with Anti-Discrimination Laws

Familiarise yourself with local and international anti-discrimination and labour laws. Ensure your questions do not inadvertently discriminate based on race, gender, age, religion, disability, or any other protected category.

Standardised Questionnaire

Develop a standardised set of questions for all candidates applying for the same position. This helps in maintaining consistency in the evaluation process.

Training Interviewers

Ensure that those conducting the interviews are well-trained and aware of the legal implications of improper questioning. Regular training sessions on interview techniques and legal compliance can be beneficial.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Respect candidate privacy by keeping their personal and professional information confidential. Be transparent with candidates about how their information will be used and stored.

Objective Evaluation Criteria

Establish clear, objective criteria for evaluating responses. This helps make unbiased decisions and reduces the likelihood of personal biases influencing the outcome.

Feedback Mechanism

Provide candidates with the opportunity to give feedback on the interview process. This can help identify areas for improvement and enhance the candidate experience.

Documenting the Process

Keep records of interviews, including the questions asked and the reasons for selecting or rejecting candidates. This documentation can be crucial in the event of legal scrutiny.


By implementing these best practices, you can ensure prescreening questions for interviews that effectively identify suitable candidates and uphold the highest standards of legal and ethical responsibility.

How 6 Pence Helps

Crafting effective pre-screening interview questions is a complex task, requiring both insight and legal compliance. But it is also crucial for finding the best-fit employee for your company.


If you are struggling with hiring and recruitment challenges, then reach out to us at 6 Pence. We are one of the leading and experienced staff outsourcing and recruitment partners for top companies in Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, and Iraq.


6 Pence helps their business partners to find high-quality candidates who meet their organisational criteria with minimum hassle. We perform rigorous background checks, help process work visas, and assist in the post-hiring phase. 


For more information on how 6 Pence can streamline your hiring process and to learn more about our services, feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a pre-screening for an interview? 

A pre-screening for an interview is an initial step in the hiring process where potential candidates are evaluated before a formal face-to-face interview. It usually involves a brief phone or video call, or sometimes an online questionnaire, aimed at verifying the candidate’s basic qualifications, understanding their career objectives, and assessing their fit for the role and company culture.

What questions are typically asked in a screening interview? 

Typical pre-screening interview questions include inquiries about the candidate’s work experience, key skills, and qualifications related to the job. Questions may also cover the candidate’s availability, salary expectations, reasons for leaving their previous job, knowledge about the company and the role they are applying for.

Why is pre-screening important?

Applicant pre-screening questions are important as they help efficiently narrow down the pool of applicants to those most likely to be a good fit for the position. It saves time and resources by identifying qualified candidates early in the hiring process, ensuring that only the most suitable candidates are invited for formal interviews. 


Also Read: Workplace Discrimination: A Guide to Recognition and Action

Best Practices to Evaluate Training Effectiveness for Optimal Results

evaluate training effectiveness

Let us begin imagining this scenario: you hired an IT professional five years ago who then had the latest qualifications and certifications for their field. 


But in five years, a lot has changed. Thus, the need for upskilling and training has arisen. As an organisation, you cannot keep hiring new employees to replace old ones when a new technological advancement appears on the horizon. Training has become essential for any company to maintain its productivity, profitability, and employee satisfaction.


But just getting your workers training isn’t enough; you must learn how to evaluate training effectiveness.


In human resource management, training programs are pivotal in enhancing employee skills and aligning them with organisational goals. However, the true value of these programs lies in their effectiveness, which necessitates a systematic evaluation process. Evaluating the effectiveness of training is not just about ticking boxes post-training. Instead, it’s about ensuring the investment in learning and development yields tangible results. 


This blog delves into the best practices to evaluate training effectiveness. From setting clear objectives to employing diverse evaluation methods and analysing outcomes, we’ll explore how to ascertain the true impact of your training initiatives.

How to Evaluate Training Effectiveness?

To evaluate training effectiveness, you must have clear objectives and benchmarks before starting the training. For example, post-training, the employee would be better equipped to perform AI modelling on big data sets.


This approach aligns with the best practices for training effectiveness measurement and is crucial in evaluating training effectiveness in HRM. Here are some ways to evaluate training effectiveness:

Define Specific Training Goals

To evaluate training effectiveness, clearly define what the training program is meant to achieve. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). 


For example, if the training is about improving sales skills, a specific goal could be to increase sales by a certain percentage within a specified timeframe.

Align with Organisational Objectives

Ensure that the training objectives align with the organisation’s broader goals. This alignment ensures that the training contributes to the company’s overall strategic direction.

Establish Performance Benchmarks

Prior to the training, establish performance benchmarks. These baseline measurements can be used to compare pre-and post-training performance and evaluate training effectiveness. 


For instance, if the training is on customer service, the current customer satisfaction ratings could be a benchmark.

Develop Evaluation Metrics

Identify key metrics that will be used to evaluate training effectiveness. These can include 


  1. quantitative measures include test scores, sales figures, or productivity levels 
  2. qualitative measures include participant feedback or behavioural observations

Utilise Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model

Consider using established models like the Kirkpatrick Model to evaluate training effectiveness on four levels- reaction, learning, behaviour, and results. This model provides a comprehensive framework for assessment, from participant reaction to the tangible outcomes of the training.

Set Clear Timeframes for Evaluation

Determine when the evaluations will occur- immediately after the training, a few weeks later, and several months later. This helps in assessing both the immediate and long-term impacts of the training.


By setting clear objectives and benchmarks, you can systematically measure and evaluate training effectiveness, ensuring they deliver the desired outcomes and contribute positively to the organisation’s development.

Methods of Evaluating Training Effectiveness

Leveraging multiple methods of evaluating training effectiveness is essential in accurately assessing the effectiveness of training programs. Combining different approaches allows for a more comprehensive understanding of how the training has impacted participants and the organisation. 


Here are key methods to consider:

Quantitative Methods 

These methods focus on measurable data and often involve pre-and post-training assessments. For instance, tests or quizzes can be administered to evaluate the knowledge gained. Performance metrics, such as sales figures or productivity rates, can also be used to evaluate training effectiveness.

Qualitative Methods

These involve gathering non-numerical data, such as participant feedback and opinions. Methods include surveys, interviews, and focus groups. This type of evaluation provides insights into the participants’ perceptions of the training, its relevance, and areas for improvement.

Observation and Behavioral Assessment

Observing participants during and after the training can provide valuable insights into how they apply their new skills and knowledge in real-world situations. This method is particularly useful to evaluate training effectiveness in soft skills training like leadership or communication skills.

Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis

This method evaluates the financial return on the training investment. It involves comparing the cost of the training with the benefits derived from it, such as increased productivity or reduced operational costs.

360-Degree Feedback

This involves collecting feedback about the training’s effectiveness from various sources – the participants, their peers, supervisors, and even customers. This comprehensive feedback can give a well-rounded view of the training’s impact.

Longitudinal Studies

Conduct follow-up evaluations several months after the training to assess its long-term effectiveness. This can include tracking ongoing performance metrics or conducting follow-up surveys to see if the skills and knowledge from the training are being maintained and applied over time.


By employing a mix of these methods in the evaluation of training and development programme in HRM, organisations can gain a holistic view of their training effectiveness, helping them make informed decisions about future training and development initiatives.

Training Effectiveness Measurement and Feedback Analysis

Analysing the results and implementing feedback are crucial steps in evaluating training effectiveness. This stage involves making sense of the data collected through various evaluation methods and using it to improve future training programs.

Data Analysis

Begin by compiling and analysing the data gathered from different evaluation methods. Look for trends, patterns, and correlations. For quantitative data, this might involve statistical analysis to measure improvements in performance metrics.


For qualitative data, thematic analysis can be used to identify common feedback themes.

Assessing Against Objectives

Compare the results with the initial training objectives and benchmarks. Determine whether the training met, exceeded, or fell short of these goals. This assessment helps in understanding the extent to which the training was effective.

Identifying Strengths and Areas for Improvement

Highlight what worked well and where the training could be improved. This might include 


  • content relevance
  • delivery method
  • participant engagement
  • practical application of the skills learned

Actionable Insights for Future Training

Translate your findings into actionable insights. If certain topics were particularly well-received, consider including more of those in future sessions. If some aspects were consistently criticised, think about how they can be modified or whether they should be omitted.

Feedback Loop to Trainers and Stakeholders

Share the results and insights with the trainers, designers, and other stakeholders involved in the training process. Open communication helps in refining training strategies and methodologies.

Implement Changes and Monitor Impact

Implement the necessary changes based on the evaluation results. It’s also important to monitor the impact of these changes in subsequent training sessions to see if they lead to improved effectiveness.

Continual Improvement Process

Treat training evaluation as a continual process. Regularly reviewing and updating training programs ensures they remain effective and relevant in the face of changing organisational needs and goals.


By thoroughly analysing results and effectively implementing feedback, organisations can continuously enhance their training programs, leading to more effective skill development and greater ROI from their training investments.

How 6 Pence Helps

As we wrap up our exploration of best practices to evaluate training effectiveness, it’s clear that the process requires meticulous planning, diverse evaluation methods, and an ongoing commitment to improvement. This is where our expertise at 6 Pence can be invaluable.


6 Pence simplifies the process of enhancing your workforce, eliminating the usual training and staffing hassles. We offer a comprehensive suite of HR solutions tailored to your organisational requirements, including staff outsourcing, payroll management, and HR consultancy. Our expertise ensures that your staffing and training needs are met efficiently and effectively, aligning with your business goals. 


For more information on how we can assist in optimising your HR processes and to learn about our full range of services, please feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is training effectiveness? 

Training effectiveness refers to how well a training program meets its objectives. It’s about evaluating whether the training has successfully imparted the necessary skills and knowledge to the participants and whether those participants can apply what they’ve learned in their work. Effectiveness also considers the impact of training on an individual’s performance and, ultimately, on the organisation’s goals.

How do you evaluate effectiveness? 

Evaluating training effectiveness involves assessing various aspects of the training program. This can include 


  • measuring the participants’ knowledge and skills before and after the training
  • gathering feedback from participants
  • observing changes in work performance
  • analysing the return on investment (ROI)

Effective evaluation typically employs quantitative and qualitative methods to view the training’s impact comprehensively.

What are the 4 types of evaluation?

The four types of evaluation, often referred to in the context of the Kirkpatrick Model, are:


  • Reaction
  • Learning
  • Behaviour
  • Results

Also Read: Employee Training Policy in HRM: A Guide for Recruiters

Prevent Employee Burnout: 8 Strategies for a Better Workplace

prevent employee burnout

In today’s fast-paced work environment, working towards prevent employee burnout is more crucial than ever. Burnout affects not only individual well-being but also overall workplace productivity and morale. 


This guide will delve into essential strategies to create a healthier workplace, focusing on recognising the signs of burnout and implementing effective prevention measures. We’ll provide practical tips and insights, whether you’re leading a team, part of HR, or keen on maintaining your work-life balance. 


So, join us as we explore how to foster a supportive environment that keeps burnout at bay and nurtures a positive, thriving work culture.

Understanding the Basics of How to Prevent Employee Burnout

Understanding what and why it occurs is at the core of preventing employee burnout. Burnout is more than just feeling tired; it’s a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. 


So, it often arises when an employee feels overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.


Key factors leading to burnout include:


  • Unmanageable workloads.
  • Unclear job expectations.
  • Lack of control over work.
  • Insufficient recognition.
  • Poor work-life balance.

So, it’s not just the amount of work but also the feeling of being undervalued or unsupported that contributes to burnout.


Therefore, recognising the signs of burnout is essential to prevent employee burnout. These include: 


  1. Reduced efficiency and energy
  2. Lowered motivation, increased errors
  3. A cynical attitude towards the job and colleagues

Understanding burnout is the first step towards prevention. Reducing employee burnout requires a proactive approach, not just from the individual employee but also from the organisation. So, by identifying and addressing the root causes, it’s possible to create a healthier work environment to prevent employee burnout.

Reducing Burnout in the Workplace: Key Initiatives

Tackling employee burnout requires concerted efforts at various levels within the organisation. But here are key initiatives to reduce burnout in the workplace:

Promote Work-Life Balance

To prevent employee burnout, encourage employees to maintain a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives. This can be achieved through


  • Flexible work schedules
  • Promoting remote work options
  • Respecting boundaries between work and personal time

Establish Clear Job Expectations

Ensure that all employees understand their jobs and responsibilities. Clear communication about job expectations can prevent confusion and the stress of uncertainty.

Create a Supportive Work Environment

Foster an environment where employees feel supported and respected. This may be accomplished using the strategies listed below:


  • Regular recognition of achievements
  • Constructive feedback
  • Supportive and open-door attitude from management

Offer Professional Development Opportunities

Provide opportunities for employees to develop their skills and grow professionally. This improves their competency, enhances job satisfaction, and helps prevent employee burnout.

Encourage Regular Breaks and Time Off

Make sure employees take regular breaks during work and utilise their vacation time. Stepping away from work duties is crucial for mental and physical rejuvenation.

Provide Access to Mental Health Resources

As per a report published by WHO (the World Health Organisation), 15% of working adults suffer from mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and stress. Depression and anxiety cause people to miss about 12 billion work days each year, which costs the world $1 trillion a year in lost output.


To prevent this, workplaces can offer resources such as


  • Counselling services,
  • Stress management workshops,
  • Wellness programs

Improve Workplace Communication

Promote open and honest communication within the team. Encourage employees to voice their concerns and suggestions and ensure they feel heard.

Monitor Workloads

Regularly assess employees’ workloads to ensure they are manageable. Overloading employees can lead to stress and eventual burnout.


By implementing these burnout prevention strategies, organisations can create a more positive work environment, reduce stress, and prevent employee burnout.

Employee Burnout Prevention: A Manager’s Role

Managers play a critical role in reducing employee burnout. Their actions and leadership style can significantly impact the well-being of their team members. Here’s how managers can help:


  • Lead with Empathy: Understand the individual challenges and needs of team members. Showing empathy and offering support can alleviate stress and prevent burnout.
  • Encourage Team Collaboration: Promote a collaborative team environment with shared tasks and responsibilities. This can help prevent overburdening a single employee.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback: Regular, constructive feedback helps employees understand their progress and areas for improvement, reducing uncertainty and stress.
  • Model Healthy Work Habits: Set an example by maintaining healthy work habits. This includes taking breaks, managing time effectively, and demonstrating work-life balance.
  • Recognise and Reward Efforts: Acknowledge your team’s hard work and achievements. Recognition can be a powerful motivator and morale booster.
  • Develop Effective Communication Skills: Good communication helps understand team dynamics and address issues before they escalate to burnout.
  • Facilitate Professional Growth: Help employees set career goals and provide development opportunities. This can increase job satisfaction and engagement, reducing the risk of burnout.
  • Monitor and Adjust Workloads: Keep an eye on the workloads of your team members and adjust them as needed to prevent overwork.

Practical Ways to Prevent Employee Burnout

Preventing employee burnout involves practical steps that can be integrated into daily work life. So, here are some effective methods:


  • Encourage Regular Breaks: Promote taking short, regular breaks throughout the day. Stepping away from the desk can refresh the mind and reduce stress.
  • Foster a Positive Work Culture: Cultivate a work environment where positivity is encouraged. Celebrate small wins and maintain a supportive atmosphere.
  • Implement Flexible Work Policies: Offer flexible working hours or remote work options. This can help employees manage work and personal responsibilities more effectively.
  • Encourage Physical Activity: Promote a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, which can relieve stress. Consider offering gym memberships or organising team sports events.
  • Provide Mental Health Support: Make resources like counselling services or mindfulness sessions available to employees. Mental health is crucial in preventing burnout.
  • Offer Time Management Training: Help employees learn how to manage their time effectively to avoid feeling overwhelmed by workloads.
  • Create Open Communication Channels: Ensure employees can voice their concerns and feel heard. Regular team meetings or one-on-one check-ins can be effective.
  • Encourage Vacation Time: Urge employees to use their vacation days to recharge. Time away from work is essential for mental health.
  • Provide Training on Stress Management: Equip employees with tools and techniques to handle stress healthily.
  • Set Realistic Expectations and Goals: Ensure work expectations and goals are achievable and clear to avoid undue stress and pressure.

Knowing how to help employees with burnout is crucial, and this list can help. So, by implementing these practical approaches, organisations can help prevent burnout, creating a more engaged and sustainable working environment.

How 6 Pence Helps

So, while any organisation must prevent employee burnout, it’s just a part of the broader challenge of managing staffing and recruitment effectively. This is where 6 Pence steps in as a vital partner for businesses. We understand that finding the right balance in the workplace isn’t always easy, and that’s why we’re here to help.


At 6 Pence, we offer a suite of services designed to alleviate the complexities of staffing and recruitment. From Staff Outsourcing to Payroll Outsourcing, PRO Services, Recruitment, and Promoters Management, our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. 


We operate across diverse locations, including Dubai, Iraq, Oman, and Bahrain. So, if you’re looking to ease staffing and recruitment challenges and foster a healthier workplace, contact us at 6 Pence. Let us help you build a more productive, engaged, and balanced team.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is employee burnout? 

Employee burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress at work. It often results in feelings of overwhelm, reduced professional efficacy, and a lack of engagement.

How would you help prevent employee burnout? 

To help prevent employee burnout, encourage work-life balance, set realistic job expectations, and create a supportive work environment. It’s also important to recognise and address early signs of burnout, such as chronic stress or declining job performance.

What are 3 ways to avoid burnout?

Three ways to avoid burnout include:


  • Taking regular breaks during work to relax and recharge.
  • Setting clear and achievable work goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Practising stress management techniques, such as mindfulness or exercise, to maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Also Read: Your Ultimate Guide to Social Media Recruiting

Full Stack Engineer Job Description: A Complete Guide

full stack engineer job description

What does a Full Stack Engineer do, you think? In this guide, we’ll break down the Full Stack Engineer job description in an easy-to-understand way. You’ll learn about their day-to-day tasks, the skills they need, and what makes this job so important in the tech world. 


Whether you’re thinking about becoming a Full Stack Engineer or just want to understand more about the Full Stack Developer job description, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into the exciting and diverse world of Full Stack Engineering!

Overview of a Full Stack Developer Job Profile

A Full Stack Developer is like a jack-of-all-trades in the tech world. They handle both front-end and back-end tasks, which means they work on everything from designing user interfaces to managing databases. The Full Stack Engineer job description is unique because it requires a broad range of skills and an understanding of both client and server-side operations. 


Full Stack Developers are essential in creating a seamless, functional user experience on websites and applications. They are the bridge that connects various aspects of web development, ensuring everything works together smoothly.


In addition to their versatile skill set, Full Stack Developers play a crucial role in the entire development cycle of a project. From conceptualization to deployment, they contribute to each stage, ensuring that both the technical functionality and aesthetic aspects of a website or application meet the highest standards. 


This comprehensive involvement makes the Full Stack Engineer job description critical in tech teams. It gives them a unique perspective on how different components of web development integrate to create a cohesive end product.

 Full Stack Developer Job Responsibilities

Full Stack Developer roles and responsibilities in the IT dynamic industry are varied and integral to the development process. Here’s a snapshot of what they do:


  • Designing User Interfaces: Crafting a website or application’s visual and interactive elements.
  • API Development: Building and maintaining efficient server-side APIs.
  • Database Management: Handling data storage solutions, including database design and interaction.
  • Collaborating with Designers: Working alongside graphic designers to ensure a cohesive web design.
  • Cross-Platform Optimization: Ensuring the application works well on various devices and platforms.
  • Staying Updated: Keeping up with the latest trends and updates in web development and programming languages.

The Full Stack Engineer job description highlights the versatility and importance of a Full Stack Developer. They’re not just coders; they’re creators who bring digital experiences to life, ensuring a web application’s beauty and brains work in harmony.

Skills and Qualifications in Full Stack Engineer Job Description

A mix of technical and soft skills is essential to become a successful Full Stack Engineer. Here’s what the Full Stack Engineer job description calls for:

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Proficiency in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and PHP.
  • Front-End Development: Skills in HTML, CSS, and frameworks like React or Angular.
  • Back-End Development: Knowledge of server-side languages and database management.
  • Version Control: Understanding of Git to track code changes.

Soft Skills

  • Problem-Solving: The ability to troubleshoot and solve issues creatively.
  • Communication: Clear, effective communication with team members and clients.
  • Time Management: Juggling various aspects of development efficiently.


  • Having a degree in computer science or a similar field is frequently preferred.
  • Relevant certifications and hands-on experience can be a big plus.

Being a Full Stack Engineer means continuously learning and adapting to new technologies. This combination of skills and qualifications will get you started and help you thrive in this dynamic field.

Full Stack Engineer Salary and Career Path

Full Stack Engineers are in high demand in the tech industry, and their salaries reflect this. As a starting point, junior engineers can expect competitive entry-level wages. With experience, these figures can rise significantly, especially for those with specialized skills or expertise in in-demand technologies.

Salary Expectations

  • Entry-Level: At the start of their careers, Full Stack Engineers can expect competitive salaries for the tech industry, varying based on location and company size.
  • Mid-Level to Senior: Their earning potential increases as they gain experience and skills. Mid-level and senior Full Stack Engineers often see a substantial salary jump.

Career Growth

  • Diverse Opportunities: Full Stack Engineers have the advantage of diverse career paths. They can specialize in either front-end or back-end development or continue as full-stack experts.
  • Leadership Roles: With experience, they can move into managerial or leadership positions, overseeing development teams or entire projects.
  • Continuous Learning: The field requires staying updated with the latest technologies, which opens doors to new opportunities and advancements.

In essence, the Full Stack Engineer job description offers a promising financial future and a path filled with learning, growth, and the chance to shape the future of technology.

How 6 Pence Helps

Are you trying to land a job as a full stack developer? Then, we hope our guide on the full stack engineer job description has been insightful. 6 Pence is one of the leading recruitment and staff outsourcing agency in the GCC. If you are willing to work for top companies in Dubai, Iraq, Bahrain, and Oman, then we can help you with that.


Visit our careers page to drop in your resume. Follow us on social media to know more about the latest job openings. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What does a Full-Stack engineer do? 

A Full Stack Engineer job description means working on both the front-end and back-end of websites and applications. They design user interfaces, develop servers and databases, and ensure that these elements work together seamlessly.

What do I need to become a Full-Stack engineer? 

To become a Full-Stack engineer, you typically need knowledge in programming languages like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and server-side languages. A degree in computer science can be helpful, along with skills in problem-solving, communication, and time management. For more help, take a look at the Full Stack Engineer job description.

Is a Full-Stack engineer a good career?

Yes, being a Full-Stack engineer is a rewarding career. It offers versatility and a chance to work on diverse projects and is in high demand across industries. With competitive salaries and opportunities for growth, it’s a promising career for those interested in technology and web development. Check out the Full Stack Engineer job description for more information.


Also Read: Why Must Businesses Know About the Importance of Job Satisfaction for Employees?

Boosting Employees Morale: 12 Strategy for Happier Workplace

boosting employees morale

Have you recently seen a dip in employee productivity? Do you know what the cause of it is? Sometimes, it can be due to a lack of training and upskilling opportunities or employee burnout, but more often than not, it can be due to poor employee morale.


Employee morale is how people feel, how happy they are, and how they see their current job. If your company has a bad culture, it will lead to problems like low output, unhappy employees, etc.


Did you know that by boosting employees morale, an organisation can increase their profitability by 21%?


Boosting employees morale isn’t just a nice-to-have strategy; it’s essential for a thriving workplace. In this blog, we’ll explore key techniques to make your workplace happier and more productive. From small gestures to bigger strategies, we’ll cover practical tips that can make a real difference. 


So, whether you’re a team leader or a business owner, these insights will help you create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated. Let’s dive into how you can uplift your team’s spirit and boost morale at work.

Understand the Art of Building Employee Morale

Building employee morale is much more than just a feel-good factor; it’s an art that involves understanding and addressing the needs and aspirations of your team. It starts with recognising that each employee has unique motivators and drivers. 


However, high morale is not just about happiness but engagement, a sense of belonging, and feeling valued. It’s about creating an environment where employees are excited to come to work, are committed to their tasks, and feel a part of the company’s success. 


Building morale in leadership requires a blend of empathy, communication, and action. 


So, leaders can foster a positive and productive workplace culture by mastering ways to improve employee morale.

Effective Ways to Boosting Employees Morale at Work

Boosting employees morale at work can be achieved through various strategies, each contributing to a more positive and engaging work environment. 


So, here’s a comprehensive list of ways to uplift your team:

Recognise Achievements

Celebrating success is key to boosting employees morale. Recognising achievements makes a big difference, whether it’s a big project completion or small daily wins. 


Boosting employee morale examples include 


  • mentioning someone’s hard work, effort, or contribution in a meeting, but without belittling other team members
  • handing out awards 
  • even writing a thank-you note or email can boost morale

These gestures show employees that their efforts are seen and appreciated, which can be a huge motivator.

Provide Growth Opportunities

Employees feel valued when they have chances to learn and grow. Encouraging their development through training sessions and workshops and offering clear paths for career advancement shows that the company invests in their future. This not only improves their skills but also their loyalty and job satisfaction.

Foster Open Communication

Creating a culture where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and feedback is vital for boosting employees morale. Regular meetings, suggestion boxes, and maintaining open-door policies help establish trust and transparency. 

Encourage Work-Life Balance

Respecting employees’ time outside of work is crucial for boosting employees morale. You can do this by:


  • offering flexible working hours
  • remote work options
  • understanding personal commitments 

This shows that the company cares about its employees’ well-being, leading to a happier and more productive workforce.

Create a Positive Work Environment

A comfortable and visually appealing workspace can greatly enhance job satisfaction. Ergonomic furniture, good lighting, and a clean, organised environment can reduce stress and improve focus, making the workplace pleasant.

Team Building Activities

Regular, non-work-related activities like team lunches or outings are important for strengthening team bonds. These activities help build a sense of community and camaraderie among employees, leading to better teamwork and collaboration.

Offer Fair Compensation and Benefits

Ensuring employees are fairly compensated through competitive salaries, bonuses, and comprehensive benefits like health insurance is essential for boosting employees morale. This helps attract and retain top talent and shows that the company values their contribution and well-being.

Promote Wellness

Implementing wellness programs that focus on mental and physical health, like gym memberships, yoga classes, or mental health days, demonstrates a commitment to employees’ overall health. This can lead to reduced stress and increased productivity.

Involve Employees in Decision Making

When employees are involved in decision-making processes, it makes them feel integral to the company. Their input and feedback can provide valuable insights, and acting on their suggestions can improve processes and create a sense of ownership.

Celebrate Milestones and Special Occasions

Recognising personal milestones like birthdays, work anniversaries, or significant personal achievements fosters a personal connection. Boosting employee morale this way shows employees they’re valued as workers and individuals.

Provide a Sense of Security

Job security is a key component of employee morale. Transparent communication about the company’s health and future plans can reduce uncertainty and build trust.

Encourage Autonomy

Giving employees the freedom to manage their tasks and make decisions shows trust in their abilities. Autonomy can lead to increased innovation and a greater sense of responsibility.


Therefore, implementing these strategies requires a consistent effort but can significantly improve employee morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.


These were some of the top ways to boost morale at work. The next section will tell you how to measure its effectiveness. 

Measuring the Impact of Company Morale Boosters

To understand the effectiveness of boosting employees morale initiatives, it’s important to measure their impact. This helps in identifying what works and what needs improvement. 


So, here are some methods to gauge the success of your boosting employees morale strategies:


  • Employee Surveys: Conduct regular surveys to gather feedback on workplace satisfaction and the effectiveness of current morale initiatives.
  • Performance Metrics: Monitor changes in productivity and quality of work. An improvement in these areas often correlates with higher morale.
  • Employee Retention Rates: High morale typically leads to lower turnover. Keep an eye on retention rates as an indicator of employee satisfaction.
  • Engagement Levels: Measure engagement through participation in company events, training sessions, and other activities. Increased participation can be a sign of improved morale.
  • Feedback from Managers: Managers can provide valuable insights into team morale and the impact of specific initiatives.

So, by regularly assessing these areas, you can fine-tune your approach to employee morale and create a more positive and productive work environment.

How 6 Pence Helps 

In boosting employees morale, staffing challenges can play a significant role. It’s about finding the right people and creating an environment where they can thrive. So, that’s where we at 6 Pence step in.


At 6 Pence, we understand the intricacies of building a team that possesses the right skills and fits well within your company culture. Our services are designed to alleviate the stress of staffing and HR processes, allowing you to focus on enhancing employee morale.


Our services:


  • Staff outsourcing
  • Payroll outsourcing
  • PRO services
  • Recruitment

Operating in Dubai, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain, we’re equipped to cater to a diverse range of industries and company sizes.


Therefore, if you want to enhance your team’s morale and productivity, contact us at 6 Pence. Let us take care of your HR needs while you focus on building a happier, more motivated workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we increase the employee morale? 

Increase employee morale by recognising their hard work, offering professional development opportunities, maintaining open communication, and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

What does boosting employee morale mean? 

Boosting employee morales involves actions and strategies to enhance the overall happiness, engagement, and satisfaction of employees in their work environment.

What is good morale in the workplace?

Good morale in the workplace is characterised by enthusiastic, engaged employees who feel valued, supported, and motivated to contribute to the company’s goals.


Also Read: Predictive HR Analytics: Why It’s A Gamechanger In The HR Industry

AI in Hiring Process: Refining Recruitment and Selection Process

ai in hiring process

Even 10 or 20 years ago, there would just be a handful of applicants for an open position. But thanks to internet penetration, social media, and an abundance of job boards, every company experiences an avalanche of applicants for every job post.


Thus, going through all these resumes is hard labour and may also impact the HR team’s judgement, leading to inefficient hiring, prolonged vacancies, and loss of productivity.


In today’s fast-paced world, AI is revolutionising how we hire. This blog takes a deep dive into the role of AI in hiring process. From sifting through resumes to conducting interviews, AI in recruitment makes the process faster and more efficient. 


We’ll explore how AI changes recruitment and selection, improves resume screening, and reshapes interview techniques. Whether you’re an HR professional or a business owner, this guide will provide you with a clear understanding of AI’s growing impact in the recruitment world. 


Let’s explore how AI in hiring process is not just a tech trend but a major player in finding the right talent.

A Comprehensive Overview of AI in Hiring Process

AI in the recruitment industry may still be in the initial stages, but it is a booming market as more companies are waking up to its potential. In 2022, the global AI Recruitment market was worth USD 630.54 million. It is expected to be worth USD 839.52 million by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.89%.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms the hiring process in ways we never imagined. It’s not just about automating tasks; it’s about bringing a new level of intelligence to recruitment. AI in hiring encompasses a range of technologies, from algorithms that scan resumes for key skills to chatbots that engage with candidates. 


This technology is making the recruitment process faster and more effective. Artificial Intelligence in recruitment and selection can analyse large volumes of applications quickly, identifying the most suitable candidates based on criteria set by the employer. So, it’s not just about efficiency; AI in hiring process also brings fairness and objectivity by minimising human biases.


Moreover, AI tools are continuously learning and evolving. They gather insights from each hiring cycle, making them more accurate and efficient over time. So, this ongoing improvement can lead to a more streamlined recruitment process and better matches between employers and job seekers.


In short, AI in hiring process is a game-changer. It’s reshaping how companies approach recruitment, making the process smarter, faster, and fairer.

Using AI for Recruitment and Selection

The use of AI in recruitment and selection is revolutionising the way companies find and hire talent. By integrating AI technologies, businesses can automate many time-consuming tasks traditionally involved in recruitment, such as sorting through applications and initial candidate screenings.


AI-powered systems are capable of scanning resumes and applications at a speed and scale that is impossible for human recruiters. These systems use sophisticated algorithms to match candidates’ skills, experiences, and qualifications with job requirements. So, this not only speeds up the recruitment process but also ensures a higher accuracy in matching the right candidate to the right job.


In the selection phase, AI tools can help predict candidates’ job performance and cultural fit by analysing their responses and behaviour patterns. AI can also assist in reducing unconscious bias by focusing on data-driven criteria, thus promoting diversity and inclusivity in hiring practises.


Additionally, AI in hiring process is being used to enhance candidate engagement. AI-driven chatbots can interact with applicants, providing timely responses and updates and answering queries about the company and role, leading to a more engaging and candidate-friendly recruitment experience.


In essence, using AI for recruitment and selection is not only about efficiency; it’s about transforming the entire recruitment experience into a more effective, equitable, and candidate-focused process.

Artificial Intelligence Resume Screening

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised resume screening, making the process more efficient and effective. Here’s a closer look at how AI is changing this crucial step in recruitment:


  • Speed: AI can quickly scan through hundreds of resumes much faster than humans.
  • Accuracy: It looks for specific keywords and skills relevant to the job.
  • Objectivity: AI reduces human bias by focusing solely on qualifications.

Not only does AI in hiring process make the process efficient, but it also ensures fairness. Candidates are selected based on their skills and experience, not subjective factors. So, this leads to a more diverse workplace.


Moreover, AI also learns as it goes. Each resume it processes makes it smarter and better at finding the right candidate. So, this continuous improvement is a big plus for companies looking to refine their hiring process.


In short, AI resume screening means faster, fairer, and more accurate selection. So, it’s a win-win for both employers and job seekers.

AI in Interview Process

AI is making waves in the interview process, too. Here’s a look at its impact:

Automated Scheduling

AI streamlines interview scheduling. It matches candidates’ and interviewers’ availability, reducing the hassle of back-and-forth emails.

Consistent Questioning

Artificial Intelligence ensures that each candidate is asked the same questions in the same way. This uniformity brings fairness to the process.

Virtual Interviews

AI-powered virtual interviews are becoming popular. They analyse candidates’ responses, even gauging nuances like tone and facial expressions.

Immediate Feedback

With AI, feedback can be almost instant. It assesses responses and provides quick evaluations.

Bias Reduction

AI focuses on the content of answers, not external factors. This approach is key in reducing unconscious bias.

Data-Driven Decisions

Artificial Intelligence provides insights from interviews, helping make informed hiring decisions.


In short, AI in interview process is transforming how companies assess and select candidates. So, it’s not just about efficiency; it’s about creating a fair and objective interview experience.


We hope this blog has been able to shed light on the benefits of AI in recruitment. If you are skeptical give it a try or else you can outsource all your staffing and recruitment woes to 6 Pence. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Hiring is a dynamic and ever-evolving process, blending manual efforts with advanced technologies like AI in hiring process to find the perfect candidates. 


Are you struggling to find the perfect candidate for your organisation?


In this intricate recruitment process, 6 Pence is pivotal in easing staffing and recruitment challenges. We can help with temporary and permanent recruitment solutions. Our expert recruiters have access to a comprehensive database and would leave no stone unturned to find compatible, high-quality candidates.


We also assist with background verification, work visa processing for international recruits, and payroll processing. 


Based in key locations such as Dubai, Iraq, Oman, and Bahrain, we offer tailored solutions to a diverse client base. If you seek efficient, effective HR and staff outsourcing solutions, 6 Pence is your go-to partner. For more information on how we can assist with your staffing needs, feel free to contact us. Let us take the stress out of hiring, so you can focus on what you do best.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the future of AI in recruitment? 

The future of AI in hiring process is promising, with advancements leading to more efficient, accurate, and unbiased hiring processes. AI is expected to continually improve candidate matching, streamline recruitment workflows, and enhance candidate experience.

What is the role of AI in employee selection? 

AI plays a significant role in employee selection by automating resume screening, assessing candidates’ skills and cultural fit, and reducing selection bias. It helps in identifying the best candidates efficiently and accurately.

What is the danger of AI in recruitment?

The main danger of AI in hiring process lies in potential biases in its algorithms, which can lead to unfair or discriminatory hiring practices. Additionally, over-reliance on AI might overlook the human aspects of recruitment, such as interpersonal skills and unique candidate qualities.


Also Read: A Complete Guide to Intuitive Personality Test for Hiring Employees

Workplace Discrimination: A Guide to Recognition and Action

workplace discrimination

In today’s workplace, discrimination remains a pressing issue, often lurking in the shadows of corporate culture. It’s a challenge that undermines equality and respect and can significantly impact an employee’s well-being and career progression. 


This blog aims to shed light on workplace discrimination, how it can be addressed, and what constitutes direct discrimination. Understanding these aspects is the first step towards creating a safer, more inclusive work environment. Let’s explore these critical issues and how discrimination can be effectively managed in any professional setting.

Identifying Employment Discrimination

Workplace discrimination can be overt and subtle, making it crucial to recognise its various forms. Look out for these types of discrimination in the workplace:

Obvious Signs

  • Unequal Treatment: This is clear-cut. This kind of workplace discrimination happens when employees are treated differently due to their race, gender, age, or other personal attributes.
  • Harassment: Any unwelcome behaviour that creates a hostile work environment falls here. It includes jokes, comments, or actions based on individual characteristics.

Subtle Indicators

  • Opportunity Disparities: Watch for patterns of workplace discrimination where certain groups consistently miss out on promotions or key projects.
  • Pay Gaps: Unequal pay for the same role and experience level can be a red flag.
  • Isolation: Excluding certain employees from meetings or team activities is another subtle sign.

Cultural Nuances

  • Stereotyping: Making assumptions about abilities or roles based on someone’s background or identity is discriminatory.
  • Feedback Differences: If feedback style or frequency significantly varies based on personal characteristics, it might indicate bias.


Recognising these signs is the first step in addressing workplace discrimination. It’s essential to create an environment where such behaviours are not tolerated, and employees feel safe to report any incidents. Contact a workplace discrimination lawyer if you feel stifled in your office environment due to unfair practices.

Steps to Take if You Face Workplace Discrimination

If you face discrimination in the workplace, taking immediate and appropriate steps is crucial to address the issue effectively. Here are some key actions you can take:

Document the Incidents

Keep a detailed record of all actions, comments, or decisions indicative of workplace discrimination. Note dates, times, locations, and any witnesses. Include emails, texts, or other tangible evidence supporting your claim.

Review Company Policies

Familiarise yourself with your company’s anti-discrimination policies and procedures. Most organisations have guidelines on how to handle such situations, including specific channels for reporting incidents.

Report to HR or Management

Report the workplace discrimination to your human resources department or a trusted manager. It’s important to follow the official procedures outlined by your employer for reporting such issues.

Seek Support

Reach out to a trusted colleague, a union representative (if applicable), or a professional mentor for support and advice. They can provide guidance and may be able to offer insights based on their own experiences or knowledge.

Legal Consultation

Consider seeking advice from a legal professional, especially if the discrimination violates local job discrimination laws or if your company’s response is inadequate. A lawyer specialising in employment law can guide your rights and potential legal actions.

External Reporting

If the workplace discrimination issue is not resolved internally, or if you face retaliation for reporting, you might need to report the discrimination to an external body, such as a labour rights board or a government agency responsible for enforcing anti-discrimination laws.


Facing discrimination can be emotionally taxing. Prioritise your mental health and consider seeking support from a counsellor or therapist.


Remember, each situation is unique, and the best course of action depends on the specific circumstances of the workplace discrimination you’re facing. It’s essential to act in a way that protects your rights while also taking care of your well-being.

Building a Supportive Work Environment

For employers, building a supportive work environment is key to fostering a positive and inclusive company culture. Here are steps to achieve this:

Establish Clear Policies

Develop and implement clear anti-discrimination and harassment policies. Ensure these policies are well-communicated to all employees and that they understand the consequences of violating them.

Training and Education

Regularly conduct training sessions for employees and management on diversity, inclusion, and sensitivity. These sessions should increase awareness and understanding of different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences.

Encourage Open Communication

Create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their concerns. Implement open-door policies and encourage managers to empathise with employees’ concerns.

Diverse Hiring Practices

Promote diversity in your workforce by employing people from various backgrounds. This enriches your company culture and brings in a range of perspectives and ideas.

Supportive Reporting Mechanisms

Establish a confidential and effective system for reporting workplace discrimination or harassment. Employees should feel safe and supported in reporting any incidents without fear of retaliation.

Act on Feedback

Regularly seek feedback from your employees on the work environment and culture. Be proactive in addressing any issues or concerns raised.

Lead by Example

Leadership should exemplify the values of respect, inclusivity, and fairness. The behaviour of the management sets the tone for the rest of the organisation.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Support your employees in achieving a healthy work-life balance. This can include flexible working hours, mental health days, and recognising the importance of personal time.

Recognition and Respect

Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of all employees. Ensure that recognition and rewards are distributed fairly and equitably.


By taking these steps against workplace discrimination, employers can create a more supportive, respectful, and inclusive workplace. This not only benefits the employees but also contributes to the overall success and reputation of the company.

How Can 6 Pence Help

Are you looking for new jobs in Dubai, Oman, Iraq or Bahrain? Do you want to work with fair and top companies in the GCC that do not tolerate workplace discrimination? Then 6 Pence can help.


We are one of the leading staffing and recruitment agencies, working with some of the leading public and private sector companies in the GCC. To apply for jobs, visit our careers page and drop your CV. Follow us on social media to know about the latest job openings. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is discrimination in the workplace?

Discrimination in the workplace refers to unfair or unequal treatment of an employee or job applicant based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. This can manifest in various forms, including hiring decisions, salary differences, promotion opportunities, and general treatment at work.

How would you deal with discrimination in the workplace?

If you face discrimination in the workplace, it’s important to document the incidents and report them through the appropriate channels, such as your HR department. Familiarise yourself with your company’s anti-discrimination policies and follow the reporting procedures. If necessary, seek legal advice, especially if the issue is not resolved internally or if you face retaliation.

What is meant by direct discrimination?

Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favourably than others because of a protected characteristic, like their race, gender, or age. Workplace discrimination examples include not hiring a qualified individual solely because of their ethnicity or gender discrimination in workplace. Direct discrimination is often intentional and overt, but it can also be a result of unconscious biases.


Also Read: The HR’s Guide To Developing Digital Recruiting Strategies

Building a Robust Workforce with Blue Collar Recruitment Strategy

blue collar recruitment strategy

Building a company is no easy feat; it amalgamates many people specialising in different walks of life. In an organisation, not all jobs entail people sitting at a desk and typing on a computer; some positions require hard manual labour, and these jobs are known as blue collar jobs. 


Blue collar job examples include people working in construction, electrical department, and as plumbers, mechanics, technicians, machine operators, etc.


Now, the question arises as an HR: do you hire blue collar workers like you hire white collar workers, aka executives?


No, blue collar recruitment strategy is significantly different from white-collar hiring strategies. 


This blog will guide you through the nuances of blue collar recruitment strategy and how to handle it effectively. Let’s delve into creating a robust workforce that propels your business forward.

Key Components of a Blue Collar Recruitment Strategy

To build a robust workforce, it’s essential to focus on several key components in your recruitment strategy. Let’s break these down into clear, actionable parts of a blue collar recruitment strategy:

Understanding Your Needs and Workforce Dynamics

  • Assess Your Business Requirements: Clearly define the roles and skills needed in your workforce. Consider the specific tasks, the level of expertise required, and the nature of the job.
  • Understand Workforce Trends: Stay informed about labour market trends in your area. This includes understanding the availability of local and expatriate workers’ availability, skill sets, and job expectations.

Effective Job Advertising and Outreach

  • Job Descriptions: Create clear, concise job descriptions. Highlight essential skills and qualifications. Use language that resonates with the blue-collar workforce.
  • Channels for Job Posting: Utilise popular local job portals and community boards to inform people about the vacancy. Consider social media platforms and word-of-mouth, as these are powerful tools in certain regions.

Cultural Competence and Localisation

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural nuances. This is crucial in regions with diverse populations. It ensures that your recruitment process respects local customs and practices.
  • Language Considerations: Use multilingual job advertisements if necessary. This approach can enhance your applicants.

Streamlining the Recruitment Process

  • Simplify Application Processes: Ensure that the application process is straightforward. Complex processes can deter potential candidates.
  • Efficient Screening Methods: Develop a systematic approach for screening applicants. This might include initial skill tests or brief telephonic interviews.

Focusing on Employer Branding

  • Company Reputation: Build a strong employer brand that appeals to blue-collar workers. Showcase your company as a desirable place to work.
  • Employee Value Proposition: Communicate what sets your company apart. This might include benefits, work culture, or growth opportunities.

Investing in Technology and Automation

  • Leverage Technology: Use recruitment software to streamline the hiring process. This can include applicant tracking systems or AI-based screening tools.
  • Online Presence: Maintain an active online presence. This can be through a career page on your website or active social media accounts.

Building Relationships and Networking

  • Community Engagement: Engage with local communities. This can help build a positive image and attract local talent.
  • Networking: Utilise existing employee networks for referrals. Often, existing employees can refer suitable candidates from their networks.

Legal Compliance and Ethical Practices

  • Adhere to Laws: Ensure your recruitment practices comply with local labour laws and regulations.
  • Ethical Recruitment: Maintain transparency and fairness in the recruitment process. Avoid discriminatory practices in job advertisements and selections.

Continuous Evaluation and Feedback

  • Monitor Recruitment Success: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your recruitment strategy. Use metrics like time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and employee retention rates.
  • Seek Feedback: Get feedback from new hires and your HR team. This can provide insights into improving the recruitment process.

Remember, a successful blue collar recruitment strategy is not just about filling vacancies. It’s about creating a sustainable, productive workforce that aligns with your business goals and values. These components can lead to a more efficient, responsive, and successful hiring process.

Overcoming Challenges in Hiring Blue Collar Workers

Recruitment, especially in the blue-collar sector, comes with unique challenges. Here is a blue collar recruitment strategy to help you navigate these obstacles effectively:

Addressing Skill Gaps

  • Tailored Training Programs: Develop training programs that can upskill new hires and older employees to meet specific job requirements.
  • Partnerships with Educational Institutions: Collaborate with local vocational schools or training centres. This can ensure a steady flow of skilled workers.

Coping with High Turnover Rates

  • Competitive Compensation: Offer attractive wages and benefits to retain employees.
  • Employee Engagement: Implement programs that boost morale and job satisfaction. This can include team-building activities or recognition programs.

Dealing with Cultural Diversity

  • Cultural Sensitivity Training: Train your HR team and management on cultural sensitivity.
  • Inclusive Workplace Policies: Develop policies that embrace diversity and promote an inclusive workplace environment.

Balancing Cost and Quality

  • Efficient Recruitment Processes: Streamline your recruitment process to reduce costs without compromising the quality of hires.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Utilise data analytics to understand where you can cut costs and optimise your recruitment strategy.

Handling Seasonal Fluctuations in Labor Demand

  • Flexible Workforce Planning: Develop strategies for scaling your workforce up or down based on seasonal needs.
  • Temporary Staffing Solutions: Consider temporary or contract workers to manage short-term increases in labour demand.

By addressing these challenges in the recruitment process for blue collar workers head-on with strategic planning and proactive measures, you can create a more efficient and effective recruitment process. This blue collar recruitment strategy helps meet your immediate staffing needs and lays the foundation for long-term business success.

Navigating Legal and Ethical Landscapes in Blue-Collar Recruitment Strategy

Navigating the legal and ethical landscapes in blue-collar recruitment is crucial for maintaining a reputable and compliant business. Firstly, it’s essential to thoroughly understand the local labour laws that govern everything in blue collar recruitment strategy, from fair hiring practices to wage regulations and working conditions. 


Regularly updating and educating your HR team about these laws ensures that your recruitment processes remain compliant and fair.


Secondly, ethical hiring practices are not just about compliance but about building a positive brand reputation. This includes ensuring non-discriminatory practices and transparency in your recruitment process. By promoting a fair and respectful hiring process, you not only adhere to legal standards but also attract quality candidates who value an ethical workplace.


Lastly, the privacy and security of candidate data are critical aspects of blue collar recruitment strategy. It’s important to handle personal data responsibly, comply with data protection laws, and respect candidates’ privacy. Secure handling of this data safeguards against legal issues and builds trust with your candidates and employees, enhancing your company’s integrity and reputation.

How 6 Pence Helps

Regarding blue collar recruitment strategy, partnering with a seasoned expert like 6 Pence can streamline this process significantly. Based in Dubai, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain, 6 Pence offers comprehensive HR solutions, including staff outsourcing and payroll outsourcing.


We bring to the table our extensive experience and local expertise. This allows us to offer tailored solutions that align with regional regulations and cultural nuances and ensure a smooth, efficient recruitment process.


By leveraging 6 Pence’s services, your business can overcome common recruitment challenges, from addressing skill gaps and high turnover rates to navigating the legalities of the labour market. Our focus on ethical practices and legal compliance means you can build your workforce confidently, knowing that you are in line with the best industry standards. With 6 Pence, building a robust, compliant blue-collar workforce becomes clearer and more attainable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a blue-collar recruiter? 

A blue-collar recruiter is a specialist in hiring workers for manual labour or industrial jobs. These recruiters focus on filling positions that typically require physical work and may not necessitate a college degree. They often recruit for manufacturing, construction, maintenance, and transportation sectors.

What is the blue-collar job category? 

The blue-collar job category includes occupations that involve manual labour or skilled trades. These jobs are often physically demanding and can be in various industries, such as construction, manufacturing, warehousing, and mechanics. 

What is blue-collar employees in HR?

In HR terms, blue-collar employees refer to workers who perform manual labour or are involved in skilled trades. These employees are a crucial part of the workforce, especially in industries that require physical work. HR’s role with blue-collar workers includes recruitment, training, ensuring compliance with safety standards, managing benefits and compensation, and handling labour relations. 


Also Read: 7 Methods To Ensure Fair Hiring Practises in Organisation

7 Employee Selection Methods to Improve Hiring Efficiency

employee selection methods

Are you failing to meet client satisfaction and losing them to competitors? According to research, 61% of customers will go to your competitor immediately after having a negative experience with a brand. Employees are the representatives of an organisation who interact and communicate with the end-users. 


But why are employees not able to provide the expected service? One big reason is that you hire incompetent candidates for a particular role. 


A bad hire not only impacts your business reputation but also affects your overall productivity. Now, the question is, how can you improve the hiring process? 


Companies can use multiple methods throughout their recruitment process to identify top talents. Today, we’ll share a few effective employee selection methods in this guide to help you hire top-quality candidates. 

What are Employee Selection Methods?

Your company’s employee selection process is the set of steps you take to screen and hire best-fit talents. For example, your ATS screens resumes, and the selected candidates go through a skill assessment test and interview before you hire them. This is your company’s employee selection method, which can differ from your business associates. 


The main purpose of having an employee selection method is to make the right hiring decision by assessing the candidate from multiple angles to ensure they are the right fit for your organisation.


 It includes assessing their personality, behaviour, educational and technical knowledge, cultural fit with your company, and qualifications and experience. 

What are the Types of Selection Methods?

Is it always one single method that will help you find the best possible hire? No, there are multiple types of selection methods that you can implement depending on your specific needs. 


Let us dive into a few employee selection methods you can implement in business. 

Internal and External Recruitment

You can either recruit candidates from external sources (known as external recruitment) or within your company (known as internal recruitment).


All the employee selection methods for external recruitment start with hiring managers posting jobs online to attract top talents outside the agency. 


Alternatively, for internal recruitment, you can post your vacancies internally and fill positions with staff already working in your organisation.

Boomerang Hires

Did your favourite employee leave your company for competitors but on good terms? In that case, you can consider re-hiring them for your new vacancies. This form of recruitment is known as boomerang hires. It not only helps you in filling positions faster but also ensures you are hiring top-tier talents. 

Direct and Social Recruitment

You can use multiple platforms to source talented candidates for your vacancies, including direct and social sources. For example, you can post jobs on different online job boards and newspapers. These are direct recruitment sources where candidates check out your ads and apply for your jobs directly. 


Alternatively, you can use social media networks to advertise your vacancies at your organisation. This will help you target more of the Gen Z population who are active on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. 

Apprenticeships and Internships

Apprenticeships and internships are best for entry-level jobs where you consider fresh graduates for your role. These candidates usually have limited work experience, but they have enthusiasm and potential to develop their skills on the job. 


Such methods of employee selection in HRM help you meet people who want to learn, grow, and develop themselves to meet your company’s requirements.

Referral Network

You can encourage your employees with rewards to help you find candidates in their network. They understand your company goals and visions and can effectively recommend good-fit candidates.

Former Applicants  

Hiring your former applicants is one of the top methods of employee selection in HRM. These people had previously applied for similar or different jobs in your organisation. If they fit with your present vacancies, you can hire them. 

Top 7 Effective Employee Selection Methods in HRM

We have listed below some of the top employee selection methods in HRM for better hiring. 

Pre-Employment Tests

Pre-employment tests are one of the best employee selection methods that help you assess a candidate’s skills early in the hiring process. You can better understand the quality of a candidate more than their educational levels, resumes, and general intelligence. 

Situational-Judgment Tests

Meeting the educational qualification alone cannot be enough for your company; employees need certain skills to deal with workplace problems and challenges. Candidates must have strong judgment and problem-solving skills regardless of their role, from handling customer queries to interacting with colleagues. 


Situational judgement tests help recruiters assess candidates’ ability to solve workplace problems. 

Reference Checks

You must gather relevant information about the applicants that you can’t determine from their test results and resumes. Reference checks give you better insights into candidates’ interpersonal skills and how they can handle day-to-day tasks. 


You can ask the candidates about their previous employers and contact them. It helps you figure out what the candidate is like in the workplace. 

Background Checks

You can find several candidates who meet your criteria, but you have a limitation in recruiting them. For example, you need an accountant and have 3 candidates to choose from. 


In such cases, you can conduct a proper background check on top candidates to examine their criminal records, employment history, and personal information. 

Structured Interviews

We can have unintentional biases during recruitment that often lead to bad hires. In that case, you can implement structured interviews where you ask the same questions to all candidates in the same order. 


This allows you to compare candidates’ responses evenly and find the one with the highest potential for your vacancies. 

Take-Home Assignments

Not all tests must be conducted in-office; you can ask candidates to complete take-home assignments. It is one of the popular selection processes for hiring employees, where candidates can take assignments home and submit their results to the company. 


For example, if you hire a content writer in your company, you can ask them to write a sample blog post on any topic. 

Job Trails

You can arrange job auditions for your candidates to assess if they really fit the role. For that, ask your candidates to come in and try out their roles for a certain period, which can be a few hours to a few days. 


This option gives you an opportunity to see how candidates react in common situations if they are selected for your vacancies. For example, you can ask marketing applicants to pitch a product to a panel or a sales representative to handle clients’ queries. 


You may find numerous challenges in implementing employee selection methods, but you can hire the best people with the right strategies and techniques. We have shared a few methods to recruit and select employees in your company. 


However, if you aren’t prepared to handle them yourselves or require expert help, meet us at 6 Pence. We make permanent and temporary staffing easier for companies in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai. 6 Pence, with its 16+ years of expertise, can help you with recruitment, payroll processing, and employee training, besides our staff outsourcing services. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the methods of selection?

Numerous employee selection methods in HRM include pre-employment tests, online screening and shortlisting, structured interviews, aptitude tests, personality profiling, take-home assignments, etc.

What are the 4 stages of the employee selection process?

The main four stages of the employee selection process include sourcing and screening candidates, interview and evaluation, hiring and onboarding, retention and development.

What are the three main types of training?

The three main types of training conducted in the workplace are basic literacy skills training, technical and soft skills training, and safety training.


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7 Trends in Human Resource Management For 2024

trends in human resource management

Since the last decade, there have been a lot of changes in the HR industry. For example, more people started working from their homes or remotely, new technologies were introduced, employee well-being became a priority, etc. Altogether, these disrupted how your human resource team performed their activities. 


According to research, nearly 68% of recruiting professionals believe investing in a new recruiting technology can improve their recruiting performance. Similarly, 94% of HR professionals say using HR software has positively impacted their hiring process. 


On the other hand, those companies still depending on age-old recruitment approaches aren’t getting much results. Therefore, all companies need to understand the latest trends in HR and implement them in business for better results. This article will briefly discuss similar trends in human resource management. 

Top Trends in Human Resource Management

Before you dive into the latest trends in human resource management (HRM), let us first understand what it is. HRM is the approach for organising, coordinating, managing and allocating your human capital or employees to meet organisational goals. They develop and enforce multiple policies and procedures that ensure workers’ safety. 


However, with the changing market scenario and employee demands, the future of human resource management is at risk unless you watch out for the trends. 


We have listed a few of the latest HRM trends you must follow to keep your talents longer in business and ensure organisational success. 

Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

One of the most important trends influencing human resource management is promoting DEI initiatives in the workplace. This is no longer a box-ticking exercise but a critical aspect of business success. DEI refers to diversity, equity, and inclusivity, three essential aspects of the modern workplace that showcase your respect for talents from different backgrounds. 


Besides being a legal and moral obligation, DEI initiatives enhance creativity, innovation, and customer satisfaction. To cope with these new HR concepts and techniques, you must implement fair and transparent policies and practices for all, irrespective of gender, sex, colour, ethnicity, etc. 

Perfect Balance Between Office and Remote Work

Remote working or hybrid working has been on the list of top HR trends in the last few years. But, with the outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the total count of remote workers has increased significantly, and this graph will keep rising steeply in the future. 


However, not all professions will let your employees work from home, at least not full-time. You need them at the office or ensure a hybrid work culture. It is at the top of current HR trends and challenges, and your HR needs to find a compromise that benefits the company and the employees. 

Prioritising Employee Experience

According to predictions, by 2030, there will be a talent shortage of more than 85 million people globally. It means if you aren’t focusing on your existing workforce, you may lose top talents and find difficulty in hiring new ones. 


This makes prioritising employee experience essential for companies to achieve success. You must ensure all your employees have everything they need to fulfil their responsibilities and stay safe. 


Besides offering them necessary equipment, leveraging well-being programs, ensuring work flexibility, and developing a better work environment is essential. 

Focusing on Employee Well-Being 

Employees seek an organisation that values their contributions and ideas more than a good paycheck. This urges your HR leaders to promote a positive work culture and ensure a healthy work environment. 


Now, the question is how to foster a positive and healthy work environment. 


Some solutions that you can consider are:


  • Offer flexible work schedules
  • Encourage employee proposals
  • Allow the interchange of ideas and collaborations between teams
  • Promote proper work-life balance
  • Restructure your HR solutions based on employee well-being and physical and mental wellness provisions

Funding Employee Growth and Development

In a recent study, we found employees can leave your company if you aren’t investing in their professional development. We asked them if high payments could retain them in business for longer, but the reply was “No”.


On the other hand, organisations forecasted the need for new skills to cope with market changes. Rather than investing time and money in hiring new people, you can train your existing talents. The key to making your employees learn continuously is to create e-libraries, online workshops, and e-courses. 


Otherwise, you can also introduce learning programs in-office for skill building, reskilling and mentorships.

Allowing Millennials and Gen Z to Lead

More than half of the total employees by 2025 are expected to be millennials and Gen Z population. These young generations prefer navigating the workplace almost entirely digitally. Therefore, one of your current HR trends and challenges is to undergo a digital transformation. 


You need to swap manual procedures with automation, mobile apps and smartphones for better employee engagement and productivity. To attract and retain these tech-savvy generations, you must adapt different HR technologies for improved onboarding, employee training, communication and collaboration, and flexible working. 

Reporting and Data Analytics 

Organisations’ data-driven decisions are one of the latest trends in human resource management. The AI integration with HR technology has contributed to increased employee productivity levels. 


Companies in the GCC are experiencing a gradual shift towards data analytics for decision-making rather than depending on assumptions, intuitions, or past experiences. This move will enhance your decision-making process and ease cost analysis and other calculations. 

How 6 Pence Helps 

All companies need to stay updated with the latest trends in human resource management. We have listed only a few of these trends that can help you attract, manage, and retain employees better. Furthermore, they can automate your repetitive manual tasks, improve your business reputation, and ensure better productivity.


However, if you are struggling to understand these new trends in human resource management, you can seek advice from us. 6 Pence offers staff outsourcing services (Payroll outsourcing, recruitment, and PRO services) to business associates in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai. We understand your business requirements, study your market demands, latest trends and technologies, and advise you for better outcomes. For more details, you can connect with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the trends in HRM? 

Some of the common trends in HRM include the use of HR technology, focusing on employee experience and well-being, better professional career development, advanced people analytics, promoting DEI initiatives, etc.

What are the top 5 HR strategies? 

The top 5 HR strategies include fulfilling legal requirements, employee engagement, career advancement programs, positive corporate image, and advanced performance management systems. 

Why is it important to know HR trends?

It is important to stay updated with HR trends to protect your company from financial loss, decrease in customer service, loss of talent, and reputation damage.


Also Read: Top 10 Demand Forecasting Techniques in HRM

Predictive HR Analytics: Why It’s A Gamechanger In The HR Industry

predictive hr analytics

Wouldn’t you like to have a heads up about when your employees are quitting so you can find a timely replacement so as not to impact organisational performance?


Do you think it’s wishful thinking? Most certainly not!


Predictive HR analytics can help you predict people-related challenges beforehand. Employees can exit your company for multiple reasons, from poor work culture, low productivity, and office politics to compensation issues and more. 


According to research, 7 out of 10 employees wouldn’t work in a top company with a poor workplace culture. While other employees would prefer more job flexibility, better training and development opportunities, etc., you can predict future employee requirements and market trends with predictive agent analytics. 


If you plan to implement such strategies in your business, first understand what they are and their importance from our guide. 

What is Predictive HR Analytics?

Attracting and retaining top employees is one of the biggest challenges for recruiters. Every company has a huge volume of HR data. Still, according to studies, only a few use this data to optimise HR processes. You can use that data effectively with predictive HR analytics for better data-driven decisions. 


But what exactly are HR predictive analytics tools? These are modern tech tools that analyse your past and present data to help you forecast future business outcomes. It digitally digs through your raw data and extracts, analyses, and categorises the information to identify different patterns, irregularities in your systems, and correlations. 


With predictive analysis, you will no longer operate your business on instinct or lessons learned from past mistakes. These statistical analysis and predictive modelling offers valuable insights that help you make efficient data-driven decisions. 

Real-Life Examples of Predictive HR Analytics

Let us take a few predictive analytics in HR examples to better understand how companies implement such technologies in real life. 

HP’s Prediction and Prevention of Employee Turnover 

In 2008, HP found they were losing employees at an alarming rate. Initially, they thought people left the company because of poor management. However, after research, HP realised that it was not the reason. This is when they developed a predictive workforce analytics program called “Project Insight.” 


They used statistical modelling and text mining techniques to predict the future and identify which employees are to leave in the next six months. Based on the data analysis, the company then employs different techniques to retain the employee. This reduced their employer turnover rate by half the previous percentage.

Google’s Prediction for Future Outcomes

Google hires thousands of new employees yearly, but only a small percentage stays with the company for over two years. To identify the problem of why candidates leave the company, they created a predictive analytics program called Google Prediction Engine. 


This tool analysed successful applicants’ employment history, education, skills, and personality traits to identify who will stay connected for longer periods. It helped reduce Google’s employee turnover rate.

Why is Predictive HR Analytics Important?

With the introduction of tools and technologies, most HR systems have been automated to ensure accuracy. But you need predictive analysis to identify why attracting and retaining candidates is getting complicated, improving productivity, and making better decisions. 


Now, let us discuss the importance of HR Analytics in organisations.

Better Decision Making

Previously, your HR department made decisions based on their intuitions and experiences. But with predictive analytics, you can now make data-driven decisions that are more advanced and accurate than those made with the former methods. 


By making better decisions, you save money, increase your business productivity, and improve customer satisfaction. 

Reduce Risk

Aren’t you surprised to know how predictive HR analytics is related to reducing risks in business? These tools help you analyse your past and present scenarios and identify potential problems that may occur in future. 


This helps you to stay prepared for such complexities and ensures you keep running the business efficiently.

Improved Business Productivity

If you implement predictive analytics talent management tactics, you can stay assured of hiring top talents. Not only are they talented, but also you can expect them to stay longer in your business. 


When an experienced team backs up your business, they understand your missions and visions. They can help you improve productivity over time.

Better Recruitment

Predictive analytics tools can help recruiters identify the best sources of top talent. They do so by analysing the platform’s historical data on successful hires and then recommending you invest in them for your recruitment needs


This saves you time and money on the wrong sources and helps you make a loyal and professional team that drives business success. 

Workforce Planning

We all know that market demands keep changing, and so do the skill requirements of employees. Predictive HR Analytics helps recruiters to forecast future skill gaps within your company by considering multiple factors. 


This includes retirement rates, emerging industry trends, and employee turnover rates. Your HR team can then develop employee training and development programs to reduce skill gaps and ensure your company remains competitive.

Managing Your Employee Performance

Not every day may be the same for your employees, so you must focus on their changing performance regularly. However, using predictive analytics, you can forecast future employee performance depending on the present and past performance data. 


It helps you identify the high-performing people in your company who have the potential to be your successors for certain roles. Additionally, you can discover which employees are lagging behind and determine if they need training or a warning. 

How 6 Pence Helps 

While predictive HR analytics can help you forecast future needs and help in attracting and retaining employees, the process is complex. Therefore, you must first identify your long-term company goals and determine relevant metrics to achieve them. Then, thoroughly understand predictive analytics tools, address your ethical considerations, and implement the process. 


However, if this seems complicated, contact us at 6 Pence. We will help you with temporary and permanent staffing and offer HR outsourcing services in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain and Dubai. For any queries, you can reach out to us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is predictive HR analytics? 

Predictive HR analytics is a process that helps you analyse your past and present human resources and recruiting data to forecast your future outcomes. These tools help you make data-driven decisions and meet your future goals efficiently. 

What are the 4 types of HR analytics? 

The 4 types of HR analytics are descriptive, diagnostic, prescriptive, and predictive analytics.

What is the difference between predictive and descriptive HR analytics?

While descriptive HR analytics considers your historical HR data to gather a total understanding of past events, predictive HR analytics focuses on your historical data and past trends to predict future outcomes. Organisations can use both these tools to achieve the greatest business impact.


Also Read: 5 Tips to Improve Your Human Resource Employee Relations

What is the Role of Blockchain Technology in Recruitment?

blockchain technology in recruitment

When we talk about blockchain technology, we think of cryptocurrency, don’t we? Or, at the most, to ensure security in financial transactions. 


But did you know that blockchain can be used in the recruitment process?


Blockchain technology in recruitment is changing the way you select and hire candidates. Yes! You heard it right: blockchain is no longer restricted to only the technological realm. 


It has become one of the most prevalent technologies across diverse industries. Recent research estimates that the global market revenue of blockchain technology will reach about $20 billion by 2024. Today, we will let you identify the role of blockchain technology in recruitment and how it is improving the entire process.

What is the Relevance of Blockchain Rechnology in Recruitment?

Blockchain technology was launched in 2008 with the development of the digital currency Bitcoin. Since then, this technology has gained popularity in multiple sectors, and recruitment is no exception. 


Here, people may want to know what is blockchain technology with example. Blockchain technology in recruitment is a distributed and secure database that stores candidates’ records and protects data integrity. Suppose you have validated and stored your prior address and previous employer details on blockchain applications. In that case, you can access all your information in the future. 


Unlike traditional databases, where you can create, read, update, and delete data (CRUD) from a central location, blockchain databases record data permanently. A candidate’s education, employment history, work-related information, and other data will remain securely stored within blockchain databases. 


When hiring a candidate, you can rely on this data to make an informed choice. It eliminates the chance of bad hires that can cost you up to 30% of your worker’s wage for the first year. On the other hand, candidates can share their data without worrying about breaches or tampering after verification. 


Moreover, blockchain for recruitment offers both the recruiters and candidates secure access to authenticated records. It allows you to view applications in real time with candidates’ consent. This gives you a clear insight into a candidate’s true value, and no more considering resumes at face value, hovering over their LinkedIn accounts, connecting with references, etc. 

Role of Blockchain Technology and Recruitment

Today’s recruitment is more about finding real talents and valuing skills than academic qualifications. Let us see how a blockchain recruitment platform can help you in this process.

No More Lies on Resumes

More than half of the job seekers often misstate themselves on resumes, leading to bad hires in companies. For example, people can change their salary scale to find better pay opportunities. But blockchain in talent acquisition eliminates tampering with data so that you get a clear and accurate picture of the potential candidates.


Moreover, blockchain, a transparent and decentralised platform, allows you to store any information on its ledger irrespective of geographic differences. This structure also makes it impossible for anyone to create false or misleading information. When you enter a fake entry into the ledger, the system will automatically reject it.

Faster Candidate Vetting

Whenever you post a job vacancy online, thousands of active job seekers apply for them. However, targeting passive job seekers becomes difficult as they don’t scroll through job boards much. 


Altogether, the recruitment process is time-consuming, and screening individual candidates ranks at the top. It requires hours of phone calls, emails, and record searches to verify if the candidates’ credentials and qualifications are accurate. 

Easy Onboarding Process

Most recruiters today implement applicant tracking system best practices to speed up the hiring process. However, sourcing and selecting candidates based on their resumes and matching them with your relevant keywords is not enough. 


You can use blockchain technology in recruitment to complete the employee verification process in seconds. This means you don’t need to spend your valuable time searching and connecting with previous employers of your new hires. 


Additionally, such technologies help you fetch criminal records, academic history, employment records, professional licenses and certifications, and other background checks. 

Faster Employee Contracting

Blockchain technology helps in background checks and completes contracting procedures in seconds. While onboarding a candidate, you must go through multiple documents and departments to collect and verify information about the new hires and store them in your HR System.


Blockchain technology recruitment eliminates all these contracting steps by gathering employee information automatically. Thus, it reduces your paperwork burden and saves you more time communicating with the employees.

Store Employee Data Securely

With the introduction of new technologies in the recruitment process, candidate and employee data are at risk of breach or tampering. But with blockchain technology, all this personal information can be encrypted and stored securely. 


It means no one can even view this information without consent. At the same time, modification and deletion of data are in no way possible. 

Better Reach for the Underrepresented Candidates

If you are using an ATS for recruitment, chances are high that you’re missing out on top candidates due to gaps in the title or background. For example, parents returning to the job, veterans, or students face such difficulties. 


However, with blockchain technology in recruitment, candidates’ accurate data gets recorded on the database. Whenever a recruiter asks for similar skills, the technology automatically recommends the profile if it matches the role. Thus, blockchain in talent acquisition ensures a genuine candidate-centric experience.

How 6 Pence Helps 

If you are ready to use blockchain technology in recruitment, you can seek professional advice. It will speed up your hiring process and save you costs and resources when hiring top talents. Moreover, such technologies ensure you get accurate candidate data in hand and eliminate bad hires. 


However, if you are having difficulty meeting top talents, we, 6 Pence, are ready to help! We are the leading temporary and permanent staffing agency in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain and Dubai, helping businesses meet top talent from our exclusive database. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How is blockchain used for recruitment? 

Blockchain technology in recruitment is used to find the right candidate by identifying skills, knowledge and experience. They safely store candidates’ academic credentials, certifications, past employment records, and other recruitment details. 

What is a blockchain recruiter? 

A blockchain recruiter is one who uses blockchain technology to source, select and onboard top employees who match the job role and the company values. 

How does blockchain affect HR?

Blockchain technology can automate and streamline HR tasks like contract management processes and reduce the need for manual intervention. Altogether, they save you time to build communication with top employees.


Also Read: Objectives of Recruitment in HRM: A Comprehensive Guide

5 Data-Driven Recruitment Strategies to Find Top Hires

data driven recruitment strategies

There was a time when candidates relied on local newspaper advertisements to find jobs. But, with digitisation, the recruitment landscape has drastically changed over the last few years. Now, candidates go through various social media posts, online job boards, and other digital job marketing channels for job hunting. 


Though it has eased the hiring process, the target pool has also expanded drastically because people from across the globe can now apply for the same position. However, if you are implementing data-driven recruitment strategies, the chances of targeting the best-fit candidates increase. But if you’re unfamiliar with such approaches, this blog is for you!

What is a Data-Driven Approach to Hiring?

A data-driven approach to hiring refers to a recruitment process where you use tangible facts and stats to make hiring decisions. These include all your steps, from sourcing and selecting candidates to creating hiring strategies. 


According to research, more than two-thirds of established companies track recruitment metrics like 


  • Time-to-hire
  • Rate of offer acceptance
  • Source-of-hire
  • Retention rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Cost-per-hire
  • Quality of hire

If you go back to some 10 years ago, you will find recruiters relied on luck and intuition while hiring talents. This had a huge possibility of engaging bad hires in business or choosing a wrong fit. But there was no way you could track the effectiveness of the recruitment strategies. This gave rise to the need to gather important candidate data using different tools. 


Why? It is because these realistic insights will help you draft data-driven recruitment strategies for better hires. With them, you can target the right people, understand their interests, improve hiring quality, and reduce overall recruitment costs. 

Data-Driven Approach to Recruiting Example

Let us take an example of how data-driven recruitment strategies can improve your hiring process. Suppose you are sourcing candidates from different channels like job boards, advertisements, agencies, social media, or your career page. 


You can track the effectiveness of various channels by calculating their cost per hire. Whichever channel brings you more quality candidates is where you put your maximum money. For example, if you aren’t finding quality candidates from Facebook ads, you can scrap that out from your recruitment plan. 


Similarly, during the selection process, your data-driven recruitment approach must gather data through resume screening, skills assessment and job interviews. This helps you make the right hiring decisions and ensure the candidate fits perfectly for the role and your organisation. 

What are the Benefits of Data-Driven Recruitment Strategies?

There are numerous benefits of using data-driven recruitment strategies in your company. For example, you can limit your investments to channels that bring you the most number of quality talents. 


It means such recruitment strategies help you connect with potential talents and reduce your hiring time and cost per hire. This further enables you to increase your overall company productivity and team efficiency. 


Moreover, data-driven talent acquisition strategies can help you determine or redesign your hiring process. This allows you to hire the best-fit candidates, remove biases, and promote diversity and inclusivity. 

Top Data-Driven Recruitment Strategies

Now that you know what is data driven strategy and how it is beneficial for your business, let’s look at some of its best practices.

Choose the Right Metrics and Data Sources

You may get overwhelmed with the huge volume of data collected by your recruitment software. Therefore, you must determine the relevant metrics to improve your recruitment process.


For example, you can consider your quality of hire, time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, retention rate, etc. In that case, you can review your business goals and list metrics that help you achieve these goals. Then, identify data sources like ATS, Google Analytics, or candidate survey feedback. 

Develop a Recruitment Dashboard

Now that you have the required data, you must analyse them carefully for valuable insights. For that purpose, you need to develop a recruitment dashboard to visualise the data and market trends and determine issues in the recruitment funnel beforehand. 


Therefore, by building a recruitment dashboard, you can quickly gain insights into your problems and opportunities. There are three main ways to create such a dashboard: 


  1. Spreadsheet programs
  2. HR software
  3. Business dashboard software

Determine What Actions to Take

Tracking your recruitment data is useless until you take the necessary action. For instance, if you find a channel constantly sourcing low-quality candidates, yet you don’t stop using them, is the data of any help? 


You must look into different recruitment metrics and determine what you want to do with them. Some common hiring issues that data-driven recruiting and HR analytics can solve are 


  • Longer time-to-hire
  • Lower job offer acceptance rates
  • Higher new hire turnover

Consider Your Data Limitations

Even though you can gain valuable insights by combining multiple data types, you still need to interpret your findings. It won’t solve your problems, but it will help you identify them so that you can solve problems with your knowledge and experience. 


For example, your ATS may find work gaps in candidates’ resumes, but they cannot determine the reasons behind them. It means that by using only data, you cannot understand the whole story of a candidate and may end up losing a talent. Therefore, it is essential to understand and consider your data limitations and interpret your findings. 

Analyse Your Past and Prepare for the Future

Data gives you valuable insights into your past recruitment strategies, their faults, and areas of improvement. It means you can clearly understand what recruitment strategies worked before and what hasn’t. Thus, it will further help you prepare recruitment strategies to improve your hiring process in the future. 

How Does 6 Pence Help

You must implement data-driven recruitment strategies for hiring candidates today. This will give you valuable insights into the ins and outs of your recruitment plans and help you hire the top talents. However, if you are looking for the best source for connecting top talents, ask us! 


6 Pence fulfills your temporary to permanent staffing needs and finds you quality candidates with nominal hassles. We are operational in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain and Dubai.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is using Data-driven recruitment? 

Data-driven recruitment strategies refer to making objective hiring decisions depending on numerous data sources beyond your usual resume screening, interviewing, and providing job offers to candidates.

What is the Data-driven talent acquisition strategy? 

A data-driven talent acquisition strategy is an approach to building a talent pipeline using tangible facts and stats. 

What is the strategic approach to recruitment?

A strategic approach to recruitment refers to finding the right talent using three components, including employer branding, skilled selling, and recruitment marketing. 


Also Read: Everything About the Talent Acquisition Specialist Job Description

Driving Employee Engagement: 6 Easy Tips for Businesses

driving employee engagement

If you don’t find coffee interesting, would you like to consume it daily? It will spoil your mood. Similarly, if your employees aren’t interested in your company or work culture, they will not be inspired to give their best. Thus, for your business to succeed and increase productivity, you must work towards driving employee engagement. 


There are tons of solutions for engaging your staff, yet 21% of millennials have changed their jobs in the past year due to a lack of engagement. When your top talents leave you, not only does it impact your revenue, but it also affects your business reputation. 


If you are looking for ways to drive employee engagement, you are at the right place. Today, we will share top strategies to improve staff engagement in your company.

What is Driving Employee Engagement?

People can mislead you by saying employee satisfaction is identical to employee engagement. No! It’s not necessary that if your employees are satisfied, they will remain engaged with your company. Employee engagement is about your workers’ relationship and commitment to your team and company. 


By driving employee engagement, you can actively engage them in their work. Thus, they produce quality outcomes that relate to your company’s mission and are likelier to commit extra effort to their work.


Employee engagement largely depends on three factors: 


  1. Work engagement
  2. Team engagement
  3. Organisational engagement

This means how connected you are with the work you do, how connected you feel with your immediate coworkers, and how connected you are with the organisation as a whole. When you look at these three pillars of employee engagement holistically, you can better understand their engagement levels in your company. 

Why is Driving Employee Engagement Essential?

Have you ever wondered what makes a company more successful than its competitors? Is it the products and services they offer, their strategies, technologies, or a better cost structure? All of these can be copied over time, but a company’s long-term strength is its workforce. Therefore, one of the major importance of driving engagement in the workplace is to build a powerful team that drives excellent business outcomes. 


Employee engagement is essential at the company level and for employees themselves. When your employees are engaged with their jobs, they become energised and efficient. Besides improving their productivity, engagement ensures better mental health and positivity.


This further has a huge impact on your business operations and profitability. Not only do you develop a good relationship with customers and increase sales, but it also improves business reputation in the market.

What are the Top Drivers of Employee Engagement?

According to research, nearly half the workers would have worked harder and improved their productivity if they were only happy at work. Here comes a question: what are the driving factors of talent engagement? Well, numerous factors can improve engagement in your workforce. For example, your manager is a good listener, allowing employees to share their work ideas, leading to better engagement. 


A few key drivers of employee engagement for 2023 are:


  • Communication
  • Employee rewards and recognition
  • Professional development
  • Empowerment
  • Work-life balance
  • Diversity and Inclusivity
  • Collaboration
  • Leadership
  • Workplace relations
  • Work environment
  • Positive mental health
  • Psychological safety
  • Flexible work options
  • Community involvement

Top Strategies for Driving Employee Engagement

So far, we have got a brief understanding of what drives employee engagement and why it matters. Now, we have listed the top strategies for driving employee engagement in your company.

Provide Opportunities for Professional Growth and Development 

Suppose you are looking for ways to improve employee engagement. In that case, investing in their professional growth and development can be a plus point. According to research, 45% of employees will likely stay in their jobs if they receive proper training


Companies are driving engagement with employee experience by allowing them to learn new skills and stay updated with the latest trends. 

Recognise Talents and Encourage Them

One of the key drivers of employee engagement is proper recognition at work. Every employee expects you to appreciate and recognise their work. You can celebrate small achievements or reward them occasionally for meeting targets or cracking a deal. It motivates them to commit extra effort and boost their productivity levels

Maintain Transparency at Work

You must encourage open and two-way communication in your organisation. This allows your employees to speak up about their problems to the leaders and share their ideas fearlessly. Therefore, you get new perspectives on business, leading to innovative solutions and an improved reputation. 


Moreover, they feel valued when you implement their ideas or make them part of your decision-making process. This plays an essential role in driving employee engagement in your company.

Give Employees Flexibility

Work-life balance is a critical factor today that affects employee engagement in companies. Therefore, you must offer them flexible work structures where employees may not have a regular 9 to 5 duty in-office.


Instead, you must allow employees to choose their working hours and place of work. For example, allow them to work from home if they can arrange the entire work setting at home. 

Ensure Employees’ Authority and Responsibility

When offering your employees authority and responsibility, they feel trusted and valued. These are the keys to effectively empowering your employees to do their jobs and stay motivated for better work delivery.  

Measure Employee Engagement Frequently

It’s common to send out annual anonymous surveys to employees and gather feedback on work culture and other factors. This gives you an in-depth view of whether your employees are engaged with their jobs and your company. However, this isn’t very effective unless you conduct service frequently throughout the year. 


Some of the best ways to measure employee engagement are


  1.  Short, frequent surveys
  2. Meeting with individual employees
  3. Measuring absence rates
  4. Analysing data using HR tools 

Once you gather insightful data, you must actively work on multiple factors to drive employee engagement.


Driving employee engagement is now becoming a top priority because of its advantages. Instead of looking at your employees as an asset to be managed, you can let them have the authority and responsibility to create the next innovation for success. However, this requires you to have better people at work who are qualified and fit your company culture. 


In this process, we can help you find the best candidates from our database and ensure they fit with your visions and missions. Therefore, you can connect with 6 Pence anytime for temporary and permanent staffing requirements and HR outsourcing in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What defines driving engagement? 

Driving employee engagement refers to the approach of improving engagement in your workplace through proper communication, recognition and rewards, positive workplace relationships, better future opportunities, training and development, task autonomy, work flexibility, etc.

What are the drivers of employee engagement? 

There can be multiple drivers of employee engagement in your organisation, like communication, professional development, empowerment, autonomy, work-life balance, leadership, diversity and inclusivity, collaboration, workplace relations, etc.

What is an example of driving engagement?

A few examples of driving engagement might be “My manager is a good listener” and “I feel comfortable in sharing ideas with my team.”


Also Read: 8 Effective Recruitment Strategies to Improve Your Talent Acquisition

What are the Critical Skills Required for Talent Acquisition?

skills required for talent acquisition

The first thing that you look for when hiring a new employee is their skill. Skill loosely translates into the ability to work well. But the ability to quickly identify that skill makes recruiters and HRs skilful and adept. 


Every company needs to hire skilled employees for better business performance. However, according to research,  76% of recruiters find attracting quality candidates their biggest hurdle today. In a high-performance and candidate-centric market, only a few candidates have the quality that a business needs and these people already have multiple job opportunities. 


If your recruitment team has the right skills required for talent acquisition, then they can easily hire the right candidate. We’ll share some talent acquisition skills that can make you a pro in the market today!

What is Talent Acquisition?

When hiring talent, you go through multiple steps, from identifying the right people to convincing, attracting, selecting, and retaining them. Talent acquisition is known as developing a strong candidate pipeline, improving employer branding, identifying and hiring candidates, and future resource planning. 


Talent acquisition is a little different from recruitment. While recruitment only focuses on hiring people for immediate vacancies, talent acquisition helps you build a talent pipeline. They get high-quality candidates for your hard-to-fill vacancies and forecast your future staffing requirements

Top Skills Required for Talent Acquisition

According to research, the need for talent acquisition specialists will keep increasing for the next few years. These professionals ensure your company makes the right hiring decisions, leading to business development and growth. 


Are you deciding to enter into this profession? We have listed the top talent acquisition specialists’ soft and hard skills for recruiters to make a better choice. 

Professional Hard Skills for Recruiters

Are you wondering what skills recruiters need to secure a job? You must have proper qualifications in human resources, business administration or a related field and industry experience. 


Some important recruitment skills include 


  • Having in-depth knowledge of candidate sourcing techniques
  • A strategic understanding of staffing tools
  • Social media-based recruitment skills
  • Technical knowledge

Communication Skills

One of the important skills needed to be a recruiter is good communication. This is because they often need to communicate with potential hires, HRs, company executives and other personnel. You must be an expert in expressing your thoughts both verbally and in writing to fulfil your responsibilities efficiently. 


For example, you need communication skills to draft compelling job posts that engage your target talent pool. Otherwise, candidates won’t understand your requirements clearly, leading to wasting time and money on bad hires. 


As the job market becomes candidate-centric, staffing has become the toughest sales job for business. It is because you have to determine that both parties, the candidates and your company, are making the right choice. Therefore, negotiation is one of the top skills required for talent acquisition. 


Both HR and the candidates can devise a long wish list where some options may be unrealistic. As a talent acquisition specialist, you need to speak efficiently with the candidates and convince them to work with your company for the betterment of both. 

Relationship Building

Recruiters need to nurture relationships with top talents. This helps you hire them immediately during a vacancy and use their network to meet new talents. 


Moreover, this can help identify the best fit for the role and the company out of multiple options. Networking and relationship management skills for talent acquisition will be primely important in the next few years.


The responsibility of a talent acquisition specialist is to forecast future staffing needs and create strategies to meet them. It means you must learn effective human resource planning skills to determine future labour needs, current supply, and the balance between the two. This helps draft hiring strategies aligning with organisational goals and meeting success. 

Analytical Skills

Analytical skills are among the top skills required for talent acquisition to process and analyse employee data from different angles. They can convert the raw data into useful information, analyse them and take necessary actions. 


This helps them determine different employee data, like their behaviours and performance, that can directly impact your business.


If you aren’t a good observant, you might miss a good opportunity to hire top talent. Businesses require the best people on board to improve their productivity. In that process, you can play a vital role by keeping a keen attention while hiring talents. 


It is because you can now observe a person from different angles other than their resumes. Perception can sometimes mislead you, but having a good observation can prepare you for the worst.

How do You Improve Your Recruiting Skills?

As a talent acquisition specialist, you need to improve your recruiting skills from time to time. We have listed a few steps to help you in the process.

Practice Soft Skills

You must look for opportunities to exercise your soft skills, like patience, observation, empathy, negotiation, etc., in your professional and personal life. This will improve your performance at work and help you build better relationships with people in your company and with talents.

Have Measurable and Practical Goals

You must establish clear objectives and strategies to acquire the top skills required for talent acquisition. For example, if your goal is to learn to use multiple HR tools, you can establish a habit of learning about one tool daily and go through self-help books. 


This will help you grow continuously and positively impact your job. Moreover, when you divide your targets into reasonable activities, you can easily measure them and track your progress.

Use Different Trustworthy Resources

To become a talent acquisition specialist, acquiring soft skills is not sufficient. You must strengthen your hard skills, like getting a new certificate, advancing your degree, etc. In that case, you can learn from subject matter experts, attend workshops and conferences, or join a professional association. 


Whether you are a new or an experienced recruiter, you must invest in improving the skills required for talent acquisition. This increases your chance of getting opportunities in top companies and boosts performance levels. 


Are you looking for a job as a talent acquisition specialist? Visit the career page at 6 Pence, or follow us on social media to learn about the latest job openings in Dubai, Iraq, Oman, and Bahrain.

Frequently Asked Questions

What talent acquisition needs? 

Talent acquisition needs your efficiency in identifying, acquiring, assessing and hiring candidates for open positions, building talent pipelines, future resource planning, diversifying companies’ labour force, and employer branding. 

What skills do you need to be in talent acquisition? 

To become a talent acquisition specialist, you need to have tech skills, good communication, observation, analytical skills, patience, empathy, industrial knowledge, and an understanding of HR tools.

Is talent acquisition part of HR?

While HR manages the existing workforce and employee-related matters, talent acquisition focuses on finding and hiring the best talent for the company’s needs. 


Related Blog: 7 Step Guide To Building a Talent Acquisition Team

Your Ultimate Guide to Social Media Recruiting

social media recruiting

Whenever you hear the name “social media”, what is the first thing that pops up in your brain? It can be Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. These were once the platforms for connecting and communicating with strangers. But they now have turned out to be effective recruiting tools.


Not only has the job market shifted to searching for the latest and updated skill sets and talents, but finding ideal candidates has also turned on its head. 


Millennials and Gen Z talents search for jobs on social media rather than job boards. If you target this population, share your vacancies on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Moreover, social platforms have allowed companies to reach a wider talent pool in less time. 


All these contributed towards the urgency of adopting social media recruiting in your company. We will share more about it and a few other social media recruitment advantages and disadvantages in our guide today. 

What is Social Media Recruiting?

Five to six years back, you could have posted vacancies on online job boards and get quality candidates. But as the younger generation is getting more attracted to social media, more people are applying for your company on networking platforms like LinkedIn. 


According to research, nearly 79% of job seekers today use social media for job hunting. Therefore, you need a solid social media recruitment strategy to target this mass that promises the best outcomes.


Social media recruiting refers to your approach of using social platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for job postings, networking with professionals, and reaching out to potential candidates. 

Significance of Social Media Recruiting

Are you wondering if recruiting through social media is beneficial for your company? We have listed some advantages of social media recruiting below to answer your question.

Actively Reaching Out to Passive Job Seekers

These talents are not actively searching for jobs but will switch companies for better opportunities. They don’t visit job boards or career sites to find jobs, making targeting these people difficult for you.


However, if you implement a social media recruitment strategy, you can reach out to these people through your posts. If they find you interesting or you’re offering better opportunities, they will apply for your vacancies. 

Hiring Top-Quality Candidates

As you get an opportunity to reach out to passive and active job seekers, the chances of hiring top talents are high. Moreover, suppose you are using paid social media job ads. In that case, you can target particular audiences and hire candidates who fit your organisational culture.

Lower Time and Cost Per Hire

With social media recruiting, you must spend fewer resources on hiring top candidates. Compared to other recruiting platforms, social media helps you connect with people quickly and ensures you don’t get a bad hire. These candidates further contribute to improving your overall business productivity and performance.  

Better Brand Awareness

Whenever you share company posts on social media, they reach your network. It means people who didn’t know you will now recognise your brand from the posts. This helps you improve brand visibility and reputation so that more talents apply for your positions. 

Better Interaction With Potential Candidates

Social media helps you to personally interact with potential candidates and motivate them to apply for your vacancies. For example, some candidates may ask you questions about your vacancies. With social media, they can send the questions directly to your inbox or comment on your posts. 


You can respond to their questions timely and start building professional relationships even before they submit an application. 

Finding Niche Network

Suppose you hire people with specific technical skills; social media will help you connect with these people. Otherwise, you may need to post ads on extremely niche sites where people may or may not apply for your posts. Moreover, you can also find candidates for incredibly niche roles from multiple social media pages and online forums.

Disadvantages of Social Media Recruiting 

While there are numerous advantages of social media recruiting, you may also need to face some disadvantages. 


For example, you need a solid recruitment and targeting strategy to meet your ideal candidate. This requires investing a good amount of time and resources in developing creative ideas. Some challenges of implementing social media recruitment are:

Requires Expert Advice

We understand how difficult it becomes to target your ideal candidate among billions of active users on social media platforms. This requires a solid recruitment and targeting strategy that only an expert can help with. It is primarily because you need to be creative with your ad copies, graphics, and job descriptions. 6 Pence can assist you with this. 

Can be Expensive

Sometimes, your posts may not have a good reach, especially when you have fewer followers. You need to boost your posts using paid social media ads to reach your target audiences. This can be expensive for startups or companies on tight budgets. 


We have previously said that top recruiting social media best practises can help you attract candidates in less time than other sources. However, this doesn’t seem easy in reality, and all your candidates won’t be available on a certain social platform. 


It means you must post your vacancies on multiple platforms and source candidates separately. This can be time-consuming and disrupt your business processes if not handled by experts.

What are the Top Platforms for Social Media Recruiting?

Numerous social media platforms in the market can help you connect with your ideal type of candidate. However, according to studies, LinkedIn (78%) and Facebook (65%) are the most commonly used channels for social recruiting


This doesn’t mean other platforms are far away in the recruitment race. Let us explain the best social media recruiting sites that can improve your hiring standards and maximise your ROI.


This platform is designed specifically for individuals and companies to network with professionals. It offers you tools for posting jobs and accepting resumes efficiently. Additionally, you can promote your job postings to millions of people with LinkedIn’s post-boosting features. 


Firstly, you can start by connecting with prospective candidates globally. Then, you can send either personalised messages, post your vacancies on the wall, or share content to attract candidates’ attention. 


For example, Google uses this channel to highlight their employees’ accomplishments and share resources for candidates’ learning. On the other hand, candidates share their work, experiences, and other posts that determine their fitness with your company’s needs. 

Facebook and Instagram 

With billions of active users on these platforms daily, they form a major channel for social media recruiting. You can share valuable content to promote your brand, create groups to fill your positions and interact with prospective candidates. 


Facebook allows you to post vacancies on your wall and boost your postings to reach more candidates. On the other hand, Instagram allows you to create appealing visual content that captivates your candidates’ attention. Moreover, this encourages them to follow your company page and apply for your vacancies. 

X (Formerly Known as Twitter)

Though X may not help recruitment, it allows you to share news and events that engage people worldwide. To build trust and credibility, you can share your employee accomplishments on Twitter within 280 characters or their testimonials. 


It makes people visit your site and apply for your vacancies when they know your workplace culture. On the other hand, you can assess your candidates’ X handles to better understand their interests and preferences. 


Social media recruiting is an effective method that allows you to target active and passive talents. Not only does it improve your reach to a broader talent pool, but it also helps to assess candidates properly. However, if you have difficulty hiring ideal candidates for your company, call 6 Pence.


We are the leading temporary and permanent staffing agency offering numerous other services to Oman, Iraq, Bahrain and Dubai businesses. You can connect with us anytime and share your requirements, and we will do the remaining tasks on your behalf. 


Also Read: Reasons Why Businesses Need Permanent Staffing Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are social media recruitment methods? 

Social media recruitment methods refer to using multiple social media platforms, e.g. LinkedIn and Facebook, to post your job vacancies, network with professionals and reach potential candidates.

What types of media will be used for recruiting?

You can use multiple types of media for social recruiting, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

How do you recruit social media?

You can recruit on social media by participating in different conversations, promoting your work culture, using niche networks, conversing with top talents, etc.

Employee Training Policy in HRM: A Guide for Recruiters

training policy in hrm

What do you think is the most critical asset of a successful business? It is the employees whose efforts can help your business grow and meet success. 


But just having the necessary educational qualifications isn’t enough to survive in the present competitive environment. For example, earlier, a lot of financial work was done manually, but now, many software and tools have come into place. Thus, your existing staff need to be trained to use these tools.


Therefore, developing an employee training policy in HRM is becoming a must-have option in companies. This ensures you work with existing talents by updating them with new skills and market trends. In today’s guide, we will share the importance of training policy in HRM and assist you in creating one for your company.

What is the Employee Training Policy in HRM?

According to research, nearly 94% of employees say a training policy in HRM would convince them to stay in the company longer. This policy sets out guidelines and procedures that you take to train your employees. It aims to promote the growth of employees, empower teams, and help your company achieve success. 


It consists of different parts, including purpose, scope, roles and responsibilities, individual and corporate programs, and more. 


Let us take Etsy as an employee training policy example for your understanding. It is a successful brand that has gained popularity because of its employee training and development policy in HRM. 


They offer combined methodologies for employee training, including adult learning theory, organisational psychology, and sociology. Etsy allows the workers to opt for traditional learning opportunities, coaching and online resources. 

The Importance of Employee Training Policy in HRM

Does investing in a training program sound like a luxury for your company? Training procedure in HRM is not only beneficial for employees but also for the company. The principal goal of staff training is to ensure they are suitable for your current business needs, hit targets efficiently, and promote a positive mindset within the organisation. 


You can attract and engage top talents whenever you create an employee training policy for your staff. You can enhance their performance and productivity through proper training, leading to achieving your organisational objectives. 


According to research, companies that invest in comprehensive training programs have higher incomes per employee level than others. These companies will have better market reputations, more sales, and higher profit margins. 


You can design employee training programs depending on your organisational goals, objectives and audiences. Some common models are classroom-based training, interactive training, simulators, role-playing, case studies, etc. 

What are the Key Components of an Employee Training Policy in HRM?

Continuous employee training and development can help your company survive market competition. It’s not just us, but 92% of employees think workplace training and development improve their job engagement, leading to better performance. The entire policy is subdivided into multiple parts, where each segment describes something about your training programs. 


We have listed below some of the key components of an employee training policy in HRM.

Purpose and Scope

Firstly, you must mention the purpose and scope of your training policy. It defines your objectives and benefits of training, who the target audience and stakeholders are, legal and ethical requirements, and the limitations of the policy. 

Roles and Responsibilities

The next part of your policy document consists of the rules and responsibilities related to the training program. It lets you clearly establish your expectations, boundaries, and collaborations among training providers and participants.

Standards and Guidelines

This section of your policy defines the standards and guidelines, qualifying criteria, and best practices for designing and evaluating training. It ensures you stay compliant with relevant laws, standards and codes of conduct. 

Processes and Procedures

The fourth segment of your HR training policies describes all your steps and actions in planning, implementing, and reviewing training programs. The main purpose of this segment is to guide your training coordinator throughout the training cycle. 

Evaluation and Implementation

This segment clearly defines the process of evaluating training programs and improving them. It includes all your quantitative and qualitative methods required to collect and analyse feedback, identify gaps and opportunities, and implement enhancements.

Review and Update

The final segment of the HR policies training and development defines the criteria and the process of reviewing and updating them. It ensures your policy stays relevant, accurate, and helpful for your company. 

How do We Create a Successful Employee Training Policy in HRM? 

Your employee training policy in HRM can focus on multiple areas, from onboarding new employees to improving the skills of your current workers. Whether you want to create a new or refresh your ongoing training, we have listed a few steps for your help.

Understand Your Organisation’s Needs and Develop Goals and Success Metrics

The first step to creating successful training programs is to establish your business goals and determine how to achieve them. You can consider questions like 


  1. Who your intended audience is
  2. What your short-term and long-term goals are
  3. What is currently lacking in meeting your goals
  4. How to measure success

These will give you an in-depth understanding of why a training program is required in your organisation.

Determine the Employee Training Program Type

Now that your goals and objectives are decided, you must determine what training program to implement. This includes 


  • classroom style
  • workshop style
  • individual or group training
  • skill-based or management training

Focus on Adult Learning Principles

Adults or professionals appearing in your training program are usually more experienced than fresh graduates. Therefore, you must keep certain characteristics of adult learning in mind. This includes


  • incorporating real-world applications
  • providing case studies and mock trials
  • making the content interesting for adult learners
  • involving professionals, like subject matter experts, while developing training content

Developing Your Learning Objectives

Now, you need a clear learning outline that determines what topic you want to cover, the important information to deliver, etc. This helps drive the training program’s structure and ensure you fulfil all critical points. 


Once your plan is ready to implement, you must finalise it and design your training materials accordingly. This includes 


  • e-learning materials
  • physical training
  • PowerPoint slides
  • workbooks 

The next steps are implementing the program, evaluating its performance, gathering feedback, and measuring success. If your training program doesn’t meet your company objectives, you must re-evaluate them. 


A well-designed training program is essential for your business to survive today’s competition. It helps you train new and existing employees to perform their roles effectively and efficiently. This develops their work skills and improves their overall organisational performance. 


Are you looking to hire qualified talents to lead your organisation into the future?


In this process, you can ask 6 Pence to help you assist in temporary and permanent staffing. We help you find skilled employees from our vast database in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai. 


Also Read: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Disciplinary Procedure in HRM

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the training policy process? 

The training policy process includes multiple stages from assessment, motivation, design, delivery, and evaluation of training plans to ensure your new and existing employees meet present organisational needs.

What are the 4 training processes in HRM?

The 4 training processes in HRM include classroom-based training, on-the-job training, coaching or mentoring, and role-playing.

Why is training important in HRM?

Training and development are important in HRM to motivate employees, improve productivity, enhance performance and meet your organisational goals.

Top 6 Video Interview Tips for Jobseekers

video interview tips

If you’re actively looking for jobs, you probably are aware of video interviews being the new norm. Why? It is highly beneficial for both employers and potential employees. 


For jobseekers, it eliminates your commuting time and cost while allowing interviewers to conduct preliminary interviews online. In addition to that, it creates a virtual platform for face-to-face meetings, which was missing in telephonic interviews. 


But, cracking an interview in-person or virtually is equally tricky, and only a few can land a job. Therefore, we offer the best video interview tips for candidates through today’s guide to ease the process.

What is a Video Interview?

Just like in-office interviews, where you simultaneously face a single or a group of interviewers, video interviews do the same but virtually. It is an organised virtual meeting for the interviewer and interviewee to get to know each other via video conferencing. 


The recruiter assesses your abilities, qualifications, motivations, and personality traits for the role through such interviews. On the other hand, you can assess the company’s work culture, career advancement options, and other criteria to accept an offer. 


In most cases, HR will schedule a meeting with you first and send the interview date and link to your email. You can use that link to join the interview on a scheduled date and time.


In the next section, we will be looking at some amazing video interview tips to help you make the right impression.

How to Prepare for a Virtual Interview?

Whether appearing for online or physical interviews, you must be 100% prepared for the interview. According to a recent survey, only 2% of job applicants are selected for an interview. Therefore, preparing for a virtual interview is essential. 


Here are some video interview tips that will help you ace your first professional interaction with a potential employer:

Understand the Video Interview Format

Recruiters mainly use two video interview formats today, i.e., live interviews and pre-recorded interviews. Live interviews happen in real-time, where you and the recruiters interact and give answers live.


On the other hand, in pre-recorded interviews, the recruiter wants you to record your answers and submit them for review. 

Learn About the Company and the Role

Before appearing for any interview, you must know the company and the role you are applying for. Your interviewer may ask questions related to the company to understand if you are fit for the organisation. 


Gone are the days when recruiters primarily relied on only heavyweight resumes. But, they now look into different aspects of a candidate’s characteristics to choose the best-fit talent. 

Identify Your Strengths and Limitations

There is nothing bad in accepting your weaknesses in front of the recruiter. It defines how well you know yourself and what you do to recover them. However, this doesn’t mean you would say, “I procrastinate or I have anger issues.” It creates a negative impression on the recruiter, leading to rejection. You must always show your weakness in a positive light.


On the other hand, you must take pride in defining your strengths without appearing overconfident. For example, you can say, “I’m a fast learner and a good problem solver.” These are your plus points that companies try to find in candidates and understand how they can use you for company growth. 

Practice Mock Interviews 

Online interviews can be intimidating just because of the new setup. Always try to conduct a mock interview using the same app your interviewer sent unless it is extremely niche. Most companies use Zoom, Teams, or Gmail to conduct interviews. 


Opt for a room with ample light, clear background, and nominal noise. Keep your camera at eye level so that only your chest above can be seen. You must check your microphone and internet connectivity.  


You can search for virtual interview questions on Google and list the most common questions when preparing for the best answers.

Make a Compelling Introduction Note

Your first chance to make an everlasting impression on the recruiter is the introduction part. Search for video interview introductions on Google to create a unique one for yourself. This must contain your work experiences, what separates you from others, and why you think you suit the role. 


In addition to that, you can share your qualifications and any additional certificate courses to emphasise your abilities. 

Must-Know Video Interview Tips for Job Seekers

Video interviews require preparation and a good mental setup. However, what sets them apart is that you appear for video interviews in the comfort of your home. 


Candidates can save time and money commuting to the interview location with video tools. Moreover, no geographical boundaries or time barriers are limiting your chances to appear for an interview. 


We have listed the top virtual interview tips for your main day. 

Set up Your Interview Space

One of the main video interview tips is to assist you in creating the first impression that is strong, and unforgettable, but in a good way!


You can wear a formal dress on top of your pyjamas, but the setup must look professional. Recruiters usually get fewer opportunities to identify your uniqueness through virtual conversations. 


Therefore, you must consider your space and environment to create a strong impression on the recruiters. It includes having a clean and uncluttered background and proper lighting.

Ace Your Technology

Virtual interviews are all about technology, which includes a stable internet connection and good control over your device. Also, check your device’s microphone, speaker, and camera. In addition to that, you must download the video conferencing tool beforehand and master the platform.

Show Up Early

Punctuality in an interview, whether online or offline, creates a good impression on the interviewee. You must prepare your setup half an hour before the interview and log in to the platform with the provided link. This is one of the most essential video interview tips.


Additionally, keep your portfolio and documents ready before the interviewer asks you for them. This shows your professionalism and creates a good image for the interviewer. 

Use Positive Body Language

Though the interview isn’t in-person, you cannot disregard body language. This includes avoiding slouching, touching your face, or moving too much. 


At the same time, you must remember to smile, be an active listener, and keep good eye contact. Even for pre-recorded interviews, you must believe you are speaking to a real person. It means you must stay enthusiastic in responding to all the questions so that the recruiter finds you interesting when they review.

Stay Calm Throughout the Interview

Your interviewer can put you in challenging situations to see how you overcome them. In such cases, if you are stressed or overwhelmed, ask the recruiter to give you time. 


You can say, “Can I take a few seconds to think and answer your question.” This doesn’t show your unpreparedness but your sincerity in answering questions professionally. Therefore, video interview practise is a must before you appear in front of the screen.

Don’t Make Conversations Sound Monotonous

Your conversations with the recruiter may get monotonous at some point. In that case, you can choose neutral topics to discuss or ask questions about the company, career opportunities, etc. Additionally, you must focus on the pace of your conversation, which shouldn’t be too slow or too fast. 


We hope these video interview tips have been helpful!

How 6 Pence Helps 

This guide covers all the necessary video interview tips to help you land your dream job. You must know yourself better and learn the essential skills required to keep improving daily. We hope this guide has helped you to understand the best tips for video interviews.


Are you looking to work with top companies in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai? Visit our careers page to know more. 


Aslo Read: 10 Effective HR Strategies for Employee Retention in 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare for a video interview? 

Some integral video interview tips are: ensure you learn common questions, have a good interview location, formal attire, and good body language, and keep a spark in your conversation. 

How can I impress in a video call interview? 

You get a little opportunity to impress the recruiter over a video call interview. However, a good introduction, proper dressing sense, communication skills, and good interview etiquette can help you impress them.

What employers look for in video interviews?

Employers mainly look into your skills and abilities for the role, professionalism, way of communication, and body language.

Staff Outsourcing Company in UAE

staff outsourcing company in UAE

Outsourcing staffing in the UAE is no longer a box-ticking exercise, but most companies are adopting it to expedite their project completions and improve services. 


Firstly, it is because you can accomplish business goals by reducing your costs, and secondly, you don’t have to worry about hiring new employees every time someone leaves or your company grows. Employee outsourcing refers to the practice of contracting worker services to third-party agencies. This is where you will need a staff outsourcing company in UAE. 


You can now find multiple companies that reduce your HR tasks, achieve business flexibility and eliminate extra expenses. Why should you hire these agencies? Are they bringing benefits to your business? Let’s find out the answers from our guide today. 

What is a Staff Outsourcing Company in UAE?

Outsourcing staff recruitment to a third-party agency is now popular among UAE businesses, and the one that handles your requirements is a staff outsourcing company. They help you recruit, hire, and train employees within weeks, according to your business specifications. 


You can delegate tasks that are not only operational but might be outsourcing a job to these third-party providers. They control employee benefits, raises, salaries, and other performance management solutions, reduce overhead expenses and increase your business productivity. 


Some of the popular staff outsourcing services include 


  • Professional outsourcing
  • Manufacturing outsourcing
  • IT outsourcing
  • Project outsourcing
  • Operational outsourcing
  • Process outsourcing

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Staff Outsourcing Company in UAE?

Companies are increasingly opting for staff outsourcing services due to multiple reasons. We have listed some of its benefits for your understanding. 

Cost Savings

One major reason companies outsource their roles or functions to third-party agencies is to save unnecessary expenses. This includes the cost associated with your recruitment process, training your employees, providing them benefits, etc. 


Additionally, you can also save on office space, purchasing equipment, and employee management. Now, you can reinvest those savings into business areas that can maximise your ROI.

Increased Quality and Efficiency

When you’re outsourcing your tasks to highly qualified individuals with sufficient experience and skills, they prove to be incredibly valuable in increasing your work quality and improving organisational efficiency.


Poor labour quality is the biggest hurdle for nearly 52% of small businesses. However, by outsourcing some of your tasks to an experienced agency, you can overcome such challenges and stay competitive. 

Flexibility and Scalability

The requirement for the labour force changes at different points in time. For example, when your business grows, you need more employees to fulfil your extra work. If you are outsourcing employees, you can adjust their numbers depending on your fluctuating work pressure and project requirements. 


This reduces your need to hire more candidates or lay off talents. It allows you to optimise your workforce efficiently and maintain operational efficiency.

Diverse Talent Hiring

Most companies implementing DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity) initiatives must hire talents from diverse backgrounds. However, targeting these talents at a time can be challenging. It is when you can outsource recruitment to an employee outsourcing company with a large, diverse talent database. 


Thus, you can meet people from diverse backgrounds and skill sets to fulfil your business needs. 

Focus on Core Competencies

You can delegate secondary non-core tasks to a staff outsourcing solutions while focusing on your business’s core activities. It will help you enhance operational efficiency, streamline your processes and focus on strategic initiatives that contribute directly to your competitive advantage. 

Risk Reduction 

The best outsourcing companies in UAE verify employees thoroughly before they provide you. This means you can stay confirmed with the candidate’s educational qualification, experience, and background checks. 


Additionally, these companies have guidelines and rules that ensure your sensitive data is safe. 

How do you Choose the Top Staff Outsourcing Company in UAE?

Even though we know what benefits a staff outsourcing company in UAE can bring to your business, if you aren’t choosing the right one, it won’t work. Therefore, let us help you understand how you can choose the right partner.

Experience and Reputation of the Agency

Before hiring an agency, you must research them thoroughly, including their track record and experience working with businesses in your industry. 


Additionally, you must check their clients’ lists, testimonials, and previous projects to accomplish their experience and success rate. 

Service Portfolio

Firstly, you must clearly understand what staffing requirements your company has. Then, you have to start assessing the agency’s service portfolio to check if they can provide you with the necessary staffing needs. Secondly, make sure you ask about the additional services that you might need while scaling your business. 

Fees and Cost Transparency

You must ask for the fees you need for their services and payment structure. Usually, agencies ask you for a fixed monthly or hourly pay. However, there can be hidden charges that the agency doesn’t disclose initially. 


These charges keep increasing over time and can cut your pockets at times. If you are hiring the top staff outsourcing agency, they will offer you a transparent pricing structure. 

Customer Support

The next thing to be sure about while hiring an agency is their customer support. This means how easily you can ease them whenever there’s a need or how quickly they respond to your queries. Moreover, you can also ask about their communication medium to ensure they are always backing you in times of need. 

Compliance Knowledge

If you conduct business in the UAE, you must have a good grip on its legal and regulatory affairs. Similarly, if you are hiring someone to do these tasks on your behalf, you must ensure they have an in-depth knowledge of such regulations. It ensures you stay compliant with the laws and eliminate paying fines and penalties. 

Ask About their Policies

Finally, you must ask the company about its policies related to staff outsourcing, payroll management, termination procedures, etc. This is important to know before hiring them so that you can avoid any misunderstanding later. 

How Does 6 Pence Help With Staff Outsourcing Services?

If you have decided to work with a staff outsourcing company in UAE, 6 Pence can help you with the process. We can assist you in finding the best candidates for your temporary to permanent staffing needs. 


6 Pence is one of the top staff and HR outsourcing agencies in the UAE and have a proven track record of handling staffing solutions for various industries, from IT, telecommunication, banking, and finance to the oil and gas industry.


Our experienced recruiters have access to an extensive candidate database, payroll processing, and even assistance with document verification and visa processing.


For more details on how we work, contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an employee outsourcing company? 

An employee outsourcing company is an agency that fulfils your temporary to permanent staffing requirements to reduce your HR workload, achieve scalability and flexibility, reduce costs, etc. 

What is HR outsourcing? 

HR outsourcing is the practice of handing over some of your HR tasks and administrative activities to a third-party organisation while you can focus on business growth-related objectives. 

What do HR outsourcing companies do?

HR outsourcing companies can do numerous tasks on your behalf, like payroll processing, performance management, benefits administration, recruitment, regulatory compliance, etc.


Also Read: A Complete Guide to Intuitive Personality Test for Hiring Employees

A Complete Guide to Intuitive Personality Test for Hiring Employees

personality test for hiring employees

Recruitment has changed significantly over the past decade, and today’s job market is more employee-centric than ever. 76% of hiring managers constantly find attracting quality candidates challenging, where the entry-level jobs are hardest to fill


However difficult the process may look, you must be careful in choosing employees. They are the foundation blocks of a successful company where one single damage can disrupt your entire business. 


But it’s hard to truly identify a real gem through interviewing alone. Therefore, a personality test for hiring employees is also essential besides conducting professional tests. 


It gives you extra insight into the candidates’ personality traits and behaviours for making better hiring decisions. But which personality test is the best for your business? 

What is a Personality Test for Hiring Employees?

Personality tests for job applicants are not something where a wrong answer will cut off their marks. However, these assessments consist of questions that record how applicants act and respond to particular work situations. 


For example, these tests determine egotistical drive, neuroticism, agreeableness, emotional stability, problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills, etc. This helps you understand how your employees will react in real-life situations. 

Importance of Personality Test for Hiring Employees

With a proper personality test recruitment process becomes more successful. It is because you hire people who align not just by education or experience but also mentally with your company goals. 


Using personality tests for hiring can help you identify the authentic self of candidates, like the hidden portion of an iceberg lying below the surface. 


People’s skills can change over time, just like a disorganised employee can now learn to work organisedly. But, what doesn’t change is someone’s personality; these tests reveal those hidden qualities. Now, these can be good or bad; for good ones, you can use them for company growth, and for the bad ones, think twice before hiring. 


For example, candidates who always find solutions to problems can use their strengths in business growth. On the other hand, you can find candidates who behave well till you satisfy their ego; otherwise, they’re rude. You must carefully decide whether to hire these people in business.


Moreover, personality tests help you save recruitment costs. Why? Suppose you hire a candidate whose personality doesn’t fit the job requirements. Will they be productive at work? In most cases, they leave the company within a few days or months of recruitment and force you to start the hiring process from scratch. 


This kills time, costs you money, and disrupts the whole company process. Therefore, more and more recruiters are using personality tests to hire employees.

6 Types of Personality Test for Hiring Employees

Though different types of personality tests are used for hiring, we have compiled a few important ones for you. These tests are vital in choosing the right talent who blends properly with company culture. 

The Caliper Profile

An individual carries multiple personality attributes that may or may not fit your job role. For example, an egoistic nature will never be helpful while dealing with difficult clients. The Caliper Profile test analyses 23 different personality attributes of a candidate, e.g., egotistical drive, leadership, risk assessment, time management, etc. 


You can score these candidates on a scale of 1 to 99 percentile range. The higher a candidate’s score, the better their suitability in your organisation.

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

Every candidate has a unique way of using perception and judgment in certain situations. MBTI checks such preferences of candidates to understand how they see and react to conditions. 


However, such tests mainly check introversion/extroversion, thinking/feeling, sensing/intuition, and judging/perception. MTBI is a popular pre employment personality assessment test that plays a significant role in interpreting candidate experiences.

Predictive Index (PI) Behavioural Assessment

The PI Behavioural Assessment takes about 12 minutes to assess four main and two secondary aspects of a candidate’s personality. Firstly, the test identifies “dominance”, “patience”, “formality”, and “extroversion” in a candidate, followed by “decision-making” and “response level”. 


It gives you in-depth knowledge about an individual’s suitability for your company. Additionally, you can determine how they are likely to behave in different situations.

DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadfastness, and Conscientiousness) Assessment

While some employees are satisfied with working on simple projects, they stress out when complexity arises. On the other hand, some employees may feel disheartened with simple tasks. 


The DISC assessment helps the recruiter check how candidates think, act, and react to situations. It usually contains short MCQ questions that smoothly capture each participant’s natural responses. Conducting such a behavioural assessment test for employment beforehand protects you from complexities later. 

The Big 5 Test or Five Factor Model (FFM)

Every company must assess if a candidate’s personality matches their role. One of the popular personality assessment tests for employment is the Big 5 test. 


It measures five different psychological aspects of candidates through a set of 60 questions. These personality traits are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. Such a pre-assessment test helps you identify if a prospect is compatible with your team members and the management. 

SJT (Situational Judgement Test) 

Different situations may arise in a workplace, like a problematic customer unsatisfied with your work or an unexpected deadline. The Situational Judgement Test determines how a candidate responds to such situations.


The test comprises questions related to different critical work scenarios and asks candidates the way they handle them. This helps you understand how these candidates will react when similar situations arise in real-time. 


SJT test focuses on employees’ conflict management, problem-solving, negotiation, teamwork, cultural sensitivity, and interpersonal skills. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Today’s employers do not hire just based on qualifications but also look at the prospective employees’ personality and characteristics traits. An employee’s character has a direct impact on a worker’s productivity.


Additionally, it helps you promote a positive work environment. Therefore, you must focus on conducting a personality test for hiring employees today. At 6 Pence, we help you connect with quality talents on a temporary or permanent staffing basis. To know more about our recruitment and staffing process, contact us today!


Also Read: Increase Productivity With Top Employee Training Techniques in HRM

Frequently Asked Questions

What personality test is used for recruitment? 

Numerous personality tests are used today for hiring people, like the Big 5 test, the Caliper Profile, the Predictive Index Behavioural Assessment, the DISC assessment, and the Situational Judgement assessment.

What personality type is best for a recruiter? 

The preferred personality type of a recruiter is one with good judgement, an active listener, a multitasker, and an extrovert. 

What is the Big Five personality test for hiring?

The Big Five personality test for hiring is used to assess five main traits of a candidate, including openness, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

7 Remarkable Ways To Foster Positive Work Environment

positive work environment

Do you know why we prefer going to one place over another? It is because of the vibe we get from the environment. And this holds true for the work environment, where most of us spend about 40 hours weekly. 


Many workers would choose to leave a workplace with a toxic work environment, making it one of the top reasons for leaving a job. A recent survey showed that approximately 60% of people in a toxic workplace said they planned to look for a new job, more than twice those who did not.


If a company isn’t fostering a positive work environment, it cannot retain top talent. A positive workplace is the key facet of all successful companies. When employees feel happy and valued, they put maximum effort into your organisational success. 


Read on to better understand what a positive workplace environment looks like and how to create one. 

What is a Positive Work Environment?

Let us start by being objective:


Can you work productively in a company in chaos and rampant with office politics and discrimination?


The answer is NO!


Everyone hates such a workplace that promotes discrimination and favouritism and increases our stress levels. The work environment has a great influence on every employee’s mental health as they spend most hours of the day in the office. 


A positive work environment refers to a workplace that promotes workers’ safety, mental and physical well-being, professional growth, and personal goal attainment. However, the definition of a positive work environment differs between companies. 


For some, it can focus on creating a good work-life balance or a productive work atmosphere. On the other hand, some may focus on ensuring open and honest communication within the organisation for a positive workplace. We will share multiple strategies to create a positive work environment in the later part of the guide.


According to research, 95% of job seekers believe workplace culture is more essential than compensation. This makes fostering a positive work environment essential to attract and retain top talents. 

Benefits of a Positive Work Environment 

Fostering a positive work environment in your company helps employees at both personal and professional levels. Companies must focus more on creating a healthy and positive workplace that motivates employees to keep going. 


Here are some benefits of how such a workplace benefits your company’s bottom line: 

Increases Organisational Productivity

Employee productivity is an essential part of business health and operational efficiency. Recent studies reveal productive employees can potentially increase profits by 21%. However, to engage employees, you need to focus on building a positive workplace culture. 


When your employees are satisfied and happy, they can complete tasks efficiently and collaborate successfully with other team members. This further leads to organisational growth and success. 

Enhance Employee Retention

Employees getting exposed to a positive work environment are less likely to switch for higher paychecks or opportunities. This improves your retention rate, which saves your resources in finding people to substitute for them. 

Attract Better Talents

When you foster a positive work culture, your existing employees in their network speak highly about you. This, in turn, improves your chance of attracting better talents and retaining them longer.

Supports Workers Well-Being 

Employees today largely suffer from workplace stress and burnout, affecting their work quality. However, by turning positive work environment ideas into reality, you can create a comfortable workplace for them. 


It helps them manage stress and anxiety while improving productivity and work-life balance.

Top Ways to Create a Positive Work Environment 

Are you searching for ideas for creating a positive work environment for your company? We have listed below a few strategies to build a positive workplace.

Prioritise Your Onboarding and Training Process.

Effective onboarding creates an environment for employees to learn and become invested in your company culture. It can take you days to months to complete your onboarding process


But one thing is certain: you must allocate proper tools and resources to new employees to fulfil their roles. This helps you nurture high-performing and engaged team members who contribute to company success.

Treat Your Employees as Humans

Some organisations have a bad reputation for treating their employees poorly. For example, if you are a writer and your company asks you to provide 5000-word scripts daily, do you think it’s humane? 


Instead of treating your employees like machines or resources for your company, try to be more compassionate with them. You can accept some level of their mistakes or try to de-stress them at times. 


Additionally, you can offer a flexible work structure to maintain a proper work-life balance for employees. This not only makes them happy and satisfied but also improves work quality and overall organisational performance.

Eliminating Discrimination

Companies are adopting DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity) measures to eliminate employee discrimination. For example, earlier, people used to discriminate between men and women for different job roles in finances, STEM, etc., but those are now a thing of the past. 


Similarly, giving women better benefits and opportunities compared to men is also not acceptable today. This measure ensures all employees are treated equally and that you don’t promote favouritism. This, in turn, reduces employee stress and anxiety in trying to be the boss’s favourite and rather work hard for the organisation’s success.

Recognise Employee Achievements

Every employee in your company wants recognition for their hard work and contributions. If you aren’t focusing on their achievements, they lose motivation to offer quality work. Therefore, you can show appreciation and respect to employees at different events. 


For example, send a congratulations note or a small gift to workers on their birthdays or work anniversaries. This makes them feel valued and happy, improving your company’s productivity. 

Stop Micromanaging Employees 

Instead of micromanaging your employees, give them the independence to handle their own projects. Though things may not go in the same way as you thought, they can have better outcomes. 


Under such scenarios, employees feel a sense of trust that increases their willingness to work better. When your workers aren’t afraid of managers, they can foster creativity in work. Overall, eliminating micromanaging is among the best ways to create a positive culture in the workplace. 

Allow Open and Clear Communications

Aren’t you sure about how to describe the work environment in your company presently? Ask your employees. You must always encourage feedback from your team members. It gives you a clear idea of what your company is currently missing and considers their thoughts on improving them. 


This makes your workers feel valued, and you can consistently improve your brand to attract top talent. Every company must foster good and clear communication between workers and management. It helps you understand what employees expect from you and what you expect from them. 

Support Professional Growth 

Today’s workers aren’t satisfied with just good paychecks; they also look for growth opportunities while choosing companies. Therefore, you must set aside a budget for positive work environment training and other career development courses for workers. 


This not only improves their work quality but also leads to company success in the long run. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Building a positive work environment in your company can be a time-consuming process. It requires a lot of planning, research, and effort to implement ideas into reality. But in today’s job market, if you can create a welcoming workplace and just, you not only lose employees but your brand image also gets tarnished.


Surviving in an employee-centric job market can be tough, but with 6 Pence, you can find the best-fit people for your company. At 6 Pence, we can take over your struggles and provide you with temporary and permanent staff outsourcing whenever needed. We are operational only in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain and Dubai. To know more, contact us today!


Also Read: A Guide To Adopting Employee Referral Bonus Policy

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why is it important to have a good work environment? 

It is essential to provide your employees with a good work environment to foster productivity and employee engagement. Additionally, it helps retain top talents, ensure employee well-being, and boost overall business performance.

What promotes a positive work environment? 

There are several ways to create a positive work environment, including prioritising the onboarding process, restricting micro-management, promoting open communication and team collaboration, employee recognition, and proper training.

What are the two characteristics of a positive work environment?

The two important components of a positive work environment are safety and equity.

Why Must Businesses Know About the Importance of Job Satisfaction for Employees?

importance of job satisfaction for employees

In the current job market, the power lies with the employees, who choose if they want the job you offered or not! If hiring is difficult, then imagine how challenging it is to retain these talents whom your competitors often headhunt.  


You know the best way to keep employees in your company: provide them with a nurturing, positive, and egalitarian work environment.  If your employees aren’t satisfied with what they do, there’s no way of retaining them in the company. On the other hand, job satisfaction drives the productivity of employees and their efficiency, leading to better business outcomes. 


In this blog, let us look at the importance of job satisfaction for employees and how, as an employer, you can foster that in your company.

Importance of Employee Job Satisfaction: What it Means

The importance of job satisfaction for employees differs from person to person. For some people, it motivates them to keep working and follow their passion. Meanwhile, for others, it allows them to maintain an excellent work-life balance. Therefore, job satisfaction as a whole refers to how content your employees are in the role they play in your organisation.


The new-age employees believe that job satisfaction is more important than money. This is, to an extent, true because money can’t buy you happiness, but job satisfaction can. When you are satisfied with your role and responsibilities, you can take care of your physical and mental health. In a survey by Statista, almost 45% of respondents chose impactful work as a crucial organisational attribute in 2023. This is brought about mainly by career advancement opportunities, employer ethics, and compensation. 


Now, there are different types of job satisfaction. For example, a worker might be satisfied by doing simple jobs and getting regular paychecks. On the other hand, someone might find satisfaction in meeting professional challenges. 


However, the critical ingredients of job satisfaction for employees include job security, positive working conditions, fair pay and benefits, clear communications, recognition, and career development. 

What are the Business Outcomes of Job Satisfaction of Employees?

Do you think customer satisfaction is more important than ever today? Obviously, it is, but for companies to achieve that, you first need to focus on employee job satisfaction. 


For example, Starbucks introduced health insurance for all employees despite their excessive costs. The main mantra behind that was if the management looks out for their employees, the employees will look out for their customers. 


Let us now discuss job satisfaction and why it is essential in business.

Improved Employee Retention

Is your company suffering from high employee turnover? If so, it’s time to work on your employee job satisfaction factors. A satisfied worker is more likely to stay in your business. It, in turn, saves your time and money in recruiting staff every time an employee leaves.

Better Talent Attraction

In today’s candidate-driven job market, companies need to focus on their employee relationships. A happy employee will leave positive reviews on social media platforms like LinkedIn or on company review websites. This further helps you attract other top talents, who often consider employee satisfaction important before joining.

Boost Employee Engagement and Company Productivity

Whenever you are fostering job satisfaction for employees in a company, you tend to build an engaged workforce. Though job satisfaction and employee engagement are two different terms, they have a connection in between. 


Engaged employees are a sign of better job satisfaction; a satisfied employee may or may not be engaged. Engaged employees often go the extra mile to deliver on the work.


Satisfied employees usually have more focus and take pride in their work compared to unhappy workers. If you can multiply the number of satisfied workers in your company, you can be a highly efficient team. 


Together, they put additional effort into achieving your organisational goals, enhancing productivity, and boosting work quality. Additionally, employees who are satisfied with their positions build solid internal relationships, leading to better collaboration. They share thoughts and information and contribute to boosting overall performance and efficiency.


Thus, you must focus on the importance of job satisfaction for employees to meet organisational goals better. 

Creating a Positive Workplace Culture 

If your employees aren’t satisfied with their work, they might become toxic over time, leading to chaos and business disruptions. On the other hand, happy employees tend to give out positive vibes, making your company a better place to work. 


They can motivate other workers, improve overall work quality, satisfy customers, and boost business productivity. Furthermore, a positive workplace culture has a better potential for attracting, hiring, and retaining top talents in a company

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is important, especially in a competitive marketing place and for service-based companies. But who is directly connected with your clients? Your company employees. 


So, if you aren’t promoting strategies to improve employee satisfaction in their job, they lose interest in working for you. This, in return, may affect your bond with customers, and, in the worst cases, you may lose them forever. 


On the other hand, a satisfied worker will put extra effort into customer satisfaction and ensure the boost of your loyal base. 

Reduce Operational Costs

From the brim of a glass, you may not find how job satisfaction reduces operational costs. But when you go down the glass, you can see job satisfaction in retaining top talents in the company. 


This ensures they don’t leave you any time soon, leading to spending time and money on finding new people. Additionally, you need to invest in training new people before starting work. On the other hand, it can disrupt your entire business, causing unseen losses.

How does 6 Pence Help

There are numerous ways to improve job satisfaction in a company. For example, asking for regular employee feedback and making changes in the company accordingly, or implementing rewards and recognition to motivate talents, etc. 


The significance of the study of job satisfaction of employees will help you plan multiple strategies to retain talents and improve work culture. We hope this article has been able to shed some light on the importance of job satisfaction for employees and employers alike. 


Are you looking for a staff outsourcing company in UAE, Oman, Iraq, and Bahrain? We can help you with end-to-end recruitment and temporary and permanent staffing solutions and can find you the best-fit candidates.


Also Read: 7-Step Guide To Improve Recruitment Process in Organisations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of job satisfaction? 

The importance of job satisfaction for employees is huge as it describes how content they are in fulfilling their current role. A happy employee has a better balance between work and life, improved work quality, and a motivation to improve. 

Why is job satisfaction is important than a big salary? 

We know money is essential for survival, but it cannot always bring you happiness. On the other hand, job satisfaction can make you a happy person who works because they love to do it and not because of their financial needs. However, compensation plays a good part in offering job satisfaction to employees. 

What are the levels of job satisfaction?

There are mainly two levels of job satisfaction: effective job satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction. 

The first one refers to the holistic emotional reaction of individuals about their jobs, and the latter defines how fulfilled a worker is with their employment.

The HR’s Guide To Developing Digital Recruiting Strategies

digital recruiting strategies

Quality candidates are now a rare gem for companies, making recruitment a real hurdle. Research says candidates drive the job market today, and recruiters are mere job sellers. Gone are the days of printing job ads, and phone interviews have almost become history. In such cases, how do you find the right people to fill your job vacancies?


The best way to engage the modern workforce is by building successful digital recruiting strategies.  Are you still not prepared for these new norms? Our guide will help you build extraordinary strategies and ease your recruitment process. 

What are Digital Recruiting Strategies?

Before we look out for the different digital recruiting strategies, let us understand what digital recruitment is. It describes the process of sourcing, identifying, evaluating, selecting, and hiring candidates with modern technologies for multiple job roles. 


It includes using social media, job boards, career websites, mobile recruiting, etc., to reach the vast talent pool.  


According to resources, 99% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS (Applicant Tracking System) for recruitment. This has not only been their recruitment process but has also helped them reach the right talents. With digital tools, you can extend your talent hunt beyond geographic boundaries and enable remote hiring. 

Traditional vs. Digital Recruiting Strategies 

Recruiters spend a lot of time posting job ads and hiring top talents. This includes manually handling paper resumes, sorting candidates, gathering orientation documents, etc. This results in digression from high-impact priorities or recruitment core activities. 


The digital recruitment process ensures fastening the hiring process, making it highly efficient and budget-friendly. However, some activities like interviewing candidates cannot be better performed by machines. But tasks like document gathering, candidate assessment, and sending interview notifications can be automated. 


It means you can transform some parts of the traditional recruitment process into an automated system. Digital recruiting strategies automate repetitive manual tasks and focus on activities that require human effort and judgement. 

Why Should You Have Digital Recruiting Strategies?

Before we move to building digital recruiting strategies, let us know if it is really needed in your company. For that, you must first look into the advantages of digital recruitment. 

Broader Reach

A digital recruitment marketing strategy can help you attract and hire employees globally without geographical limitations. 

Improved Efficiency 

Such a strategy can improve hiring process efficiency by reducing time and cost-per-hire. For example, digital recruitment tools can automatically source candidates and screen resumes, thus reducing the time to hire. 

Boost ROI

The time required to fill a vacant position is reduced with digital recruitment due to the automation of repetitive manual tasks. This, in turn, reduces the cost-per-hire while enabling your reach to top talents, thus boosting ROI.

Top Tips for Building Digital Recruiting Strategies 

The transition from traditional recruitment strategies to digital hiring may feel daunting. However, to improve your process, we have compiled top tips for building digital recruiting strategies for you. 

Develop a Strong Digital Brand

You must create a fabulous online presence before delving into the digital recruitment process. Almost all top companies globally are investing in employer branding online. The chances of losing potential candidates increase if you aren’t one among them. 


Firstly, you must determine your company’s mission, values, and visual identity. This helps you to define your brand and ensure people remember you clearly. Next, build an SEO-friendly website and improve your presence on multiple social media channels


To keep your audience engaged with your brand, you must create and share valuable content. Additionally, try to respond to comments and reviews and establish yourself as an authority. This helps in building trust and attracting talent. 


Finally, you must track the progress of your branding strategy and fill up gaps, if left any. 

Choose the Top Digital Recruitment Platform

Digital platforms indeed expose you to huge audiences. But what if they aren’t the ones you want to target? Therefore, to reach the right audience, you must know where to look for them. You can choose a single platform depending on the target location, industry, or multiple ones to increase your chances of success. 


However, job boards and social media are the most popular ways of reaching top talents today. 

Job Boards

Identify the right ones while using job boards for Internet recruitment marketing strategies. For example, an international or remote job board can be helpful if you aren’t hiring candidates based on location. Similarly, choosing niche job boards is better if you target specific industry professionals. 

Social Media

Social media, on the other hand, is the top platform for digitally diverse recruitment. You pay and advertise your job vacancy on social media platforms, e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc., to reach out to a broader pool of talent. 


These can be more effective if you are active and have hundreds of followers. Social media lets you network, search for prospects, and engage with potential talents.

Use Recruitment Marketing Tactics.

The essential feature for a successful recruitment is having a well-defined recruitment marketing strategy. Firstly, you must focus on developing your brand and then on strengthening its branding. You can use certain marketing methods, like


  1. Building a talent pipeline and engaging with them regularly
  2. Inbound and outbound marketing practices to attract top talents
  3. Leverage referrals and internal recruitment tactics to search for suitable candidates

No matter what marketing method you choose, you must monitor your performance. Some popular marketing metrics include time-to-fill, quality of hire, conversion rate, open job views, and candidate engagement.

Prioritise Candidate Experience

If you aren’t prioritising candidate experience, all your recruitment efforts will suffer. Resources say candidates with poor recruitment experience reject job offers the most. At times, such experiences can even affect your company’s reputation, especially when they share negative reviews with others. 


According to research, 72% of candidates with poor recruitment experience shared feedback online or with someone directly. Therefore, you must focus on creating an excellent candidate experience by


  1. Outlining employee responsibilities clearly in job ads
  2. Make the application and hiring process simple and effective
  3. Provide timely responses and feedback
  4. Be transparent and consistent throughout all the hiring stages
  5. Using a combination of automation tools and recruiter judgement 

Whenever you create an excellent candidate experience, you can improve the quality of hires, boost reputation, and fill vacancies faster.

Use Software for Recruitment

You can use multiple tools like an Applicant Tracking System, Candidate Relationship Management system, and more. These tech solutions ease your recruitment process, improve candidate engagement and build a stronger talent pipeline. 


Additionally, they help you respond to candidates timely and build strong bonds. Above that, it makes the whole hiring process unbiased and allows you to choose people depending on their merits.

Optimise Hiring with Data and Insights

Finally, performance tracking is essential in any digital recruitment strategy. It helps you adjust and optimise your processes and look for areas needing improvement. 


However, you must first define your performance tracking metrics, like cost, time to hire, etc. You then need to use different systems for insights into various bottlenecks in your strategy. Finally, make changes to your digital recruiting strategies as required. 

How Does 6 Pence Help With Recruitment? 

High-quality digital recruiting strategies can improve your overall hiring efforts. You can attract a wider pool of professionals globally and hire talents without geographical limitations. In addition, by automating some of your manual tasks, these strategies reduce your time to hire and its related costs. However, if digital hiring isn’t your cup of tea, contact us today!


With 6 Pence, you can streamline your digital recruiting strategies with ease. We are the leading staff outsourcing company in UAE, Iraq, Bahrain, and Oman, connecting with top talent. Give 6 Pence a try and see how we make recruitment simple!


Also Read: 5 Tips to Improve Your Human Resource Employee Relations

Frequently Asked Questions 

 What are the digital recruitment strategies?

Digital recruitment strategies refer to creating and posting job ads on multiple platforms, from job boards and career websites to social media, improving candidate experience, leveraging marketing strategies, and performance tracking. The main objective of such strategies is to attract a wider candidate pool and hire top talents in the company in less time, cost, and effort.

What is an example of digital recruitment? 

One example of digital recruitment is using ATS or Applicant Tracking System to source candidates and filter resumes according to company requirements. Reviewing and ranking resumes by matching criteria requires less than a second. Therefore, recruiters can consider only the first few ranked applications for further hiring process. 

What are the benefits of digital recruitment?

There are several advantages of digital recruitment, including a faster and more efficient hiring process, access to a vast talent pool, improved candidate experience, and reduced costs. By using digital recruitment tools, you can automate various tasks and streamline the recruitment process, resulting in better outcomes for employers and candidates.

Why Hire the Top Outsourcing Agency in Iraq for Recruitment and HR Operations?

top outsourcing agency in Iraq

A business can only be successful if its employees are talented. Whether running a multinational company, an e-commerce business, or a retail store, recruiting top talents that fit your business values is a must. However, this recruitment process isn’t easy, especially when the job market is candidate-centric and suffers from a labour shortage. 


Here comes the need for the top outsourcing agency in Iraq. These people have the right knowledge and expertise to help you recruit quality talent. This guide will cover why outsourcing recruitment and HR tasks are gaining popularity among Iraqi businesses.

What are Outsourced Recruitment Services?

Recruiting top talents in your company can be troublesome as it requires a lot of time and effort. Moreover, there remains a chance of a bad hire due to your in-house team’s lack of expertise, skills, and access to the right network. 


Here comes the need for outsourced recruitment services, which small to established companies are ready to invest in for their advantages. Outsourcing recruitment services refers to the total or partial outsourcing of your internal recruitment function to a specialist or an agency that acts as your extended recruitment team. 


These services can help you resolve recruiting challenges like 


  • strategic candidate sourcing
  • selecting and interviewing
  • recruiting
  • onboarding

Moreover, they can also help you improve employer branding, candidate reference checking, and workforce planning.


You can outsource certain HR functions like payroll and benefits administration, recruitment and onboarding, employee training and development, legal compliance, and performance management.

Why Hire the Top Outsourcing Agency in Iraq?

According to research, the global outsourcing services market is expected to increase at a CAGR of 5.54% from 2020 to 2027. It isn’t restricted to any particular industry, but companies in every sector are outsourcing at least one of their services. 


Now let us understand why you should consider employee outsourcing companies for your recruitment. 

Better Recruitment 

When using staff outsourcing services, you can work with specialist recruiters. These people have the experience and expertise to carefully source and screen individuals who match your company’s requirements perfectly. 


However, with global employment outsourcing services, you can attract and retain these talents in business. It is mainly because they have experience and understanding of your specific needs, objectives and constraints and can deliver results that fit your operations.

Faster Hires

The hiring process in your company can be time-consuming as you must go through multiple steps before selecting a candidate. According to research, companies usually lose nearly 89% of potential talents due to their prolonged screening process


On the other hand, numerous other people leave you midway due to complex interviews, the long application process, improper communication, etc. However, top HR outsourcing companies already have a large talent database and know the ideal sourcing channels. This helps them fetch candidates to fill your vacancies faster. 

Broader Candidate Reach

No matter whether you wish to recruit local people or expats, these top HR outsourcing companies can help. They have a large pool of talent locally and internationally. They can assist you in selecting a particular type of staff member as per your needs. 


Moreover, they allow you to promote inclusivity and diversity in business by connecting you with talents from different backgrounds. 

Strengthening Business Models

The top outsourcing agency in Iraq can evaluate and forecast future market trends that can impact your business. With their knowledge and skills, they can advise you on how to deal with such situations, help you identify skill gaps, and balance the demand and supply of workers for hard-to-fill roles. 


Thus, they encourage a steady business expansion by implementing a dynamic recruitment support system based on in-depth data analysis. 

Improves Recruitment Flexibility and Scalability

Depending on your objectives, your business may have different recruitment needs throughout the year. However, understanding how many employees you need at certain points for maximum productivity can be challenging. 


The top outsourcing agency in Iraq can foresee and handle such scenarios efficiently. Moreover, they can ensure you provide the correct number of qualified people for your vacancies at all times. 

Leveraging the Latest Recruitment Techniques

You must stay on top of emerging trends in hiring top employees to survive the competition and remain relevant. For top recruitment agencies, creating and applying the newest hiring technologies is their priority. They keep track of such technologies and modern strategies to hire candidates that fit your company’s goals. 

Reduced Risk of Employee Turnover

When you hire the right fit for your roles and provide them with a thriving work environment, you will find a reduced chance of employees leaving. Employee turnover can greatly impact business outcomes; thus, working with a specialised agency can help you mitigate this challenge.

Allow you to Focus on Core Activities

When outsourcing your recruitment and HR services to an agency, your employees get time to focus on core activities. This includes handling end-to-end candidate sourcing, communicating with potential employees, creating strategies for employee growth, improving customer service, and focusing on business success. 

Cost-Effective Solutions

Firstly, hiring talents for your in-house HR team can be costly as you need to pay them benefits over high salaries. But for recruitment outsourcing agencies, you pay a small fee for their services. Additionally, they can speed up your recruitment process and save up funds for advertising, sourcing and selecting candidates. 

Why is 6 Pence Considered a Top Outsourcing Agency in Iraq?

So, are you looking for a top outsourcing agency in Iraq that can make hiring easy, streamlined, and optimised for your brand? Then look no further than 6 Pence. 


We help you focus on core business activities and growth objectives without worrying about staffing and HR functions. We have been the leading outsourcing provider for recruitment and staffing solutions in the Republic of Iraq, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Sultanate of Oman, and Dubai, UAE.


Let us look at some of the key defining features that make us one of the leading recruitment partners for Iraqi businesses:


  • We have served 1000+ clients across leading MNCs and public companies over the last 17 years.
  • 6 Pence specialises in staff outsourcing, payroll outsourcing, PRO services, recruitment and promoters management
  • Our extensive talent database is made up of high-quality candidates.
  • We have an employee self-service portal that helps employers and employees directly complete job-related tasks previously handled by HR.
  • 6 Pence directly communicates with their client businesses rather than connecting with any intermediaries and subsidiaries to maintain privacy and data security. 
  • Don’t limit your talent pool; we help with international hires. Our team also helps you with visa applications, labour cards, other documentation and approvals.
  • With us, you can hire permanent staff and people for long-term and short-term assignments, as well as contractual and temporary staff.
  • 6 Pence has experienced recruiters who understand the requirements of our business partners and find talents who match them. 
  • With us, you can reduce the cost and time to hire. 

6 Pence aims to help all our business partners with best-in-class outsourcing services that can improve their recruitment process and streamline HR formalities and payroll processes.


Connect with us today to know more!


Also Read: Why Automate Employee Onboarding in Organizations?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a staff outsourcing agency? 

A staff outsourcing agency offers temporary to permanent employee services to third-party companies. It can reduce your HR workload, achieve recruitment flexibility and minimise overheads.

What is the purpose of an outsourcing company? 

The purpose of an outsourcing company is to help you recruit high-quality staff and offer HR services so that you can spend time on core business operations.

What are the three advantages of staff outsourcing?

The three advantages of staff outsourcing are better and faster recruitment, cutting expenses, and strengthening business models.

7 Methods To Ensure Fair Hiring Practises in Organisations

fair hiring practises

Implementing fair hiring practises in business is no longer an option but an absolute necessity. Simply put, such practises ensure you promote diversity, equality, and inclusivity in business, attracting top talent. 


Resources say nearly 67% of job seekers apply for a company that encourages workplace diversity. These statistics depict the importance of fair hiring in every organisation. Otherwise, you are going to lose top talents from applying for your vacancies. 


Recruitment today is more than just finding the right people with experience and qualifications, but the “best hire”. A bad hire not only puts a dent in your company funds but also leads to decreased productivity, wasted time, and low morale. 


Under such scenarios, how fair are your fair hiring practises? This guide will help you better understand fair chance hiring practises. 

What are Fair Hiring Practises?

These days, companies prefer hiring a top-quality candidate who can contribute to the company’s profit rather than miss out on an opportunity because of discrimination based on gender or country of origin.


Fair hiring strategies involve selecting candidates based on their abilities to perform the role rather than considering unrelated, subjective factors. Simply put, you must choose candidates because of their merit, not personal characteristics. 


For example, there’s a popular misconception that women cannot work like men, limiting their recruitment in companies. A recent study depicts the participation rate of women in the current global labour force is below 47%, while for men, it’s 72%. But when you eliminate these discriminating factors, you are more likely to tap into the yet undiscovered talent pool. 


Such fair hiring techniques eliminate unconscious biases or stereotypical ideologies and contribute to innovations in your business. 


Implementing equitable and fair hiring practises at every stage of the recruitment process is essential. It ensures you comply with anti-discrimination laws, labour laws, and fair hiring of employees act in the country. 


But the question is how to achieve a fair hiring standard. You can follow fair employment practises examples, like incorporating blind hiring practice, using inclusive language in job descriptions, using recruiting tools, etc. In the later part of the guide, we will discuss how to implement these hiring practises. 

Why Adopt Fair Hiring Practises in Organisations?

According to some predictions, by 2030, the Global talent shortage will be over 85 million people. Companies struggle to find quality candidates for their roles in these dire conditions. 


Therefore, it is important to implement strategies that act as bait to both active and passive talents. Active talents are those who are actively looking for jobs. Passive talents already work in another company and aren’t actively looking for jobs but will switch when better opportunities arise. When a company that promotes DEI measures through a fair and transparent recruitment process, they can attract these talents as well. 


There are numerous reasons for adopting an equal employment opportunity in organisations. 


  1. Firstly, it adds a touch of creativity and innovation to your business. 
  2. Secondly, hiring people from different backgrounds instils fresh perspectives. 
  3. Additionally, fair hiring ensures you choose talents that align with your business culture and values. 
  4. Finally, you have lower employee turnover, higher retention rates, better productivity, and an improved brand reputation.

Ways to Ensure Fair Hiring Practises in Your Organisation 

The start of creating a diverse and inclusive workforce is introducing fair hiring practises in companies. We have listed a few ways to implement such practises in organisations.

Use Inclusive Language in the Job Description

The first mistake in the recruitment process is using non-inclusive language in job descriptions. 


For example, you write, “We need a fresh graduate under 28”; this clearly indicates you are biased towards people above that age group. 


Other mistakes include using jargon that ordinary people don’t understand, use of gender-coded languages, unconscious biases towards race, disability, or elitism, etc. 


Instead, you must have a clear job description listing the qualifications, experiences, skills, and knowledge required for the post. You must keep a keen eye towards employee benefits and promote equality. 


For example, instead of using maternity, go for the term parenthood, as raising children is the responsibility of both parents. 

Promote Your EEO Policy

Every company must have its EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) policy outlining the steps to promote equality in employment opportunities. Ensure you also have a well-written EEO policy explaining your hiring processes, the tools you mainly use, and your approach towards fair hiring. 


Moreover, you can include the link to your policy in your job advertisements and company career pages. This will help applicants get a clear image of your recruitment process and ensure fair hiring practises.

Implement Blind Hiring Practises

One of the great ways to ensure fair hiring is by implementing an anonymous or blind recruitment process. These practises remove subjective and non-job-related information from the first stage of hiring. You can use software like an application tracking system to anonymously source and verify candidates’ resumes. 


Also, pre-screening resumes for objective information can be helpful in fair hiring. This removes unconscious biases from the recruitment process and ensures you focus mainly on objective criteria. 

Set Fixed Candidate Selection Criteria

After sourcing candidates’ resumes, the next step in the hiring process is filtering candidates. You must ensure this part is fair and transparent for all applicants. 


This means you must focus on the merit of a candidate, such as their knowledge, skills, and abilities. In addition to that, you can also discuss the attitude and behaviours required to fulfil specific job roles. For example, a sales representative must have problem-solving skills, while an accountant’s speciality is their attention to detail. 

Incorporate Skill Assessment

While assessing candidates, you can adopt skills-based hiring approaches to ensure fair recruitment. Rather than relying only on resumes, you must assess candidates’ skills and competencies. 


For example, use cognitive ability assessments or personality questionnaires to measure applicants’ skills and qualities. 

Create Standard Interview Questions

You must create a structured interview process for your recruitment team. This removes biases from the interview process, and candidates feel equally treated. 


Not only is preparing a set of interview questions sufficient, but it also makes sure the team strictly follows them. This way, you can prevent recruiters from asking discriminatory questions and discouraging applicants. 

Train Your Recruiters

You must invest in training recruiters on fair and equitable hiring practises, employment law, interview skills, and DEI measures. Additionally, you can create diverse hiring teams to remove biases and improve fairness in the hiring process. 

How Does 6 Pence Help with Fair Hiring Practises?

Fair hiring practises are beneficial for candidates and companies alike.  However, if hiring top talents is difficult, contact 6 Pence. If you are struggling to hire the right talent, connect with us. 


We have almost two decades of experience in temporary and permanent staffing solutions. By working with us, you can access an extensive candidate pool and experienced recruiters, enabling you to hire top talents from anywhere worldwide. We also help to process work visas and perform document verification. Connect with us to know more.


Also Read: A Guide To Adopting Employee Referral Bonus Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is fair treatment for employees? 

Fair employee treatment refers to no discrimination, no backstabbing, no deceiving remarks, and treating all employees with the same respect and values.

What is fair treatment of workers’ ethics? 

Fair treatment of workers’ ethics refers to an aspect of your organisation’s justice concerning both process and outcome impartiality. Fair and equal treatment involves fulfilling employees’ unique needs, motivations, and goals equally without playing favourites among their ranks. 

What is an example of fair treatment?

One example of fair treatment is equal pay for equal skill and work. It means you should equally compensate your employees based on their skills and work irrespective of gender, religion, age, etc.

How is Inbound Recruiting Beneficial for Businesses in 2023?

inbound recruiting

Are you looking for ways to attract and retain top talents in your organisation? Research says nearly 72.8% of recruiters need help finding job-relevant candidates. On the other hand, most of the qualified candidates are already employed and are not actively looking for new employment.


These statistics prove how challenging it is to fill open positions. Gone are the days when companies relied on job fairs, print ads, and classifieds to attract talent. Instead, you now need to switch to using different marketing strategies. 


One such is inbound recruiting, which mainly uses favourable content to promote your brand and make it more attractive for prospective employees. This guide explains more about such recruitment strategies and helps you create an effective one for your company.

What is Inbound Recruiting?

Candidates see tens of job adverts regularly, which makes them no longer enticed by flashy posters and lucrative job messages. Thus, it has become difficult for companies to attract top candidates. 


Thus, companies must choose different digital marketing approaches. Inbound recruiting is a non-intrusive talent acquisition strategy used today to improve engagement with future hires. It includes creating and marketing targeted content to enhance employer branding that attracts top talents. 

Difference Between Inbound and Outbound Recruitment

Inbound recruiting is like inbound marketing for recruiters, where you create needs that help talents realise what they are missing. Whereas outbound recruitment is similar to sales, where you reach out to candidates with job opportunities, and they choose you. 


In a candidate-centric job market, where people prefer choosing companies over annoying job messages, inbound recruiting holds the reins.


Let us take an example to understand inbound and outbound recruitment better. Suppose you are going out fishing with a net. You bait the hook and provide an attractive lure, but the fish decides to swim and take the bait. This is inbound recruiting, where the company provides lucrative offerings, and candidates go to your company themselves.


However, the scene is different if you are fishing with the trawler. You have a big net attached to a boat; you cast that net in the lake and catch fish. It doesn’t require luring or waiting longer for fish to take the bait.


Outbound recruitment is where the company fetches candidates with direct outreach methods. This method doesn’t attract passive candidates who aren’t looking for jobs actively, and you lose the top talents in the market. 


Inbound recruiting

Outbound recruiting

FocusesCandidate-centric recruitment approachTraditional company-driven recruitment approach
PurposeCreating a talent pipeline for the futureFilling the company’s immediate job openings
BrandingIt requires proactive employer brandingNo such branding is needed for immediate hiring needs 
Outreach methodsMainly uses content marketing and improving social media presence to boost brand engagementUses almost all direct outreach methods like emails, cold calls, job postings, DMs, etc
Relationship buildingPuts special attention towards relationship building with top talentsLargely focused on immediate hires and least attention towards relationship building 
CostIt is generally cost-effective as most investment goes towards building employer branding and online presence.This can be a bit expensive as direct outrage methods require more resources.


What are the Main Elements of Inbound Recruiting?

Are you developing an inbound recruiting strategy? If yes, then you must understand the key elements of this strategy to attract more candidates and build a talent pipeline. 

Building a Strong Employer Brand

Employer branding is essential for inbound recruiting, showcasing your culture, values, and missions. This information must appeal to your potential candidates to motivate them to work at your organisation. 

Content Marketing

People look for valuable content on search engines to understand the latest trends and market changes better. You can utilise a content marketing strategy to create and market educational content and engage potential candidates. 


This may include blog posts, webinars, sharing resources, etc., providing valuable insights into your industry. Whenever candidates find your industry lucrative and have career development opportunities, they engage with you. 

Career Websites

This essential element of inbound recruiting performs as a central hub for all recruitment-related information. All your leads, no matter where they come from, visit your career page to better understand your workplace and job openings. 


Therefore, you must ensure an easy-to-navigate website, feature current job openings, and provide valuable insights into your culture and company values. 

Social Media Presence and Engagement

Inbound marketing for recruitment agencies requires an excellent social media presence. You can share valuable insights into your workplace culture and ethics, job openings, and more on these platforms and engage potential candidates. 


They further share your updates with others in the network and help to create a wider talent pool. 

Encourage Employee Advocacy

You can encourage your current employees to be brand ambassadors and share their experiences online. This helps in inbound recruiting by creating a positive impression of your brand to potential candidates. 

Create Talent Pools

Whenever you find potential candidates are engaging with your company, create talent communities or pools. These communities consist of people who already expressed interest in your organisation. 


You must nurture relationships with them and contact them immediately when job openings arise. You can also use candidate relationship management tools to nurture and manage relationships with potential candidates

What are the Benefits of Inbound Recruiting in Businesses? 

By now, you must have understood inbound recruitment meaning; let us now see its benefits in businesses.

Attract Quality Candidates

An inbound recruiting strategy makes you attractive to potential candidates who come and apply for your openings. It allows you to showcase company culture, values, and missions that enhance brand recognition. Therefore, this strategy helps you attract high-quality candidates who genuinely take the lead to apply for your jobs. 

Build a Diverse Talent Pool

Inbound recruiting urges recruiters to nurture relationships with top candidates attracted to their organisations. You can post content by keeping diversity and inclusivity in mind to attract talent from diverse backgrounds. 


It differs from investing in direct outreach methods, where unintentional biases may restrict opportunities. Additionally, by promoting DEI initiatives through your content, you can create a good impression and expand your talent pool. 

Boost Employer Brand

Unlike outbound recruiting, this strategy focuses on building employer brands to attract talent. They don’t sell jobs to candidates and convince them to apply. 


Instead, they ask you to focus on improving your online presence, brand reputation, and candidate engagement and implementing different marketing activities that indirectly target and attract talents.


In addition to that, candidates may share their positive impression of your brand in their network. Thus, they provide additional marketing to your company and help you meet professionals in the industry.

Improve Candidate Experience

Whenever you use an inbound recruitment strategy, you foster a sense of community among potential talents. This improves their engagement with your brand and helps you build longer-lasting relationships. 


Now, you don’t have to advertise jobs or cold calls whenever your organisation has a vacancy. Candidates will visit your website to keep themselves updated with job vacancies.

Reduces Cost Per Hire

Inbound recruiting is comparatively more cost-effective than outbound recruiting, primarily focusing on improving branding. This requires improving social media presence, boosting brand reputation, using content marketing, etc. 


These are usually cost-effective measures that require little updates regularly and drive the best outcomes for longer periods. On the other hand, outbound recruitment strategies use direct outreach methods that need more resources and are costly practices. 

How 6 Pence Helps 

Inbound recruiting can be time-consuming, but its advantages will make you want to pursue it. You can meet passive candidates besides the ones actively looking for jobs and fill your vacancies anytime. 


Additionally, such strategies help boost employer branding and reputation and reduce cost-per-hire. At 6 Pence, we help companies in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai find top talent smoothly. To learn about our process and services, contact us today!


Also Read: Employee Attrition Rate: Causes & Reduction Strategies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is inbound recruitment? 

Inbound recruitment refers to the approach of making your company attractive enough for potential candidates such that they directly come to you rather than you going out and fetching them. 

What is the difference between inbound recruiting and outbound recruiting? 

Inbound recruiting refers to boosting employer branding and attracting potential talents through content. On the other hand, outbound recruiting refers to using different direct outreach methods to target candidates for immediate hiring needs.

7 Step Guide To Building a Talent Acquisition Team

building a talent acquisition team

Have you ever wondered what makes Google stand out of the crowd? It is mainly because of the talents working behind the scenes. The contributions of an employee towards the company assist in improving their productivity and overall performance. 


Therefore, your organisational success and growth hinge upon your ability to attract and retain top talents. This makes building a talent acquisition team more essential than ever. But how do you build such teams in your organisation? Let’s go through a few tips as shared in the blog. 

What is a Talent Acquisition Recruiter?

Firstly, let us understand what talent acquisition is before building a talent acquisition team in your company. It refers to identifying and acquiring talents that meet your organisational needs. As we know, a talented team has the potential to make a successful organisation. However, these people don’t typically come knocking at your door, but you must proactively acquire them. 


A talent acquisition recruiter first identifies the skills, experience, and qualities required for fulfilling a specific role. Then, they start identifying and attracting potential talents possessing those attributes for your company. 


One question that mainly arises here is, “Is talent acquisition part of HR”? The answer is “Yes,” but it has separate objectives and methodologies


One of the significant reasons for talent acquisition is competition in the labour market. According to an EY survey in 2023, nearly 34% of employees are willing to switch jobs in the next 12 months. This makes talent acquisition a vital process such that you stay prepared before any of your employees leave their positions in the future.

What does the Talent Acquisition Team do?

Are you still confused about the responsibilities of a talent acquisition team? Let’s find out some of their key responsibilities.


  • Conducting market research to stay updated on the trends and job market shifts
  • Creating comprehensive and accurate job descriptions to attract suitable candidates
  • Identifying potential candidates that align with the job requirements and company culture
  • Managing the entire interview and hiring process and continuously updating candidates with feedback and other details
  • Optimises talent acquisition strategies to attract and retain top talents
  • Attract high-quality candidates and develop effective employer branding strategies.
  • Offering an exceptional candidate experience throughout the recruitment process
  • Enhance your company’s diversity and inclusion initiatives and minimise unconscious biases in recruitment.
  • Facilities succession planning that ensures a pipeline of qualified candidates to replace employees when they leave your company

Examples of Building a Talent Acquisition Team

Here are two examples of building a talent acquisition team.

In a Large Corporation

Having more experienced people on the recruitment team is essential for talent acquisition for large corporations. This includes:


  1. Talent Acquisition Director
  2. Recruiters (divided into teams depending on business units or specialised roles)
  3. Sourcers (dedicated team or embedded one in each recruiter team)
  4. Recruitment Coordinators (centralised support for all teams)
  5. Employer Branding Specialist (promote company’s brand and values)
  6. Talent Acquisition Analysts (focused on data analysis and reporting)

In a Startup

The talent acquisition team for a startup is usually lean and agile. The team comprises of


  1. Talent Acquisition Manager (Oversees the recruitment process)
  2. Full-Cycle Recruiters ( end-to-end hiring)
  3. Recruitment Coordinator (administrative support)
  4. Employer Branding Specialist (attract top talent)
  5. Talent Acquisition Analyst (data analysis and optimisation)

Step-by-Step Process of Building a Talent Acquisition Team 

The talent acquisition process starts with sources providing a consistent flow of candidates to junior recruiters for initial screening. These selected candidates are later passed on to senior recruiters for connecting with them. 


Next, recruiting coordinators schedule interviews, and talent acquisition managers negotiate salaries and choose candidates. This is a dream talent acquisition team that can help you choose the best of the best candidates in the company. However, it may not be the same for businesses of all sizes, mainly due to financial concerns and business requirements. 


We have listed seven steps to consider while building a talent acquisition team in your company.

Understand Your Talent Requirements

Before building a team, you must assess your organisation’s talent requirements. This includes identifying the skills, qualities, competencies, and experience needed to fulfil your company’s different roles. Doing so lets you understand your skill gaps and determine what kind of people you need to attract and hire. 

Set Team Goals

You must establish clear talent acquisition team goals whenever you attract and hire talent. These goals and objectives guide your team in fulfilling their tasks and ensuring alignment with the organisation’s overall recruitment strategy


However, while setting goals and objectives, you must consider certain factors like hiring timelines, DEI initiatives, quality of hires, etc.

Determine Your Talent Acquisition Team Structure and Roles

While building a talent acquisition team, you must create a well-defined structure and set responsibilities for each member. In this case, you can use different templates to clarify your expectations from the members and facilitate effective team collaborations. 


Documenting the tasks, skills, and key responsibilities for each role promotes clarity and accountability within the team. 

Develop and Implement Recruitment Processes

Hiring talents for their skills, knowledge, and experience is essential. Therefore, you must develop an efficient hiring process for your team. It includes well-written job descriptions, use of interview templates, and preset evaluation criteria. 


In addition to that, you can implement an applicant tracking system to manage your applicant data effectively. These systems allow you to choose candidates without entertainment biases and limitations. 

Recruiting Team Members

Once you clearly understand the team structure, you must focus on recruiting talented people. Use the aforementioned recruitment processes to choose candidates aligning with your organisation’s culture and values. Your recruitment process must promote diversity and inclusivity in recruiting staff that further improves brand reputation and attracts top talents. 

Leverage Tech and Data

Now that you want to enhance your talent acquisition efforts, leveraging technology and data is essential. For example, you can use an ATS (applicant tracking system) and analytics tools to streamline recruitment. It also improves your candidate selection and helps measure your recruitment strategy’s effectiveness. 


In recent research, nearly 63% of HR managers and talent acquisition specialists said AI has positively impacted their company recruitment. These statistics depict how essential implementing tech is in recruiting your team members. Furthermore, leveraging data helps you identify trends, optimise different sourcing channels, and make better data-driven decisions. 

Upskill Your Team

Once you have selected your team members, you must invest in their continuous learning and development. For example, you must train team members on sourcing techniques, interviewing skills, understanding diversity and inclusion, etc. When you encourage knowledge sharing and team collaboration, they foster growth and innovation in your company. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Building a talent acquisition team is vital for recruiters to source and hire top talents. They are the real drivers of your corporate culture and ensure long-term growth. You can use this guide to start hiring top candidates for your talent acquisition team.


If your company lacks the resources to build and hire a talent acquisition team, that doesn’t mean you have to settle for mediocre talents. Connect with 6 Pence. We are one of the leading staff outsourcing agency in the GCC and are operational in Oman, Iraq, Dubai, and Bahrain. 


We help companies find highly qualified candidates and can assist right from placing advertisements to helping with hiring and payroll processing. 


To know about what we offer you and get a quote, connect with us today!


Also Read: A Complete Guide to Prepare for a Job Interview

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you strategise talent acquisition? 

There are numerous ways to strategise the talent acquisition process in a company. However, all these strategies must align with business goals. You can use data and marketing strategies to create better acquisition methods. However, the primary strategy includes sourcing, attracting, and acquiring top talents who fit the organisational culture and fulfil long-term goals. 

What are the responsibilities of the talent acquisition team? 

The responsibilities of such a team include identifying, acquiring, assessing, and hiring top talents to fill up your talent pipeline or an immediate vacancy. 

What is the talent team strategy?

The talent team strategy is a planned method of helping organisations recruit, develop, and retain top talents and plan for future needs and skill gaps beforehand.

How to Effectively Use Social Media for Hiring Top Employees?

social media for hiring

Social media platforms are no longer used only to communicate with friends and families. Today, social platforms are used for running online shops, marketing products and services, and also to hire and recruit talents. 


Social media for hiring is extremely effective because a considerable portion of the world’s population is on these platforms- from top managers to ground-level workers. 


The big guns for social recruiting today are LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, but you must look beyond that. For example, most top IT talents are available in GitHub and Stack Overflow. Therefore, it becomes vital for companies to keep an eye on what kind of professionals they want to hire and where they are primarily available. 


Let us see what social media does for recruiting top talents from this guide.

What is Social Media for Hiring?

Social media for hiring refers to the recruitment practice of using social media to attract and hire top talents. For example, you can post your vacancies on a professional network like LinkedIn. Billions of people are using this platform to find the most relevant jobs. They can find your posts suitable, and thus, you can cost-effectively connect with top talents. 


Social media for recruiting is one of the most commonly used talent acquisition tactics. Nearly 60% of people, more than half of the world, are using social media today. Since these platforms are widely used, leveraging them to attract and hire new talents makes sense. 


Besides using social media for recruiting, you can use it for increasing employer branding. You can spread your word about employee value propositions (EVP) and improve inbound recruitment efforts. EVP refers to the unique benefits you offer employees in return for the skills, abilities, and experiences they bring to your company. 


Since most companies today have a social media presence, and their employees and clients are also there, prospective employees have a better chance to decide even before applying for the job. This can be a great thing for both employers and prospects.

Why use Social Media for Hiring?

There’s nothing wrong in using traditional recruitment approaches like posting on job boards, websites, or newspapers to reach out to candidates. By using social media in recruitment and selection, organisations can attract employees from across the globe, with nominal resources being spent.


Moreover, they can help you entice candidates who aren’t even actively looking for jobs. Studies show that most job seekers rank social media platforms and professional networks as more valuable than job ads and recruiting agencies. 


Let us see some of the benefits of using social media in the hiring process.

Expanding Talent Pool

Social media channels offer a vast and diverse network of talents around the globe. This enables you to expand your reach to potential talents and connect them during recruitment. This saves time and resources and allows you to meet people that otherwise wouldn’t have been possible using local job boards. 


Moreover, these platforms offer advanced search functionalities and filters that help you search for candidates based on specific criteria. Are you targeting professionals based on their skills, experience, or educational background? 

Reach Passive Job Seekers

These professionals are already working in an organisation and aren’t looking for jobs actively. However, they may switch jobs when better opportunities appear to them. Therefore, they aren’t visiting job boards or company career sites to find an opportunity, so targeting them is a hurdle.


Under such conditions, employers using social media for hiring can actively target these professionals and increase their chances of hiring the “ideal candidate.” For example, person X works in a company in India, providing him good pay, incentives, and growth opportunities, but he is a Dubai resident. 


If he now comes across a company in Dubai posting a similar job while browsing through LinkedIn, he is likelier to apply for it, even though he was not actively looking for a job.

Create a Fair Recruitment Platform

Employers sharing hiring posts on social media ensures fair and equal candidate recruitment. Traditional recruitment methods may have biases or limitations, especially to backgrounds and geographical locations. However, social media recruitment is just the opposite, offering everyone equal opportunity based on merits and abilities. 


Therefore, if you commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion measures, using the social media talent acquisition approach is best. 

Target-Specific Talent Pools

Social media allows you to target specific talent pools using multiple filters. For example, employers using Facebook to screen job applicants can use advanced search filters to find ideal candidates. 


You can set your criteria for choosing candidates based on location, industry, or specific keywords. Then, Facebook will calculate how many candidates fit your search. Thus, you can connect with the right talent pool and receive high-quality applications. 


Similarly, Twitter and Instagram use the benefits of hashtags for targeted advertising and narrow down the talent pool. 

Boost Employer Branding

You can create an engaging presence on multiple social media platforms to promote your visibility, credibility and company culture. Whenever you keep updating people about your industry and the company regularly, you establish yourself as an authority in your domain. 


This motivates candidates to follow and communicate with you and opens opportunities to headhunt the best-fit talent for the open position.

Reduce Time and Cost Per Hire

Marketing job vacancies to hiring top talents is an expensive and time-consuming process. However, by creating a social media page, you can market your openings for free. 


Additionally, paid ads on social platforms are now available for all budgets, and you can use them without financial burdens. On the other hand, social media allows you to connect with a broader audience, which shortens your talent-searching timeline


Additionally, social media check for employment are easily available compared to other platforms. Thus, you can cut ample time from searching to hiring top talents and ensure they are the right culture fit for your company. 

How to Measure the Impact of Social Media for Hiring?

You can easily determine the effectiveness of social media for hiring by using a few key performance indicators and metrics. 


For example, you can measure the amount of traffic the social media activity drives towards your organisation’s web page, career site, or other corporate information. 


Similarly, you can also analyse the number of people engaging with your job posts, applicants who are qualified or highly qualified, etc. In addition, you can also look into the likes, shares, and comments on your posts to understand the level of engagement.


There’s no single formula to find job candidates via social media effectively. However, most recruiters follow an almost similar approach. Firstly, you must have a specific goal for each campaign and target audience based on stated objectives. Then, make a list of social media channels that your audiences use the most to post your job vacancies. 


However, to reach maximum candidates, you need to use a multi-channel approach where you post job ads on multiple social media platforms. 

How 6 Pence Helps 

Social media for hiring is a vital recruitment approach as it allows you to connect with top talents. But companies with their ever-expanding duty roasters often struggle to stay on top of it all. 


To save you from all recruitment hassles, connect with us at 6 Pence. We are one of the leading staff outsourcing agency in the GCC. We have a huge repository of talents matching your requirements, and we use a multi-pronged approach to attract the right talents- from posting on job boards, social platforms, and more. 


Our responsibility doesn’t end at finding just the best-fit person; we help with background verification, work visa processing, payroll processing, and more. Contact us today to know more.


Also Read: A Guide To Adopting Employee Referral Bonus Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

What social media is being used for the hiring process? 

Some of the most used social media for hiring are LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, you can choose the social recruitment channel depending on the type of industry, job and target audience. 

How can social media be used for recruiting? 

You can use social media for hiring by sharing job postings, networking with professionals and researching potential talents. Additionally, it helps you save money and time searching for the right people for your company. 

Why use social media to hire?

Social media recruitment strategy can help you connect with passive candidates, foster referrals, target the right talents, showcase the organisation’s culture, and reduce recruitment time and money.

Objectives of Recruitment in HRM: A Comprehensive Guide

objectives of recruitment in hrm

Have you seen that in a football game, even if only one person scores the goal, the credit goes to the entire team? All ten players were pivotal in making the team into a winning team. Like in football, team spirit and a cohesive working environment are essential for corporate success.


While this is one of the top objectives of recruitment in HRM (human resource management), finding culturally fit talents is also vital. It ensures not only you’re hiring talented people but also they understand your values and goals. This ensures no conflicts later, a better workplace, and greater customer satisfaction. 


Similarly, we will discuss numerous other recruitment objectives in a company in this article. 

What are the Objectives of Recruitment in HRM?

Recruitment for any company is a vital process that ensures you attract and hire top talents for better business outcomes. Resources say new positions in a company take nearly 42 days to fill, mainly because there are numerous conditions to fulfil. 


Some of the recruitment goals and objectives examples are identifying the right talents, diversifying the workforce, complying with legal and ethical standards, etc. In recent years, recruitment has shifted to candidate-centric, meaning candidates are given more priority in job selection and hiring. 


You must set SMART goals for hiring employees such that qualified candidates fill your available positions. It can also help you develop a recruitment strategy that saves hiring time and resources and reduces workload. 


Research says 97% of companies plan to invest more in recruitment technologies in 2023, and 47% invest in AI technologies. This helps you make unbiased choices based on skills and knowledge, not candidates’ personal information. 

SMART Recruitment Goals and Objectives Examples 

Let us assume you want to increase the number of applications via the company website by 15% in the next quarter using better job descriptions, outreach via LinkedIn and word of mouth via other social media platforms. 


S – The statement describes how you will increase application numbers to the company website by 15%.

M– The increase in application numbers is measurable by comparing the number before and after reaching the goal.

A– This goal is achievable.

R– Your primary goal is to improve the company’s profit by attracting more business and utilising company websites more than job boards. 

T– The time mentioned here is during the next quarter. At the end of that quarter, you can analyse the numbers and verify if the goal has been met. 

7 Objectives of Recruitment in HRM 

Businesses need to set SMART goals for workforce planning. This is mainly because a bad hire can charge you up to 30% of the employee’s salary in the first year


Additionally, they can disappoint your customers, negatively impact your reputation, and disturb your sales cycle. We have listed ten objectives of recruitment in HRM for reference. 

Refine the Quality of the Hire

When searching for the ideal talent for your vacancy, the first thing you look at is their resume. You first match them with your job description by looking into their professional skills, education and work experience. 


But that doesn’t ensure you choose high-quality people in your organisation. Therefore, you can ask a few more questions about their soft skills during the interview. It helps you better understand how they operate as an employee and their expectations from the job. 


For example, ask your candidates their strengths, weaknesses, reasons for applying for the position, professional goals, team working ability, etc.

Diversify the Workforce

Most candidates applying for jobs look at how diversified the company is and its DEI initiatives. This assures them that you support people from all backgrounds and skills. 


Diversity in the workplace is essential for its sustainable growth and success. With this in mind, you can create objectives of strategic workforce planning that encourage people from all groups to apply for your vacancy. A diversified workforce enhances problem-solving abilities, fosters innovation and creativity, and improves work culture. 

Reducing New Hires’ Failure Rates

One of the major objectives of recruitment in HRM is to reduce the new hires’ failure rates. For instance, you have a capable sales representative with years of experience in your company. 


Are their abilities the same as those of a new hire? It can never be similar because new hires are unfamiliar with your company’s culture, goals, and work process. Therefore, you must spend time and resources training them over time, disrupting your normal productivity. 


So, you must plan the hiring process before recruiting new people and use the right tools. This allows you to find the perfect candidate for the job role and reduce the failure rate of a new hire.

Enhance Company Performance

Recruiting top talents in business is directly connected with your overall organisational performance. Why? They are the base of an organisation that puts in hard work and effort to allow you to fulfil promises. 


For example, if you took a bulk order from a client, would an incompetent team fulfil your promise to meet deadlines and manage quality? The answer will be “No”. 


But if your team comprises skilled and experienced people, they can help you manage quality and quantity within deadlines. This further positively impacts your customers, leading to retaining them in business longer. 

Building a Talent Pipeline

The objectives of recruitment in HRM are not always restricted to hiring for immediate roles. They aim to create a talent pipeline for future vacancies. 


When you have a talent pipeline ready beforehand, you can recruit them for critical roles anytime. This succession planning approach can save you time and resources in finding employees for weeks to months. Additionally, you stay assured that the people you hire are best suited for the role. 

Improve Employer Branding

Among the top few recruitment goals and objectives examples, improving employer branding comes on top. The higher your brand value, the greater your chance to attract the creme-le-creme of talents. It improves as you start using the right recruitment tools that remove discrimination and choose candidates based on their skills. 


Employer branding creates a positive and welcoming image on social media like LinkedIn, Reddit, etc. When you promote a positive workplace, your current and ex-employees leave glowing recommendations on review sites, further solidifying your image as an employee-centric workplace. 

Prevents Disruption of Business Activities

One of the main objectives of recruitment in HRM is to ensure the smooth functioning of all the departments in your company. A sales representative may not be the right man for IT needs and vice versa. 


You must provide sufficient people for various job positions to avoid overburdening your employees. If your production house is responsible for marketing, sales, and customer service altogether, will they be able to focus on production? 


Thus, workforce planning strategic objectives help improve company productivity by assigning the right man for the right task. This also reduces employee burnout rate and improves their workability. 

How 6 Pence Helps 

We understand how difficult it is to hire the right people in business while meeting the objectives of recruitment in HRM. If you struggle to find the right people for the job, you can always unburden yourself with 6 Pence. 


For almost two decades, 6 Pence has been helping business partners across Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai with top-notch temporary and permanent staff outsourcing solutions. 


Our experienced team undertakes an end-to-end, customised recruitment process and even assists you with a 24/7 HR e-service portal. This allows the organisation and its employees to find an HR document anytime and anywhere.


For more details, contact us today!


Also Read: Why Employee Training and Development is Must for Organisations?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary objectives of recruitment in HRM? 

The primary objectives of recruitment in HRM are to hire the most qualified candidates in the company, diversify the workforce, build an extensive talent pipeline, and reduce business disruptions. 

How does recruitment impact an organisation’s long-term goals? 

One of the main objectives of recruitment in HRM is to leave an everlasting impact on your organisation’s long-term goals. It helps you build a diverse and competitive workforce by attracting candidates from various backgrounds and fostering a culture of inclusivity, creativity and adaptability for long-term success. 

What role does cost-effectiveness play in recruitment objectives?

One of the major objectives of recruitment in HRM is to ensure cost-effectiveness while hiring candidates. For example, a good job description can attract many applicants at a lower cost.

A Complete Guide To UAE Local Labour Laws

local labour laws

The UAE’s rapid economic growth and business climate make it the best place for entrepreneurs to start their ventures. 69% of Business Climate Survey UAE 2023 respondents have experienced a rise in industry-wide turnover this year. However, one major challenge is coping with the country’s ever-evolving local labour laws. 


On the other hand, abiding by these rules and regulations ensures a healthy relationship between employer and employee. This article shares some of the essential labour laws in the UAE. 

What are UAE Local Labour Laws?

No matter where you work, every country has unique local employment laws. It is a set of rules and regulations that employers must follow during an employee’s tenure with the company. Otherwise, an employee can take legal action if the company doesn’t comply with those laws. 


UAE local labour laws set out numerous rules and regulations for the private sector for fair and transparent employee contracts. It primarily includes contract terms, wages, employee benefits, health and safety, insurance, employment termination, etc. 


However, these laws exclude employees working in federal and government organisations, members of the armed forces, domestic employees of UAE or decrees, and police and civil servants. 

Essential Local Labour Laws for Employers to Follow

Are you looking to set up a business in UAE? Let’s look at some of the essential labour laws that you must pay heed to:

Employment Contracts

Whenever you recruit an employee, the first thing you must hand over is a written employment contract. It primarily contains 


  1. the date when to start working
  2. the contract expiry date
  3. type and place of work
  4. contract duration
  5. wages


However, these details depend on what kind of organisation you run, private or public sector. You must create two copies of the contract, one for the employee, and keep the other one with the recruiter. 


Public-sector local labour laws allow full-time, part-time, temporary and special contract work arrangements. On the other hand, the private sector adds flexible and remote working and job-sharing work arrangements to the facilities available in the public sector. 


The probation period for your employees cannot exceed six months for private employment. However, if they continue to work after probation, that period is considered part of their service. Remember that if you’re terminating them within the probation period, a 14-day prior notice is a must. On the other hand, if they plan to join another UAE company, you must ask for a one-month prior notice. 


With the introduction of new local labour laws, the unlimited term employment contracts are no longer valid. Every private employer needs to convert them into limited-time contracts that don’t exceed three years. 

Working Hours

You cannot make employees work more than 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week in the private sector. However, during Ramadan, the working hours get reduced by 2. Additionally, you can ask employers to work overtime, but that shouldn’t go beyond 2 hours in one day. Furthermore, you must compensate them fairly with money or paid leave for extra service. 


However, these working hours differ if an employee works in a federal government entity. This includes 8 hours of duty from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. from Monday to Thursday and from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays are considered official weekends for public sector employees. 

Leaves and Holidays

All your employees working in the private sector must be entitled to the following paid and unpaid leaves. 


  1. Annual leave
  2. Sick leave
  3. Study leave
  4. Maternity leave
  5. Parental leave
  6. Compassionate leave
  7. Leave to complete Hajj


Additionally, every employee, irrespective of public or private sector, must get holidays on special occasions, like


  1. Gregorian New Year on 1st January
  2. Lesser Bairam
  3. Greater Bairam and Eve
  4. Al Isra and Al Mi’raj 
  5. Hijra New Year
  6. Prophet Mohammad’s birthday
  7. National day 


The public holiday dates can change, like the Islamic holidays are set as per moon sightings. 


There is no minimum wage set for private sector employees in the UAE. However, you must pay them fairly such that it is enough to cover the basic needs. If they work for more than one year in your company, you must pay them a gratuity upon contract termination. 


Furthermore, you cannot deduct employee wages unless they are bound to repay loans. At times, they are legally mandated to contribute towards Social security and insurance schemes, provident funds, welfare schemes, etc. Otherwise, if the employee is fined, you can deduct them from their wages. 

Employee Benefits

According to labour laws for employees, employers must provide certain benefits like health and safety insurance. However, you cannot deduct the premium for mandatory health insurance packages from their salary. 


In addition to that, Taa-meen (UAE insurance policy) is a must for private sector workers. It is an alternative option for employers to keep a fixed sum (AED 3,000) as a bank guarantee when recruiting new workers.


Besides these, there’s also an unemployment insurance scheme for Emiratis and residents in the federal and private sectors. It is to provide financial support to workers who lost their jobs due to termination by the employer. Finally, UAE National full-time contracts are entitled to pensions and end-of-service benefits. 

Workplace Health and Safety

According to clause 13 of the UAE Labour Law, you must provide workers with a safe and appropriate work environment. The organisation must be cleaned and well-ventilated and offer adequate lighting, drinking water, and toilets. 


You can arrange for one or more medical practitioners in your organisation to conduct general medical examinations occasionally. 


In addition to that, if you’re working with construction and industrial workers, ensure they don’t work during extreme weather. Furthermore, any work-related injuries must be reported to MoHRE. 

Non-Compete Restrictions

According to the local employment law solicitors, employers can include non-compete restrictions in their employment contracts. However, these restrictions must be used to protect companies’ legitimate interests. 


Under the new law, employers can trigger the non-competent close at the moment of departure of an employee. But, it is restricted to workers who have access to your confidential or trade secret information. This agreement can last only for a maximum of 2 years. 

Non-Discrimination Clause 

The new non-discrimination clause under employment laws and regulations mandates employees to provide an equal payout to all employees. 


Therefore, it guarantees both males and females equal job opportunities and the same pay for their service. In addition, employers are responsible for protecting them from harassment and violence within the organisation.

Disciplinary Rules

You can set different disciplinary penalties in your organisation within the private sector. This will range from written notice, warning letter, and payout deduction to temporary suspension, denial of promotion, and dismissal from service. 


However, you must sanction disciplinary rules only after considering the severity of the violation. 

Termination of Employment

Not only you but also your employees have the right to terminate their employment contract. However, the notice period before termination can range between 30 days to 90 days. 


There are numerous other conditions to follow if you terminate an employee without notice. If you aren’t following them, workers can complain against you to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation. 

What are the Provisions for Non-Nationals to Work in the UAE?

Even though job hunting and business setup are easy in the UAE, that’s not the case for non-nationals. Wherever there’s a deficit of national workers, the employer must give preference to workers of other Arab nationalities and then to workers of other nationalities. 


You can employ non-nationals only with prior approval of the Labour Department. Furthermore, these employees must obtain employment permits by following the procedures and regulations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. 


Additionally, you must remember that non-national workers cannot work in the UAE on their visit visas or tourist visas. 

How 6 Pence Helps

We understand how difficult it is to hire quality talent in the UAE. You must do a thorough background check to ensure they are residents of the UAE or have a proper international work permit. Otherwise, not only the employee but also you may need to pay penalties or suffer legal liabilities. 


In this process, 6 Pence can help you avoid such miseries. We are the leading staffing agency in Dubai that offers temporary to permanent staffing while staying compliant with local labour laws. 


We help with everything from work visa processing to document verification. Connect with us to know more. 


Also Read: 5 Tips to Improve Your Human Resource Employee Relations

Frequently Asked Questions

What are labour laws?

Labour laws refer to rules and regulations that mediate the relationship between workers, recruiters, and the government. These laws specify employers’ responsibilities and employees’ rights during their employment period.

How is termination pay calculated?

According to the local labour laws in UAE, if an employer wishes to end a contract before its limited term ends, employees are entitled to early termination compensation. It includes at least three months’ worth of pay, including salary and benefits; otherwise, the remaining contract term if the period is less than three months. 

What happens if you resign without notice?

You can resign without notice only under four specific cases as registered in UAE’s labour law. Otherwise, you will be legally liable to pay financial compensation to your employer.

A Complete Guide To A Successful Promotion Policy in HRM

promotion policy in hrm

Not just in the Middle East, but the global job market has changed dramatically. The demand for qualified candidates is high, while the supply is often low, making employee retention challenging. After all, a company’s success rests in the hands of its workforce. This makes the market more candidate-centric, which urges companies to find ways to attract and retain top talents. 


According to research, small business owners believe nearly 22% of their employees are quitting mainly because of better advancement opportunities. Are you facing similar issues of retaining talents? One solution to it is establishing a good promotion policy in HRM (human resource management), offering better career paths and improved compensation packages. 


Now, the question is, what is promotion in HRM? Is it important in all-size organisations? How can you establish a promotion policy in business? We will answer your questions in this guide and help you understand the promotion policy meaning in HRM.

What is the Promotion Policy in HRM?

Everyone loves appreciation for their hard work, motivating them to keep improving. One such way of employee recognition is by offering them timely promotions. You can offer a salary raise, transfer to a senior post, give higher responsibilities, provide decision-making power, etc. However, you must have a formalised set of standards for such employee opportunities that we call a promotion policy in HRM. 


In short, an employee promotion policy and procedure in HRM outlines the purpose of your policy, who it benefits, what requirements must be fulfilled, etc. However, not all employees will get promoted during the yearly appraisal, as it is the highest form of appreciation. Thus, a proper policy must be established to decide who gets promoted and who gets a raise.


Only the most eligible employee who can efficiently manage their new roles and responsibilities can be promoted. Most promotions come with leadership opportunities. So, choose judiciously!

Why is Promotion Policy in HRM Important?

The promotion process in HRM is mainly designed to promote your employees’ career growth by offering them the best opportunities and adequate resources. It has a direct impact on the company’s future as well.


Since promotions are recommended by reporting managers, personal biases may affect the advancement of a particular employee. It is important to have a well-etched-out promotion policy stipulating the various criteria that an employee must meet to get promoted.


We have listed some common company goals for establishing promotion policy and procedure in HRM.

Career Growth Plan

Most employees today prefer working in a company that values career growth. Therefore, your promotion policies must include a good career growth plan map for every position in the company so employees understand what they can expect from you. 

Eliminate Discrimination

When there are strict guidelines, chances of leaving room for workplace discrimination are reduced. It ensures you eradicate emotional biases and favouritism or harmful workplace practices like religious and gender discrimination in your organisation. A promotion policy maintains transparency throughout the process, ensuring your employees get a promotion based on merit and work ethic. 

Improved Recruitment Process

Recruitment is difficult, especially when a talented employee leaves due to better opportunities. However, with a good promotion policy in HRM, you can retain them. Additionally, most companies post a job internally first, then to other portals. If you have a good promotion strategy, these employees with the required skills can apply for the post. Therefore, it reduces the requirements for hiring external candidates and saves time and resources.

Steps to Establish a Process of Promotion in HRM

You must follow certain guidelines and procedures before establishing employment promotion policies in your organisation. This ensures you don’t entertain biases in your company and promote DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) initiatives. 


Now, let us understand a few key elements of a promotion policy in HRM.

Determine the Employee Criteria for Promotion in HRM

The first part of your promotion policy must include the eligibility criteria for an employee to win a promotion. These criteria include 


  1. Work performance
  2. Seniority
  3. Potential abilities in leadership position
  4. Merit and ability
  5. Interval between promotions


By assessing these factors, you can fairly decide whether to promote or not to promote an employee. 

Identify Who is Responsible for Giving Promotions

You must clearly define the rules and duties of the supervisors responsible for giving promotions in the policy. Typically, these roles are played by managers, HR managers and those with leadership powers. They assess your employees thoroughly to identify their efforts for your company and if they have the potential for a promotion. 

Understand When to Promote an Employee

While you have set the criteria for employees to get a promotion, it’s time to outline when to promote them to a new position or give a raise. Some common circumstances where you can offer a promotion are when an employee wants to quit for better opportunities elsewhere, or when the hiring manager advertises a new job opening internally. 


Apart from this, other instances where employees are offered promotions are:


  1. When someone excels beyond the expectations
  2. When someone has mastered their current job function
  3. If a person has been showing leadership qualities and contributing to a team’s growth

Determine the Type of Promotion to Offer

Now that you know whom to promote and when, you must focus on what type of promotion to offer your employees. These can be vertical, horizontal, or dry promotions. 


Vertical promotions are offered to employees who demonstrate their excellence in their current job role and can take on higher responsibilities. In contrast, horizontal promotions are offered to employees who demonstrate a trend towards mastering their current role or have achieved significant results.  Dry promotions are rarely offered as they demand more from the employee without a pay raise or new title allotment. 

Announcing the Promotion

Once you have decided to promote an employee, the final step is announcing it throughout the organisation. However, before announcing the promotion, you can arrange a meeting with the team members and talk to the people most affected by the change. Ensure you ask for their feedback and reactions to your decision before making it public in the company. 

How 6 Pence Help with the HRM Policies of an Organisation?

Promotion policy in HRM is a must for all organisations to attract and retain top talents. It engages your employees for a long time, saving you from the hassle of finding new people and training them for the roles. 


You can reach out to us at 6 Pence if you are struggling to find top talents for your business. As among the leading staff outsourcing agencies in the GCC, we help with end-to-end, customised staffing and recruitment solutions.


Our expert team can also assist with payroll processing and other HR-related work. This helps you streamline your promotion policies and further improve employee retention. For further information, connect with us today!


Also Read: Step-by-step Guide to Successful Employee Exit Management

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a good promotion policy? 

A good promotion policy clearly defines the criteria for awarding employees a promotion. Other characteristics of a good promotion policy include performance assessment, promotion routes, maintaining service records, employee training and communication.

2. What are the methods of promotion in HRM? 

The common method of promotion in HRM includes salary raises, increasing seniority level, offering more responsibilities, etc.

3. What are the four basic types of promotion?

The four basic types of promotion are horizontal, vertical, dry, and open or closed promotion. Most companies use vertical and horizontal promotions for their employees, whereas dry promotion is rare.

Which are the Best Jobs for Pregnant Women?

best jobs for pregnant women

Women are often forced to choose between their professional and personal lives. A couple has a child together, but only the career of a woman is impacted.


Pregnancy is the most beautiful feeling for every woman until the worries of career limitations strike hard. While companies offer maternity leave to working women, future career growth opportunities might often become more challenging to come by.


If you don’t want to take a break from work and still enjoy your pregnancy, then start looking for the best jobs for pregnant women. In this guide, we will share the top 10 jobs that don’t limit your career growth due to pregnancy. Additionally, we will suggest what jobs to avoid and share a few challenges that expecting mothers may face while job hunting. 

Top 10 Best Jobs for Pregnant Women

Research says 61% of women believe motherhood causes disruptions in their career opportunities. This is mainly because of the job limitations that expecting mothers face at the peak of their careers.


 Even when companies allow you leave during the final weeks of pregnancy, most of these leaves are unpaid. Therefore, you must start looking for the best jobs for pregnant women that provide financial stability and health security. 


We have compiled some of the perfect jobs for pregnant women.

Virtual Assistant

If pregnancy complications stop you from leaving the house, try applying for virtual assistant posts. You can work as an assistant to business owners, managers or other professionals virtually.


Some of your responsibilities will include scheduling, recordkeeping, and clerical tasks. However, to apply as a virtual assistant, you must have desired computer skills and knowledge of work processes, online data sharing and organisational tools, and spreadsheets. 

Online or Private Tutor

Teaching has always been a noble profession where your mental power overrules physical health. Online tutoring can be one of the best part time jobs for pregnant ladies, where you teach students virtually in the field of your expertise. 


For example, if you are a math graduate, you can be an online math tutor for junior classes. Additionally, you can also call your local students at home for private classes. 

Content Writer

If you have a good grasp of languages and creativity in writing, content writer roles are the best work from home jobs for pregnant moms today. Almost every industry is looking for freelance writers, including copywriters and blog writers, to boost their brands online and offline. However, you must know the niche, have proper research and analytics skills, communicate well, and understand the latest tools and technologies. 

Social Media Manager

Presently, social media is playing a vital role in boosting brand awareness and reputation. This increases the demand for social media managers, which is also one of the exciting online jobs for pregnant moms. You don’t need to commute or do hard labour, but only your marketing skills and knowledge of handling social media accounts can get you the job. 


Some of your responsibilities include overseeing a company’s social media accounts, interacting with its clients, and representing the brand positively and engagingly.  Additionally, you may need to write blog posts, create strategies to improve followings and measure performance across multiple sites using specific tools.


Most companies seek a bookkeeper to oversee their accounting books and financial transactions. This doesn’t require too much labour, but good bookkeeping or accounting knowledge is necessary. Bookkeeping can be one of the best jobs for pregnant women, where you need to do some day-to-day accounting tasks, e.g., monitor income, deal with tax returns, prepare annual accounts, etc. 


Additionally, you may need to deal with certain sensitive and valuable company data. Therefore, experience with bookkeeping tools and security systems is essential to get the job. 

Graphic Designer

Graphic design can be one of the great side jobs for pregnant moms if you hold a graphic design degree and a little experience. These professionals create digital content for brands like website designs, brochures, logos, adverts and cartoons. 


However, you must be an expert in using Adobe Creative Cloud software and other designing tools like Canva, CorelDraw, and Adobe Illustrator. Pregnant graphic designers get a good salary and have flexible working hours and schedules that don’t impact your doctor’s appointment and rest hours. 


Proper sleep and long resting hours are necessary during pregnancy, but financial stability is also essential. At such times, you can apply for a transcriptionist role where you hear and transcribe audio and video files. It doesn’t require a specific professional qualification to work for companies. However, if you’re working as a legal or medical transcriptionist, knowledge of related terminology and documentation is needed.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has the potential to bring passive income while you are pregnant. It is similar to referral marketing, where you recommend people a product with a link to click in your blogs. You earn a commission when they click on that link to purchase the product. 


With affiliate marketing, you don’t have a sales target, which means less stress during pregnancy. Several affiliate networks like Amazon don’t even ask you for a blog to participate in their affiliate marketing. You can also use social media to promote their coupon codes or discounts. 

Customer Service Representative

Customer service jobs are classics for most individuals and are among the best jobs for pregnant women. As a customer service representative, your responsibility will be to help customers with their queries over the phone or online. 


Mostly, you need to help customers solve technical issues using online tools like voice calls and emails. Therefore, you must acquire good knowledge in the domain and skills like problem-solving, communication, and patience.  

Online Business

You don’t have to own an office to be an entrepreneur. You can run your own business while being at home. Presently, mom-to-be or mompreneurs are changing the entire meaning of entrepreneurship. 


For example, if you have a hobby of baking cakes, why not start a cake bakery from home? You can take orders online or via phone and look for delivery services to supply them. You can also start a small business at home with other pregnant ladies and sell your products online. 


Also Read: Sales Team Leader Roles And Responsibilities

What are the Challenges in Finding the Best Jobs for Pregnant Women?

In the past few years, GCC countries have proved to be some of the safest places for women to work. However, pregnant women still find difficulty in getting a job of their choice due to physical discomfort and workplace biases. 


It is obvious to encounter physical changes like fatigue, nausea or back pain during pregnancy that make working difficult. Additionally, you may need to use the restroom frequently during this period, leading to distractions. 


Furthermore, you must avoid certain jobs exposed to toxins like pesticides, paint, car exhaust fumes, etc. If you are breathing in or absorbing such chemicals, it may affect your little one in the womb. 


You must also avoid careers that put extra strain on your body, like heavy lifting, long periods of standing, etc. Working for longer hours without stress can not only affect your baby but also cause health issues in you. Therefore, you can take a break from your full-time job now and look out for side jobs for pregnant moms.

How Does 6 Pence Help You Secure the Best Jobs for Pregnant Women?

We understand how difficult it is to find the best jobs for pregnant women. At 6 Pence, you can apply for various jobs that are safe to perform even during pregnancy. If you also want to restart your career after a maternity break, you can apply for jobs with us! 


Visit our careers page to learn about the latest job openings in Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, and Dubai.


Also Read: Civil Engineering Jobs For Freshers

Frequently Asked Questions

What jobs to avoid while pregnant? 

During pregnancy, you must avoid jobs that are highly exposed to chemicals or potential toxins. Additionally, straining jobs and working multiple hours without rest must be avoided. 

What is the best job to work while pregnant? 

Some of the best jobs for pregnant women are tutoring, virtual assistant, content writer, transcriptionist, graphic designer, bookkeeper, and customer service representative. 

How to find a job while pregnant?

You can search for a job on different remote job platforms with DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives. Most remote opportunities allow pregnant women to work in their flexible hours and schedules and from anywhere.

The Ultimate Guide to Data Engineer Job Description

data engineer job description

The current market is data-driven, and with the emergence of newer trends and the need to outsmart the competition, businesses are increasingly relying on data engineering and analysis.


The demand curve for data engineers has risen steeply in recent years. Research says it was the fastest-growing tech occupation in 2020 and will experience a 50% year-over-year growth. Its estimated CAGR is to be 21% during 2018-2028. This increasing demand creates fierce competition between organisations to attract and retain top talents. 


Consequently, a compelling data engineer job description can help you recruit the best. We will share details on job description creation in this article. 

What Does a Data Engineer Job Profile Look Like?

Data Engineers are responsible for building systems that can collect, manage, and transform raw data into usable information for organisations. The main target is to ensure data accessibility for making data-based decisions and optimising business performance. 


They also help develop and maintain datasets and architectures that allow you to extract data and transform them for predictive or prescriptive modelling. 


Your data engineer job description must start with a brief of what you expect from the candidates and their day-to-day duties. Additionally, you must briefly introduce your company and its goals, skills required for the open position, employee benefits and salary packages, and contact information. 

Data Engineer Requirements

Now that you are developing a data engineer job description, you must state their educational requirements. According to research, most candidates applying for a job don’t even meet the qualification requirements. Therefore, you must state your requirements explicitly so that only the most eligible candidates can apply.

Educational Requirements

Usually, a candidate applying for data engineering jobs needs to have a graduation degree in data engineering, computer science, or a related field. 


Additionally, these candidates must be fluent in using multiple tools and the latest big data technologies. You must equally focus on a data engineer’s technical and soft skills to make the right choice. 


Some of these are:


  1. Strong grasp of advanced SQL and relational database management
  2. Expertise in object-oriented programming languages like Python and Scala
  3. Work with distributed computing frameworks like Spark or Hadoop
  4. Understanding of data pipelines and workflow management tools
  5. Experience with cloud-based solutions
  6. Well-versed in different operating systems like Unix, Linux, Solaris and Windows
  7. Basic Machine Learning knowledge 


Besides tech skills, an applicant must have strong project management and organisational skills to become a data engineer. Additionally, verify their problem-solving, communication, and teamwork capabilities. 


Though most companies prefer hiring experienced data engineers, you may not get huge options for the same. Data engineering has been on the trend for a few years, so finding experts with 5+ years of experience may be tough. 


However, you can look out for candidates with a minimum of 1-2 years of experience and knowledge of using multiple software and tools. It includes expert usage of databases, pipeline tools, stream processing systems, and object-oriented scripting languages.

Data Engineer Roles and Responsibilities

Your data engineer description may include the roles you are hiring for and the candidate’s responsibilities. This helps candidates understand their eligibility before applying for your vacancy. 


Additionally, most recruiters today use ATS software to filter resumes. Therefore, the chances of losing high-quality talents increase if you don’t create the ideal candidate profile properly mentioning roles and responsibilities. 


However, before you start crafting a data engineer job description, let us understand their main roles and responsibilities.

Roles of Data Engineer

There are three main data engineering roles that candidates apply for in an organisation. 

Generalist Data Engineers

These candidates usually need to work on small teams and far from end-to-end data collection. A generalist data engineer usually has more knowledge and skills than other professionals in the same domain. However, they can have less familiarity with the system architecture.

Pipeline-Centric Data Engineers

Pipeline-centric data engineers are mainly hired in mid-sized and larger companies. These individuals work across distributed systems on complicated data science assignments to collect data. 

Database-Centric Data Engineers 

Large establishments hire database-centric data engineers to work on data distributed across multiple databases. They are responsible for working closely with data scientists in multiple data warehouses and creating table schemas.

Data Engineer Duties

We have listed a few data engineer duties you can add to your job descriptions.


  1. Collecting, analysing, and organising raw data
  2. Help build data systems and pipelines to clean, transform, and aggregate data from different sources.
  3. Evaluating your business needs and objectives and interpreting trains and patterns
  4. Work with the data science team to build complex algorithms and provide unique data insights.
  5. Making iterative improvements to backend systems by using agile software development processes
  6. Developing business intelligence reports for your company advisors
  7. Supporting the development of data streaming systems
  8. Creating new data validation methods and data analysis tools
  9. Ensuring compliance with data regulation and security policies

What is the Data Engineer Career Prospect?

Most individuals today look for career growth while applying to a company. Therefore, you can include data engineer career prospects in your job description to ensure you value their growth and development. 


However, before that, you must understand the career path of a data engineer, which makes hiring the right person for the right role easy. 

Entry-Level Data Engineer

If you are hiring for entry-level data engineers, you must look for individuals with a graduation degree in computer science or related fields. These people must know programming languages, databases, and Big Data technologies. They usually work on small data engineering projects under the guidance of mentors or experienced data engineers. 

Junior Data Engineer

These individuals usually have little experience in data engineering and expertise in one or more programming languages, databases, and Big Data technologies. They can work on more complex projects than entry-level engineers and can design and implement data solutions.

Senior Data Engineer

You can hire a senior data engineer in your company as they have years of experience in the domain and developed expertise in multiple languages, databases, and technologies. They can lead your projects and work with other data engineers to implement complex solutions.

Lead Data Engineer

These experts usually have extensive experience in the data engineering domain and have previously demonstrated leadership skills in other companies. They can oversee your team of data engineers and take over the responsibility for implementing data solutions across your company.

Data Architect

A data architect focuses on designing and implementing the data architecture of your company that aligns with your business goals. They will collaboratively work with business stakeholders and data engineers to create data solutions that are scalable, reliable, and secure.

Data Infrastructure Manager

These individuals can manage your organisation’s data infrastructure, including your data warehouses, databases, and Big Data technologies. They can handle a team of data engineers and work collaboratively with other IT departments to generate data solutions integrated with other business systems.

Chief Data Officer

The chief data officer holds the most senior executive responsibility in an organisation. They manage your data strategy and ensure it is effectively used to support your business goals. These professionals oversee your organisation’s data engineering, analytics, and governance functions. 

What is the Average Data Engineer Salary?

While creating a data engineer job description, you must know their average salary to ensure you pay workers fairly. We have listed the salary estimates of data engineers in the GCC.


  • Sultanate of Oman: The average annual salary of a data engineer in Oman is OMR 8000.
  • Republic of Iraq: Iraq pays their data engineers IQD 43,278,368 yearly on average. 
  • Kingdom of Bahrain: Data engineers in Bahrain receive 17,620 BHD per year on average. 
  • United Arab Emirates: Data engineers in Dubai receive AED 120,121 on average.

How Does 6 Pence Help you in Creating a Data Engineer Job Description?

You can look into multiple online templates if you struggle to create a compelling data engineer job description. 


6 Pence has been helping top organisations across Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, and Iraq hire qualified individuals for their open positions. We have a vast repository of qualified talents and experienced recruiters, allowing us to find you the best-fit employee. 


If you are looking to work as a data engineer in the GCC, apply for jobs through our platform. Check our careers page on the website or follow our social media pages to stay updated!


Also Read:  8 Easy Steps To Improve Employee Productivity in the Workplace

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are data engineering skills? 

The common data engineering skills include knowledge of programming languages, statistics, analytical skills, understanding of Big Data technology, knowledge of databases and multiple operating systems, etc. 

What are the requirements for a data engineer? 

A data engineer must graduate in data engineering, computer science, or related fields. They must have expertise in using multiple programming languages, SQL, distributed computing frameworks, data pipelines and workflow management tools, operating systems, etc.

What is the difference between a data analyst and a data engineer?

The main difference between data analysts and data engineers is their expertise and skill sets. While a data analyst focuses on data analysis, a data engineer works on data infrastructure.

Top 10 Demand Forecasting Techniques in HRM

demand forecasting techniques in hrm

Running a business is not easy, especially in today’s ever-evolving market scenario, where, almost every day, new technology arrives or a new trend begins. This urges demand forecasting techniques in HRM to be essential for your company. 


With these methods, you can predict future workplace needs, identify skill gaps, plan training employees, and future-proof your business. What are these demand forecasting techniques? We will learn about them from this article. 

What are Demand Forecasting Techniques in HRM?

According to the World Economic Forum, one billion people must be reskilled by 2030 to cope with technological advancements. It is, therefore, vital for you to implement multiple demand forecasting techniques in HRM to understand these trends. 


They help you predict the future needs in the market and improve your recruitment. Additionally, you can also train your existing employees beforehand, such that when there’s a market change, they can fit into it. 


As your employees stay prepared for challenges, your chance of staying competitive and fulfilling consumer demands increases. 


In short, demand forecasting refers to predictive analytics that uses data and techniques to predict future events. It may predict changes within short to longer timeframes and make you prepare for any challenges in the long run. 


The demand forecasting methods in HRM depend on multiple factors, like


  • Employment trends
  • Replacement needs
  • Overall productivity
  • Absenteeism
  • Business expansion and growth 

Importance of Demand Forecasting Techniques in HRM

So, what are the benefits of HR forecasting in your organisation? It helps your organisation predict future human resource requirements and enables you to make informed decisions about your workforce. 


When you accurately forecast demands in your organisation, you can hire the correct number of employees with the proper skills and knowledge. 


Here are a few other reasons for demand forecasting in HRM, 


  • Estimating the jobs necessary to produce a given quantity of goods or provide certain services.
  • Determine the ideal worker mix for the future.
  • Evaluate the right workforce levels across your organisation to avoid unnecessary employee costs.
  • Reduce labour shortage.
  • Monitor your legal requirements for job reservation.

Best Demand Forecasting Techniques in HRM

Demand forecasting in HRM is a critical aspect of business operations that helps you predict future HR demands and improve employee skills. When you understand both qualitative and quantitative methods, you gain a competitive advantage and make informed decisions. Furthermore, these forecasts help you choose the best-fit candidates and prepare your existing workers for the future. 


We have listed below some of the top demand forecasting techniques in HRM.

Managerial Judgement

The managerial judgement technique in HRM is the most common demand forecasting method used in small to large-scale organisations. You need to follow two approaches: the bottom-up and the top-down approaches. 


  • Top-down approach: If you implement this approach in business, your top management begins the demand forecasting process. Once your HR forecasting is completed, the management sends the report to departments to analyse and accept it.
  • Bottom-up approach: Conversely, with the bottom-up approach, your demand forecasting process begins with line managers. They send your top management the need for human resources proposals. Then, the management forecasts your HR recruitment for the overall company.


However, it is good to combine both approaches as the ‘Participative Approach.’ Under this approach, your departmental heads and top management meet and decide about your future HR requirements. 

Ratio-Trend Analysis

It is the quickest demand forecasting technique in HRM that you can use in business to identify human resource demands. It considers the ratio of production/sales level and the human resources available to finish tasks smoothly and determines the demand for workers. 

Regression Analysis

Regression analysis in HR demand forecasting is similar to ratio-trend analysis, which depends on the ratio of sales volume and human resource availability. 


However, it is more sophisticated when drawing a diagram to illustrate the connection between sales and workforce availability. Then, you calculate a regression line that cuts through the centre of the points on your diagram and identifies the requirements for human resources against sales volume. 

Work-Study Technique

If your workload in business is easily measurable, you can use this technique, also known as workload analysis. The work-study approach estimates your total company production and activities for a certain future timeframe. 


Then, you can use that data and translate it to the number of man-hours required in producing per unit by considering your workforce capability. Thus, this technique identifies your human resource demands based on estimated total production and each employee’s contribution to producing one unit item. 

Econometrics Models

You can use an econometrics model to estimate your future demands that use mainly mathematical and statistical techniques. Under this approach, a relationship is established between the dependent variable, like human resources, to be predicted, and the independent variable, e.g., total production, sales, workload, etc.

The Markov Model

The HR department of your company can implement the Markov model to create a list of employees’ skills, education, work experience, etc. They then maintain these reports regularly and check for future talent and skill demands. 


Additionally, it helps recruiters to forecast demand probability and requirements for internal hires or transfers. They also forecast the internal supply of workforce available within your organisation. 

Trend Analysis

This strategy allows you to predict future needs by analysing your company’s past staffing historical data. Trend analysis compares your employee numbers at different times against factors critical to your business model. For example, a bike dealership might research past data to determine the number of salespersons related to the highest number of bikes sold per employee.


However, it may not provide you with the exact trend, but it can help you pay only for the labor you need while maintaining excellent service and selling inventory. 

Nominal Group Technique

NGT is one of the popular demand forecasting techniques in HRM that utilises expert assessments. You can identify your employees in key positions and create an expert panel to set questions related to human resource demands.


The solutions and ideas generated by this panel are collected anonymously and finalised unanimously, with panel votes on each idea.

Delphi Technique 

Delphi technique considers your current human resource inventory and their future availability to determine human resource needs. This method considers the HR requirements provided by a group of experts, e.g., managers.


These individuals collect the human resource needs, summarise various responses, and create a report. The Delphi technique will continue until all the experts on the panel agree on the HR requirements. 

Supply Forecasting 

Supply forecasting in HRM is a popular demand forecasting strategy where you analyse your internal and external access to qualified candidates. Internally, you can access multiple teams to determine who needs a promotion or transition into open rules.


Externally, your HR team can research the labour market and regulations to determine how they may impact your hiring. These professionals then update their cost estimation for acquiring new hires.


For example, if data indicates that entry-level marketer salaries have increased dramatically in recent years, your business may decide to hire one less new marketer than was otherwise planned. 

How 6 Pence Helps

Businesses need to implement demand forecasting techniques in HRM to stay prepared for future human resource requirements. Additionally, you can make sound decisions about your workforce, reduce skill gaps, train employees, hire required talents, and abide by regulations. 


Are you looking to hire top-quality candidates for your organisation, who can help you scale your operations and deliver better results? Connect with 6 Pence. We are one of the leading staff outsourcing agencies in Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, and Iraq. Our extensive candidate database, helps us fill open positions with the best candidates in the shortest time.


Also Read: 8 Effective Recruitment Strategies to Improve Your Talent Acquisition

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HR demand forecasting? 

HR demand forecasting is a process of estimating your future human resource requirements in the right quality and quantity. 

What are the five methods of demand forecasting? 

The five popular demand forecasting techniques in HRM include managerial judgment, trend analysis, regression analysis, Delphi method, and econometrics methods. 

What are the categories of HR forecasting activities?

The main categories of HR forecasting activities include current, short-run, medium-run, and long-run forecasting.

What Are The Popular Methods of Performance Appraisal in HRM?

methods of performance appraisal in hrm

Did you ever feel disheartened by getting praise or a raise? 


The answer must be Never!


Performance appraisal is an integral part of business operations. It helps organisations to retain their employees and create opportunities for employee development. Losing an employee to competition can be a massive setback to your business.


86% of recruiters said the current job market is entirely candidate-centric, making them look for unique ways to attract and retain talents. You can implement multiple methods of performance appraisal in HRM (human resource management) with attractive salary packages and career development opportunities. 


But what is performance appraisal? How does it work? What are the top methods for performance appraisal? We will answer all your queries in the article. 

What is Performance Appraisal in HRM?

A survey revealed that 79% of employees quit their workplace due to a lack of appreciation. It means the chances of losing them to competitors increase if you don’t appreciate your best employees for their efforts towards your company.


Therefore, recruiters are adopting different techniques to identify and appreciate employees. One effective way of retaining employees is implementing different methods of performance appraisal in HRM.


It evaluates each employee’s performance and productivity against your company goals and objectives, yearly or quarterly. This helps employees get promotions or raises and allows them to understand where to improve to achieve better performance. 


In return, they contribute to your company’s overall productivity and meet more targets in less time. 


Until now, recruiters have used traditional methods like ranking or point-based systems, basic appraisal, paired comparison, etc. But these were biased approaches and aren’t very detailed. 


But with changing times, you need to adopt modern methods of performance appraisal in HRM. For example, Management by Objectives (MBO), 360-degree feedback, Assessment Centre Method, etc.

How Does Performance Appraisal in HRM Work?

Recruiters use multiple techniques of performance appraisal in HRM to evaluate their employee performance. You can use such tools to give people feedback on how they’re performing and meeting targets. It ensures you can better manage and achieve your company goals and reduce skill gaps hindering their work process. 


Additionally, if you have limited resources to reward your employees, performance appraisal methods can help you determine how to deploy them. The right process of performance appraisal can benefit both employers and employees alike.


This can further assist you in creating a systematic approach to the professional development of your employees. For example, adopting beneficial training initiatives to elevate employee responsibilities. 

Top 9 Methods of Performance Appraisal in HRM

Organisations can use multiple methods of performance appraisal in HRM to garner more accurate and valuable employee performance information systems. Let us look at the top 9 strategies for performance appraisal that can be adapted in your organisation. 

Management by Objectives (MBO)

This approach brings managers and employees together to uplift your company’s overall performance and meet objectives. They together can identify, plan, and communicate objectives for the entire board to focus on during a specific appraisal period. You can judge their results quarterly, half-yearly, and annually and make necessary adjustments to your goals and objectives. However, ensure you reward successful employees with a promotion or a salary raise. Additionally, the candidates who couldn’t meet your targets might need further training. 

360-Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback allows recruiters to gain input from managers, peers, customers and direct reports to evaluate an employee’s performance. One advantage of this approach is that it eliminates biased reviews and offers a clear understanding of each employee’s competence. It comprises five main components: 


  1. self appraisal 
  2. managerial reviews
  3. peer reviews
  4. subordinate appraisal manager,
  5. customer reviews

Ranking Method

It is one of the most traditional types of appraisal methods in HRM that ranks employees based on multiple factors. You can evaluate employees and rank them accordingly, with the best performers on top and poor ones at the bottom. 


One of these methods is paired comparison ranking, where you compare employees in pairs and record their performances. Employees with the highest number of preferences are rewarded as top employees. 

General Performance Appraisal

Your manager can set goals and targets for company workers and urge them to complete them within a timeframe. Once your employees can achieve these goals, managers will review them and set new targets. This process continues throughout the year, where the manager evaluates an employee’s performance and effectiveness in meeting targets. 

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

Out of numerous modern techniques of performance appraisal in HRM, BARS brings out the qualitative and quantitative measures of an employee’s performance. You can compare employee performance with certain behavioural examples and rate them on a BAR scale. 

Psychological Appraisal

Psychological appraisal approaches attempt to evaluate your workers’ future performance rather than assessing their past work. You can hire a qualified psychologist to conduct in-depth interviews and psychological tests and have private conversations with workers to determine their psychology. 


Research says that 22% of companies ask managers to focus more on employee behaviour than outcomes when assessing performance. 

Assessment Centre Method 

You can use an assessment centre method to assess an employee’s existing performance and predict their future job performance. Additionally, it enables employees to understand how others observe them and what is its impact on their performance. 


During the process, you can ask your employees to participate in social simulation exercises, e.g., informal discussions, fact-finding exercises, role-play, etc. However, this method of performance appraisal in HRM is time and cost-intensive and challenging to manage. 

Technological Performance Appraisal

With technological advancements, recruiters need to evaluate their employees’ technical capabilities. In a technological performance appraisal, you focus on how employees adapt to new technologies and their overall tech knowledge. 

Sales Performance Appraisal

Your main target in business is to increase revenue generation, and it is where your salesperson plays the upper hand. However, only a top salesperson can bring added revenue to your business, which urges sales performance appraisal in HRM. 


Using this method, you can evaluate how much an employee brings revenue to your business. Additionally, you must focus on their behaviour with customers.

Benefits of Implementing Methods of Performance Appraisals in HRM

We know the methods of performance appraisals in HRM are complicated, but it give managers a clear idea about the employees. It is beneficial for both employees and recruiters in multiple ways. 

Determine True Employee Potential

The modern techniques of performance appraisal in HRM help you learn about the employees’ strengths and weaknesses. You can also learn about their interests and potential, allowing you to choose the best employees for specific roles. 


For example, if a salesperson’s tech abilities are strong, you can shift them from sales to the IT department. 

Promotes Employee Development

When using these performance appraisal techniques, you can identify where your employees are lacking. Managers usually provide necessary feedback to these employees and help them improve. Your employees feel valued and get chances to improve, resulting in better engagement rates. 

Motivates Workers

Without constant communication and speaking about where an employee is lacking and how they can improve, you are pushing them towards uncertainty. On the other hand, performance appraisal methods can help understand what needs to be done. Additionally, praising them for their hard work and effort motivates them, leading to better overall company performance. 

How Can 6 Pence Help?

Implementing the methods of performance appraisal in HRM is essential for every business to improve productivity and encourage employee growth. It helps you recognise their strengths and weaknesses and assists them in growing with proper training. 


Are your employees’ performances showing a negative curve? It might be because you have numerous bad hires in business. In these situations, you can connect with 6 Pence for better staffing solutions. We are the leading temporary and permanent staffing agency helping companies find their best-fit candidates in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai. 


Also Read: 6 Benefits of HR System Integration For Companies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is performance appraisal? 

Performance appraisal methods in HRM refer to the evolution and documentation of how well your employees work on their jobs depending on company goals and objectives. 

What are the three appraisal methods of HRM? 

The three essential appraisal methods of HRM are 360-degree feedback, Management by Objectives, and Behaviorally anchored rating scale. 

What is the best performance appraisal method?

The behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) is one of the best performance appraisal methods.

A Guide To Conducting Structured Interview For Best Hires

structured interview

Interviews can be intimidating not just for interviewees but also for recruiters. An interview provides an opportunity not just to assess a candidate but also for the candidate to evaluate the company. Thus, both parties need to put forward their best foot.


Interviews can be of multiple types depending on which part of the hiring pipeline is being taken and the role for which the hiring is taking place.


Interviews can be structured, unstructured, situational, behavioural, technical, etc. These interviews can also be conducted face-to-face, over the telephone, or in a video conference. This article talks about how to conduct structured interviews and why it is the most popular interview type.

What is a Structured Interview?

Research says only 20% of the applicants get selected for an interview, and only 30.89% of them receive an offer. Therefore, you need a structured interview in place to choose the right talent from such a tough competition. 


It is the standard interview approach where the interviewer asks the same predetermined questions to all the selected applicants in the same order. Furthermore, they use a standardised scoring system to rate and rank these interviewees. 

Recruiters feel this approach is more effective than other interview types and reduces the chance of bad hires. However, structured interviews don’t predict future job performance as cognitive tests or work samples can do. 


But, it reduces discrimination issues as all applicants are treated fairly, and each gets the same opportunities to showcase their ability. 


It is relevant in the recruitment of numerous fields, including human resources, political science, marketing, psychology, and more. 

Types of Structured Interview 

Recruiters can conduct a structured job interview face-to-face, over a telephone discussion, or a video conference.  


Usually, a face-to-face interview gives the recruiter detailed information about the candidates, along with their facial expressions, body language, tone, etc. This ensures you are choosing a highly qualified professional and a culturally fit candidate. However, it is time-consuming, resource-intensive, and is vulnerable to biases. 


According to a survey, 61% of recruiters believe video interviews will be the new norm. It eliminates the hassle of commuting, avoids biases, and is less resource-intensive. 


Similarly, conducting a structured interview over an audio call is beneficial for the recruiter and the candidates. However, you can find difficulty in engaging with the interviewee over a telephone interview but not for video conferences. 

How to Conduct a Structured Interview?

Like any other interview format, when you are about to conduct a structured interview, you must have a plan beforehand. For example, what questions to ask, how to grade the candidates, etc. 


Therefore, we have listed below a few steps to help you get started with a structured interview in HRM. 

Analyse Your Job Role

Before you set a structured interview, understand the tasks and responsibilities required for your openings. Additionally, you must also identify the skills, qualifications, and experience required for applying for the post. You must also determine which competencies can be measured through the interview.


For example, if you are hiring a project manager, a structured interview can help assess their communication, leadership, and problem-solving abilities. However, you need a skill assessment test to access their technical proficiencies like resource management and allocation.

Develop Lead and Probing Interview Questions

Now that you understand the requirements for the role, you must develop interview questions carefully. For example, if you want to evaluate six core attributes of a candidate, you can create a set of 12 structured questions. You can also get assistance from your legal department to review your question list to ensure compliance with local, state, and industry-related labour laws.

Determine Your Grading Scale

You must develop a standardised rating system for each question when organising structured interviews. Most employers use a scale of 1-5 or 1-10, with 1 being the low-quality response and 5 or 10 for the high-quality responses. 


It ensures all the interviews are assessed on the same rating scale, and you don’t entertain biases.

Train the Interviewers on the Assessment Process

One of the most critical steps in conducting a structured situational interview is to train your interviewees on how to assess candidates. This includes 


  • setting an interview protocol
  • asking pre-planned questions
  • using a rating scale and scoring guide
  • avoiding biases


Additionally, ensure the interviewer has relevant expertise and experience in determining candidates’ competencies and fit for the role. 

Conduct Interviews

Now that you are ready to conduct a structured interview, schedule them with the selected applicants in advance. Additionally, ensure you communicate the interview details and expectations with the candidate via email or telephone. 


During the interview, make sure you ask every candidate the same set of questions in the same order and listen to their responses actively and attentively. You can also take notes or record their answers and use a rating scale to score their replies. 

Analyse Results and Make Decisions

After conducting the interview and collecting the data required, you must analyse their responses. The recruiter must focus on evidence and criteria rather than being biased toward the candidates:


  1. You must compare the scores and ratings offered to each candidate for their competency.
  2. Consider any other relevant information or feedback you recorded throughout the interview.
  3. You should check for inconsistencies, discrepancies, or data errors in the scoring and resolve them immediately.
  4. You must select the best candidate for the role depending on their potential, qualifications, performance, and cultural fit. 

How Can 6 Pence Help with Hiring and Recruitment?

Structured interviews can offer numerous benefits to recruiters, from making effective hiring decisions to eliminating biases and streamlining the decision process. It allows you to hire the best-fit candidates irrespective of their backgrounds and focus on the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives. 


However, if you aren’t getting the right-fit candidates in GCC, you can contact 6 Pence. We are the leading permanent and temporary staffing agency helping numerous businesses in Oman, Iraq, Bahrain, and Dubai. We provide end-to-end staffing solutions for our clients. Connect with us today to learn more!


Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Recruitment Tools for HR

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of a structured interview? 

All questions asked in a structured interview are pre-planned, follow an order, and rank applicants with a standard rating system. For example, suppose you are conducting interviews for 10 candidates. In that case, your first question for all of them remains, “Do you believe the Earth revolves around the Sun, yes or no?” followed by, “Is Earth the only habitable planet, yes or no?” etc. This is a structured interview where all questions are the same and follow the same order. 

What is structured and unstructured interview? 

A structured interview refers to an approach where you have standard pre-planned questions for data collection that may be close-ended, open-ended, or a combination of both.


On the other hand, an unstructured interview is an approach when you don’t have any planned questions and involves a free-wheeling conversation with off-topic discussions and irrelevant feedback. However, you can equip facilitators with interview guides for asking relevant questions. 

What are the advantages of structured interviews?

A structured interview is more time-efficient than other interview formats. It has a pre-planned set of questions, so it will likely go into tangents, especially if your questions are close-ended. If you provide more structure to the internet, you will generate better responses that are easy to analyse.

How to Design a Compensation Strategy to Attract Best Talents?

compensation strategy

Hiring and retaining top talents in companies is getting difficult every day, especially as the market shifts to be candidate-centric. You need to find new ways to attract them, such as establishing a suitable compensation strategy. 


It includes bonuses, commissions, paid time off, benefits, and an attractive salary package. This article shares essential steps in planning compensation packages and their benefits. With a clear compensation framework, you will be able to become more competitive when it comes to attracting and retaining top talents. 

What is a Compensation Strategy?

Strategic compensation planning outlines ways to reward employees for contributing to your business goals. According to research, 40% of recruiters believe employees will leave their jobs to find new employment that offers better benefits. 


This number illustrates the importance of establishing a strategic compensation system in every company. The compensation and remuneration can be different according to diverse roles within the company.


You can look into your competitor’s strategy example to identify how they attract and retain talents. For instance, some companies may promise bonuses and commissions, while others may offer paid time off, maternity leave, health insurance, etc. Most importantly, the salary you pay to the employees must be well-researched and fair. 

Types of Compensation Strategy 

Companies use three types of compensation strategies when setting salaries and benefits. 

Leading Strategy 

If implementing a leading compensation strategy, you must aggressively set salary rates above the market rate. For example, the basic salary of an accountant is AED 50,000 a year, but you pay them AED 5,000 more. A leading salary package makes it easy for you to attract and retain top talents.

Lagging Strategy

This is just the opposite of the leading strategy. If you are implementing a lagging strategy, your salary rates are set lower than the market rate. 


For example, a writer’s basic market salary rate is AED 35000 per year, but you pay them AED 3000 less. This is usually followed by smaller organisations with lower financial resources, e.g., charities or non-profit organisations. 


With a lagging strategy, retaining employees becomes difficult, and you may need financial help to pay them fairly. 

Meeting the Market Strategy 

If you want employees to be paid a fair salary and expect them to perform well, meeting the market compensation strategy is your solution. Here, you research the market and set salary ranges per the market rate. Additionally, if your company is financially strong, adding up bonuses, incentives, and other benefits can be a plus point for retaining top talents. 

What is the Importance of Compensation Strategy?

Research says 83% of organisations believe having a benefits package positively impacts workers’ productivity, while 84% say it can help recruit top talents. These numbers illustrate the importance of strategy in your company. 


We have listed a few other advantages for establishing such strategies. 

Effective Talent Acquisition

The chances of acquiring top talents increase with a good salary strategy. Additionally, it encourages your existing employees to continue in their positions and not leave you for some other lucrative benefits from your competitors. 

Fulfill Company Objectives

Compensating your employees moderately can improve their productivity and interest in fulfilling your objectives. When you reward them for their hard work, workers feel valued and engage more with your company. This further improves employee retention rates. 

Proper Budget Management

You cannot pay your employees strategically if you don’t have a plan. It can harm your budget and cause your company to go bankrupt within a few years. Therefore, a compensation strategy is essential for budget management and ensures you pay all employees equally and fairly. 

Boost Employee Morale and Engagement

Everyone loves getting rewarded for the labour they give in improving business sales. At this point, if you pay them lucrative incentives or bonuses, they’re more likely to remain in your organisation for longer. This reduces your time and money on hiring and training new employees to ensure high productivity. 

How to Design a Good Compensation Strategy in HRM?

Are you worried about how to design a good compensation strategy in HRM? Here’s a solution for you. You can follow these steps to create a suitable strategy.

Assess your Company Goals

Before you start designing the company’s compensation structure, you must evaluate your company’s goals and objectives. For example, you might require a strategy to reduce turnover rates or attract top talents.

Identifying Compensation Philosophy and Current Strategy

Now that you are creating a new compensation strategy, you must identify how your existing processes perform and what additions are required. However, if your current plan is not meeting your company goals, you need a new one. But ensure you are assessing your budgets so that paying high salaries doesn’t impact your bottom line.

Choosing a Pay Structure

One of the main reasons why people work is to earn their bread, which means they expect fair pay from your company. Bonuses and other benefits come on the next priority list. 


A salary structure usually includes base pay, frequency of the payment, and scheduled pay raises. You can set a base pay by researching the minimum, median, and maximum market rates to ensure paying fair and transparent salaries to workers. 

Determine the Organisation’s Bonuses and Incentives

Once your salary is set, you must focus on bonuses and incentives that add flexibility to your job offers. You can offer these rewards in two ways, either commission-based or indirect compensation. 


Employees stay engaged and productive when you offer them these lucrative benefits for their services. However, this doesn’t mean you will pay them high above the market rates, but even nominal rewards can make employees valued. 

Set Additional Benefits 

Besides salaries and bonuses, employees prefer working in a company that offers them benefits like healthcare. You can also include life insurance, short and long-term disability, work-related injury expenses, legal and financial services, child care benefits, and more.


However, you must focus on affordability and set up benefits packages within your budget. 

Check the Strategy for Legal Compliance

Once you have developed a strategy for compensation, confirming whether it aligns with all legal requirements is crucial. For example, you’re offering four to six percent of earnings to eligible workers for 2 weeks of vacation. In that case, you must check whether this strategy aligns with the country’s annual vacation and vacation pay laws. You can also collaborate with legal professionals to help you legally implement your plan. 

Seek Management Approval

Finally, the HR team must present their salary package to the company’s management for approval. They then prepare a report to outline competitor strategies, compensation data, and employee feedback. 


The management can further adopt your proposal or request updates.

How can 6 Pence Help?

A company’s solid compensation strategy attracts top prospects and retains top employees. Employees stay longer in your organisation when you pay them fairly and offer rewards and benefits. 


If you want to find qualified talents for your company, consult with 6 Pence today! We are a leading recruitment and staff outsourcing company in Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, and Iraq. We will help you find the right employee and assist with the related paperwork, payroll processing, and more! To know more, connect with us today!


Also Read: 11 Training Programme for Employees That Should Not Be Missed

Frequently Asked Qustions

What are compensation strategies? 

A compensation strategy refers to the guidelines of an organisation’s approach towards paying their employees and additional benefits and perks. It includes setting employee salary ranges, determining bonuses and raises, and identifying benefits to offer your workers. 

What are the four methods of compensation? 

The four compensation methods are hourly pay, salary, commission, and bonuses. 

What is an example of a compensation strategy?

One example of a compensation strategy is offering a retirement savings scheme for employees who have been working with your company for over a year.

8 Easy Steps To Improve Employee Productivity in the Workplace

employee productivity

When we start a discussion on employee productivity, most of our conversations revolve around the number of working hours, where they work from, etc. 


If you assume an employee works 40 hours a week, they give your company 2000 hours a year. But, when it comes to real workforce productivity, the number gets tricky. 


Most studies revealed that employees are only productive for 60% of their work time and are more productive while working from home. But why is employee productivity important for your business, and how can you improve that? This article will share answers to all these questions. 

What is Employee Productivity?

Employee productivity measures employees’ efficiency and effectiveness in completing tasks and achieving goals within a given timeframe. Usually, good employee productivity is nearly 70%, and companies can target 70-75% workforce productivity. 


We can use a formula to calculate employees’ productivity in your business.


Employee productivity = Total output/total input


For example, if your company generated USD 60,000 by selling goods in 1500 hours. Then, your employees’ productivity is (USD 60,000/1500) USD 40 per hour of work. 


Now, you generated USD 60,000 with 30 employees, so your per-employee productivity is (USD 60,000/30) USD 2000 per employee a week. 


To summarise, workforce productivity is related to individuals and their achievements. But, as we check at a more granular level, it refers to a company’s health and ability to grow and thrive. 

What is the Importance of Employee Productivity in Business?

You must wonder how employee productivity is connected with your business. But let us tell you when your ground-level workers’ productivity improves; your business moves a few steps toward success. 


Every company looks for ways to reduce the productivity gap created by technological advancements to scale. However, only a few companies have considered closing staff productivity gaps essential for a business to thrive. 


When your employees are more productive, your organisations can scale and meet their goals more efficiently. Additionally, employee productivity helps businesses meet consumer demands, become more profitable, and remain competitive.

What Factors Affect Employee Productivity in Companies?

There are a handful of factors that can affect employee engagement and productivity. However, one common reason for low employee productivity is management. 


Research says nearly 35% of employees say their boss stresses them out, especially by micromanaging them. This has resulted in distractions and being less productive at work. On the other hand, it was found that when the manager backed their employees and trusted them, staff productivity level increased massively. It also resulted in finishing projects ahead of time. 


We have listed some other reasons that may affect employee productivity in the workplace. 

Employee Health and Wellbeing

Your employees are not isolated beings; their personal life can impact their professional lives. We all suffer from stress and mental health issues, affecting our professional performance. 


Others can have financial and relationship issues or physical health problems. Altogether, these factors can affect an employee’s productivity at work. 

Work Environment

Productivity gets hampered if your company’s work environment is always noisy, has extreme temperature settings, unnatural lighting, or unavailability of proper workstations. However, this problem is more evident with remote workers who may not have a professional setup like your office at home. 

Company Culture

It plays a significant role in shaping employees’ productivity. While a positive culture increases productivity and employee retention, a toxic culture can result in low morale, high turnover, and reduced productivity. 

Work-Life Balance

If you aren’t focusing on providing employees with a healthy work-life balance, the chances of burnout and low productivity increase. 

Facilities and Equipment

Employees’ productivity decreases if they use less effective tools and outdated technologies. Therefore, you must invest in reliable, intuitive, and fast technologies to improve employee productivity. 

How to Improve Employee Productivity in your Company?

Businesses need to look for numerous ways to improve productivity in the workplace. We have listed the top ways that can do wonders to make your employees productive while also keeping them happy.

Improve your Communication with Employees

You must encourage two-way communication in your company. It allows your employees to speak about their problems and feel heard. Proper communication can help you solve misconceptions and misunderstandings that lead to low productivity. 

Omit Unnecessary Meetings

According to a study, employees spend many hours every month on unproductive meetings. Instead, you can switch to emails to send information to your employees. However, if you’re arranging meetings, make sure they’re for effective reasons and mainly cover essential points. 

Stop Micromanaging Staff

Most recruiters believe micromanaging can increase productivity, but the opposite is true. Employee empowerment in the workplace can only exist if the management trusts its employees and gives them the freedom to control their tasks at work. 

Hire People and Not Just Their Resumes

During an interview, a recruiter usually follows an outdated and traditional hiring process to assess candidates’ skills, job experience, and education. However, this is not sufficient for a productive workplace. You must consider hiring the right culture-fit talent whose ethics, behaviour, and beliefs align with your organisation. 

Train and Develop Employees

In a survey, we found companies investing in employee training and development have more engagement and productivity. Well-trained employees become experts in their domain, leading to better performance and higher productivity. 


On the other hand, if your employees are largely dependent on outdated technologies and strategies, your overall business productivity will be hampered. 

Allow Flexibility in Working

Remote and hybrid working practices are the top trends in the market after the pandemic. Workers have reported to have higher productivity while working from home. Therefore, companies need to allow such alternative work structures. 


Additionally, you must also remember that every worker may not have the same productivity during a fixed period. So don’t stick to a strict 9 to 5 schedule; try to offer them flexible work timings and improve productivity. 

Celebrate Achievements 

Recruiters sometimes neglect praising employees who made critical outcomes and fulfilled business goals. This demoralises workers, eventually affecting their productivity. 


Henceforth, you must invest in opportunities to compliment your employees on their achievements. This will help them feel motivated and appreciated, urging them to do better in future tasks.

Ask For Feedback

You must ask for employee feedback from time to time to understand what’s affecting productivity levels. For this purpose, you can create an employee-friendly environment to share their thoughts without fear of judgment. 


Furthermore, you must act on your insights from their feedback to ensure you value employees. 

How can 6 Pence Help?

In conclusion, employee productivity for any business is essential for its success. If you want to achieve high levels of productivity in the workplace, you must pay equal attention to what is beneficial for your organisation and your employees. Remember, happier employees are productive employees.


If you are looking for top talents to join your business and take it to new heights, then consider 6 Pence for all your staffing and recruitment needs. We have offices in Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, and Dubai. We assist our business partners in hiring the best-fit employees for their open positions. This leads to increased employee productivity and retention.


Also Read: Strategies for Effective Performance Management in an Organisation

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you measure employee productivity? 

You can measure an employee’s productivity by comparing the amount of work done to the time taken to complete it. For example, if you have to complete a writing that usually takes 3 hours, but an employee completes it in 2 hours, then their productivity is better than expected. It means if you have to increase productivity, you must finish your work ahead of time or do more work within that time. 

What is an example of staff productivity? 

Let us assume 30 employees are generating USD 90,000 in revenue in a week. So, using a formula, staff productivity= total output/total input, we get each employee’s productivity as (USD 90,000/30) USD 3000 a week. 

What are the four types of productivity?

The four types of productivity include employee productivity, material productivity, capital productivity, and total productivity.

6 Benefits of HR System Integration For Companies

hr system integration

The HR team is an integral part of a company, and they play multiple roles- from recruitment to payroll management to maintaining daily business operations.


Thus, making life easy for your HR team will increase productivity and better employee satisfaction. Technology can help make HR work more seamless and integrated, saving time and resources.


In a survey of HR professionals, 36% confirmed they don’t have adequate technology or an HR system integration. It leads to employees doing repetitive tasks manually, e.g., handling employee data, payroll, resume screening, etc. This drains their time and energy and affects the overall business performance. 


But what can an HR software integration help you with? When to consider them? What is its importance in your company? This article will answer all your questions. 

What is HR System Integration?

HR system integration is a comprehensive software package that can automate and simplify your HR-related operations. You can conduct hiring, onboarding, payroll, scheduling, timekeeping, and performance management within one software. 


Isn’t it saving your employees’ time and effort? 


Instead, they can invest that free time into core HR activities like hiring, retaining employees, and maintaining healthy employee relations. A recent survey discovered that more than half of global businesses are boosting their expenditure on such technologies due to their benefits. 


According to a Grand View Research report, the global human resource management market will expand at a CAGR of 12.7% from 2023 to 2030 and reach USD 56.15 billion by 2030. This will be a huge growth experienced by any sector in the upcoming years, where technology will play a significant role. 


Some of the most common HRIS integrations are


  • Payroll
  • Talent acquisition
  • Workforce management
  • Benefits Administration
  • Learning management
  • Collaboration and productivity


Before choosing the right solutions, study your company’s unique needs and evaluate your current HRIS. It includes finding all the bottlenecks in its current workflow to understand which activity adds time to overall processes. 

An Example of Integration in HRM

Let’s see an example of HRIS integration in HRM to understand how such systems can improve your work culture. 


For instance, your organisation has numerous employees with different milestones to celebrate, like birthdays and work anniversaries. It is difficult for organisations to remember them separately. Therefore, you can use an integrated human resource development system to store employee data. 


Now, whenever a milestone takes place, the system immediately shares the information with a predefined channel in business communication platforms where everyone can review and respond to the message. 


This way, you will never miss out on employees’ special dates and make them feel valued. Research says highly valued candidates are likelier to stay in your company.

Why do you Need an HR System Integration?

Are you tired of using multiple HR and payroll solutions or doing work manually? It’s time to get all-in-one HR solutions. Why? Let’s see the benefits of integrated HR and payroll systems in your organisation. 

Provides you with a Single Set of Data

Whenever you use multiple HR systems, chances of data replication increase, leading to unnecessary duplications. In contrast, an integrated human resource management system provides you with a single set of updated employee data. 


Additionally, any changes to this information will automatically be updated throughout the system. Therefore, you don’t need additional integrations to sync data across multiple systems. 


For example, one of your employees’ contracts is terminated, and your HR has entered all the necessary details into the system immediately. This data will be circulated throughout the system without re-entering them everywhere. 

Improved Aata Accuracy

Have you switched to automating your manual tasks to avoid human errors? But if you are using multiple systems for that purpose, chances of data inconsistencies remain. Therefore, it is beneficial to get an integrated human resource development system. 


With such technology, you can enter data into your system once, which gets updated across all systems in real time. 

Saves Time and Money

When all your data are stored at one central location, it reduces costs related to installing and maintaining multiple systems. Additionally, it lowers the time taken in upkeep and troubleshooting them or manually handling HR operations. 


Altogether, they free up your time for core HR responsibilities and save unnecessary expenses. 

Efficiency in Reporting and Analytics

One of the biggest challenges of HR teams with multiple systems is data analysis and systematic reporting. You must gather data from multiple systems, export them into another tool, and generate reports. Altogether, this is time-consuming and is highly prone to errors. 


On the other hand, most integrated systems have an inbuilt reporting and analytics tool that helps you generate reports in a few clicks. Furthermore, you save time analysing data, identifying trends, and taking required actions. 

Makes Compliance Much Easier 

Some form of regulation binds every department of your company. While company regulations are still in your hands, maintaining legal and government laws is mandatory for the HR team. 


However, an HR system integration can help HRs fulfil their obligations by reducing manual tasks and the risk of errors. Additionally, some systems may provide an audit trail of compliance activities within your organisation.

Ease of Data Access

HR system integration allows employees to access their data from anywhere. Additionally, they don’t have to switch between applications or bother others whenever they need certain information. This saves their time and allows them to focus on strategic activities for better talent acquisition

How do you Integrate a Program into Your HRIS?

There are multiple ways of HRIS integration, but we mainly use custom integration, native integration, and iPaaS providers. 

Custom Integration

In the case of custom integration, the companies are responsible for developing an integration between a software tool and your HRIS using their API platforms. 


Even though it is a highly personalised method of integration, small businesses without proper IT teams may face difficulty as platforms evolve. 

Native Integration

Some HRIS providers collaborate with software companies to offer pre-built integrations for your organisation. These partnerships result in more intuitive and stable integrations as they constantly update and maintain them. However, you may need to pay an additional fee for these facilities. 

iPaaS Provider

An iPaaS or integration platform as a service provider helps you build and maintain its integrations on the company’s behalf. It is an excellent solution for companies without dedicated development or IT teams. However, configuring integrations with such vendors can be time-consuming and incur additional expenses. 

How can 6 Pence Enhance Your HR System Integration?

In conclusion, an HR system integration is an excellent tool for your HR team. They can save time and resources, prevent data errors, and increase overall productivity. 


If you want to reduce your HR department’s workload without compromising work quality, it’s time to connect with 6 Pence. We are one of the leading staff outsourcing agencies in the GCC, with offices in Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, and Dubai.


We provide end-to-end staffing solutions, and our business partners and their employees get access to our cutting-edge 24/7 HR e-service portal. This allows the employees and employers to access any documentation at any time. To learn more, connect with us today!


Also Read : A Complete Guide to Prepare for a Job Interview

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is HR systems integration? 

HR systems integration is a software solution that merges all HR activities for maximum efficiency. It helps the HR team maintain accuracy, enables greater automation, eliminates error and data reputation, and consistently ensures all systems management. 

What are the four levels of integration in HRM? 

The four levels of integration in HRM are administrative linkages, one-way linkages, two-way linkages, and integrative linkages.

What are integration strategies?

The common integration strategies for HR tools include native integration and custom integration.

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